This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 77: Taoyuan Wild Fun Picture [⑦]


The little fat man tuned out the monitor that tried to pull the painting off that day.

I saw three more robust men on the monitor, between the left and right and the bottom of the painting, trying to move the painting down.

But after trying a few times, there was not the slightest movement when seeing the painting. The men stayed where they were and made a call gesture.

After the phone was hung up, the three discussed for a while, and then tried to move the painting down again.

The effort used this time is obviously much greater than before.

The slightly bulging muscles on their arms can be seen on the unclear monitoring.

However, in fact, they not only failed to get the painting down, but also caused some cracks on the side walls that were visible to the naked eye. The monitoring screen also began to become unstable, and the lights flickered and dimmed.

This frightened the people who moved the painting so much that they stopped their movements by coincidence.

After the movement stopped, the condition of the collection room returned to normal.

The monitoring stopped here, and Gu Huaiyu did not continue to watch.

The little fat man wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Boss Gu, you have seen it, this painting really can't move."

"Well, I know it roughly." Gu Huaiyu responded casually, and then she turned her head and whispered something in Qiu Yi's ear.

Qiu looked embarrassed on the face, "Boss Gu, is this really okay?"

Gu Huaiyu patted her head and said, "We must boldly verify the facts."

"All right, listen to you." Qiu Yi agreed with some difficulty.

Seeing this, the little fat man hurriedly asked, "Boss Gu, is there something wrong? It's inappropriate for us to be there."

He remembered the request that Ji Chun had said before when he was there.

Gu Huaiyu shook his head, "There is nothing inappropriate, but when I start painting, don't get too close to me, otherwise I'm afraid that you will be involved."

"Huh?" As soon as the little fat man heard it, he might be involved, and the whole person instantly became ill.

"Why don't you see if there is anything else that needs help?" The little fat man asked tentatively.

Obviously he didn't want to get too close to that painting at all.

Before taking Gu Huaiyu and the others to see paintings, he has exhausted all his courage. If he had to take them again, he wouldn't have the guts.

Gu Huaiyu was silent for a while, "Well, go get everything I want, and Qiu Yi will tell you exactly how to do it then. Then you will do what she says."

Seeing that he didn't need to go into the collection room anymore, the little fat man responded in a row, afraid that Gu Huaiyu would regret it.

After Gu Huaiyu ordered everything, she asked Qiu Yi to tell the little fat man what she needed, and she went into the collection room alone.

As soon as the door of the collection room was closed, the monitoring immediately turned into a black screen, just like Ji Chun's situation that day.

"Boss, look!" The bodyguard yelled little fat man head-on, and asked him to see the situation on the monitor.

The little fat man looked at the black monitor, the expression on his face became tangled, he didn't know whether he should open the door of the collection room and see what was going on.

But thinking of Ji Chun's situation that day, he was not sure again.

Upon seeing this, Qiu Yi spoke at the right time, "Boss Li, our boss said that after she enters, unless she opens the door from the inside, no one else can open the door from the outside of the room, otherwise she will not be responsible for the consequences."

When the little fat man heard this, he quickly said that he would definitely not open the door, and at the same time he carefully urged the other bodyguards present.

Seeing that he understood, Qiu Yi took out the note Gu Huaiyu had stuffed her before entering.

"Thank you, Boss Li, to prepare all these things." Qiu Yi paused, looked at what was written on the note, and added, "You don't have to buy it, you can borrow it."

The little fat man took the note, and when he saw what was written on it, although he didn't understand what was needed, he still let someone prepare it.

Gu Huaiyu entered the collection room alone, looking up at the opposite painting.

The scenery on the painting has not changed in the slightest, except for the special case of Killing Matt, who is always changing his actions.

She took a small flashlight out of her pocket and shined it upward from the bottom of the picture frame.

Although the angle is not very nice, it is still clear that something like tree roots is squirming behind the picture frame.

"Tsk, it's still alive." Gu Huaiyu said lightly with disgust.

Turn off the flashlight, throw it into your pocket at will, hold the sides of the picture frame with your hands, and try to remove the picture frame by yourself.

After trying several times, the frame still doesn't move.

Then Gu Huaiyu tapped Ji Chun on the painting with his hand, wanting to see if he would have any hints.

However, it turns out that she thinks too much.

Although Ji Chun's movements in the painting may change from time to time, they are not related in any way.

It's like sitting alone for a long time, and you will always get lazy.

They are all actions that don't make any sense.

Seeing that it was useless, Gu Huaiyu walked back and forth in front of the picture frame, taking a look at the beautiful world of the painter that was full of colorful peach blossoms.

After seeing it a few times, she finally felt something was wrong.

A pink and tender peach flower floated out of the painting as if it had been blown down by the wind.

Gu Huaiyu looked at the small piece of peach blossoms, as if stunned, stretched out his hand to pick up the peach blossoms.

When she picked up the peach blossom, she woke up suddenly.

Looking around, the scene around her has long been converted from a white collection room to a country trail, with farmland on both sides of the road, and a large peach forest behind her.

As if it was in the opening season, the peach blossoms were tender, delicate and beautiful, and looked very beautiful.

Gu Huaiyu slowly shredded the peach blossom petals in his hand.

She understood, she just accidentally said.

When Gu Huaiyu watched the surveillance, she noticed that those who disappeared were staring at the oil paintings for a long time, so in order to avoid being involved in the paintings, she deliberately watched them for a while and walked away.

I never expected that this oil painting was so frenzied, that he would actually cheat myself in a different way.

Gu Huaiyu wanted to gritted his teeth, but there was no change on the face.

After a while, she snorted coldly, then looked at the surrounding environment, and didn't continue to stay where she was, but walked forward along the path ahead.


The sound of a dog barking from a distance should be a puppy.

"Rhubarb, where are you going, wait for me, don't run around." A young man's clear voice passed over.

Hearing that familiar voice, Gu Huaiyu's face was slightly embarrassed, but he quickly returned to normal.

A young man dressed in common clothes with a bright red head finally smashed and caught the running dog.

He complained and grabbed the puppy, "I told you not to run around, and be careful when you get caught by the bad guys."