This Damned Thirst for Survival

Chapter 69: Chapter 69


The hallway was empty.

The blood-covered murderer's face was expressionless, and a hostile aura appeared on his handsome face.

Jiang Luo just walked away neatly.

Such a performance undoubtedly told Chi You once again: You are just a tool used by me.

Jiang Luo kissed him, not to escape for his life, not for other reasons, but because it could frame Chi You.

But Chi You had no idea, accepted his kiss with great interest, and was particularly unhappy when Jiang Luo pushed him away. Not only did he release the daring patient from the chainsaw, he also acted as his scapegoat without any preparation.

He's been played through and through.

Even when he was alive, even when he was bullied by the Chi family's collateral, Chi You had never felt so aggrieved.

The murderer pursed his lips, obviously smiling, but the dangerous aura suddenly thickened.

If he doesn't do anything, after the monstrous anger in his heart, the unexplained desires and evil thoughts cannot be vented.

How can you not pay the price for using evil spirits

The murderer stepped up, and the corner of the white coat was raised slightly.

He chased in the direction of Jiang Luo.


Jiang Luo was going downstairs cautiously.

Lu Yi and the dead ghost were supposed to be waiting for him at the end of the sixth floor, but Jiang Luo didn't see them. Jiang Luo knew them, and he knew that if they didn't show up, it meant they had an accident.

But in this building, the most difficult faceless monsters to deal with have been handed over to Chi You, what other dangers can they encounter

No, there is indeed a potential danger that has not arisen.

pool house.

If Qimen Dunjia's illusion was the Qi family's method, then what method did the Chi family use

Are Lu Yi and the dead ghost still safe

Jiang Luo's mood was sinking, and his worries and anxiety rose. He went all the way down to the fourth floor, and the hospital scene in front of him suddenly changed, turning into a trainee dormitory building.

The illusion is broken.

Jiang Luo was taken aback, who broke the illusion

At this moment, Jiang Luo stepped on a strand of hair.

When he looked down, he was almost made to stand unsteadily by the dense black hair that kept rising.

What is this stuff? !

Jiang Luo frowned and immediately backed away, staring at the twisting strands of hair with a twisted expression.

He took out the fire talisman, shook it gently, and the fire talisman ignited from above. Just when Jiang Luo wanted to throw the fire talisman on his hair, a voice sounded behind him, "Jiang Luo, don't!"

Jiang Luo turned his head and saw that Ye Xun and Lu Yi ran in front of him panting. Ye Xun's face was pale, and Lu You's head was covered in blood. Jiang Luo was taken aback by their image and stopped in time, "What's wrong with you guys?"

"Don't burn, this is Xiaofan's hair, Xiaofan and the dead ghost are buried under the hair," Ye Xun breathed quickly, "Xiaofan ate Fu Yuaner, and a lot of hair grew on her body."

"Fu Yuan'er?" This long-standing name made Jiang Luo frown, "Why is Fu Yuan'er here?"

He remembered clearly that in the second round of the Yunnan competition, one of the mission objectives was to find Fu Yuaner's body. After they finally successfully dug out Fu Yuaner's body from the wall of the office, they turned to find Wang Xinhui, but after finding Wang Xinhui and returning, the tournament team informed them that Fu Yuaner's body was taken away.

Lu Yi said weakly, "I don't know, but the dead ghost said that Fu Yuaner seemed to be made into a puppet."

Speaking of puppets, Jiang Luo first thought of Chi You, but he instantly understood that Fu Yuaner was not Chi You's puppet, but the Chi family's puppet.

pool house.

It turned out to be waiting for them here.

Jiang Luo sneered in his heart and said with concern, "Why did your head hurt, did you stop the bleeding with a talisman?"

Lu Youyi felt that he was a little ischemic and his brain was dizzy, but he still insisted, "Ye Xun has stopped the bleeding for me, I'm fine, let's find the dead ghost and Xiaofan first."

This staircase is already crowded with hair, and if a person is buried in it, there is only one result of suffocation. But dead ghosts are living dead people, Xiaofan is a doll of resentful spirits, although Lu Yi and Ye Xun are anxious, they are not very worried.

Jiang Luo asked, "When will Xiaofan stop?"

Ye Xun smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know. If it takes a long time, its hair will probably drown the whole building. If it is fast, it will stop in a few minutes... But I should have a way to make it stop first, but I must first Go back to the dorm and get my stuff."

Now that the illusion has been broken, even if Ye Xun has a way to make Xiaofan stop growing his hair, the hair that has covered several floors of stairs is still too terrifying. If others see it, the existence of metaphysics will not be buried. .

More importantly, there are two bomb-like dangers on the sixth floor, one is Chi You and the other is a faceless monster. Each of them is a very catastrophic existence for ordinary people.

Jiang Luo no longer hesitated and called the director.

Soon, the radio in the dormitory rang.

"Urgent notice, there is a power leakage in the trainee dormitory, and the power has been cut off. For safety reasons, please leave the dormitory and gather in front of the dormitory building from the east stairs. We will arrange hotel accommodation for you. Repeat the notice, please go downstairs from the east stairs, please don’t delay the time, the assembly will be completed within five minutes…”

All the trainees were woken up in the middle of the night, walked out of the room in a daze, and walked down the stairs on the right in the dark.

Among the complaints, a few people exclaimed, "Fuck, whose wig was thrown on the ground?"

"Hahaha who wears a wig in the middle of the night?"

"Come on, go, don't worry about it."

Five minutes later, silence returned to the building.

Ye Xun went back to the dormitory to find the suitcase, and found a square yellow cloth inside. He returned to the stairs and tried to call Xiaofen in the corridor. After a long time, there was movement under the hair pile. The rabbit doll climbed out of it, and the whole body was covered with hair. The original cute appearance now looks extremely cute. Terrible.

Ye Xun said helplessly: "I told you not to eat indiscriminately."

He took out a knife and cut the hair around Xiaofen, then immediately took out a yellow cloth to wrap Xiaofen, and Xiaofen who was wrapped in the yellow cloth quickly calmed down, and the hair was wrapped in the yellow cloth and could no longer grow.

Ye Xun explained: "In addition to the blood, the kidneys are in the hair. The kidneys store the essence and govern reproduction. The blood and the kidneys are water, and the hair is the essence. Naturally, it also belongs to water. Earth controls water, and yellow is earth. Taoism mostly uses yellow and cyan, which represents the natural color of plants and trees. I wrap Xiaofen with yellow cloth, and Xiaofen’s hair will not grow out.”

"Then let's go quickly." Jiang Luo didn't want to stay here too long, he couldn't be sure whether the faceless monster and Chi You could tie and who would win.

In fact, whoever wins or loses is not good for him, but Jiang Luo glanced around and saw Lu Yi squatting beside the pile of hair in a daze, he said strangely, "Lu Yi, what are you doing?"

Lu Yi murmured, "Jiang Luo, the dead ghost is still in his hair."

Jiang Luo was silent.

Lu Yi suddenly swayed, and Ye Xun was startled, "Lu Yi?"

Lu You said blankly: "Oh my head is a little dizzy."

Before he finished speaking, he had closed his eyes and fell forward!

Jiang Luo reached out his hand in time and grabbed him, Lu Yi fainted on top of him, the big hole above his head was bloody and terrifying.

Jiang Luo lifted Lu You up with a solemn expression, "Ye Xun, take Lu You to the hospital first. I'll find the dead ghost, and after I find it, I'll go to meet you."

Ye Xun: "Jiang Luo, a faceless monster..."

"It has been resolved," Jiang Luo interrupted him, "Quick, take him away first."

Ye Xun made up his mind, "Okay."

Moonlight scattered from the window like shards of feathers.

Jiang Luo looked at their distant figures. After they disappeared, he put away the look on his face in a depressed mood, and threw the fire talisman towards the pile of hair with a blank expression.

In an instant, her hair lit up into flames.

Jiang Luo didn't believe that a dead ghost would be buried under his hair.

Even if he was buried under his hair, there was a way to get out of it. It makes no sense that Lu Yi can escape Xiaofen's hair, but the living dead can't.

But if the ghosts escaped and didn't come to them, the only explanation is that the ghosts didn't want to come to them.

He regained his memory.

The fire talisman burned down, leaving traces of the fire on the walls on both sides. Jiang Luo stood on the edge of the stairs, looking down.

He didn't know if he should go down or not.

Lu Yi and the dead ghost were washed down on the third floor. If the dead ghost was still there, it would only be below the third floor. But if the dead ghost regained his memory, why would Jiang Luo go down to find him.

In the end, Jiang Luo stepped down the stairs and stepped on the ground with black ashes.

"Kick, kick."

The sound of heels hitting the wall came from below.

Jiang Luo's footsteps immediately stopped in place.

The sound below grew louder.

Jiang Luo breathed lightly and looked down from the armrest.

He met the murderer standing on the second floor.

The murderer seemed to be deliberately waiting for Jiang Luo to find himself, and the next moment Jiang Luo saw him, he showed a cold and piercing smile.

Jiang Luo stood up instantly with goosebumps all over his body, he thought in disbelief, Chi You defeated the faceless monster and came to him? !

Is Chi You really that strong

Jiang Luo's blood flow became faster and his heart beat faster. He couldn't tell whether it was the excitement of the opponent or the fear. His breath was a little rushed. Jiang Luo took a deep look at Chi You, turned around and ran out.

Chi You stepped up and chased after him unhurriedly.

The evil spirit's eyes were fixed on the black-haired youth in front of him.

Everything else disappeared in Chi You's eyes, he split open the door of the stairway closed by Jiang Luo, and continued to chase without stopping.

Some kind of restless emotions boiled again. Let the anger twist, another kind of anticipation suddenly rises.

This feeling is very similar to Chi You's strong killing intent on Jiang Luo, but it doesn't seem to be the same thing.

Is he going to kill Jiang Luo

No, Chi You didn't feel like he was going to kill him.

There is another way, than killing Jiang Luo, he can let Jiang Luo know his mistake and make him feel happy quickly.

It can also calm Chi You's heart surging under the dark tide at this time.

But... what's the solution


Jiang Luo ran to the first floor and was about to run out of the door when the door in front of him was slammed shut by a gust of evil wind.

There was a loud bang, and the empty first floor became a closed space.

Chi You walked down the last steps gracefully and walked into the hall on the first floor.

Jiang Luo turned around and looked at him, losing the battle. Obviously in a weak position, Jiang Luo's attitude is not low, "Chi You, you are not dead."

With his arms around his chest, he was at ease, raised his eyebrows and asked curiously, "So, are you rushing to tell me your secret?"

"If that's the case, I'm really sorry to tell you," he said slowly, "you're going to tell me two secrets."

Jiang Luo didn't have any hatred for the Chi family that had to be extinguished at this moment.

Of course, he is a man who will report his grievances. After he learns from Lu Yi what exactly the Chi family has done to manipulate Fu Yuaner, it will not be too late to hate him.

He was playing a time lag with the goblin.

Chi You smiled strangely, "Yeah, I'm going to tell you two secrets."

He stepped forward step by step, the graceful elegance brought by his appearance was on the verge of collapse. Cracks opened in him, and darkness and madness leaked out, like a precarious mountain that was about to collapse.

Chi You's appearance has always been very good. After his death, the deadness covering his face even has a faintly morbid beauty. The bridge of the nose is straight and straight, and the eyes are smiling, just like a handsome and gentle appearance.

But at this time, Chi You seemed to be revealing his true nature, and a twisted and crazy breath emerged.

Jiang Luo felt bad.

Chi You was so disgusted that he went crazy because he was kissed by him and framed him as a scapegoat

Under the alarm bell of the sense of crisis, Jiang Luo's wrist swayed, all twelve cipher texts flew out, and attacked Chi You in one go!

Chi You raised his hand and was about to stop the twelve ciphertexts, but the twelve ciphertexts unexpectedly condensed into two chains in front of him, wrapped around his wrist and quickly pulled back.

Chi You was locked in place, his hands stretched back.

He clenched his fist and pulled his right hand forward. The two chains instantly turned into one again, grabbing Chi You's right hand with all the strength.

Chi You couldn't break free this time, and he was imprisoned in place.

The evil ghost looked back at the golden chain, turned his head back, and looked at the black-haired youth with a half-smile.

The black-haired youth stood cautiously not far from him and said, "Tell me, two secrets about you."

The evil ghost smiled calmly, extremely deceptive, "Come closer."

The old god Jiang Luo stood still, Chi You's smile did not change, but his eyes became meaningful, "Afraid?"

"Stimulation is useless to me," Jiang Luo sneered, but after making sure that the rune bound Chi You firmly, he took a few steps forward, "But for your poor sake, this Forget it. Well, you can talk."

He was so curious about Chi You's secret.

Every, all, he wanted to know, and understood clearly.

This kind of paranoid thought made Jiang Luo's every foot seem to be stepping on the sharp tip of a knife, and every step was full of trembling danger, and it was extremely attractive to him.

"The first secret," the evil spirit said in a low voice, "what do you want to hear?"

Jiang Luo said, "You."

The evil ghost suddenly realized: "Oh, me."

"My secrets, then there are more," the evil ghost smiled, his peripheral vision flashed over the golden chain, "I carry a curse on my body."

Jiang Luo waited, but did not wait for the following, his brows twitched, "That's it?"

Chi You raised his eyebrows, "The rest is the content of the second secret."

Jiang Luo laughed angrily, and he said without laughing: "Chi You, as expected of you, a secret is divided into two parts, why don't you count a single word as a secret?"

Chi You said: "Then you are closer to me, so close that I am happy, I will tell you all the rest."

Jiang Luo seemed to have a cat's paw scratching frantically in his heart. He licked his lips and looked up, only to find that Chi Youzheng was looking at him meaningfully.

He suddenly remembered the fact that there was still Chi You's saliva on his lips, Jiang Luo retracted his tongue stiffly, and said coldly, "If you look at me like this again, I will dig out your eyes."

Chi You sneered, "Don't be so fierce."

Seeing him like this, Jiang Luo felt more and more irritable. In order to make Chi You face the faceless monster, he also forcibly kissed Chi You.

But in the end, Chi You easily dealt with the faceless monster and caught up again. Although Jiang Luo had already prepared for Chi You to defeat the faceless monster, he never expected Chi You to be so easy and so fast.

This made Jiang Luo feel that he had lost a lot of money.

What made him even more terrified was that Chi You didn't have any weaknesses

He took a deep breath and took two steps forward, his tone icy, "Speak."

The distance between him and the devil is getting closer.

It was so close to the moonlight that the evil spirit could see his every expression clearly.

The faint moonlight, like jade, hit Jiang Luo's side face, down from his full forehead, outlining the end of his eyes, the tip of his nose, and the lips that had just been kissed by the evil ghost.

With a general highlight, he instantly placed the most important stroke on the black-haired youth. Make the black-haired youth lively and real, full of life force that flows in secret, like a river of floating dust.

Chi You's eyes were casual, with a smile on his face, as if the secret didn't matter to him, "This curse, every Chi family direct line has it, he restricts us," he said casually and casually: "It can't be hurt. A sideline of the Chi family."

Jiang Luo was stunned for a moment, thoughtful.

No wonder.

"This is one, what about the next one?" Jiang Luo felt even more itchy.

Chi You asked back, "What do you want to know?"

Jiang Luo paused and said slowly, "Do you have any weaknesses?"

When this question was asked, Jiang Luo's heartbeat quickly jumped.

No one would be willing to tell others what their weaknesses are, but Jiang Luo would rather Chi You say "no comment" than hear a "no" from the evil ghost's mouth.

The evil spirit raised his eyebrows in surprise, and said inexplicably, "Yes, this is a good question."

Jiang Luo couldn't help but take a step forward, "Is there any?"

"Of course it is," the evil ghost's final voice suddenly lifted, "Let me be happy first."

His right arm, which was bound by the golden chain, twisted hard, and the right arm was twisted into a terrifying arc. The next moment, Chi You twisted his right arm in front of Jiang Luo.

If you can't break free of the Twelve Runes, cut off your hands. Jiang Luo's face was splashed with black blood that flowed from the evil ghost's broken arm.

Jiang Luo was stunned.

At this moment, his mind was blank, staring blankly at the place where the evil spirit clutched the broken right arm, and then walked in front of him with a happy smile.

The first thought popped up in hindsight.

Do demons have blood too

Chi You lowered his head, released his left hand that was covered in wounds on his right arm, and stroked Jiang Luo's face.

Sen Han's gloomy and cold breath escaped from the flesh into the bone marrow.

"I'm very unhappy," Chi You said slowly, "You made me a scapegoat and played me in this way."

Blood stained Jiang Luo's face, dripping from Jiang Luo's eyes, Jiang Luo smelled a strong bloody smell.

Chi You's eyes were cold and terrifying, "What you did really made me want to devour you in one bite. Since that's the case, then use your method to make me happy."

When the words fell, his left hand raised Jiang Luo's chin and kissed him fiercely.

His kiss was not a kiss, but the bite of a beast and a demon that devoured its prey. Bloody, arguing, ghostly, no tenderness or lingering, but it makes people breathless, giving people a kind of fear and horror that will be swallowed up and eaten in one bite.

Jiang Luo's lip was bleeding from his bite, and it hurt badly.

The black-haired youth's eyes became sharp again, he stretched out his hand, one of the twelve runes ran into his hand and turned into a dagger, and he inserted the dagger into Chi You's body without hesitation.

The evil ghost didn't realize it, he didn't retreat for half a minute, but instead punished him. The action of biting Jiang Luo's lips became more and more cruel and cold.

But he almost broke his teeth by Chi You's lips.


Oh shit.

so hard.

Jiang Luo's breath stagnated, the dagger in his hand stabbed deeper, and the other eleven runes wrapped around the evil ghost's neck, trying to pull him away from Jiang Luo.

The devil finally raised his head.

His lips were scarlet, and he stuck out his tongue to lick the blood off his lips, and said with a smile, "Ah, my mood is much better."

Jiang Luo's face was ashen, and he looked at him uncertainly.

The one-armed evil spirit raised his hand again and gently wiped his moist and translucent lips, "Of course I have a weakness."

"Like your yin-yang ring," he said casually, "like..."

Dangerous wrapped in sticky ambiguous syrup, "You distracted kisses."

The black mist rose, slowly wrapping Chi You, and his right arm, which was twisted by himself, was also wrapped in the black mist. Chi You looked down at Jiang Luo, the anger and strong killing intent that suddenly rose after being played with, but at this moment, another disordered and obscure desire was suddenly added.

Chi You didn't understand what this meant.

But he can always get the answer from Jiang Luo.

Chi You took a meaningful last look at Jiang Luo, and disappeared together with the black mist.

Jiang Luo wiped his lips with a dark face, furious.

What is Chi You doing

Deliberately using his methods to disgust him

Jiang Luo always felt that something was wrong, and he paused as he wiped his lips.

But what's more important than that is what Chi You said "Of course I have a weakness".

What is Chi You's weakness


Chi You appeared on the sixth floor.

He hummed softly, and this song was still the one that Jiang Luo hummed in his mouth when he saw Jiang Luo for the first time after his death. The cheerful tune was inexplicable in his mouth. The black mist wrapped the broken arm and stuck to his wound. While the arm was recovering, the piercing pain penetrated from the bone marrow into the flesh.

This kind of pain even affects the soul level, but Chi You doesn't seem to feel it. He has a strange smile on his face, and his mood is visible to the naked eye.

Teng Bi came out of the darkness and said cautiously, "Master."

"Teng Bi," Chi You said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a long time."

Teng Bi pursed his lips, "Yes."

In the darkness, the sound of flesh and blood growing on the arm was beside the ear. Even the stone body of the idol, after being alive, has flesh and blood, and has perception and pain.

Teng Bi had experienced this kind of pain before, if it wasn't for the pain of being penetrated by the black mist once when he lost his memory, he would probably have only thought that the master could not feel the pain from the expression on his master's face.

Chi You asked, "How does it feel to live with humans?"

Teng Bi remembered those memories of being a dead ghost. He lowered his head and said against his will, "Nothing."

"Then you will have to endure for a while," Chi You's arm was connected, he slowly twisted his right hand and clenched his fist, "After that, you will be lurking in their team."

Teng Bi was taken aback, "Master?"

Chi Youdao: "They call you 'Dead Ghost', a good name. Since that's the case, you should play the role of 'Dead Ghost' well."

The evil ghost's eyes flashed, and he said, "Watch for me... Jiang Luo."


Jiang Luo calmed down for a long time before calming down.

But his expression was still ugly. Jiang Luo opened the door and planned to leave here, but suddenly came the voice of a dead ghost from behind.

Dead Ghost said: "Jiang Luo?"

Jiang Luo looked back and saw that the dead ghost came out of the corridor, holding a big knife in his hand, and said, "I went to get my weapon, where are they?"

Unexpectedly, the dead ghost hasn't recovered, Jiang Luo can't tell whether it is joy or disappointment, he "tsk" and beckoned to the dead ghost, "Go, they are going to the hospital."

The ghost's tone mentioned, "Hospital?"

"Lu Yi was injured," Jiang Luo said, and could still feel the pain of being penetrated by another soft and hard tongue. He frowned fiercely, casting a shadow over this place, "Let's go outside and talk about it."

Teng Bi came out of the shadows, hiding his uncomfortable expression. But after seeing Jiang Luo's appearance, he was stunned and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with your mouth?"

The author has something to say: Jiang Luo: ... fried hair

Sorry for being late! Sorry for the 300 red envelopes in this chapter! ! !