This Husband Is Frail And Weak

Chapter 98


The house where they sent Su Huaijing had not been named, and there were still some details inside that had not been completely renovated. They just came here to take a look, have lunch, and return to the capital before dark.

Rong Tang asked Su Huaijing what name he thought of this time, and strictly forbade him to cheat by using two names again. Su Huaijing smiled and said, "Then I'll think about it again."

Rong Tang frowned, thinking to himself that this person was extremely smart, but why did he cheat when it came to naming and didn't follow the rules at all.

But Young Master Rong was kind-hearted and didn't bother with him.

Birthdays are mainly celebrated at night. Rong Tang later looked at the name card that Su Huaijing handed over before their marriage and found that it did not say the eighth day of the first lunar month. If Ke Hongxue had not asked about it in Songyuan, he might not have known the real birthday of Su Huaijing until now.

But when he thought of this, Rong Tang couldn't help but be surprised.

Should we say that he is one of the smartest people in the whole article? After only a few meetings, Ke Hongxue began to doubt Su Huaijing's true identity. After thinking about it carefully, he probably had doubts a long time ago.

Rong Tang was eating the candied fruit in the car, feeling somewhat disappointed.

If Su Huaijing had not been imprisoned in the Wukang Earl's Mansion and unable to show his freedom at this time in the previous two lives, Ke Hongxue would probably have had contact with Su Huaijing long before the male protagonist left the palace.

Many things could have gone better.

Rong Tang leaned against the carriage, his eyes empty, chewing candied fruit while deducing the possibilities in his mind.

Suddenly, the cushion beside him sank. Just as Rong Tang came to his senses and looked up, someone held his lips.

The patient Rong Tang's clothes are fumigated with sandalwood all year round, so he has a simple and elegant scent like an ancient Buddha; Su Huaijing has always had a light herbal fragrance lingering around him, and beyond those scents, there is also a very light tea fragrance.

Rong Tang didn't like taking medicine or drinking tea, but when these two smells appeared on Su Huaijing, he didn't feel disgusted. He even smelled an aroma similar to that of sake brewed from fermented tea leaves.

It was a tiny bit, not too obvious, just like Su Huaijing, it seeped silently into the pores and skin, and made people intoxicated without them knowing it.

And when this fragrance flows along the lips and tongue into the mouth, the feeling of lack of oxygen and intoxication rushes to the head, and the senses reach their peak.

The sound of the wheels became muffled, and what I could see before my eyes were Su Huaijing's slightly smiling eyes and his trembling eyelashes.

The tip of my tongue was invaded and teased, and I had subconsciously swallowed the seedless candied fruit into my stomach, leaving only a sweet taste in my mouth, which was then searched and covered over and over again, leaving a slightly astringent touch.

Rong Tang was stunned for a long time. Su Huaijing moved his hand to his waist, squeezed it gently, put his forehead against his, moved his lips and tongue apart a little, and breath sprayed on Rong Tang's cheek.

The villain's voice was deep and suddenly became extremely dangerous: "Tangtang, focus."

Rong Tang didn't know how he should concentrate anymore, he opened his mouth and was about to retort, but his lips were grabbed and bitten again.

Su Huaijing seems to like biting people very much, whether it's the neck or the lips. He seems to be using the biting action to show his mark and intimacy, just like a wild and unruly beast in the jungle.

Rong Tang raised her head slightly and let him nibble on her lips, rubbing her nose against his innocently, looking sexy yet pure at the same time.

This isn't a villain at all; he's just a poor little thing that lacks love.

Rong Tang thought unconsciously.

A long time passed, and when the tranquility unique to the suburbs outside the car was gradually covered by the noisy voices, the waist belt was gently pulled, and the warm wind blew into the clothes, and Su Huaijing's hand moved in silently.

“Stop—” Rong Tang was out of breath, almost suffocating. He pushed the man out, held him down with his hand, and panted and scolded, “That’s too much.”

Su Huaijing blinked innocently, looked at the beautiful lamp in front of him who seemed to faint if he kissed her, and asked, "Aren't we in love?"

Rong Tang was still gasping for breath. He had always lacked physical strength, and the only reason he didn't faint just now was because Su Huaijing gave him air.

He felt speechless. This person only knew how to give himself air, but didn't know when to stop!

Who wants to eat all the meat in one go

He glared at Su Huaijing, with a light blush in his eyes, and even his cheeks were slightly red. This look was not only intimidating, but even had some charm that he himself was not aware of.

Su Huaijing felt a heat in his stomach and his eyes darkened.

Rong Tang took a quick glance and quickly looked away as if he had been burned. He grabbed a blanket and threw it over, gritting his teeth and saying, "It's immoral!"

Su Huaijing followed his line of sight and smiled: "How on earth is this considered immoral? Or does Tangtang agree to let me have a relationship where we can only hold hands and kiss, and we can't do anything else?"

[He is such a scoundrel!] The system suddenly popped up and angrily said this.

Rong Tang was frightened by it and asked hurriedly: "How long have you been looking at it?"

[All!] The system said, [He is such a scoundrel! He kissed you secretly and then touched you! After that, you got hard! And even when you got hard, you still made excuses!!!]

[Tangtang, dump him!] The little ball of light jumped wildly above Su Huaijing's head.

Rong Tang was silent for a while: "Not good... I just promised him."

The system was furious and was about to speak when the pixel man inexplicably raised his hand, straightened his hair crown, looked up into space, and asked Rong Tang, "What are you thinking about?"

His tone was as natural and calm as usual, with the leisurely and graceful demeanor of a villain in his own right, but the system that had just been jumping above his head suddenly froze, and looked at Su Huaijing with eyes wide open in disbelief.

It just felt... the air flow around it seemed to have changed, as if a hand really touched its body.

But how could this be possible

It and the host are in two different worlds. How could the villain possibly touch it with just a slight raise of his hand

The system waited for a while, and after Su Huaijing's attention was fully focused on Rong Tang, it tiptoed down and bumped Su Huaijing's fingers with its body.

There is no obstruction, just like every person it has encountered in this world before, it can only be seen but not touched.

The system suddenly felt bored and didn't care that its stupid host was bullied. It didn't want to get involved anyway because it was a fight between the two of them.

It jumped a few more times on Su Huaijing's hand to vent its anger, then disappeared and went dormant on the spot.

Rong Tang was still teaching him from the opposite side: "You have to proceed step by step, understand? Holding hands, dating, kissing, traveling, having sex... How can you think of such messed up things right from the start like you do!"

Seeing Su Huaijing in a trance, Rong Tang asked seriously, "Did you hear that?"

Su Huaijing raised his eyes, temporarily suppressed the sudden strange feeling just now, nodded obediently and said: "Got it."

Rong Tang breathed a sigh of relief and secretly relaxed the tip of his tongue that was numbed by Su Huaijing's sucking, but then he heard Su Huaijing ask seriously: "Then when are we going to bed?"

"Uh cough cough!"

Rong Tang choked on his saliva and coughed for a long time. He finally found a cup of tea and drank it to suppress his saliva. He looked up and asked incredulously, "What did you say?"

Su Huaijing counted on his fingers and told him: "Holding hands, dating, kissing, traveling... We have done everything, and there is only one thing left. According to Tangtang, we can do it tonight."

Rong Tang: “…”

He silently turned his head and looked at the long street outside the window. He sullenly said four words, determined not to pay any attention to Su Huaijing: "You are hopeless."

A head full of yellow garbage!

Where is your revenge plan? Was it eaten by Shen Shang

Rong Tang deliberately stiffened his neck and ignored everyone, but in fact the entire area from his neck to his ears was slightly pink. Su Huaijing looked at him for a while and smiled silently.

Tangtang is so cute.

He twisted his fingers and reminded himself not to pounce on her again, otherwise Tangtang would get angry and throw him out.

Su Huaijing leaned against the carriage and said softly, "Tangtang, I'm going to sleep for a while. Can you call me when we get there?"

Rong Tang didn't want to look at him, but after a few seconds, he still responded, "Oh."

Su Huaijing wanted to laugh more and more. He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, but he was deep in thought.

That perception was not an illusion, nor was it the first time it had happened.

As early as when he was in Songyuan, Su Huaijing occasionally felt that the sound of the wind in his ears was disordered.

It was as if a small mass of turbulence appeared in the orderly wind direction, jumping up and down, disrupting the direction of the wind, causing a momentary disorder and stagnation in the air.

This feeling didn't come up often, and he couldn't always capture it well, so he didn't think about it too much.

But now that I think about it carefully, Tangtang was mostly in a trance during those delicate times.

It was as if there existed another space that Su Huaijing could neither see nor hear. The turbulence appeared because the other party came to find Rong Tang, and they were communicating in a way that he was unaware of.

This perception is frustrating, and the fact that it is out of control makes people unhappy for no reason.

Su Huaijing pinched his fingers slightly, and an inexplicable panic surged in his heart.

He originally suspected that Rong Tang was a little bodhisattva from heaven, who came down to earth to save people. When this frail and sickly body could no longer bear it, he would return to heaven and never be seen again.

The encounter at Fengyue Tower, the foresight of the flood in Jiangnan, the insight into his identity, and even the house in the suburbs that was almost identical to the Duke Xian's Mansion...

Almost everything confirmed Su Huaijing's bizarre speculation.

And now he suddenly noticed that there was turbulence in the air from time to time.

Why was he discovered

Is Tangtang leaving

Almost at the moment he thought of this possibility, Su Huaijing frowned and instinctively reached out to grab Rong Tang.

The latter was slightly startled. He was clearly still sulking before, but he subconsciously held his hand and gently comforted him: "Did you have a nightmare?"

Su Huaijing was stunned for a moment, lowered his eyes, and said pitifully: "I dreamed that Tangtang didn't want me anymore."

Rong Tang frowned, a little angry: "Trust me a little more."

Su Huaijing: "So Tangtang won't abandon me?"

Rong Tang was puzzled: "Why would I not want you? There is no one better than you in this world."

He spoke naturally and casually, just as he thought and said it, as if he had no idea what kind of storm his words would stir up in other people's hearts.

Su Huaijing was stunned for a long time, then he lowered his head and smiled, then raised his eyes with a smile in them. He said softly, "I really like Tangtang the most."

I will be kind to him without reservation and praise him without reservation.

Is there anyone in this world who is more worthy of his love than Tangtang

Rong Tang was not shy at all when he said sweet words, but he became shy out of habit when he heard Su Huaijing express his love. He turned his head and whispered, "Go back to sleep. Master Mu will celebrate your birthday tonight."

"Okay." Su Huaijing smiled softly and obediently.

One more thing to add is that it was because of Tangtang that his brother returned to him.

There is really no one better than Rong Tang in this world.

How can gods and Buddhas be trapped in the human world

How about building a temple for Tangtang

Su Huaijing thought about it seriously.

(End of this chapter)