This Lord is Too Cruel

Chapter 515: 392 Finale (seven) (3)


Xing sent a signal, Meteor breathed a sigh of relief, quickly put away the spiritual power and the compass, then turned down, picked up the dog, and quickly left the city.

Yicheng spun down and looked at Meteor's disappearing figure. The general on the side came over, "What's going on?"

"It's a hit." Yi Cheng had expected it, and said coldly, "Strengthen your defenses these days."

"Yes." The general was startled, bowed his head and replied, and then went to prepare.

Yicheng turned around and flew away.

Meteor ran back to the barracks panting, and when he got into the tent, he lay helplessly on the soft couch, and then passed out.

When Leng Qianye and Xing Wuyun saw this, they stepped forward anxiously. Feng Qianning looked at Meteor, and then at the dog in Meteor's arms, and whispered, "Too tired, let him rest."

"En." Leng Qianye and Xing Wuyun replied, and then the two sorted out the situation of observing the tower, Feng Qianning listened, and then said, "It seems that this tower is really indestructible."

"I seem to see something different." Xing Wuyun looked at him and continued.

"Let's hear it." Leng Qianye looked at Xing Wuyun and said quickly.

Xing Wuyun then pointed to the structure of the tower that they drew after the survey, and then pointed to the very regular holes in the tower, "Do you think these holes are the same?"

"En." Leng Qianye nodded, "It doesn't seem to be the same."

"Think about it carefully, do these small holes emit light from time to time?" Xing Wuyun asked immediately.

"Yes." Leng Qianye nodded, then thought about it carefully, raised his eyes to look at him, "Tell me, how is your small hole bright?"

"There is a certain distribution." Xing Wuyun continued, "There is nothing strange about these small holes from a distance, because we all observe it during the day, and at night, we think it is the light refracted by the starlight, so we didn't notice it. Now we are careful. If you look at it from the ground, you can feel that these small holes are like pairs of eyes, and they are not lit at the same time."

"Yes." Leng Qianye nodded hurriedly, "Look, I remember this place, this place, and this place. It's a triangle that connects the city, and it goes out in about a quarter of an hour."

"There is also this place, this place, this place is also a triangle." Xing Wuyun continued.

"That's right, connecting them all together means that they can defend more accurately, but it's also the best advantage for us to break the city." Leng Qianye said with a smile.

"Not bad." Xing Wuyun smiled happily, and then said, "Since we have found the difference, let's quickly discuss the strategy to defeat the enemy."

"I'm worried that Yicheng will be aware of it and then change the law of lighting." Leng Qianye said cautiously.

Feng Qianning looked at the two of them, "I think there is such a possibility."

The two looked at each other and then said, "If that's the case, then let's check it out later, how about another night in the dark tomorrow?"

"Okay." Xing Wuyun agreed with Leng Qianye's proposal.

Leng Qianye immediately looked at Meteor, "Thanks to Meteor this time."

"Yeah." Xing Wuyun looked at Meteor, and then said, "Is there a subordinate who is very good at making cakes at Princess Qianning's place?"

"Yes." Feng Qianning replied with a smile.

"Can you?" Xing Wuyun looked at Meteor and asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll go and give instructions." Feng Qianning replied with a smile, and then stepped out of the tent.

Xuanyuan Yu stood outside the tent for several days and nights, Yi Mu saw him like this, so he also stood together, and the two observed the tower from time to time, discussing countermeasures.

The Holy Maiden is extremely sensitive to light beams. In these days, she always felt that the tower was a little weird. Therefore, she secretly wrote down the differences. After a few days, she also found the pattern. Overjoyed in my heart, I went to tell Yi Mu, Yi Mu raised his eyes to look at the saint, then looked down at the pattern drawn by the saint, her eyes lit up, and she whispered, "The saint has really solved the trouble in front of you. Bureau."

The saint smiled embarrassedly, "It's just a coincidence."

Yi Mu looked at Xuanyuan Yu who was standing by the side and also looked at the pattern, and then said, "So the flaw is here."

"The design of this tower is really ingenious." Yi Mu couldn't help but sigh.

Xuanyuan Yu nodded and said, "However, Gongyi Gu naturally knows that this is both an advantage and a disadvantage, and he will definitely think of a way to remove this disadvantage."

"I think it's better to be caught off guard." Yi Mu pondered for a moment, then said, "Let Jin Feng get rid of the evil before it has time."

"If that's the case, then take action tonight." Xuanyuan Yu said in a low voice, "Quick and quick decision."

"Okay." Yi Mu nodded.

Xuanyuan Yu has always planned everything before taking action. This is the first time he has resolved things so quickly, but the current situation does not allow him to think too much.

After the two agreed, they thought of using the newly made eight-claw hook to climb up the tower little by little, and then look close to the small holes, and then when the small holes were extinguished, they threw the poison bomb in and quickly Fix the people inside those small holes.

Mu Hanjin had already spread the news that the elders of the holy clan had come, and Shangguan Rui had gotten the news.

Eunuch Cat sat on the soft couch and looked up at the two of them, "How?"

"I don't think it's necessary to wait for him to throw himself into the net. It will be most useful if you can find a way to break the city." Ye Meixi said in a low voice.

Mu Hanjin nodded and said, "Wait and see."

When Xuanyuan Yu and Yi Mu were on the third watch, they walked quietly to the city tower with the strong-looking Yu family members. Following the previous method, they approached Xiao Kong carefully and cautiously. The small holes are suitable for lighting, and when to turn off the lights, after a night of time, these small holes are really eliminated.

Yi Mu and the saintess had already flown up the tower, then rushed down the tower, killed the guards guarding the city gate, and opened the outermost iron gate.

Xuanyuan Yu personally led his troops to attack the city, watching the iron gate open in front of him, he ordered people to attack the city. Eyes watched Yi Mu and the saintess fighting with Yuluo soldiers with the Yu family who had already climbed up the tower.

Jin Feng did not escape this time, but rushed up to the tower, looked at Yi Mu and the saintess, and sneered, "I am waiting for you two in the next city."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and went down the tower, but she took her troops to the tenth city, leaving behind the weak ninth city.

Jin Feng did not love to fight, and even withdrew from the battlefield with all the troops to avoid causing more casualties. She knew that this war had just begun, and the tenth city behind was even more difficult than the eighth one. , she would like to see how they can break through.

Yi Mu and the saintess did not expect Jin Feng to shout like this and turned to leave. The two looked at each other, and then saw Jin Feng with all the men and horses withdrew, obviously unwilling to cause more casualties.

Xuanyuan Yu took the men and horses to seize the city effortlessly. After entering the city, looking at the empty streets, Yi Mu and the saintess went down the tower and said, "Jin Feng is gone."

"She's being smart now, she runs away when she knows she can't beat her." Xuanyuanyu rolled over and dismounted, looked up at the city in front of her, and continued, "She will definitely not go to the ninth city, she will definitely be in the tenth city. waiting for us."

"Let's rectify it and win the ninth city." Yi Mu continued.

"No hurry." Xuanyuan Yu seemed to be thinking of something, "Maybe, we can confuse her with the ninth city and catch her off guard."

"Okay." Yi Mu nodded, he knew that Xuanyuan Yu had a way.

When Meteor woke up, it was already dawn, and the fragrance of the pastry was wafting in his nostrils. He climbed up following the thought, and hurriedly looked at the delicious pastries on the table. With a bounce, he got off the soft couch and hurriedly jumped on it. Standing on the chair, staring at the trays of tempting pastries on the table, he kept swallowing saliva.

He raised his hand to squeeze a piece, Feng Qianning stepped forward and patted his hand, "Go wash."

Meteor reluctantly got down from the chair, and while washing, his eyes kept staring at the cakes.

The god dog lay on the soft couch and gave him a big knife, which was really worthless.

Meteor couldn't wait to climb on the chair, quickly squeezed a piece and put it in his mouth, turned to look at Feng Qianning, and nodded hastily, "It's delicious."

Feng Qianning looked at him with a smile, "As long as you like it."

Meteor stared at the pastries of various colors on the cases, his eyes narrowed into slits, and he couldn't close his mouth with laughter.

Xing Wuyun and Leng Qianye looked at Meteor like this, and they both felt relieved and knew that Meteor was fine.

The news of Xuanyuanyu's capture of the eighth city reached Leng Qianye's ears that night, and Yicheng must have learned that Leng Qianye looked at Xing Wuyun and said, "This matter can't be delayed any longer."

"You're right." Leng Qianye nodded, "We have to do it."

"No, if you start now, you will definitely fall into Yicheng's trap." Meteor quickly stepped forward to stop him.

"Let's hear it." Xing Wuyun looked at Meteor and saw that he was in a very good mood today, presumably because he liked those cakes very much.

The god kennel was in Meteor's arms. Seeing him like this, he continued to roll his eyes.

Meteor looked at the two of them, "Yicheng had changed his plan as early as last night, and he must have changed all those small holes."

"It seems that he noticed something last night." Leng Qianye whispered.

"So, we can't be too anxious." Meteor continued, "Since the changes have been made, the small holes have been invalidated. After all, Xuanyuan Yu made his move, these small holes have not lost their function, and Yicheng will definitely not use them. Gave us a chance to attack the city."

"You're right, without those small holes, there would be no mechanism to shoot, so it is more convenient for us to attack the city." Xing Wuyun touched Meteor's head, "You are really smart."

"That is." Meteor replied proudly, and continued, "So let's wait."

Ye Meixi also got the news of Xuanyuanyu's siege, and looked up at Mu Hanjin, "It seems we ignored it."

Mu Hanjin continued, "It's not that I ignored it, but Shangguan Rui didn't use these holes at all."

"Then he was in the scheme?" Father Cat asked.

"No, if he guessed correctly, he will definitely withdraw from here overnight." Mu Hanjin said warmly.

"You're right, Shangguan Rui is becoming more and more cautious now. Now that he knows that this city has a way to break through, he will naturally not fight beasts. He wants to preserve his strength and fight to the death with us." Ye Meixi agreed. Nod.

Eunuch Cat sneered, "Shangguan Rui is really awake."

Sure enough, the next morning, Mu Hanjin received news that Shangguan Rui really took his troops out of the eighth city and rushed to the tenth city overnight.

Leng Qianye's place was the exact opposite. Obviously, Yicheng had no intention of withdrawing. Instead, he guarded the city. For two consecutive days, there was no movement, and Ye Meixi had already attacked without a single soldier. Two fortresses.

"Yicheng is really able to hold his breath." Xing Wuyun laughed softly, and then said, "Does he already have a plan to guard the tower?"

"He is too cunning." Leng Qianye raised his eyes to look at Xing Wuyun, his handsome face was full of indifference, and said coldly, "What we have encountered is a strong enemy."

"It's really not that simple." Xing Wuyun laughed softly, and then said, "However, there is always a sparseness in Baimi, and I will definitely think of a way."

Meteor looked at the two of them, "It's not that there is no way, but you need to take risks, but I don't know if you dare?"

Xing Wuyun looked at Meteor and smiled, "Except for letting me leave Feng Aotian, there is nothing I dare not do in this world."

------off topic-----

Dear friends, the finale will be updated in two more times, it is the real finale, hooho... To be honest, I really can't bear it, hum hum...