This Lord is Everywhere

Chapter 58: The cat's counterattack


Although Mu Yanming didn't want to drink the glass of red wine with spices directly, and he didn't want to choose one of the few people present to do that, but the second generation ancestors headed by Sun Da didn't show any special behavior. Urgent expression. It seems that in their eyes, Mu Yanming is already like a cooked duck in their hands, even if he puts on wings, he can't fly out.

So for Mu Yanming's request, Sun Da still asked Xu Bowen to go out of the small courtyard to find a clean person. But after Xu Bowen left, Xu Bowen and those second generation ancestors ignored Mu Yanming completely, and stretched out their hands to the few servers beside them.

Even so, Mu Yanming has no way to leave here. After all, none of the dozen or so bodyguards was a vegetarian, and although his bodyguards were no longer beaten by the group, they were still closely watched by seven people in the corner of the yard.

At this time, everyone seemed to have forgotten that when they first entered the courtyard, the big cat with leopard skin markings and two tufts of dull hair on its ears was held in Mu Yanming's arms.

"Hehe beauty, hurry up and take care of me, you are so comfortable, I will pay you to make a TV series for you, so that you will become a household name!"

"Oh, Young Master Sun! You have to keep your word! Because of your words, Feifei has to use his housekeeping skills~"

Mu Yanming almost vomited for a while listening to this conversation, and then thought very painfully that he seemed to have said such nonsense a long time ago.

And the cat fairy on the tree almost shook out the small pill in his hand when he heard this. Tsk, the Second Generation Ancestor is really a group of you guys who only use money to show their existence. These guys are even worse than the so-called rich second generation and official second generation. At least among the official second generation and rich second generation, there is still a small and half chance of being a good seed for success or for the development of the family!

Shaking his head, Lin Daxian quickly mixed different medicinal powders together with his paws. Compared with the small pills, which take at least half an hour to take effect, the medicinal powders he is mixing now are just a dozen or so after sprinkling. The effect can be seen in seconds.

A minute later, Lin You Mao Daxian looked at the purple-red powder that had been prepared in front of him, and his expression was slightly tangled. He was a little unsure whether to use this point to deal with the second-generation ancestors in the yard. After all, this thing is a relatively powerful medicine in his shop. Even if it is used against ordinary demons and low-level demons, it is enough for them to drink a pot. If it is used against ordinary people, I am afraid that the consequences will be slightly disastrous.

In line with the principle that Taoists should not attack ordinary people at will, Young Master Lin You thought carefully for a minute, and finally decided that he did not attack at will, but on purpose. So, what are principles? Can I eat it

—Actually, the main reason why Young Master Lin You made up his mind to use this purple medicinal powder to deal with the second generation ancestor in the yard was that Sun Da, who looked reluctant to a young boy in the yard, A word spoken.

"It's your good fortune to let you serve me. No matter how many people want to please me, I can't please you! Don't give me shameless compliments! You know, since I can let you come here, it's to eat It's decided for you, whether you go to the police station or those righteous people, none of them can't touch this young master! Hurry up and obediently come over to serve, otherwise, if you just kill you and fill the sea, there will be no one Can control me!!"

Young master Lin You felt that although he was naturally cold and had no sympathy, he had heard Mu Yi and Mu Er discuss how to fill the sea with the person who killed his parrot body. But compared to that time when he felt slightly relieved and moved, after hearing Sun Da's second ancestor's words with almost the same meaning at this time, he only felt nausea and a strong desire to directly castrate this scourge.

"Meow~" With a soft cry, Lin You Mao Daxian scattered the yellow talisman papers stained with purple medicine powder one by one with his paws.

It's amazing, these yellow talisman papers seem to have eyes. After falling from the big tree, they didn't fall directly to the ground. Instead, they swayed like leaves, rushing towards those who were doing business. The second ancestor and a dozen bodyguards left.

Cough cough, since you guys like doing this kind of thing so much, let's let you enjoy yourself this time! This is a high-level booster that is highly respected even by people in the devil world. Of course, the side effect is that the whole body will be limp and weak for a month later, but no one can deny that this is really a good thing that can resolve disputes peacefully, isn't it

Well, and because there are two types of spells, positive and negative, so there will be no accidental injury! The price is also very cheap, only 998! Take home 998 low-grade spirit stones! ! This is definitely not an advertisement. After all, this thing is the most likely to be out of stock in his store. It's just that store manager Lin always doesn't understand why most of the people who come to buy this medicine powder and talisman paper are men.

Seeing that the yellow talisman was about to float to the target in the yard, Lin Daxian's scaled box suddenly sounded loudly, which could startle all the bodyguards and second-generation ancestors in the yard, "The Legend of the New White Snake" Ringtones…

King Lin Meow slid his paw when he heard the sound, and almost fell off the big tree. Then his amber cat eyes stared at the crazy, vibrating and ringing customized pet mobile phone, and his heart flashed. There have been countless roars of 'a blind owner is such a pit pet'.

"Who? Who's on the tree?!" At this moment, the dozen or so bodyguards who had been surrounding Mu Wusan and monitoring the entire yard all turned their gazes to the huge plane tree in the center. They absolutely heard it right. The sound just now was the ringtone of a mobile phone. Obviously, the yard has been completely monitored by them. How could there be a ringtone of a mobile phone? ! Where did this slip through the net? !

During these few seconds, more than a dozen people ran towards the sycamore tree at their fastest speed.

It is precisely because of this action that the four or five people who reacted the fastest finally escaped the chance of being pasted by the yellow talisman paper, which is of course a good thing for them, but for Lin Damiao, This is a really bad situation. From the dark place to the bright place, from being able to sneak attack and hit Sap to being able to only fight head-on, this is simply too difficult for the cat!

With one paw, he closed the scales and hung them on his chest. At the same time, he also hung the phone around his neck. Master Lin You just turned on the communication button. Before Mu Yanxiao could express his concern and worries, Lin You, the angry big cat, began to growl at its blind master:

"Nimma! Can't you even check the time on the phone?! Why don't we have a tacit understanding at all?! We've been sharing the same bed for so long! How can you hold me back at such a critical time? I could have fought a beautiful ambush, but because of your phone call, the innocence of your bad brother may be lost, and my life may be lost!!"

While Lin You, the big cat, was avoiding the bullets shot by those bodyguards and complaining to its blind master, Xu Bowen led a new little girl into the yard. It's just that the scene in the yard at this time made Xu Bowen unable to react for a while, and when he did, his body was already shaking in shock, and he almost ran away.

At this time, on the other side of the phone, First Young Master Mu, who had been silent for a few seconds because of Lin You's roar, finally spoke in an extremely low and gloomy voice: "Mu San has figured out that you are in love with money? Did Yan Ming take you there?" ? If so, even if he can't keep his innocence, you can't lose your life."

"Lin Lin, be sure to hold on for ten minutes, we'll be there soon."

Although Mu Yanxiao's voice did not carry much worry and concern, after hearing his words, Lin You breathed a sigh of relief, and even the irritable and entangled emotions just now eased down. All I can think of is 'As long as the young master lasts for another ten minutes, my blind master will come over and clean up these scumbags to death! 'Just thinking about it makes me feel full of motivation, ten minutes is nothing! Master can last another ten hours! Of course, with the help of medicine powder and talisman paper ~ but this is also my skill, isn't it

At this time, Lin You's pressure was much better than before. After all, apart from the five bodyguards who escaped from the chasing of the talisman paper powder, there were about eleven bodyguards and the six second-generation ancestors, including Xu Bowen. They all won the bid. At this time, whether it was the small red pill that was slapped on Xu Bowen's calf before, or the high-grade booster that Lin You newly prepared, they had already exerted their effects. In an instant, the form in the yard changed drastically—

The conscientious bodyguards suddenly turned dark red, and a certain place wrapped in tight pants swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Originally, they were able to restrain themselves with all their strength, but when that person except Xu Bowen After the five second-generation ancestors suddenly crazily caressed themselves, even stripped themselves naked, and couldn't stop "scratching their heads and posing", the eleven bodyguards couldn't control themselves at all. His eyes rushed to their benefactor.

Afterwards, Mu Yanming, the remaining five sober bodyguards, and five or six servers who did not have traditional Chinese medicine powder, watched in astonishment as the eleven bodyguards and Sun Da five frantically doing something inappropriate for children. What happened, the intensity and infiltrating yelling and excited voices made people want to run away.

"I'll go... I really don't want to think about it. This miserable situation is probably caused by some monster." Mu Yanming looked at Sun Da who was crushed to the ground by the strong man and muttered to himself. "Should I be thankful that he didn't torment me so tragically and inhumanly?"

At this time, Young Master Lin You, who ran to the plane tree again, was slightly satisfied with the situation in front of him, but he couldn't bear to see the scene was too miserable, but it also showed that Master Miao must not be messed with. You know, he, a person who has no spiritual power but no spiritual skills at all, can be free in the world of cultivating immortals, and will not be looked down upon by monsters, monsters, ghosts, and ghosts. Live to be killed

At this time, Mu Yanming heard Xu Bowen's miserable cry again, he quickly turned his head to look over, and saw Xu Bowen clutching his clothes and skin in horror, shouting incessantly: "Go away!! Get away! Stay away from me!! You bloody poisonous snakes and ghosts!! I hate snakes the most!! Get the hell out of here!! You, you, and you!! You are not my fault Damn!! It's you who are disobedient and want to enter our Xu family with the child in your stomach!! But you don't think about it, you bitches with no status at all, how can you be worthy of my Xu family The status of a daughter-in-law?! I want to use the position of the Xu family’s daughter-in-law to have a huge marriage! So you are all going to die!! You are all going to die!!”

Mu Yanming twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely, then with a flash in his eyes, he slowly took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera function.

Well, don't take advantage of the bastard, this is the golden truth his elder brother told him. He thinks it is very appropriate to use it now. Moreover, there is nothing more satisfying than making these people embarrassing and handing over the blame to him in the way these people want to calculate themselves.

Just when Mu Yanming reached out his hand and took out his mobile phone to start taking pictures, the five bodyguards beside him who had not won the bid finally came to their senses. Take a picture, or they will never have to mix in the future.

But at this time, there was no situation where the group of bodyguards won by numbers. Mu Wu, Mu Jiu and Mu Shisan moved their wrists and necks in the corner, with a fierce look of revenge on their faces, and rushed at the five bodyguards viciously. a bodyguard. It's nothing to say that they can't beat three against sixteen, but do you think they can't beat three against five? If I don't beat you to death, you guys are not trained by the inhumane Mu Yi devil of the Mu family! !

Therefore, at this time, the situation in the courtyard of Luxurious and Gold-lovers has undergone a great reversal. Mu Yanming and the others seemed to have changed from being at a disadvantage at the beginning to being in control of the situation. From now on, they just had to wait for Mu Yanxiao's arrival.

But for some reason, King Lin Youmiao, who was squatting on the tree, always felt a little terrified. It seemed that he had ignored a very important existence that could bring them great danger in this seemingly certain situation.

… what is it

Lin You unconsciously pawed at the tree trunk with his paws, thinking irritably, he must figure it out quickly.