This Damned Thirst for Survival

Chapter 40: Chapter 40


Sleeping through the shop is such a drawback. Jiang Luo resignedly packed his hair and used the quilt to separate the people on the left and right.

After a tough night, at six in the morning, the contestants had to leave the resting place.

Liao Si moved slowly, and after he had cleaned up, there was no one else in the room.

He was not in a hurry at all. He slowly sorted out Li, took out twenty plastic bags as small as the palm of his hand, picked up the "hairs" on the bedding of all the contestants except him, and folded them into the bags, and then wrote one by one. name.

He put these plastic bags into the suitcase, and finally took out the one he had packed last night.

In a small plastic bag, a slender hair was twisted and twisted, and one of the contestants had such long hair.

Liao Si looked at him curiously for a while, then said to himself, "Hua Li, why did the master control me to press Jiang Luo's hair yesterday?"

"If you want hair, can you pick it up in the morning?"

There was no one in the room except him, but another gloomy voice came out of thin air: "How do I know what the master is thinking, your thoughts can be read by the master, why don't you ask the master."

Liao Si smiled and said: "You also know that the master can 'manipulate' my body and know my thoughts, but I was curious and thought about it all night last night, and the master did not answer me a word. This is not the only reason I want to ask. You?"

Huali didn't want to continue this topic with him, "If you don't go out, someone will look for you."

Liao Si sighed leisurely and walked out of the resting place.

Jiang Luo is listening to the staff tell about the third level.

The staff said: "In the dense forest, there is an isolated village called Shentu Village. A month and a half ago, the police received an alarm call from Shentu Village, but when they drove to Shentu Village, they found that Shentu Village was not there. There is a phone call. After the police investigated Shentu Village, they found that there had been many strange diseases in Shentu Village many years ago, and each time the strange disease would cause half of the deaths. But even so, the people of Shentu Village have never I haven't left the village. In recent years, there has been no strange disease in Deep Earth Village, but even more strange things have happened—"

"Every time a person dies in Shentu Village, there will be a new life in the village, and the total number of people in their village has not changed for several years."

The staff said: "Every contestant, all you need to do is to unlock the secrets of the Deep Earth Village within a week and survive successfully."

The next step is still the familiar set of signing a death waiver agreement, but everyone's expressions are much heavier than the previous level.

On the road to Shentu Village, the car can't drive, but I can walk on foot. Baihuaxue and Shanhaixue had the largest number of people. People from each school were naturally divided into teams. Others who participated in the competition alone looked at each other and formed the last temporary team.

But one person ignored him, picked up the compass alone and walked into the jungle.

"That person is a knowledge of Wenxing," Liao Si walked slowly to Jiang Luo's side, "This person is very alone. But I am not alone, Jiang Luo, can I go with you?"

Jiang Luo turned to look at him, Liao Si smiled weakly, "Although I'm not in good health, at least I'm a corpse hunter and won't drag you down."

The identity of the corpse hunter is really popular. This is Xiangxi again, and Jiang Luo has no reason to reject Liao Si. He nodded, and seemed to ask casually, "Isn't it necessary for a corpse driver to have a good body? After all, occasionally a corpse has to be driven back to his hometown from a foreign country. On the way, he has to travel through thousands of mountains and rivers, relying on his legs and feet. "

"What you're saying is," Liao Si said calmly, "I learned the kung fu of chasing corpses, but I have never chased corpses. Because of my innate deficiencies, I can't travel such a long way. If possible, I would also like to try to chase them away. The feeling of a corpse."

He sighed, "But if you want to put what I've learned into practice, it is estimated that you can change your body."

After Liao Si joined the team, their progress slowed down.

Shentu Village is in the dense forest, it is true that it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and it is not false that it is remote and backward. Liao Si was already tired and sweating, and his face turned pale.

Kuangzheng and Lu took turns to support him, and after three hours, only one went to Shentu Village.

At the head of Shentu Village is a locust tree with luxuriant branches. The loess under the locust tree is flat, a shadow covers it, the breeze blows, and the leaves are whirling.

One person walked under the shade of the tree, and the coolness hit his face. Liao Si rested against the tree, breathing rapidly. Lu Yi teased him, "Liao Si, you are more useless than Jiang Luo before."

Jiang Luo smiled, raised his head to drink a sip of water, but suddenly saw a pair of red, "naked" blue-purple feet appearing on Lu Yi's head.

He stopped and looked up. The corpse of a man who had been hanged for an unknown number of years was hanging from a locust tree with a rotten face, just above Lu Yi.

Jiang Luo: "Lu Yi..."

The moment he spoke, the male corpse disappeared instantly.

In broad daylight, the ferocious corpse just now seemed to be Jiang Luo's illusion.

Lu Yi looked at him: "What?"

Jiang Luo licked his dry mouth, "Come on, don't stand there."

Although Lu Yi was puzzled, he still walked to him obediently, and after drinking half a bottle of water, he said strangely: "Don't tell me, I just stood there and always felt my scalp itchy, as if something was scratching my hair. , standing here is a lot."

Jiang Luo couldn't bear to tell him the fact that what touched his hair was a pair of dead feet.

When the rest was almost over, Jiang Luo urged them to get up and leave under the locust tree.

In the village, the village chief is receiving the contestants with his son Wang Qian.

The attitude of the two of them was lukewarm, and they learned from the village chief that Jiang Luo and the others were the slowest of the three groups of contestants.

But Jiang Luo found that the village chief did not seem to know that they were contestants who were exploring the secrets of the village, but regarded them as an ordinary team of students traveling abroad.

The tournament team should give Shentu Village a lot of money, and the room vacated by Shentu Village should be better than the resting place prepared by the competition team.

After sending them to the room, the village chief said indifferently, "You can participate in the sacrificial activities in our village tonight, but you can follow in the end without making a sound. If you participate, remember that unclean people cannot participate, and you cannot participate. If you make dirty words at sacrifice, you can't use it to point at the offering table, and you can't touch the things on the table with something that hasn't been washed."

These are the basic rules of sacrifice, and they understand it naturally, nodding their heads when they hear the words, without any doubts.

The village chief nodded with satisfaction, and his attitude softened a little, "We have a lot of snakes, worms, rats and ants, so don't go up the mountain if you have nothing to do. After being bitten, hurry to find me."

After the exhortation, the two village chiefs left.

This room was occupied by the contestants, except for the chief of the first village, the other twenty-one people were there.

Xu Yan of Shanhaixue hesitated and walked over: "Have you met any villagers in your village?"

Jiang Luo nodded, "I met a few people."

"I just inquired with the village chief. There are 311 people in their village," Xu Yan said. "As the staff said, the village chief said that this number has not changed for several years."

311. If it is analyzed from the numerical angle of the congenital gossip, it is the hexagram of Gen, and the gen is a mountain, implying barriers and obstacles.

Jiang Luo narrowed his eyes, "Why did you tell us this information?"

Who does he see now with suspicion, for no reason, and who will share information during the game

Xu Yan whispered: "We want to thank you, last level, thanks to your information we can advance..." His expression darkened, "It's still because you found out that Brother Bai is possessed by evil spirits, fortunately Brother Bai was rescued, otherwise we would have no face to continue participating in the game."

After confirming that his demeanor was not fake, Jiang Luo said angrily, "It's trivial, you're welcome."

Xu Yan shook his head, "If we get any clues in the future, we will tell you, thank you for helping us advance, and thank you for saving Brother Bai's life."

After speaking, for fear of Jiang Luo's rejection, he turned and left without waiting for Jiang Luo's reaction.

Zhuo Zhongqiu sighed: "At the last level, we were very careful about this Xu Yan."

Jiang Luo said solemnly: "This is called good deeds."

They went back to the room and put down Li, and before night came, they hurriedly circled the Shentu Village.

Shentu Village was even better than they had imagined. The side of the village was surrounded by high mountains, which surrounded Shentu Village in the middle. They divided their troops into five groups to see if they could "find" the layout of Shentu Village today.

Jiang Luo and Lu Yi saw many villagers in Shentu Village along the way. These villagers were no different from any other villagers. On the contrary, they looked extremely happy, and half of them had smiles on their faces.

Green mountains and green waters, old men and young children, at first glance, this is like a paradise to avoid.

Lu Yidao: "The people here seem to be living a good life."

While talking, they had reached the edge of the village. There were overgrown weeds, and Jiang Luo suddenly said, "No."

Lu Yi asked, "Why not?"

Jiang Luo pointed to the vegetable fields among the weeds, and said, "Look at these fields, withered and withered crops, obviously they haven't been taken care of for a long time."

Lu Yi scratched his head: "Are the people who plant this land too lazy?"

"In the countryside, especially in such isolated villages, people mostly rely on their own food, clothing and shelter," Jiang Luo shook his head, "When cooking, he goes out to pick green onions and vegetables, so vegetables are usually grown in his own yard. Or the door of the house. People who can go to the edge of the village to grow vegetables are because they don’t have enough vegetables to eat, so they will be more industrious and not lazy. Otherwise, they don’t care about planting, so what must be planted?”

Lu Yi also felt reasonable, "Let's go back and have a look?"

This time back, they looked more closely. As expected, there were more or less vegetable fields in front of each door, but the front of the door took care of this field with great spirit, but in front of the door was a dead tree, and the vegetation was sparse.

The people whose fields are withered are not without people, but people don't care about the life and death of vegetable fields. It seems that laziness is the reason.

The individual went back the same way and was about to get home when a little girl in red suddenly rushed out of the corner and slammed into them.

The person was knocked back and staggered, Jiang Luo and the little girl stabilized, put on a deceptive and kind face, and said with a smile: "Little sister, why are you running so fast?"

The little girl in red was about eleven or twelve years old, and she had just reached Jiang Luo's waist. She has long black hair that is the same as Jiang Luo, her bangs are dirty and messy on her forehead, her face is covered with dust and withered leaves, her eyes are very, but they are empty and lifeless, like a doll Inorganic.

The little girl said, "I'm going to find my parents."

Lu Yi said enthusiastically, "Where do your parents live? We'll send you there."

As soon as the words fell, a couple ran behind the little girl. The woman was still wearing an apron, and the man was wearing slippers, with the same anxious expressions on their faces. When they saw the little girl, their faces beamed with joy, "Little girl, it's about to eat, what are you running for?"

Their facial features are vaguely similar to that of the little girl, which makes people see their kinship at a glance. Lu Yi said to the little girl, "Your parents."

The little girl ignored the calls behind her and said rigidly, "I'm going to find another mom and dad."

Another mom and dad

Jiang Luo couldn't bear to think too much, the couple had already run to the little girl, and they were coaxing the little girl carefully and softly. The mother gently patted the dead branches and leaves on the little girl's body, the father lovingly "touched" and "touched" the little girl's forehead, and after a few words, led the little girl back.

Their little girl's love was palpable, even a little too nervous.

Jiang Luo frowned as he watched their figures gradually disappear, and returned home with Lu Yi.

Soon others will return. Everyone didn't get any useful information, and they could wait quietly for the ritual activities at night.

At six o'clock in the evening, Wang Qian, the son of the village chief, gave them a cloth hood that covered the lower half of his face.

A red smile lip is embroidered on the hood with a twist of needle and thread. The fabric is rough, and there are four thin threads on the side seams that can be tied at the back of the head.

Wang Qian repeatedly instructed, "You must smile when you do the sacrifice. If you can't laugh, put on a hood and go out. This is the custom of our village, please respect our custom."

The important thing has been said three times, but Wang Qian has said it five times. Before leaving, he was afraid that they would forget the same thing, so he turned back three times worriedly.

After he left, Jiang Luo put on the hood from the mirror. In the mirror, a distorted smile spread out on his lips, grinning all the way to the roots of his ears. At first glance, it is extremely uncomfortable. If you look at it a few more times, even the self in the invisible mirror will become strange and distorted.

Jiang Luo took off the hood, turned around, and suddenly put on another smiling, twisted face.

Liao Si stood behind him with a smile on his face, the mask on his mouth perfectly fit on the bridge of his nose, the mask trembled as he spoke, as if his red embroidered lips were constantly opening and closing, "The embroiderer of this mask not very good."

A good, sickly and beautiful man, but after putting on the hood, he looks like a perverted murderer. Jiang Luo frowned, "Can you take off the hood?"

Liao Si took it off obediently, "There seems to be music outside."

Jiang Luo listened carefully, and there was indeed a sound of music outside. When they went out with their hoods, they saw villagers from every household come out.

Children smiled and waved their toys, and people talked about interesting things together, and everyone smiled without exception.

The contestants followed at the back of the crowd. Jiang Luo didn't want to wear these penetrating masks, so the corners of his mouth twitched and he mixed in with a perfunctory smile.

When the crowd arrived in front of the ancestral hall, the sky darkened, and a purplish red cloud of fire burned.

The offering table is placed in front of the ancestral hall, and many tributes are placed on the ancestral hall. Fruits, pig heads and bread, look at the regulations, they should be worshipping a certain god.

The village chief was walking anxiously in front of the offering table, and he asked his son, "Is the Lord God yet?"

Wang Qian wiped the sweat off his forehead, "Not yet."

The village chief's expression twisted for a moment, and his pupils shrank with deep fear, "Did we prepare less things?"

Wang Qian's voice trembled, "Impossible, we put something on it."

He hurriedly looked at the offering table, "Incense burner, candlestick, vases, eight kinds of tribute, one tea bowl...a lot."

The village chief looked at him in the same way, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, he felt a little relieved, and said to himself: "It should be the delay of God's business, we will wait a bit."

Jiang Luo, who was at the back of the crowd, smiled stiffly, and the sacrifice had not yet started in front of him. He maintained his expression with a smile on his face and looked around, and half of the contestants were already wearing masks and "rubbing" their faces.

Liao Si also put it on, he looked at Jiang Luo curiously, "Aren't you wearing it?"

Jiang Luo immediately put the mask on his face, "My family is so ugly, I have no psychological burden."

Liao Si laughed a few times, then coughed in a low voice, and said weakly, "Start to cool down."

There was a burst of cheers in front of him, Jiang Luo looked up, and it turned out to be a man dressed in black and wearing a black hood walking out of the ancestral hall.

The man walked to the side of the village chief and whispered a few words to the village chief. The village chief nodded again and again, his face became more and more red, and his joy and eagerness were beyond words.

After the man in black finished speaking, the village chief turned to face the villagers, pressed down with both hands, and said solemnly, "The sacrifice begins."

The sacrifice ended unexpectedly fast. Before the moon rose in the middle, the village chief announced that it could be dissolved. Before the dissolution, he said a word.

"Tomorrow is the day for the selection of the ancestral hall," the village chief said loudly. "Whether you are selected or not, it will not affect God's care! Sincerely, the gods will manifest themselves. I have to say these words once a year, and this year will not be the same. Exceptions, don't worry about it! Don't have any disputes! At six o'clock tomorrow afternoon, we will still be gathering here, do you hear?"

The villagers said in unison: "I hear!".