This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 79: Taoyuan Wild Interesting Picture [⑨]


Seeing newcomers in the village, the original villagers showed a warm welcome.

But those people who were drawn in by the paintings have an unclear attitude.

He didn't talk to Gu Huaiyu, nor did he inquire about anything from his side.

Everyone has a numb expression on their face, and their reaction ability is obviously slower than that of ordinary villagers.

Gu Huaiyu asked Ji Chun why this happened.

Ji Chun scratched his face and said, "I don't know that the cleaning aunt who came in at the beginning was the one sitting alone in the corner." He pointed to the aunt sitting at the end who was eating alone in silence. .

"When I first came in, she would tell me something about the outside world, how old her child was, and sometimes she would say she wanted to go out earlier. But as time went on, she stopped talking. Often I can sit alone without saying a word."

Gu Huaiyu glanced at the cleaning aunt who was eating alone without raising her head.

"Then others are the same as her?"

Ji Chun was a little uncertain and vague, "It seems so, I always have a feeling, as if they are all developing towards the villagers in the village."

"To be precise, it is integrated here."

A villager smiled and handed some pre-installed dishes to Gu Huaiyu, and motioned for her to eat with her.

Gu Huaiyu's eyes darkened, but without the slightest hesitation, he took it directly, and then found a place to sit down with Ji Chun and took a bite without a bite.

"What do you mean by blending in?" Gu Huaiyu's expression was a little serious.

She has an uncertain guess.

After Ji Chun pursed his lips and made sure that no one around him was looking at him, he whispered to Gu Huaiyu's ear and said, "You just came here, so I don't know."

"When I came, those aunts and bodyguards would introduce themselves, their names, and what they did before they came in."

"But I recently discovered that they have not only unified their behavior with the villagers, but sometimes, when I call them by their names, they have no response. Basically, they will only respond to you after calling them several times. Look at your eyes. It's also very strange."

When Ji Chun said this, Gu Huaiyu's guesses became more certain.

"That's it." She sighed lightly, then remembered, and asked, "You have been in for a short time, why haven't you been assimilated like them?"

The time in Gu Huaiyu's mouth actually refers to the time in the painting.

Ji Chun was also a little puzzled, "I don't know, it seems that besides me, I will also pay attention to outside matters, and no one else will mention it anymore."

Gu Huaiyu grabbed a key word, "Focus on the outside?"

Ji Chun generously admitted, "Yes, I always pay attention to the outside world. Didn't Mr. Gu see me beckoning to you before he came in?"

Gu Huaiyu remembered drawing the simple strokes of Shang Ji Chun's movements. It turned out that his hands were up to greet her.

"How do you pay attention to the outside world, and how do you know that I'm looking at you?"

Ji Chun just wanted to say, an elderly villager with gray beard and hair suddenly sat down next to him.

The villager looked at Gu Huaiyu with a smile, "Are you the one who just came to our village to settle down?"

"Um...just here." Gu Huaiyu answered vaguely.

The village chief didn't care too much, he still said with a smile, "I am the village chief in the village. If you need any help in the village in the future, just come to me."

Then he glanced at the clothes Gu Huaiyu was wearing, his eyes were a bit of disapproval, "I wanted to have a little girl, and it was not easy to live, otherwise, how could I wear so little."

Gu Huaiyu raised an eyebrow and glanced at his clothes.

Slim-fit short-sleeved tops and slightly wide overalls are a very usual thing for outsiders.

It was the first time that she was disliked for wearing less.

You know, even in the painting, it should be summer now. Just look at the paddy fields on both sides of the path.

After the village chief disliked that Gu Huaiyu was wearing less, he shouted to a woman who was busy eating back, "Aunt Wu, you will get a decent dress for this little girl in a moment."

"Yeah." The person called Aunt Wu responded, and after taking a look at Gu Huaiyu, he continued to eat the food in his hands.

Just as Gu Huaiyu wanted to refuse, he was stopped by Ji Chun.

Ji Chun squeezed her hand slightly, then shook her head gently, beckoning her not to refuse.

Gu Huaiyu was silent for a while, and also acquiesced to the village chief's words.

The village chief saw that she didn't shy away, and the smile on his face became more kind, "Little girl, you are a newcomer to the village. I have some rules I want to make clear to you."

"You say."

The village chief stroked his gray beard, and said slowly, "The village is not very safe at night recently, especially since it is near the foot of the mountain, where wild beasts often attack people, so the little girl should never go out at night."

Gu Huaiyu nodded slightly, agreeing.

Next, the village chief also said a few other rules, which were similar to what Ji Chun had said.

But he did say something that Ji Chun hadn't said before.

"There is a special place to eat in the village, and the food can be provided for free. There is a rule that you must never catch fish in the river."

The last words of the village chief sounded like it was particularly aggravated.

Gu Huaiyu narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Why can't you catch fish in the river?"

The village chief shook his head and sighed, "You young people will not listen to you if you say it. Anyway, I can only say that if you catch the fish in the village, it will be the same as them." His last sentence was a little whispered. As if afraid of being heard by someone.

"Who is it like?" Ji Chun frowned.

He had never heard of this rule before.

The village chief shook his head, but didn't speak anymore.

"I have already said what should be said, and I can't say it anymore." The village chief sighed long afterwards, and stopped speaking.

Obviously, the village chief's remarks were warning them.

But whether it is good or bad still needs to be verified to determine.

Gu Huaiyu and the others, who hadn't gotten the result, could only eat the food in their hands.

The meal time is neither long nor short, a full hour.

After eating, leave the rice bowl and leave. According to Ji Chun, there will be a special person in charge behind.

After lunch, the villagers disappeared one after another, and they didn't know what they were doing.

Aunt Wu, who was ordered by the village chief, also gave her the coarse cloth, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Instead, it was the people who came in behind. After lunch, one by one picked up the hoe and pole, looking like they were going to Shimoda.

Gu Huaiyu looked at them, and then at Ji Chun, who hadn't taken anything next to him.

"What are they going to do?"


"Then you don't need to go?"

Ji Chun shook his head, "No need."