This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 56: The prey becomes the hunter


Lu Xuan knew almost immediately that this was an awakened person who had awakened spiritual abilities.

The person who was able to influence him, even if only for a brief moment, must be extremely powerful, at least level six, which is equivalent to a martial arts legend.

If it was lower than the sixth level, with Lu Xuan's strength, there would be no chance of causing any impact on him at all.

In the dark, a pair of eyes revealed a look of horror. Despite his deliberate actions, he could only briefly affect his facial features.

Ever since he awakened this special ability, he has never encountered such a strange thing.

Even a fifth-level Baodan Grandmaster can hypnotize the opponent with just a glance, and even a sixth-level martial arts legend cannot completely ignore his illusions.

After all, he is also a sixth-level existence, and his huge mental power is his greatest reliance.

But then he saw Lu Xuan's gaze sweeping towards him, and his heart suddenly tightened because he discovered a terrible thing: Lu Xuan could actually detect his existence.

What a terrifying mental strength and insight.

Seeing that he could no longer hide, he simply walked out.

But it turned out to be a middle-aged man in Tang suit with ordinary face, looking like just an ordinary person.

But in Lu Xuan's perception, his mental power was like a bright light in the darkness.

Compared with Luo Yongnian of the same level, he is several times stronger, so powerful that it is terrifying.

However, Luo Yongnian is a warrior, while this middle-aged man is an awakened one in terms of spiritual power. The two have different evolutionary directions, so it is normal to have differences.

However, no matter they are warriors who practice physical cultivation or awakened people who awaken spiritually, they are all among the most terrifying people in the world today.

To ordinary people, he is like a god.

Lu Xuan faced two sixth-level martial arts legends without any panic.

"I didn't expect that you would go to such lengths to kill me. At this stage, you are all considered top figures!"

Lu Xuan smiled playfully and said.

"Although I don't know who your master is, if you offend our Luo family, you will definitely die!"

Luo Yongnian looked at Lu Xuan and said in a sonorous and powerful voice.

"I checked your information before and thought you were just an ordinary person. I didn't expect that you were actually a hidden dragon. But it doesn't matter. Today I am here to slay the dragon!"

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha, Dragon Tu, Luo Yongnian, I think you have a misunderstanding of your own strength. What makes you feel that you can kill me?" Lu Xuan covered his forehead and laughed.

"Is that so? You think you can look down on everyone in the world by relying on your cultivation, but you don't know that being too rigid will lead to breaking, and a tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. You are still too young!" Luo Yongnian said lightly.

"That depends on what kind of wind it is. If it's a gentle breeze and drizzle, then it doesn't matter. Not only can it not destroy me, but it will become my powerful nourishment!"

Lu Xuan said nonchalantly.

If a tree stands out in the forest, the wind will destroy it. However, if the tree is strong enough, it will not have any effect on it. Any strong wind and rain will only make it grow strong enough.

He was like this in his previous life. No matter what kind of storms he faced, nothing could break him. Instead, they helped him ascend to the sky.

The verbal confrontation between the two was actually a martial arts confrontation, but both of them had firm wills, and this level was not enough to shake each other's martial arts will.

"You thought you had set up a trap to kill me, but I also wanted to take this opportunity to kill you!"

Lu Xuan smiled faintly. He knew that with the Luo family's style of doing things, it would be really weird if they just let it go like that.

However, even if he knew the location of the Luo family's ancestral home, it would be impossible for him to rush in completely, not to mention disturbing the Luo family's strength.

The impact alone was enough to shock the entire country.

The Luo family's development over the years has spread its influence across the country. This is the fundamental reason why Lu Xuan does not choose to touch the Luo family for the time being.

He doesn't care. He can just kill someone and run away, but his family and friends will be implicated by him.

He is spiritually detached and free, but as he is still alive in the physical world, he has to compromise with some worldly things.

Unless he makes further progress and his cultivation is sufficient to suppress the counterattacks from all directions, then the Luo family will truly face its doomsday.

However, now the spiritual energy has just revived and the changes in heaven and earth have just begun. The strength and energy of the Luo family are far less powerful than in the previous life. It is much easier to uproot the Luo family in this life than in the previous life.

Before that, Lu Xuan would not be patient and would kill a few important figures first, just as collecting interest.

At the same time, the strength of the Luo family was constantly weakened, preparing for the final uprooting.

He is not strong enough, he needs to go further, to become strong enough that everyone in the world has to take his existence into consideration. One person is a powerful sect, one person is a powerful wealthy family.

"You little bastard, you are indeed a poisonous snake!"

When Luo Yongnian heard Lu Xuan's words, a terrifying murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Just as Luo Ying predicted, this little bastard was not afraid of their Luo family at all. Instead, he was deliberately targeting their Luo family.

If he really succeeds, even if he is alone, it will be enough to severely damage the Luo family. After all, although the Luo family has gathered many masters, there is a 99% chance that they will be unable to withstand a blow against a martial arts legend like Lu Xuan.

It is precisely because we are both martial arts legends that we know how terrifying martial arts legends are.

"But you don't have this chance, because you are going to die today!"

As soon as Luo Yongnian finished speaking, a dagger suddenly appeared out of nowhere and slashed directly towards Lu Xuan's neck.

There was an unknown blue-green luster flashing on his hands. It was smeared with a highly poisonous substance. Even an elephant would die immediately if it got a little bit of it.

A somewhat ferocious smile appeared on Luo Yongnian's face. He and Lu Xuan had talked so much nonsense just for this crucial moment.

It was not until this time that a human figure appeared faintly in the air in front of Lu Xuan.

However, what happened next made him open his eyes wide, and he saw Lu Xuan stretched out two fingers and directly blocked the dagger.

This sharp dagger that could easily cut through metal and stone seemed to be fixed at this moment, unable to move forward or backward.

The figure in the dark immediately realized that something was wrong the next moment and wanted to escape almost immediately.

If you miss the attack, flee thousands of miles away!

(End of this chapter)