This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 85: Taoyuan Wild Interesting Picture [15]


Episode 85

'Ji Chun' squinted his eyes, and then smiled, "Boss Gu, you don't have to fool me. He has already told me what you are used to. No matter what you say now, I won't believe it. "

"Besides, don't you think this place is very good?"'Ji Chun' sighed softly, "Xanadu, there is no dispute, and there is no need to run around for food and drink every day. Such a life is not good?"

Gu Huaiyu fiercely grabbed the dog in his arms and stared at the dog with a guilty heart, and then said, "This place is indeed very good, but it is easy to lose the heart of fighting and hard work. Salted fish without dreams are not worthy. Become a salted fish!"

'Ji Chun' was about to be shocked by Gu Huaiyu's last words, and for a while, he didn't know what to say.

Gu Huaiyu paused, "And I think your understanding of me may be too one-sided."

"… Um?"

"Who said I was fooling you just now?" Gu Huaiyu grinned, "I still have to thank you for bringing me to this place, otherwise it might be more troublesome if I come here by myself, and I also brought him."

Just after Gu Huaiyu's voice fell, Qiu Yi, who had been watching her every move outside, immediately gestured to Boss Li.

After receiving the signal, Boss Li hurriedly called the workers who were already on standby, gave an order, and started the action.


The peach trees suddenly fell to the ground as if they had their roots removed.

A hint of panic flashed in the eyes of'Ji Chun', but it quickly stabilized.

"what have you done?!"

Gu Huaiyu tilted his head and thought for a while, "I didn't do anything, just let them dig out the roots here."

When'Ji Chun' heard her say this, he didn't get angry and laughed, "Do you think you can go out after you pull out the roots? You think too much, and you will only speed up the time you stay here! Do you think you are the first person to think of doing this?"

'Ji Chun' said a lot, Gu Huaiyu just watched him quietly, until he stopped talking, then he said, "Of course I know that it is impossible to just remove the roots. If I didn't prepare, how could I just come in casually. Woolen cloth."

"Do you want to come in by yourself?"'Ji Chun''s face was green.

Gu Huaiyu didn't hide it, and nodded directly, "Yes, I just made you think that you pulled me in."

She looked around the peach trees that were beginning to collapse. "You think it's such a place. If I didn't want to come in, would you pull it?"

Rhubarb waved his tail vigorously, expressing his approval.

That airy look was nothing like the dog who was holding quail with his head shrinking a few days ago.

Seeing this, Gu Huaiyu twitched its ears, and said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, "If you just tell someone about my situation next time, who will come to rescue you when I see it."

As soon as the rhubarb that was cuffed ears heard it, he immediately froze, sobbing in his mouth to please Gu Huaiyu.

'Ji Chun' stiffened. Although he believed what the other party had said in his heart, he was unwilling to admit it.

"No, you can't go out." He grinned and said, "Do you think I lied to you when I said that there were grievances in Taolin? To tell you the truth, this Taolin was meant to calm them, now Taolin was ruined by your people. Then I will see how you deal with these grievances."

Gu Huaiyu paused, and then said casually, "I already knew what the grievance you were talking about, so naturally there is a way to solve it."

'Ji Chun' stared at her tightly, and said after a long while, "Don't try to lie to me."

"Why should I lie to you?" Gu Huaiyu sneered, "To tell you the truth, I've already visited here half a month ago, but it's just an ordinary grudge, it won't hurt me, but well... For people they resent deeply, that is not necessarily true."

When'Ji Chun' heard Gu Huaiyu uttering the word ghost and grievance, he already believed what the other party said.

Gu Huaiyu sighed, "I've been thinking before, why did you have to bring me to Taolin, a place that is not good for you."

"Just when I couldn't figure it out when I was thinking of breaking my head, I just wanted to come over and take a look. As a result, I saw something particularly interesting."

Gu Huaiyu looked at'Ji Chun' with a mocking expression in his eyes, "If you turn around, you will see that thing~"

'Ji Chun' certainly didn't turn around to look, but flashed to the other side in the next moment.

Sure enough, the moment he left the original position, there was a black strip with a barbed strip coming over.

If he had stayed in place just now, it is estimated that the skin would be stripped off by one layer.

Gu Huaiyu sighed softly, "It's a pity."

'Ji Chun' roared at her, "Do you think it will let you go if it kills me?"

"I don't think it will." Gu Huaiyu said with certainty.

'Ji Chun' who wanted to say more was choked by her words.

After avoiding several rounds of attacks, this slowed down and persuaded, "It's better to work together and solve the ghost grievances first. Then we have any problems, we can solve them slowly."

Gu Huaiyu shook his head, "No, no, with you, ghosts will only attack you first, and will not attack me. And..." She said in a disgusting tone, "And you think you have harmed so many people. Still want to live well and continue doing these things again?"

'Ji Chun' puzzled, "I am doing this for their good. Isn't it good to stay in such a beautiful place forever?"

"Then they are willing to stay on their own?" Gu Huaiyu said coldly, "You know what you do, what will their family do? Looking forward to the family waiting for them to come home, what you call for their good, Let them never go back, even for the last time!"

Just when Gu Huaiyu discovered the hidden rows of tombstones in the peach grove, when she saw on those tombstones the names of the cleaning aunts who had been brought in recently, and the names of the young bodyguards, since then, she I never thought about letting him go.

After being exposed, he stopped pretending to go on.

The skin on his face seemed to be alive and moving.

After a while, the originally tight skin instantly became dry, and even the body's torso became a tree-like thing.

Gu Huaiyu squinted his eyes and confirmed that it was undoubtedly the Peach Tree Demon.

But she didn't understand how the peach tree, which was supposed to help suppress demons and suppress evil, became like this.

Live by sucking the essence of living people, and confine the soul of the person in his body, rooted and entangled, deep into the bone marrow.

While avoiding the attacks of ghosts and grievances, the peach tree demon gasped and laughed, "So what! I want them to stay here forever with me, they can only stay here forever with me!"