This Lord is Too Cruel

Chapter 3: 003 The general is imprisoned and the harem


The moon is still in the morning.

The extravagant and bloody smells that have been floating over the camp for days have now dissipated, and the sky is rarely calm, without a trace of blood.

If the Prince Regent is in the future, at this moment, the entire military camp is ready to go, and the morning training is in full swing. In the military camp where the country is stationed, the momentum is magnificent, the sound is harsh, and it is terrifying to hear it.

Now, everything here is silent and depressing.

Tsing Yi lowered his head and knelt in front of the tent. The cold wind pierced his bones all night. His long hair fell to his chest, covering his face. His thin figure was even weaker now. The fear in his heart.

Feng Aotian stayed up all night, thinking that she would fall into the danger of conspiracy and frame up at any time, she felt like a light on her back, she must be preemptive, and she must not sit still.

Qi Kingdom and Feng Kingdom are only small border countries. Compared with the big country on the mainland, they are nothing to be afraid of. However, these small countries have not formed a friendly state. Instead, they each have ambitions and plan how to annex their neighbors. In this way, the country has expanded its own territory. In this way, there have been continuous wars for hundreds of years. Although both countries have suffered damage, they have not achieved their wishes so far.

This time, Qi Guo once again provoked an incident between the two countries, and he also knew that Feng Guo was not what it used to be, the army was disillusioned, and the country was uneasy.

Two years ago, the first emperor died, the emperor was young, the empress dowager did not ask about the government, and the regent held the dictatorship, but did not do anything to benefit the country and the people. In these short two years, the economy and farming of Fengguo have been even worse. The stagnation, coupled with years of natural disasters, the people have not harvested anything, the court did not show any sympathy, but intensified and increased taxes, causing the people to be displaced and miserable.

That's okay, above the court, all officials are in danger, and all the talented young people, or all kinds of outstanding young talents, and those with good looks, are now called by the regent into the harem, even if they are full of talents, A cavity of blood, and now it has become soft around the fingers.

More than that, just because of the innocent death, there are more than 200 officials who are honest and upright. Today's court is all afraid of the regent's brutal methods. Who would be willing to serve the court? It is not easy to be alive.

Of course, she knew the stakes involved. In the past two years, more than 10 million people died at the hands of Feng Aotian

Water can carry a boat or capsize it. How can the disasters caused by the past two years be remedied overnight

The sky is full of dawn, and the morning light is faint.

Feng Aotian walked out of the tent slowly, wearing a black narrow-sleeved python robe with embroidered gold thread and auspicious clouds at the cuffs, black hair tied up and fixed with a gold crown inlaid with jade, tall and straight, with a handsome face, the only pair of cold Such as Hantan's phoenix eyes, no matter how radiant it is, it can't melt the chill in his eyes.

"Your Highness..." Tsing Yi bit her lip and raised her eyes slightly, her voice almost hoarse.

Feng Ao Tianjing has passed by him, turning a blind eye, let alone showing a little pity, she knows that since she can ruthlessly harm people with her, she will definitely not eliminate him because of her current kindness. The intention of murder, rather than that, it is better to let him fend for himself.

Tsing Yi sneered, he knew that the regent was always ruthless, his chapped lips pulled up, and after Feng Aotian left, he raised his head and sneered. That still beating heart has now fallen into the endless abyss.

"Sixi, lead the way ahead, this king is going to the council hall." The morning light shone on her tall and straight back, radiating a thousand feet of light. The innate kingly air made people dare not look directly, and made the patrolling soldiers bow their heads one after another. Standing respectfully on one side, for fear that the regent, who is naturally cruel, would be unhappy, he would throw his anger on them, or if he fell in love with one of them, then their life would be considered to be the end of their lives.

Feng Aotian came to the border gate this time because someone deliberately led her to come, and the person who was blowing the pillow wind in her ear also revealed, intentionally or unintentionally, that he had met someone who looked the same as the previous emperor at the border gate. They will disregard the danger, stay away from the capital, and go out on a special expedition.

When she woke up yesterday, the soldiers from the State of Qi who came here on purpose, looked at her not dead yet, with a look of surprise in her eyes. In addition, she possessed profound martial arts and was known to the world, but the leader seemed to win. It is not afraid of her, but also confident that she can easily kill her. It can be seen that yesterday's danger was also closely related to Qi Guo, but if there is no one who should cooperate with the outside world, Qi Guo is afraid that it will be difficult to succeed.

Who is this inside should be found out in the future, the most urgent task is to pacify the border war as soon as possible, in order to prevent Beijing from replacing her because of her departure.

Now, although she cannot regain the trust of border officers and soldiers, she must also stabilize the morale of the army. After she returns to Beijing, she must also ensure that there will be no more turmoil at the border in a short period of time, so that she can train generals who can conquer and fight well.

Sixi turned slightly to the side and led the way respectfully. He could sense that after the Prince Regent returned to the camp yesterday, it was very different from the past. Now that he is far away from the capital, people who are not familiar with the Prince Regent will naturally not see it, and he followed the godfather. In the past five years, he has come to understand the temperament of the regent even more. The regent who used to be so radiant has now become unfathomable. It really puzzles him. What happened yesterday

This time, the godfather specially sent him to serve the regent with him. It was also the first time he served as an official in front of the regent, so he was more cautious, for fear that a little carelessness would make the regent unhappy, even if he had a little bit of carelessness. When he noticed it, he wouldn't have any reaction.

Before Feng Aotian entered the council hall, the roar of the rough mine came from the tent, "Hmph, I, Li Su, are not afraid of losing my head, and I will die when I die. Tell me, this prince regent has been in the military camp for six days, and what has he done every day besides having fun, killing people and setting fires? Now that the enemy is facing the enemy, the morale of the soldiers is low, and everyone is like a bird in fear, how can he still have the heart to fight? In addition, the tyrant In power, there is no place for people to live in peace, and I waited for these warriors who were born and died, defending their families and defending the country, but now they have become prostitutes who let him play and abuse. If this goes on for a long time, I will simply disarm and surrender, and the gates of the city will open wide. It's better to let the army of Qi country go straight in than to be tortured to death by him. Think about it, General Leng was recalled to Beijing two years ago, and he was imprisoned in the harem. Let me wait and guard the border gates, how can I, Li Su, be so useless, now, it is really going to destroy my Feng Kingdom!"


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