This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 19: Of course martial arts must be handsome


Lu Xuan felt Ling Fei's high popularity in Fudan University as he followed Ling Fei.

Ling Fei was like a celebrity at Fudan University. Girls cast curious glances at her along the way, while boys also cast murderous looks at her.

Naturally, Lu Xuan didn't care at all. He followed Ling Fei like an old monk in meditation and entered a state of cultivation. Most people need to meditate to cultivate, but Lu Xuan's spiritual cultivation has reached the point where he can cultivate while sitting or lying down.

Ling Fei took Lu Xuan along the way, surrounded by the laughter of students. Even Lu Xuan, who had been tense for many years, couldn't help but relax.

He hadn't felt this kind of simple and peaceful atmosphere for many years, but these students themselves didn't know what it meant to be ungrateful for what they have.

Although the future will be a prosperous era for cultivation, it will also be a turbulent era. There will be no peace like today.

Cherish this last peace!

The two finally arrived at a venue on the edge of the school, the Budokan.

The venue was neither big nor small, and bursts of shouts could be heard from inside.

"Mr. Lu, after what happened before, I plan to learn some martial arts to keep myself safe. This martial arts hall was opened by one of my senior brothers. I talked to him on the phone yesterday. I will come here to practice martial arts today, and he will come out to meet us later!"

Ling Fei walked and brought Lu Xuan into the venue.

The venue was simply decorated. Although it was morning, many students had already started practicing martial arts, and various shouts could be heard.

The arrival of the two did not attract much attention from the students. They just took a few glances and quickly returned to their practice.

"But what they teach is just some fancy tricks!"

Ling Fei frowned slightly and glanced at the students who were practicing.

Different from the martial arts that Ling Fei had in mind, these students were practicing moves like high kicks, which made them look handsome and fierce.

However, after watching Lu Xuan take action several times, her vision has unconsciously become much higher. If it was before, she might have thought that this move was very cool, but now she just thinks that being cool is of no use.

When the legs kick that high, the lower body is in great danger, and a master can be fatal with one move.

"I think it's pretty good!" Lu Xuan looked around with an interested look.

"These are just fancy moves. What I want is a fighting style that can actually defeat the enemy. What's the use of this kind of training!" Ling Fei shook her head and said with some disappointment.

Lu Xuan smiled faintly and said, "You can't say that. Do you know why it has been difficult to promote our national martial arts for so many years, but Taekwondo has been able to be promoted all over the world?"

"It's because some brainless fans were influenced by the Korean Wave!" Ling Fei said. Although she is a typical post-00s, she is completely different from those of her peers. She has no interest in the so-called Korean Wave in Korea.

Maybe the social classes and perspectives are different. To Ling Fei, who is in the super-rich class, so-called stars are nothing but actors, not to mention the lowest-ranking Korean stars.

"That's just one of the reasons. The key is that Taekwondo is cool!" Lu Xuan said with a smile. "Even Hitler knew that military uniforms must be made as cool as possible to attract young men to join the army. Everyone loves beauty!"

"Taekwondo, karate and the like, you can quickly learn, you can quickly perform cool performances, and the uniforms are also cooler than the Chinese martial arts jackets, do you think they won't attract young people to join?" Lu Xuan continued. "For Chinese martial arts training, it takes three years to stand still, three years to stand in horse stance, and it takes ten to twenty years to achieve perfection. It's normal for young people to be unable to stand loneliness!"

"You may think that these things you are practicing now are useless, but they can inspire people's interest in martial arts. Hobbies are the best teachers. There are people who can persist without interest, but they are rare. You can't expect everyone to have such willpower!" Lu Xuan said with his hands behind his back. "So I think that this is a good way to promote Chinese martial arts. First attract young people to learn, and then select the best from them and teach them the real core skills. This is the right way!"

Of course, the prerequisite is that in addition to teaching these simple basic things, there are subsequent more advanced contents waiting for the talented students to learn.

Ling Fei looked at Lu Xuan with her beautiful eyes. She had never thought that it could be interpreted from this perspective.

In her impression, the more difficult the martial arts are, the better, because difficulty means strength.

But now Lu Xuan gave an interpretation from another perspective: the simpler it is, the more attractive it is and the easier it is to use.

"In the past, elders were very cautious when accepting apprentices. In addition to being afraid of teaching an ungrateful person, it was also because of insufficient resources. Practicing martial arts itself consumes a lot of resources. How can you practice martial arts when you don't have enough food and strength?" Lu Xuan said. "It's different now. Materials are extremely abundant. Although everyone is not rich, everyone can still have enough food. This is the premise for promoting practice on a large scale!"

"In the past, only geniuses were accepted as apprentices. But how can a genius selected from three or five people be compared with a genius selected from thirty to fifty, three to five hundred, or even three to five thousand people? Geniuses are very particular about the base number!

The times are changing so fast now. Only by keeping up with the times and innovating and reforming can we survive in the new era! "

"Well, I never expected to meet someone with such insight here!"

Suddenly, a man came over clapping and smiling.

He was a man, about twenty years old, wearing a snow-white martial arts uniform, with a heroic look between his brows that was rare among ordinary people.

"Brother Li!"

Ling Fei stepped forward and said.

"Let me introduce you, Senior Brother Li, this is Mr. Lu Xuan, who has been protecting my safety recently. Mr. Lu, this is the owner of this martial arts hall, Senior Brother Li Fei!"

"Mr. Lu is truly a talented person. I opened a martial arts hall here and promoted martial arts at the order of my master. I have never understood why my master did this, but after hearing what Mr. Lu said today, I suddenly understood the deep meaning behind it!" Li Fei said with emotion.

He hadn't understood what his master meant over the years, but this man understood it at a glance. His vision and perspective were truly extraordinary.

Lu Xuan glanced at Li Fei. Li Fei also had some kung fu skills, but he had only cultivated to the level equivalent to the second level of Ming Jin.

He can't be called a particularly powerful master, but ordinary three or five big men are probably no match for him. It's a bit misleading to open a school to recruit disciples, but he can only teach some simple martial arts basics, which is more than enough for him.

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(End of this chapter)