This Lord is Too Cruel

Chapter 125: 096 How did she treat you (two more) (1)


"Master... The subordinates rushed in and didn't see Concubine Mu..." Po said in a low voice.

"What about now?" Feng Aotian stepped forward, looked at the charred corpse in front of him, and asked sharply.

"I have already sent someone to look for it." Po said immediately.

Feng Aotian stepped forward step by step, searched carefully, and then took out the treasure in his arms, seeing that there was no bright light, he would be fine.

Time passed slowly, Feng Aotian searched for a whole day, but couldn't find any clues. She stood there, looking at the burnt house in front of her, and the corpse whose face was indistinguishable. The palm condensed the inner strength, and then waved it out. In an instant, thousands of layers of wind and waves were rolled around, and she then turned around and walked towards Wushan.

"Seal Wushan to the Lord, and not a single fly will be released." Feng Aotian shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes." Po led the order.

Feng Aotian was walking on Wushan Mountain, and followed the trail slowly forward until she came to a cave, she saw the footprints, and then walked in, and saw Mu Hanjin lying in the cave.

A flash of joy flashed in her eyes, and she hurriedly stepped forward and took him into her arms. At this moment, it was nice to be able to see him alive.

Mu Hanjin coughed a few times, opened his eyes faintly, looked at Feng Aotian, and whispered, "Your Majesty..."

Feng Aotian looked at him, stretched out his hand, stroked back the blue silk that was scattered on his forehead, lowered his head, kissed his lips, biting hard, until he was relieved, then let go, looked at him, "Damn it. Yes, you can't let the Lord relax."

Mu Hanjin's eyes flashed a soft light, and then leaned into her arms, "Your Majesty, I thought I would never see you again."

"Master too." Feng Aotian hugged him, "What happened last night?"

When Mu Hanjin remembered that scene, he also had lingering fears. He thought he was going to die, but... He lowered his head and looked at Feng Aotian, "Last night, when I went to Wushan, I saw the members of the Wu clan, but they are really thinking about it now. I was caught in the evil, drinking human blood, and when I was swallowed by the fire, I thought of a secret passage in the county office, and the minister escaped from the secret passage, but I didn’t expect it to be this cave.”

"Well." Feng Aotian looked at him, "It seems that this county government is always haunted by ghosts, it should be a ghost, but now, the entire county government has been burned down, and all the people in the villages below Wushan have been burned to death. Even if we investigate, there are no clues."

"If they are from the Wu clan, they must still be in Wushan." Mu Hanjin looked at Feng Aotian, "Why did they suddenly disappear two years ago, and now they come out to suck human blood?"

Feng Aotian thought that this Wushan Mountain was their place of recuperation, and they would definitely not abandon it. However, they were unfamiliar with the entire Wushan Mountain, and even if they dug three feet into the ground, it was impossible to find them.

Mu Hanjin looked at Feng Aotian, "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will definitely find them."

"You have a way." Feng Aotian looked at Mu Hanjin, and the two stood up. He held her hand and walked out of the cave. At this moment, it seemed that he was reborn.

Mu Hanjin went on to say, "The Wu people believe in blood sacrifices, and now, the entire village has been burned down by them, which means that the Wu people must have been devastated, and they did this to pay homage to the dead souls of the Wu people, if that's the case. , they will continue to commit murder."

"How many people does he want to pay homage to?" Feng Aotian asked immediately.

"The so-called "Nine Nine Return to One", they must be paying homage to 99,999 people. Today, the entire village is only 30,000 people, and the entire Wuxian County has 100,000 people. Today, the entire blood sacrifice still needs 69,000. Nine hundred and ninety-nine people." Mu Hanjin said immediately.

"If that's the case, what do you do now is to stand by and wait for the rabbit?" Feng Aotian looked at Mu Hanjin, "However, what kind of disaster did the Wu clan receive, and would they sacrifice so many people's lives for blood sacrifice?"

"One is the death of the witch of the witch clan, and the other is the tragic extermination of the witch clan." Mu Hanjin said immediately.

"It seems to be the first type now." Feng Aotian thought about it, "Let's go back to Wuxian first."

"Yeah." Mu Hanjin nodded, and the two went down the mountain and headed for Wuxian County.

Gu Yefeng stayed in the library for a whole day, neither eating nor drinking, until Yi Mu came to urge him, and he reluctantly left.

After Lan Jingshu reviewed the memorial in the Emperor's Bedroom Palace, he walked out of the Emperor's Bedroom Palace and saw Gu Yefeng who was returning.

"Brother Ye Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time." Lan Jingshu stepped forward, looked at Gu Yefeng, and asked warmly.

"Well, you just finished your work?" Gu Yefeng looked at him, regaining a bit of his popularity, and then asked.

Seeing his gloomy appearance, Lan Jingshu couldn't help but wonder, "What's wrong with you?"

"Hey, it's just that some things haven't been answered." Gu Yefeng continued.

Yi Mu looked at his appearance and said with a low smile, "This morning, he was like a bookstore, and he didn't eat or drink all day. If I hadn't pulled him out, I wouldn't be willing to leave now."

Lan Jingshu understood now, and smiled, "Go to my place for dinner. After you're done, go to the Library Pavilion. I'll be here today."

"Is it okay?" Gu Yefeng was depressed just now, but now, hearing Lan Jingshu's words, his eyes flashed with joy.

"Well." Lan Jingshu nodded, raised his eyes, and looked at Yi Mu, "One place, you and I haven't been together for a long time."

"Alright." Yi Mu nodded, and then the three of them went to Jinxuan Palace.

Gu Yefeng finished his dinner, chatted with Lan Jingshu and Yi Mu for a few minutes, and rushed to the Library Pavilion impatiently.

Lan Jingshu looked at the figure he was leaving, "Now, his temper is still the same, it hasn't changed."

"Counting the days, there are still five days left for the scientific examination." Yi Mu continued, "May Han Jin come back in time?"

"I don't know." Lan Jingshu shook his head and said, "The emperor went there in person, presumably this matter is very serious."

"Well." Yi Mu looked at him, "It seems that you didn't rest well last night."

"How can I rest?" Lan Jingshu was worried not only about Mu Hanjin, but he found that he was even more worried about Feng Aotian.

Yi Mu looked at his expression, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and then got up, "It's getting late, I should go back."

Lan Jingshu got up, sent him out of the palace, and then returned to the palace, but also stood in front of the window, looking into the distance.

Leng Qianye walked out of the tent, but saw a handsome-looking soldier standing alone, with the same expression every day, the same expression, not interacting with other soldiers.

Mu Hanyao stood beside him, "Who are you looking at?"

"Who is he?" Leng Qianye asked, pointing to the person in the distance.

"Tsing Yi." Mu Hanyao turned his eyes and looked at him, "He used to belong to the emperor. When the emperor was at the border, he tried to be detrimental to the emperor. However, the emperor asked him to exercise in the military camp and said that after three years, give him a The opportunity, let him kill the emperor himself."

Leng Qianye was stunned, thinking that Feng Aotian would still act so openly? Then he looked at Mu Hanyao, "Although his body is weak, his endurance is extremely strong these days."

"Well." Mu Hanyao looked at Tsing Yi in front of him, "He is a good seedling who leads troops to fight."

"Leave him to me." Leng Qianye was interested in him.

"You want to train him?" Mu Hanyao asked, looking at Leng Qianye.

"Well." Leng Qianye nodded, "The emperor may have seen the stubbornness in his bones and the endurance that is different from ordinary people, so he will give him such a chance, right?"

"Yeah." Mu Hanyao nodded, if it was in the past, he would definitely not care about this matter, but now, he looked at Leng Qianye, and suddenly, he didn't want Tsing Yi to learn anything, so as not to hurt her.

Leng Qianye looked at Mu Hanyao, "Do you have anything else to say to me?"

"Last time the emperor mentioned that there are detailed works in the military camp." Mu Hanyao whispered, "However, these days, I have not found anything. After all, the brothers here have been born and died with us for so many years."

Leng Qianye's eyes dimmed, "Xiaozuo must be caught, otherwise, it will not be you and me, but the soldiers of the entire border, and even the people of Fengguo."

"Yeah." Mu Hanyao still had some lingering fears when he thought of the Southwest Rebellion. After all, it was a matter of life and death.

"What should he know?" Leng Qianye looked at Tsing Yi and continued.

"You want to know who is the person who should cooperate with him internally and externally?" Mu Hanyao asked immediately.

"Well." Leng Qianye nodded and looked at Mu Hanyao, "He can't be here alone."

"That woman almost killed herself by biting her tongue today." Mu Hanyao said slowly.

"Yeah." Leng Qianye just responded lightly, "Okay, I just developed a formation method today, do you want to try it?"

"Okay." Mu Hanyao nodded and looked at him, "I read half of the military book you gave me last time, and I didn't quite understand it."

"I'll tell you." Leng Qianye looked at him and suddenly remembered how Feng Aotian told him back then. For some reason, now, there is always a trace of melancholy in his heart.

Mu Hanyao looked at his expression, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, suddenly remembered what Feng Aotian said, and quickly restrained his smile.

Looking at him like this, Leng Qianye couldn't help but ask, "Why did you laugh and put it away in a hurry."

"Nothing." Mu Hanyao shook his head.

In Le Qiguo, Xing Wuyun wandered boringly on the bustling streets of the capital. Now, it was getting late, and there were few pedestrians. A gust of breeze blew through, and the scene of walking on the street with her last time appeared in his mind.

He slowly walked forward, raised his eyes, but saw the brothel in front of him, with the Lotus Pavilion written on it, he sighed faintly, this Furong Pavilion is not another Furong Pavilion, but he still raised his footsteps slightly and walked in. .

"Young Master, please come inside!" The old bustard in front of him greeted Xing Wuyun with a smile. He looked at the layout inside, and he was the same, thinking, Feng Aotian's ability is really not small, so fast, Le Qiguo opened a family Furong Pavilion, and the business is very good, now, compared to other brothels, it can be said that it is full of guests and bustling, and it will not be long before it will become the first brothel in the capital.

He went up to the third floor, remembering that there must be a rooftop on the fourth floor, and then he wanted to go up, but saw the old bustard blocking him, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the person in front of him, "The Furong Pavilion before Feng Kingdom belonged to this son."

The old bustard was stunned, and when he looked at Xing Wuyun again, he quickly took out the portrait in his sleeve, glanced at it, and hurriedly smiled, "It turned out to be Young Master Xing, the master has a life, if you come, go directly to the fourth Lou, but if you want to call a girl or drink, I'll ask you to go out."

Xing Wuyun's mouth twitched, thinking about how much she still cares, he is far away from her, and she can still manage him, and I don't know why. When I reached the fourth floor, I saw that the decorations on it were exactly the same as Feng Guo.

He was still lying on the rocking chair, and when he looked up, he saw Wei Zimo sitting in the restaurant opposite. Pavilion, and also face Wei Zimo.

He glanced at Wei Zimo, and then lay back in the rocking chair. What came to his mind was the image of her hugging him from the back that night, and the image of her teasing him so clearly was so clear.

He immediately got up from the reclining chair irritably, he hid here, not to forget these disturbing emotions, how come, still can't get rid of it.

The old bustard had come over with tea at this time, and then made a cup on the table in front of Xing Wuyun, "Master Xing, this is the tea that the master specially prepared for you, and brought it from Feng Country."

Xing Wuyun just wanted to leave angrily. Now, seeing the tea in front of him, he picked it up and took a sip. It turned out to be sweet. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the old lady, "Is this what she used?"

"This... The master passed down a message, saying, this cup is specially reserved for you, and other people can't use it." The old man said, took out another box, and handed it to Xing Wuyun, "This cup is for the master to let the slaves give it to me. Your."

Xing Wuyun took the box, opened it, and saw the cup inside, picked it up, and saw the mark on it, his eyes flashed with joy, and then sat down again, sipping tea carefully.

Wei Zimo looked at Xing Wuyun's unpromising appearance. For the first time, he wanted to go up and beat him a few times. Thinking of what Feng Aotian did to him, he felt that this was a great shame in his life.

After Xing Wuyun drank the tea contentedly, he left Furong Pavilion happily with the cup. When the old lady was leaving, he did not forget to say, "Young Master Xing is welcome to come often."

Xing Wuyun then walked to the opposite restaurant, looking at Wei Zimo, in a very good mood, "You only arrived today?"

"Yeah." Thinking of this place, Wei Zimo felt depressed, because he changed a lot of carriages along the way. When he arrived at Le Qiguo, he saw that there was a Furong Pavilion on the opposite side, which was exactly the same as that in Fengguo. Isn't it obvious to go against him

Xing Wuyun could feel Wei Zimo's anger and said with a smile, "Are you angry?"

"Well." Wei Zimo replied indifferently, "Now, she has become an emperor from the regent, but she is just a small emperor in a small place. If she dares to play tricks in front of me, I will take back that place sooner or later."

"Don't you care?" Xing Wuyun raised his eyebrows and played with the box in the middle and said.

"I didn't care, but she dared to be rude to me..." Thinking of the scene of that day, Wei Zimo felt very angry. He was always calm and self-controlled, but this was the first time he was teased.

Xing Wuyun couldn't help but be curious, "What did she do to you? Did she touch you? Or..."

"Or what?" Wei Zimo's glamorous eyes flashed coldly.

"I'll still eat you." Xing Wuyun said, and smiled.

Wei Zimo Yun waved his sleeves, and a cold wind passed through the bead curtain and hit Xing Wuyun.

Xing Wuyun hurriedly dodged, and then protected the box on his chest, "I won't play with you, the new emperor ascends the throne, it's really boring, I won't enter the palace, you can go by yourself."

"Go away." Wei Zimo shouted in a deep voice.

Xing Wuyun pouted, then turned around and left the restaurant.

Wei Zimo looked at the figure that Xing Wuyun had left, took a deep breath, and then got up, he should think about how to take back the industry she calculated.

On this day, Feng Aotian and Mu Hanjin waited patiently in Wuxian County, but there was no movement, and even Wushan was unusually quiet.

The next day, the early morning was cancelled, Lan Jingshu was used to waking up early, and went straight to the emperor's bedroom, where he saw Feng Yinqi lying on the dragon's couch, remembering that the emperor would cleanse him every day, therefore, Lan Jingshu He ordered Eunuch Feng to prepare the bath soup, and he followed Feng Aotian's actions last time. After cleaning Feng Yinqi, he took the porcelain bottle that Eunuch Feng handed him and fed a pill into Feng Yinqi's mouth. .

Gu Yefeng didn't sleep all night, and he had finished reading one third of the books in the entire library. Yi Mu stepped into the library and looked at him, "You don't know how to eat?"

"You send someone to bring it in." Gu Yefeng said to himself.

"This is the palace, not your study." Yi Mu stepped forward and pushed Gu Yefeng away.

"What about the palace?" Gu Yefeng was looking at it with energy now, he raised his eyes quickly, looked at Yi Mu, and said in a deep voice, "Even if the emperor kills me, I will read it here."

Yi Mu knew his temperament and no longer discouraged him. He simply followed him and sent someone to bring in the meal. He stayed in the library for another day.

In a twinkling of an eye, the sky was already dark, Feng Aotian and Mu Hanjin looked at the sky tonight, but still had no movement, they couldn't help feeling strange.

Mu Hanjin stood in the starry sky, closed his eyes quietly, pinched his fingertips for something, then raised his eyes to look at Feng Aotian, "Your Majesty, you've got a plan."

"Could it be that the Wu clan is not here?" Feng Aotian couldn't help asking.

"Well." Mu Hanjin looked at Feng Aotian, "I calculated that the astrology of the Wu clan is moving towards the capital."

Feng Aotian's eyes flashed coldly, "It seems that someone led the Lord here, in fact, his purpose is the capital."

"Yes." Mu Hanjin nodded, raised his hands quickly, then clasped them together, his lips moved slightly, and then his heart choked.

Feng Aotian stepped forward, "You are summoning the people of the 'Wind' clan."

"Yeah." Mu Hanjin nodded, "I've passed it on."

"Master, this is news from the Wu clan." Po then handed a cowhide to Feng Aotian.

Feng Aotian took it, looking at the writing on it, his eyes flashed gloomily, "The capital is just one of their goals, and their goal is border crossing."

"What?" Mu Hanjin thought about this and looked at Feng Aotian, "If this is the case, the Wu clan is now caught in a sorcery, and the border gate is afraid that it will suffer."

"Yeah." Feng Aotian nodded, then looked at Mu Hanjin, "You rush to the capital now, and Ye rushes to the border now."

"Your Majesty, it's better for this minister to go to the border gate." Mu Hanjin couldn't help but worry.

"Be obedient." Feng Aotian looked at him, "Bianguan has your eldest brother, and Leng Qianye, there will be no accident, now, there is only Jingshu in the capital, you have already passed the news to the 'Feng' clan, they should rush now The capital, in this case, you can go and take down the Wu clan."

"The minister obeys." Mu Hanjin nodded, and then handed a wooden sword to Feng Aotian, "Your Majesty, if the people of the Wu clan fall into evil, they will definitely suck their blood. This is a wooden sword made of peach wood. At that time, stab them on them, and they will be immobilized."

"Okay." Feng Aotian nodded, then looked at him, "You remember to protect yourself, you know?"

"I'll wait for the emperor to come back." Mu Hanjin stretched out his hand and took her into his arms. He suddenly felt that these days, with her, he was always on and off.

Feng Aotian then turned around and rode "Aoxue" to the border. Mu Hanjin watched Feng Aotian leave, and then rode "Tao Xue" to the capital.

In the capital, Gu Yefeng was tireless, still watching, Yi Mu looked at him like this, afraid that if he didn't read the books in the library, he would definitely not come out, so he just let him.

Lan Jingshu came out of the emperor's bedroom, looked at the sky, and immediately returned to his bedroom, and happened to meet Yi Mu who came back from the library.

At this moment, a layer of black mist suddenly appeared over the palace, and then someone shouted, "There are assassins!"

Lan Jingshu's eyes flashed coldly, then looked at Yi Mu, "Go and bring Gu Yefeng out."

"Okay." Yi Mu nodded, then rushed forward, only to see that the entire library was on fire, he was startled, rushed in quickly, and saw Gu Yefeng holding the scroll, "My book... my book Book… "

Yi Mu looked at him, "I still care about what the book does now, and the fire is on fire."

"No, my book." Gu Yefeng still held the book in his arms, turned his head, looked at Yi Mu, and laughed, "Haha, let's go, let's go."

Looking at his current appearance, Yi Mu knew that he regarded books as his life, so he shook his head and said, then tried his best, pushed his wheelchair, and left the library. As soon as he stepped out, he saw that the library was raging on fire. engulf.

Gu Yefeng looked at the fire in front of him, and laughed wildly, "Haha...haha...It's burning well...It's burning well!"

Yi Mu pushed him forward, but saw two white figures falling down, with disheveled hair and hideous faces. More importantly, their eyes were scarlet, their teeth were open, and they bit when they saw someone.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Gu Yefeng quickly stopped smiling, raised his eyes, and looked at Yi Mu, "I seem to have seen this kind of picture before."

"Where did you meet?" Yi Mu asked immediately.

Gu Yefeng lowered his head, looked at the scroll in his arms, then flipped through it and looked at Yi Mu, "They are from the Wu clan."

"Wizard?" Yi Mu looked at Gu Yefeng, "Is that the witch who makes good use of witchcraft?"

"Yeah." Gu Yefeng nodded and looked at them, "The way they look now, they should be evil. It is written in the book that if they are evil, they will definitely suck blood, and the way to subdue them is..."

"What is it?" Yi Mu asked in a low voice as he watched them slowly walk towards them.

Gu Yefeng saw that a corner of the scroll in front of him was burned, raised his eyes, looked at Yi Mu, "burned."

"Think about it again." Yi Mu looked at him and said softly, his already thin body, because of the running just now, and the fact that he pushed Gu Yefeng out just now, his face is getting paler now. He was holding his breath.

"Wait... I'll think about it..." Gu Yefeng closed his eyes and muttered at the corners of his mouth, then suddenly opened his eyes, "Peach wood... yes... Taomu..."

"Peach wood..." Yi Mu's eyes lit up, and he quickly took off the peach wood hairpin that was in his bun. It's really a way out of the sky. He always likes to wear this peach wood hairpin.

"You will stab them with this hairpin later, and they won't be able to move." Gu Yefeng continued, seeing two white shadows walking towards them.

Yi Mu held the hairpin and took a deep breath, blaming him for being so weak that he couldn't practice martial arts. If he could have a trick and a half, he wouldn't be powerless by now.

Gu Yefeng felt that he was the most useless. He lowered his head and looked at his broken body. He clenched his hands into fists and slammed them into his legs.

The white shadow slowly approached, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and bit Yi Mu and Gu Yefeng. Yi Mu quickly stabbed the peach wood hairpin in his hands with both hands, and saw the white shadow in front of him was fixed in the distance, unable to move. , He lowered his head, and saw that another white shadow had grabbed Gu Yefeng and bit his neck. He quickly raised his hand and stabbed it again, and the white shadow didn't move again.

There were surprises in the eyes of the two of them, Yi Mu quickly pushed Gu Yefeng forward, Lan Jingshu had already arrived at the emperor's bedroom, and when he saw the picture in front of him, his body trembled.

He hurried forward and helped Eunuch Feng on the ground, "Eunuch Feng..."

Eunuch Feng opened his eyes and looked at Lan Jingshu with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "Concubine Lan, old slave... I beg you for one thing..."

"Eunuch Feng..." Lan Jingshu thought that if the emperor knew that he didn't take good care of Eunuch Feng...

"Take care of the old slave... take care of... the emperor... the emperor has had too many... too many difficulties in this life... in fact... she is really... lonely." Eunuch Feng grabbed Lan Jingshu's sleeve, and after he finished speaking, he closed it. eyes.

"Eunuch Feng!" Lan Jingshu shook Eunuch Feng's body in disbelief. He raised his fingers tremblingly, approached, and lost his breath. When he looked up, he saw three white shadows surrounding him. He got up quickly, stepped back slowly, then pulled up the sword beside him, turned his eyes, and saw Feng Yinqi lying on the dragon couch, and the person beside him.

Countless shadows fell, desperately blocking it, but to no avail, "Concubine Lan, you take King An and go first."

The voice of the soul sounded, and then a black shadow flew out from the dragon couch, and then flew away from the emperor's bedroom with Lan Jingshu, and placed Feng Yinqi in his arms in Lan Jingshu's arms.

Lan Jingshu looked at the black shadow standing in front of him, he lowered his head, looked at Feng Yinqi in his arms, his eyes flashed with sadness, then he hugged him and turned and walked forward.

"Protect Lan Shifei." The voice of the soul sounded, and countless black figures protected Lan Jingshu in the middle.

At this time, they saw corpses everywhere in the entire bedroom, and countless white shadows slowly approached them.

Lan Jingshu remembered what Eunuch Feng said before his death, and hugged Feng Yinqi tightly. At this moment, what he thought was that he must not die, if he died, he would never see her again.

Yi Mu and Gu Yefeng ran out while hiding, and saw that Lan Jingshu had been surrounded, Yi Mu shouted loudly, "Peach... Peach is their nemesis."

As soon as the soul heard it, he quickly ordered his subordinates, "Go to the imperial garden, there are peach trees in the imperial garden."

"Yes." The dark guard took the order, and then moved slowly towards the Imperial Garden.

"Be careful!" Gu Yefeng turned his eyes and saw a white shadow rushing towards Yi Mu. He quickly pulled out the peach wood from Yi Mu's hand and stabbed the white shadow's thigh.

Yi Mu turned his eyes and saw the ferocious face close at hand. He quickly took a step back and looked at Gu Yefeng. The two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Time passed slowly, and the entire palace was filled with blood in this night. Lan Jingshu held Feng Yinqi and walked slowly forward under the protection of the soul. However, seeing more and more white shadows, they simply moved. No.

At the border, Leng Qianye was discussing the newly developed formation with Mu Hanyao, but suddenly heard a scream, and then saw a naked soldier running out of Xing Zhiyan's tent. Shang was bitten and was bleeding. After screaming, he fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, I heard screams coming from the tent again, and then I saw a woman with disheveled hair, with a hideous face and scarlet eyes, walking out all over.

Leng Qianye and Mu Hanyao hurriedly rushed out and saw that Xing Zhiyan in front of her had turned into this look. The two looked at each other, wondering what happened to her

"Ghost!" The soldier hurriedly took the knife and slashed at her, but there was no response when he stabbed.

Seeing this, Leng Qianye's eyes flashed coldly, "She has fallen into sorcery."

"How is this possible?" Mu Hanyao was startled, and saw her open her hands, grab the soldier in front of her, and bite down.

"Ah... ghost!" Suddenly, there was a loud shout in the distance, and then I saw countless white shadows fall into the military camp, biting people everywhere.

Leng Qianye and Mu Hanyao looked at the situation in front of them, their eyes flashed with shock, and the entire military camp was in chaos at this moment.

After a while, he saw nearly a hundred soldiers fall to the ground, Leng Qianye looked at Mu Hanyao, "They must be invulnerable because of sorcery. Now, even if we use the formation, we can't be trapped. what."

"General, it's not good." At this time, a soldier rushed over quickly, "The perch team has already arrived at the city."

"What?" Mu Hanyao turned his eyes and looked at Leng Qianye, "It seems that this matter was planned."

"Well, you are standing here, and I will lead the troops to the tower." Leng Qianye looked at Mu Hanyao and continued.

"But, now, how do you get out?" Mu Hanyao saw that all the exits were surrounded by white shadows, and he couldn't get out at all.

"Ah!" There was a scream, and the entire barracks, now, could not be rectified at all.

Ji Bai and Li Su hurried over, "General, Fu Han's men have already begun to attack the city."

Leng Qianye no longer hesitated, "Even if you die, you have to rush out." After speaking, he drew his sword and looked at Jibai, "Take someone with me to the tower."

"Yes." Ji Bai replied, and hurried to rectify the troops.

"Okay." Mu Hanyao nodded, then looked at Li Su, "Fight a bloody path for them."

"Yes." Li Su replied, then turned around, and quickly attacked Bai Ying with the soldiers.

Xing Zhiyan's eyes showed fierce light, and she had already moved forward slowly, running directly to Leng Qianye, then stepped forward and grabbed Leng Qianye's armor with both hands.

Leng Qianye turned her eyes to look at her, her eyes flashed with sternness, then she turned around, kicked her hands away, and flew out of the barracks, "Looking at the soldiers who rushed out, follow General Ben to the tower. "

"Yes." These soldiers, who had been trained by Leng Qianye these days, were already in danger. Although they knew that the situation was critical, they still responded in unison and rushed forward with Leng Qianye.

Mu Hanyao took out his knife and took the brunt of the brunt, blocking the front, and slashing at the white shadow in front of him. Jibai also led people, together with Mu Hanyao, and led the men and horses to block the exit of the white shadow and cut a way to survive. .

Mu Hanyao shouted loudly, "Let's go quickly."

"Yes." The soldiers took the order, and then rushed out, following Leng Qianye's figure to the tower.

Mu Hanyao was about to swing the knife when he felt a pain in his neck. He waved hard, turned around, and slashed at the white shadow with a knife, leaving a blood mark on his neck.

Feng Aotian is now riding "Treading Snow" towards the border gate. Seeing that it is approaching, her eyes are condensed with a frozen light.

"General!" Seeing that Mu Hanyao was bitten, Ji Bai quickly changed the channel loudly.

Mu Hanyao's stern face shot out a cold light like a sharp sword. He raised the saber in his hand and continued to block it, watching the soldiers rush out.

In the palace, Lan Jingshu looked at the situation in front of him, most of the dark guards under the soul had been killed and injured, and now, desperately protecting them, a coldness flashed in his heart.

Yi Mu and Gu Yefeng looked at the situation in front of them, "No, if this continues, the entire palace will become a dead city tomorrow."

After Yi Mu said that, he turned around and handed the peach wood hairpin in his hand to Gu Yefeng, "I'll go look for peach wood."

"Okay." Gu Yefeng nodded, holding the peach wood in his hand, watching the movements around him.

Yi Mu clutched his heart, ran out of breath, went to Sizhen's room, saw that it was full of jewelry, and finally found a peach comb in the innermost corner, then took out a basket, put it in, and rushed out .

Because he was stained with the breath of peach wood, those white shadows did not dare to approach him. When he saw this, he was overjoyed and quickly walked forward until he reached the place where the white shadows surrounded Lan Jingshu and put the basket inside. The mahogany threw it inward, "They are afraid of smelling the mahogany, so hurry up and continue."

"Yes." Hun looked at Yi Mu and responded quickly, and saw the peach comb falling from the sky, then took it with his hand, and inserted it into the white shadow in front of him.

Upstairs in the border gate, Leng Qianye looked at Fu Han sitting on the horse, and looked at him with certainty, his eyes flashed a stern look, and when he turned his eyes, he saw the soldiers behind him, some of them rushed over desperately, still on their bodies. Injured, he asked in a deep voice, "How many people rushed over?"

"Less than 20,000." Ji Bai whispered, "General Mu is injured."

Leng Qianye was stunned, his eyes shattered into a cold light, "There are still 20,000 horses on the tower, a total of 40,000, and they have now begun to attack the city."

"Yes, it looks like there are 200,000 horses." Ji Bai looked into the distance and estimated.

Leng Qianye sneered, "Hmph, so sinister."

"General, they are starting to attack the city." Ji Bai lowered his head and looked down at the city tower. The soldiers of Qi State had already started to ram the city gate, and climbed up to the city tower with a ladder.

"Send 20,000 horses to guard the city gate. Even if they step on their corpses, they cannot let them break through the city gate." Leng Qianye said solemnly.

"Yes." Ji Bai replied, and then went to pass the order.

Leng Qianye stood on the tower, looked at Fu Han under the tower, and then looked at the soldiers on the tower, "Smash them down with stones."

"Yes." The lieutenant general behind him ordered, and then began to order, and saw countless stones smashed down the tower.

Mu Hanjin rode "Treading the Snow", and now he has jumped into the capital and went straight to the palace. The "Wind" clan received Mu Hanjin's order and arrived, and then flew into the palace.

All of them were holding peach wood swords, and when they saw Bai Ying, they stabbed it. When Mu Hanjin arrived, half of the Bai Ying in the palace had been wiped out.

He flew and landed beside Lan Jingshu. Seeing that he was covered in blood, holding Feng Yinqi, he hurried forward, "Jingshu, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Lan Jingshu raised his eyes and looked at Mu Hanjin, his eyes flashed with joy, then looked at him, "Eunuch Feng... Eun Feng... he..."

"Eunuch Feng?" Mu Hanjin took him and Feng Yinqi to the Emperor's Bedroom Palace. Now, the Emperor's Bedroom Palace was guarded by the "Wind" clan. There was a gloomy flash of light, "If the emperor knew..."

"Who are these people?" Lan Jingshu put Feng Yinqi on the dragon couch, looked at Mu Hanjin, and asked in a deep voice.

"Wu people." Mu Hanjin continued, "We've got a plan. Some people used the Wu people to lead the emperor to Wushan, and then they divided the Wu people into two parts, one to attack the palace, and the other to attack the border."

"What?" Lan Jingshu was shocked and looked at Mu Hanjin, "The emperor..."

"Huang went to the border gate." Mu Hanjin looked at Lan Jingshu, "You stay here."

"Well, by the way, Gu Yefeng and Yi Mu." Lan Jingshu looked at Mu Hanjin and said.

"I know." Mu Hanjin looked at Lan Jingshu, then flew away from the Emperor's Bedroom, and saw Yi Mu's face pale and sweat dripping from his forehead. Then fell over.

Mu Hanjin hurriedly stepped forward, and when he fell to the ground, he lifted him up, checked his pulse, a gloom flashed in his eyes, and then turned around.