This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 83: Taoyuan Wild Interesting Picture [13]


Episode 83

Gu Huaiyu was hesitating. When he wanted to see Ji Chun, Ji Chun persuaded him, "Boss Gu, or let's look outside first. If there are no problems, let's go in again?"

He didn't think that Gu Huaiyu's hesitation to go to Peach Blossom Forest had something to do with rhubarb, thinking that there must be some uneasy or uncertain things in the other party's heart.

Gu Huaiyu glanced at Ji Chun who was still persuading her, and pursed her lips, "No, half a month later, in fact, the difference is not very big, anyway, the time inside is passing quickly."

Calculating the time during the day today, it was sunset in less than six hours, and I don’t know if it will take six hours before dawn.

Gu Huaiyu’s answer was something Ji Chun hadn’t expected. He said anxiously, “Boss Gu, why don’t you worry about it?”

"Why do you ask?" Gu Huaiyu asked back.

Ji Chun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when his eyes touched the rhubarb that was still biting Gu Huaiyu's trousers, he didn't say anything.

But the look at Rhubarb was a little unkind.

He replied softly, "Nor, just think that the decision you are making now is a bit different from the boss Gu I know."

Gu Huaiyu looked down and smiled, "Well, I think you have changed a lot."

When she said this, Ji Chun's face became stiff for a moment. After a while, he said, "Maybe I have too many things this time, one by one, without reacting."

Gu Huaiyu looked at him with a smile but didn't say anything else.

"Since tomorrow is the fourteenth of the moon moon, we shall go there in half a month."


Rhubarb did not know if he understood Gu Huaiyu's agreement not to go, and the teeth that had bitten the trouser legs loosened.

He became a little soft and cute again.

After Gu Huaiyu rubbed Rhubarb's belly, he picked it up, turned and walked into the house.

I don't know if it was her illusion. When she turned around and walked back, those who had been staring at her with malicious gazes turned into a look of regret.

Gu Huaiyu looked around, but still didn't discover where the things that peeped at her came from.

The pace of walking back was paused, and he said, "You also go back to rest early. If you have anything to talk about tomorrow."

After a long time, Ji Chun's voice came over, and he said shallowly, "Okay."

Then there was a slight sound of footsteps going further and further.

After Gu Huaiyu carried the rhubarb back to the house, the rhubarb whose body was still trembling immediately returned to its original appearance, running around the house excitedly.

Seeing the rhubarb that had become heartless and heartless again, Gu Huaiyu's eyes deepened, and after a long time he whispered like a complaint, "You still have some conscience."

I don't know if she said this to Ji Chun who was away, or to Da Huang.

There was no dream all night, and when Gu Huaiyu woke up, she was already on the clock.

She checked the time displayed on the phone, and it was only nine o'clock in the morning, but the sun outside was already high, and it seemed that it should be almost time for lunch.

Suddenly, Gu Huaiyu couldn't figure out how the time here was calculated.

After finishing her body, Gu Huaiyu wandered around. Seeing that there were no people around, she clearly went to the cafeteria in the village.

So she followed the route that Ji Chun took her yesterday, and she saw Ji Chun in the canteen holding a lunch box preparing to eat.

Ji Chun tilted his head to see how many other people were in front of him. In the next moment, he saw Gu Huaiyu, who hadn't recovered yet, and hurriedly waved at her.

"Boss Gu, here and here." He shook the two lunch boxes he was holding while waving his hands.

Gu Huaiyu raised his brows and walked in his direction, and said with a smile, "I thought you were angry last night."

Ji Chun chuckled, "Why, I won't be angry with you, boss Gu."

Gu Huaiyu didn't say anything, but smiled and took the lunch box that Ji Chun handed over.

After the meal was served, Gu Huaiyu sat in the position he sat there yesterday, while Ji Chun foolishly leaned forward to sit together.

After filling his mouth with food, he asked in a vague voice, "Boss Gu, why did you suddenly change your mind last night?"

When Gu Huaiyu heard this, he paused with his chopsticks, and then resumed his normal movements. After holding a green vegetable and putting it in his mouth, he said slowly.

"It's okay, mainly because the feeling of being stared at is too obvious, and the rhubarb keeps pulling me at me, I just want to find another chance next time. Taolin has always been there anyway, it won't I can't see you."

After hearing this, Ji Chun smiled reluctantly and said, "Boss Gu is right. I am used to the feeling of being stared at, so naturally I feel nothing. Boss Gu has just come here, normal, normal..."

Gu Huaiyu smiled, "That's the reason."

Ji Chun's hand paused, and asked seemingly, "By the way, boss Gu, why didn't you bring Rhubarb here?"

"Rhubarb made a noise too late last night and refused to sleep until the morning. I will bring it back with some leftovers after a while." Gu Huaiyu replied casually.

The chopsticks in Ji Chun's hand kept poking the rice in his bowl, and he muttered a bit dissatisfied, "Well, will that bother you too much?"

Gu Huaiyu shook his head and said nothing. It's just that after I finished my meal, I said that I was packing the leftovers, but in fact, I had already asked people to separate the extra meals.

Looking at the food she was holding, Ji Chun frowned slightly, "Boss Gu, why are you so good to rhubarb." There was a slight acidity in her tone.

Gu Huaiyu thought about it for a while, and replied, "It may be the reason why rhubarb is so cute."

"I'm very cute too." Ji Chun said dissatisfied.

Gu Huaiyu glanced at his iconic hair and said tactfully, "I still prefer the little one like rhubarb. It will sell cute little ones."

Ji Chun was silent, and said quietly after a long while, "I knew that when I got big, I would be less favored. It's just that I didn't expect that this day would come so quickly."


Half a month passed in a flash. During this period, Gu Huaiyu and Ji Chun seemed to have a tacit understanding. No one had mentioned Taolin. The two people discussed the most, but whose seedlings grew the most. good.

Gu Huaiyu had the final say, half a month had passed since the fourteenth of the cloudy moon, and the grievances that had been lingering in the peach forest had disappeared a lot.

She watched the periphery alone yesterday, and only after there was really no major problem did she let go of her heart and made an appointment with Ji Chun again.

Ji Chun was a little worried and warned, "Boss Gu, can you go back like before without saying a word."