This Lord is Too Cruel

Chapter 45: 045 Both of them will lie here


Outside the palace, the bodies of 500 assassins disappeared in the palace of the regent in a short time, and the smell of blood on the ground was also washed away without leaving a trace. If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, they would definitely not believe what happened just now, as you can imagine. , This Prince Regent's Mansion is really a purgatory on earth.

Feng Aotian is now only wearing a brown brocade inner shirt, with a long and jade-like body, and holds Ye Meixi into his arms with one hand. A bloodthirsty chill

Ye Meixi was also stunned and regretted, how could he forget that when the regent is now in a rage, isn't he throwing himself into the net

Thinking of this, his seductive face was stained with bleakness, he didn't dare to say anything, he quickly raised his eyebrows, leaned in her arms obediently, and didn't dare to speak. object of venting.

Mu Hanjin of course knew Feng Aotian's temper. If it was in the past, he would have stood in the same place as if it had nothing to do with him, but at this moment, he was thinking about who should cooperate with each other and come to assassinate him

Feng Aotian saw that Ye Meixi's face was reddish and his complexion was rosy, he stretched out his hand, picked him up, turned around, walked to the bed, put him down, covered the quilt, turned around, stared at Feng Yinqi, "Your Majesty, Ben If there is urgent business to be done in the palace, the emperor will not stay."

This is obviously an expulsion order. Feng Yinqi wanted to leave at first, but, looking down at the robes on his body, thinking of the assassin who just wanted to assassinate, now it's getting late, and the Royal Forest Army he brought has gone through this battle. He was also afraid, if he returned to the palace at this time and encountered something unexpected on the way... Thinking of this, he raised his eyes and said calmly, "Uncle Wang, if it's too late today, tomorrow will be at five watch. It’s about to go to court early, now it’s already three watch, even if I go back, I can’t rest. My nephew will rest at Uncle Wang’s place tonight. What’s more, it’s just daring to have an assassin come to assassinate. Sir, you must personally supervise and thoroughly investigate this matter.”

Feng Aotian's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at Feng Yinqi for a long time, "This king has only this bed. If the emperor is willing to make it, this king doesn't mind vacating a little space."

Feng Yinqi squinted at the bed behind Feng Aotian, which was relatively spacious. Anyway, he was small and wouldn't take up a lot of space. However, when Ye Meixi looked at him, his eyes sank. , If you go back now, what if you encounter an assassin on the road? Even if he didn't, the people he brought with him didn't dare to leave after witnessing the horror of Uncle Regent. However, he wanted to sleep with a male pet... No, he turned his head quickly and stared at him. Looking at Mu Hanjin on one side, his eyes rolled around, and his eyes fell on Feng Aotian again, "Uncle Wang, are they both going to sleep here?"

"That's natural. If you don't sleep with your grandfather, who do you sleep with?" Feng Aotian answered as a matter of course, and then stretched out his hand to hold Mu Hanjin's hand, only to feel the coldness of his fingers, raised his eyes, facing him He lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "Sleep with Master."

Mu Hanjin's expression was still pale. What happened in the past two days was more difficult for him to digest than what happened in the past two years. He stopped thinking about it and let Feng Aotian hold his hand, his palm flowing unconsciously With a thin touch of warmth, it reached his limbs and bones, which made his mind move. He raised his eyes and stared at her tall and tall back. After a while, the two walked to the bed.

Feng Yinqi was a little annoyed. Seeing that Uncle Regent had taken off his shoes and was lying on the bed, Ye Meixi was lying on the inside, and Mu Hanjin was lying on the outside. Cozy, and where is he going to lie down

He hesitantly grabbed the robe he was wearing, knowing that such absurd things would happen today, he should have read the almanac before coming.

Feng Aotian ignored Feng Yinqi, but lay comfortably on the bed with his arms wrapped around him, Mu Hanjin and Ye Meixi leaned against her side and fell asleep with their eyes closed.

Since she was reborn, for many days and nights, she has never slept peacefully. The repeated fatigue and nervousness, coupled with the assassination incident tonight, made her obviously a little tired. Now, regardless of other things, she went to sleep.

Mu Hanjin leaned on his side and rested his head on Feng Aotian's arm. He raised his eyes and stared at her sleeping face so closely for the first time. She would be abused all night, until she was bruised and slack, and she was carried out of the bedroom. Therefore, for the past two years, this place has been his nightmare, but at this moment, he is lying beside her like this, without any insults, The sound of whipping, as well as her wanton laughter, some are just the sleepy face that has faded away from the majesty.

He looked stunned, raised his eyes, and happened to meet Ye Meixi, who was also looking at Feng Aotian. The unexpected glances made them silent, and in a flash, they looked away, and their bodies leaned rigidly against each other. Feng Aotian's side did not dare to make any noise.

Feng Yinqi was extremely entangled. He felt that his dignified emperor, the king of a country, was left aside. Looking at the three sleeping soundly on the bed, he felt a little wronged, yes, only wronged, not angry. This emotion made him feel like a child abandoned by his mother, which made him feel sad.

At this time, he is just a nine-year-old child who needs the care of others, not the majestic emperor who sits alone in the hall.

The bedroom was still brightly lit, and in response to Feng Yinqi standing on the fleece blanket, he stared straight at the bed, with a trace of hope in his heart, hoping that Uncle Regent would remember that he was still left alone on the ground, but, What followed was silent silence.

Turning his head to the side, he saw the impressions on the fleece blanket beside him, very deep, looking in his direction, it was a human figure lying down, he suddenly remembered that the sound of the whip in the bedroom just happened to happen. , A gust of cold wind blew in from the pierced screen window, causing him to tremble a few times.

Standing in the same place, he was in trouble again. He definitely couldn't lie beside Mu Hanjin, look at Ye Meixi beside him, and he couldn't lie beside him, so where exactly would he lie

Suddenly, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he climbed onto the bed, raised his legs, strode over from Mu Hanjin's waist, and threw himself on Feng Aotian's body...

------off topic-----

Haha... The little emperor was about to be abused, hoo hoo... How dare he lie directly on Xiao Tianzhi's body and shoot it flying...

Dear friends, Lemon has just come back, so it's too late, Mamaoda! I wish you a happy double festival!

Thank you sweet potato for eating, 15067242656, Undead Yaoyue (3), cat (22), baby (9), Momo (100), Xiao Xiaoyue (22), Fu Hailian (5), 13331823779 (80), Angel angel (8), daisy520dj (10), vv515921 (20) the flowers sent by the pros, oh oh!

Thank you Bingliang Youfeng and Angel (8) for the drills sent by the darlings!

Thank you Ye Yixuan for the reward of 188 coins, oh oh!

Thank you for the evaluation ticket sent by Jinnai Da Yishi, ah!