This Lord is Too Cruel

Chapter 518: 393 The Finale (End) Part 1 (3)


Snow'. "

"I just heard about it before, but now I see it, it's really extraordinary." Bai Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Jin Yao curled his lips into a smile, "In this world, there is only one 'Tao Xue', but two 'Aoxue', one is in the master's hand, and the other has not yet appeared."

"I don't know where it is." Bai Feng looked at Jin Yao, raised his hand and brushed the broken hair on her forehead, and whispered, "I'm afraid it will be a hard battle this time, you have to be careful, but I will accompany you. With you, I won't let you have an accident."

Jin Yao is not good at words and has always been introverted, and Bai Feng rarely speaks affectionate words. The relationship between the two happens naturally, from confidants and mutual admiration to mutual knowledge and love. It was the first time that Feng said sweet words of love, and Jin Yao stepped forward and leaned in his arms, "Okay."

Bai Feng smiled, "After the war is over, I will marry you, and then we will stay in Moyu?"

"Okay." Jin Yao replied with a smile.

"Come on." Bai Feng looked into the distance, the night was very good tonight, and the cool breeze made his heart warm.

Jin Yao was leaning in his arms. At this moment, she realized the feeling of Xue Ke at that time. It is happiness to have someone with you like this, even if you go up the mountain and go down the sea of fire.

Mu Hanjin stepped inside, and Eunuch Cat looked at him and whispered, "But you want to take a break?"

"It's okay." Mu Hanjin said warmly, then looked at Ye Meixi, "I'll go and see for myself tonight."

"Okay." Ye Meixi knew that Mu Hanjin always took things seriously, and it was not easy for him to relax in the current situation.

Feng Qianning looked at Mu Hanjin, and then said, "I'll go with you."

"It's okay, it's not easy for me to go alone." Mu Hanjin looked at Feng Qianning and shook his head.

Feng Qianning nodded and said, "Okay, be careful."

"Okay." Mu Hanjin nodded, then walked out and disappeared into the night sky in the blink of an eye.

Eunuch Cat looked at Mu Hanjin's back, "It's really neat."

Ye Meixi was leaning on the soft couch, thinking about the sight of Mu Hanjin when he first entered the regent's mansion. At that time, his eyes were dim and lifeless, like a marionette, which is different from the elegant and watery picture now. He knew who changed Mu Hanjin, and also knew what Mu Hanjin had experienced. This person was too tolerant, and he saw it more clearly than anyone else.

She fell into contemplation for a while, Feng Qianning looked at the two in front of her, and then stepped out of the camp. She really didn't like this kind of atmosphere.

He immediately entered his tent, wrote a letter to Fu Han, and then lay on the bed and closed his eyes to rest.

Gu Yefeng has been staying in Caiguo. These days, he has been receiving news from all over the world. The war is tense, and his heart is not stable for a moment, and he is worried about Feng Aotian and the others.

He knew very well that he couldn't help them in any way, and the only thing that could help them was to protect himself well and let her have no worries.

Therefore, we will deal with the affairs of Caiguo more diligently and implement the policies that are beneficial to the people one by one. Today's Caiguo is more prosperous than before, and Gu Yefeng has also become the hope of the people of Caiguo. Today, the country is prosperous and peaceful. The people live and work in peace and contentment. The only thing that worries the people is that the war between the emperor and the Yuluo Kingdom will be won by the Yuluo Kingdom or the Emperor. It was because they integrated themselves into the Fengqi country and regarded themselves as the people of the Fengqi country. They naturally hoped that the emperor could win and rule the world, so that there would be no more wars, and they could live their lives in a down-to-earth way.

Fu Han watched Gu Yefeng stay in the palace every day, busy with his head. Even if he was free, he would just go out on patrol with people in light clothes to supervise officials from all over the world, and he would not let himself have time to relax at all. Such people, watching Ordinary, but so persistent, his love for Feng Aotian has always been forbearance.

It was the next day after Mu Hanjin came back, and he fell before dawn. The whole person looked as elegant as water, but a layer of frost seemed to condense in those gentle eyes. He lifted it into the room, Ye Meixi and Father Cat were waiting. He stared at him, but closed his eyes for a nap, and now when he heard the movement, he opened his eyes.

"How's it going?" Father Cat looked at him and asked in a low voice.

"Sure enough." Mu Hanjin said four words, then sat down, "The formation is weird, and there are traps everywhere. A little carelessness will destroy the world."

"So powerful?" Eunuch Cat couldn't help frowning.

"Yeah." Mu Hanjin continued, "Shangguan Rui is indeed a rare talent, but unfortunately, he was bought by Gongyi Gu, otherwise, if it were for my use..."

He didn't say more, then got up and walked to the desk, unfolded the tissue paper, and drew on it with a pen, then looked at Ye Meixi and Eunuch Mao, "Now, the troops are divided into three groups."

"Okay." Ye Meixi glanced at Mu Hanjin and replied happily.

Eunuch Cat looked at the two of them and couldn't help wondering, when did the two of them have such a tacit understanding

"Eunuch Cat will lead the men and horses to attack the city from the front, and then Mei Xi will lead another team of men and horses to quickly occupy the city gate, and they must not be allowed to take the city gate back. When I get to a few astute people, I want to compare how they clear the mines first, and then you will rush in with your troops and occupy the entire city." Mu Hanjin said quickly, obviously everything has been arranged, decisive and agile .

Ye Meixi nodded, "Okay, everything depends on your arrangement."

Eunuch Cat nodded, then turned around and stepped out of the tent, Feng Qianning walked in, "I and Eunuch Cat lead the charge, Bai Feng and Jin Yao followed the prince to guard the city gate, I, the one who jumped out of the mine, will join you. Go together."

"Okay." Mu Hanjin nodded in response, and everything began to be deployed, just waiting to set off.

Two hours later, the scorching sun was already on the horizon. Gonggong Mao was wearing a battle robe, and together with Feng Qianning, he led the men and horses forward until they reached the bottom of the city tower. Without saying a word, he ordered the siege. All the soldiers are used to their provocation, but I didn't expect such a big battle to appear suddenly, and I couldn't react for a while. However, they were also trained, and it was only a moment before they joined the war. The tragic battle began. Ye Meixi led Bai Feng and Jin Yao and led another group of men and horses lurking in the dark. Just waiting for them to capture the city tower, they rushed forward to guard the city gate.

Shangguan Rui got the news, but he still stayed in the palace with disapproval. Obviously, he was very confident in his formation, and there was no one else in the world who could break his formation except Gongyi Gu.

Eunuch Cat raised his eyes and looked at the generals above the tower. His eyes were like torches, and his long and narrow eyes shot out a chilling air. Then he took out a bow and arrow from the horse's back, aimed it at the generals above, and shot it out. Feng Qianning was not to be outdone. They were also pulling the bow and shooting arrows. The two of them fired both arrows. The general couldn't dodge, and the two arrows in his body were killed on the spot. They thought the soldiers above would panic, but they just carried the general down and continued to defend the tower.

Eunuch Cat sneered, "As expected of Gongyi's training."

"Someone must have taken over the position of this general." Feng Qianning also said.

"What's the matter, continue." Eunuch Cat said with a smile, and then he pulled the bow and arrow and shot it upwards.

Feng Qianning's pretty face was even more coquettish, but now she was wearing blue silk and a silver shirt, and she became more and more heroic, she raised her eyebrows slightly, "Why don't I compete with Mr. Cat? How's it going?"

"Okay." Eunuch Mao replied with a smile, and the two continued to shoot arrows at the tower. Obviously, the soldiers above also noticed it, and immediately ordered the archers to shoot arrows at the two of them in unison, but with little success.

Eunuch Cat smiled and pulled out a string from his arms, "Princess Qian Ning is blessed with ears."

Feng Qianning naturally knew that Eunuch Cat's piano sound was like a magic sound, which was enough to shock the world. After this, I don't know how many people would die. However, she was overjoyed and nodded with a smile, "Of course you should appreciate it."

Eunuch Cat turned the qin lightly, then placed it on the horse's back, and plucked the strings.

Following the sound of Eunuch Cat's piano, the soldiers on the city tower wailed and rolled on the ground with their ears covered. The sound of the piano went from slow to fast, then intense, and then returned to plain, but it was a simple tune, but , the soldiers on the tower had already been bleeding from seven holes and died on the spot.

Feng Qianning clapped her hands and said, "It's really wonderful."

Eunuch Cat put up his hands, and immediately ordered someone to forcefully break through the city gate, and then personally led his men and horses to attack the city tower. There were already corpses on the city tower. Feng Qianning and Eunuch Mao took the men and horses to quickly occupy the city tower. The corpses above were all thrown from the city tower, and all were replaced by their own men.

Ye Meixi rushed in with Bai Feng and Jin Yao, and then guarded at the city gate, when he heard the screams of killing and rushed over, and then saw the elite iron cavalry swarming, Jin Yao and Bai Feng led With the people and horses guarding the city gate, they started a more brutal fight than before.

Mu Hanjin took carefully selected people to take advantage of the chaos to go up the tower, and then went down the tower. Mu Hanjin made the people behind him stand not far away, while he stood there, watching the formation in front of him. Fa, clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, stood on the spot, walking the formation while resisting the magic in the formation with his spiritual power.

For a time, the sky was surging, the sky and the earth shook, and the whole sky was even more black.

Shangguan Rui, who was still calm just now, suddenly woke up and rushed out of the government office.

The woman behind him rushed over, "Senior brother."

Shangguan Rui looked at her, "Someone broke the formation."

"Senior brother, I will help you." The woman is Shangguan Rui's wife and his childhood sweetheart, Shang Hong.

Shangguan Rui hurriedly sat cross-legged, and Shang Hong also sat down, the two gathered their inner strength, and then raised their palms to resist the black vortex in the sky.

Eunuch Mao and Feng Qianning looked at the sudden change in front of them, "Shangguan Rui is trying to stop the formation."

Feng Qianning nodded and said, "Yes, I hope he can survive."

Mu Hanjin radiated white light all over his body, and now it was even brighter. He rolled up his brocade robe, and he kept his eyes tightly closed, while walking according to the direction, he used spiritual power to crack the formation.

The soldiers of the Yuluo Kingdom under the tower were all elites. Bai Feng saw that Jin Yao was injured and rushed over to protect her behind him.

Jin Yao looked at him and whispered, "I'm fine."

Bai Feng did not agree, the two fought back to back desperately, holding on to the city gate, and some of the men and horses had already rushed to the city tower. Eunuch Cat just glanced at it lightly, and heard the screams of killing and weapons interspersed behind him. Sound, this battle must be won.

Time passed slowly, Ye Meixi stood solemnly at the city gate, the dark red robe was stained with bright red blood, he was like a flirtatious flower, rendering the city gate that was already bleeding into a river. The long sword kept slashing, but he still didn't change his face.

Eunuch Mao and Feng Qianning watched more and more people, and the two looked at each other, but they didn't say much. They used fewer troops than they sent, and the purpose was to eliminate the elite troops first.

There was a sudden burst of thunder in the sky, and then saw a lightning strike to the ground, Mu Hanjin couldn't bear it, he stumbled, took two steps back, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Fortunately, he was not injured. Seriously, on the contrary, Shangguan Rui spat out a mouthful of blood and fell down completely. Shang Hong fell into his arms. The lightning strike just now hit him. At the critical moment, Shang Hong stood in front of him. Now struck by lightning, he was killed on the spot, not even a word was left, Shangguan Rui looked down at Shang Hong, who was no longer breathing, raised his head and shouted loudly, his eyes were scarlet, he hugged Shang Hong and got up, and ordered the men and horses to retreat.

The formation was broken, and the soldiers of Yuluo Kingdom received the trumpet call to withdraw their troops and went back on the same path. They disappeared for a while. Feng Qianning's robe was stained with blood. He looked up at the scene in front of him and was relieved. , "Finally captured."

"Yeah." Eunuch Cat also showed a relieved smile, "Let's go and see Mu Hanjin."

"Yeah." Feng Qianning replied, the two hurriedly walked to Mu Hanjin's side and saw him bending over and pressing his chest.

Eunuch Mao stepped forward to check his pulse, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, the injury is not serious, just adjust the breath for a few days."

Mu Hanjin raised his eyes and glanced at Eunuch Cat, nodded slightly, and took the people behind him to the cracked formation without hesitation. When he came, he specially learned the technique of tracking from the Lan family. Therefore, He also found the location where the mines were buried, and also led people to dig out all the mines one by one.

Jin Yao was stabbed in the arm, Bai Feng helped her to bandage, Ye Meixi stepped forward, walked to Father Cat's side, looked at Mu Hanjin who was half-squatting on the ground to clear mine, and said in a low voice, " I really underestimated him before."

"She's the first person that my master fell in love with after the late emperor, so it's not easy." Eunuch Mao had to admit that Mu Hanjin was Zangzhuo before, and his ability was indeed great, but in front of Feng Aotian, he always She was very restrained, and even more so, she was willing to be the person behind her.

Ye Meixi nodded in agreement, "He is indeed rare."

At this time, they seemed to have forgotten to be jealous, and instead admired each other. Feng Qianning looked at Mu Hanjin and continued, "Mrs. Shangguan was struck by lightning and died. She died to save Shangguan Rui, Shangguan. Rui will not give up."

"So what?" Mr. Cat didn't seem to care. "Now that we have captured a city, I want to see what other tricks he can come up with."

Ye Meixi agreed with Eunuch Mao's words, "This is a good start. As long as we break through the first city, no matter how difficult it is, we still have a place to retreat."

"There are still a month and ten days. We are the first to win a city." Eunuch Mao said in a low voice, "The second city must be resolved quickly."

"Immediately rectify the troops and act tonight." Ye Meixi also felt that Shangguan Rui was in the pain of losing his wife at this moment, and he would definitely be distracted, so it was just an opportunity.

Feng Qianning felt the same way, and the three of them also made a decision. Even if they went to deploy, until late at night, Mu Hanjin took the talents to remove all the mines, but they couldn't resist, and immediately fainted and was carried back to the government office to rest. .

After Feng Aotian got the news the next day, he laughed loudly, "They are one step ahead of the Lord."

"I heard that troops were sent out last night. I don't know if they captured the second one. Mu Hanjin was injured. After insisting on dismantling the mine, he fainted due to lack of energy." Wufeng said in a low voice, "Although the injury is not serious. However, it is still necessary to adjust the breath well.”

"Yeah, it is necessary to adjust the interest rate. They have all conquered the first city. You can't fall behind. Now Han Yao should have reached the moat." Feng Aotian said as he stepped out of the tent.

Feng Aotian's mouth curled slightly, watching Li Yan lying on the bed, Li Heng was sitting next to her with porridge, feeding it carefully.

Feng Aotian looked very happy and couldn't help but smile, "I really envy others."

Li Yan raised her eyes and looked at her, "I heard that you are leaving tomorrow?"

"En." Feng Aotian nodded, "Now is the time."

"Then be careful." Li Yan knew Feng Aotian's intentions, and at this time, she really wanted to help Feng Aotian.

Feng Aotian curled his lips into a smile, "Okay, you guys should go back earlier too."

"En." Li Yan replied with a smile, Li Heng got up, and naturally went out.

Feng Aotian looked at her and stroked her bulging belly, "Come soon."

"Enen." Li Yan's mouth now evoked a shallow smile, and she also thought it was amazing.

"I'll go see you when I return triumphantly." Feng Aotian looked at Li Yan, his tone was very normal now, as if he was chatting with family.

However, Li Yan felt that something was wrong with Feng Aotian. In the past, she would definitely not speak like this. She stared at her blankly, but she didn't know how to start it. In the current situation, it is obvious that she has a better chance of winning, but Li Heng said that Mr. Yi Gu is not so easy to deal with.

Li Yan clenched Feng Aotian's hand, "Okay, don't forget, the fingertips are for marriage."

Feng Aotian smiled and nodded, "Okay."

Li Yan looked at Feng Aotian with a smile, and suddenly felt a sense of farewell. This thought flashed through her mind, and she jumped, no, it's so possible, who is Feng Aotian? From being the regent of Feng Kingdom of a third-class country, to ascending to the throne step by step, and then becoming a second-class country, a first-class country, and now there is only one Yuluo country left, she can rule the world, how can she say goodbye forever

Feng Aotian could see that Li Yan was worried about her, so he raised his hand and stroked her blue silk, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Yeah." Li Yan nodded, and the two also chatted a lot. Before she knew it, it was getting dark. Feng Aotian accompanied her to finish dinner, and after a few words with Li Heng, they went to the Emperor's Bedroom Palace.

Wufeng, Lan Jingshu, and Mu Hanjin were still in the hall, and for some reason, when she left in the past, apart from reluctance to part, it was endless longing, but this time, inexplicable complexities emerged in their hearts. There is a fear.

Feng Aotian looked at the three of them and said in a low voice, "Master will leave tomorrow and wait for good news from Master."

Not waiting for her to come back, but waiting for her good news, this feeling changed their hearts.

Feng Aotian looked up at them and said with a smile, "Don't worry."

"Yes." Mu Hanjin and Lan Jingshu bowed their heads.

That night, Feng Aotian accompanied Mu Hanjin and Lan Jingshu. Wufeng went to the side courtyard to prepare some things. The next morning, Li Yan came to bid her farewell, and Yi Mu and Wei Zimo also came. The Emperor's Bedroom Palace, looking at the Emperor's Bedroom Palace in front of him, Li Yan recalled that once upon a time, the group of them sat around the hall to order wine, but they were also very happy.

When the group left the palace, they went their separate ways. Yi Mu went to Xuanyuanyu's place, Feng Aotian left with Wufeng, and Li Heng accompanied Li Yan to Li's house.

Li Yan sat in the carriage, leaning against Li Heng's arms, "Why do I have a bad premonition?"

"Relax your heart in everything." Li Heng caressed Li Yan's stomach and whispered.

"En." Li Yan closed her eyes, "I hope she can come back safely."

Feng Aotian and Wufeng rode "Aoxue", and sure enough, Wen Jian sent people to guard the west, and this happened to be the weakest place.

Feng Aotian had arrived earlier with Mu Hanyao and his troops, and the border was also handed over to Chu Lingtian and Yi Wu. When Feng Aotian arrived, Mu Hanyao also traveled day and night, and was late with Feng Aotian. for three days.

Feng Aotian did not send troops in a hurry, but stayed in a town not far from the neighbor's west border. Wufeng watched her and began to deploy as soon as she arrived in the town. She slept very little these days, and her face was as beautiful as the moon. , is now covered with a layer of gloom, and the cold phoenix eyes reveal an indescribable majesty, but he looked distressed, so he went to boil some nourishing soup and urged her to take it on time.

Wufeng handed the decoction to her, "Mu Hanyao won't arrive in a few days."

Feng Aotian raised her eyes to look at him, and then borrowed the soup. She didn't care whether it was bitter or not, she raised her head and drank it. At this time, she was more concerned about the war here.

"Where is Xuanyuanyu?" Feng Aotian asked coldly.

"Master, the head of the family Yu and the head of the Yi family have already reached the north and met the Jin family, but they haven't started yet." The soul immediately fell and bowed his head back.

Feng Aotian nodded, "What else?"

"King Qi and General Leng have already crossed Yuguo and reached the south of Yuluo first. They started a war yesterday and fought with Yiren." Soul continued to reply, "However, Yiren seems to have a very powerful counselor. ."

"Oh?" Feng Aotian raised his eyebrows, "Can you find out the details of this person?"

"It's the true head of the Yi family." Hun then replied, "It's called Yicheng."

"Gongyi Gu has really calculated everything." Feng Aotian's mouth curled into a sneer, "Continue."

"Yes, Eunuch Cat has already reunited with Concubine Ye Shi, with Bai Feng and Jin Yao, and has not yet reached the east." Soul replied truthfully.

"How many more days will it take?" Feng Aotian asked coldly.

"The fastest three days." Soul bowed his head.

"How many people are in the east, west, north and south of Yuluo country?" Feng Aotian said coldly.

"There are 1 million horses in each of the east, west, north and south, of which there are 300,000 elites each." Soul's voice was somewhat disbelieving.

Feng Aotian sneered, "It's really a big deal, Gongyi Gu is deliberate, four million people, 1.2 million elites, and they gathered early in the morning."

"Come prepared." Wufeng also felt that Gongyiou was indeed not simple, and he was able to dispatch so many people quietly.

"Not only that." Feng Aotian said coldly, "Continue."

"Master, this is only superficial. I heard that there are still hidden men and horses in Yuluo, at least 8 million." Soul whispered.

"How many people in Yuluo Country?" Feng Aotian's smile became deeper and deeper, "These people are not just Yuluo people."

"Twelve million people?" Wufeng couldn't help but exclaimed, "The rest of the other countries have only 30 million people combined. Where did these people come from?"

Feng Aotian stared at the sand table with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said coldly, "He was deliberate, and naturally he started training it early in the morning. I'm afraid these people are from the royal family in the past."

"What do you mean?" There was a gloom in Wufeng's indifferent eyes, "This is terrible."

Feng Aotian looked at Wufeng, "He never fights uncertain battles, and I have never underestimated him."

"Master, what do you mean by the remaining men and horses?" Soul whispered.

The corner of Feng Aotian's mouth twitched, "Although the troops from other countries have been confiscated, they are still eager to move. They are not comparable to those who have pledged their allegiance to the death. What we have done so far is not to confront them head-on."

"However, there is no time for us to delay." Wu Feng said the most important thing.

Feng Aotian nodded, "It's true that there is no, so Gongyi Gu has calculated this, he is waiting for the master to throw himself in the net."

Wufeng looked at her, "Now, there are only one million people from east, west, north and south."

"Pass the news of Yuluo Kingdom to them, and the rest is for them to make up their own minds." Feng Aotian said coldly.

"Yes." Soul bowed his head in response, and then flew away.

Feng Aotian looked at the defense map with a cold expression, holding the book case with both hands, this is definitely a hard fight, this is the real contest, Gongyiou, Gongyiou, are you accurate

There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth, so what

Wufeng looked at Feng Aotian like this, and hurriedly stepped forward and took her into his arms, "We will all accompany you."

Feng Aotian leaned against his arms and took a deep breath, he exuded a faint medicinal fragrance, she raised her eyes to look at the windless and handsome face, her fingertips slid across his face, and whispered, " Grandpa is fine."

"En." Wufeng nodded lightly, and then she took her hand and stepped out of the palace.

Wufeng let her lead, and the two left the town and went to the border of Yuluo Kingdom.

Wufeng looked at Feng Aotian standing on a towering tree and looked into the distance, he held her hand tightly and whispered, "Wen Jian came prepared."

"En." Feng Aotian nodded, all the hidden stakes she laid in Yuluo's country were pulled out, not even the ones laid with Xing Wuyun and Wei Zimo. Therefore, now there is no good news at all, she just Standing like this, looking at the closed city gate in front of him, thinking about how to break through.

The hundred men and horses in her hands must be used on the blade. Feng Aotian stood for a whole night, letting the cold wind blow on her face. Wufeng looked at her like this. At this moment, he was also thinking about what to do. How to win.

Until late at night, Feng Aotian turned around and left with Wufeng. The two returned to the mansion, Wufeng ordered someone to prepare dinner. Feng Aotian entered the study again and looked at the defense map spread out on the bookcase. There is also a special sand table on the side.

Wufeng looked at her so restlessly, "Something to eat?"

Feng Aotian nodded slightly, then stepped forward, the two sat down, Wu Feng was laying dishes, she just buried her head and used it, and after eating quickly, she began to deploy again.

Wufeng looked at her like this, and his heart ached, but, what else could be done? All the methods that can be used are now to be overthrown. She knows Gongyi old man too well. She was trained by Gongyi old man. He naturally knows the methods she uses, and he has found a way to restrain himself. , she must find another shortcut.

Wufeng stood aside, "Do you want to do the opposite?"

"En." Feng Aotian nodded, and there were a lot of densely marked with a red pen on it. Wufeng naturally understood it, but in the past he would not be involved in it, but now, he must not be involved in it.

Wufeng continued, "Wen Jian will definitely think about it."

Feng Aotian nodded, "So, we need to win with one move."

"En." Wufeng was also thinking carefully.

For a while, the study was quiet, and after three days, Mu Hanyao and his team finally arrived at the border.

Feng Aotian was also waiting for him. After all, he had not seen each other for a long time. However, Mu Hanyao was still so stern as he stepped forward and bowed respectfully, "I see the emperor."

Feng Aotian held his hand and looked at Wu Qing in his eyes. She had been studying it for the past few days, and now she whispered, "Go on, let the whole army rest."

"Yes." Mu Hanyao took the order, and then asked Li Su to pass the order.

Feng Aotian clenched Mu Hanyao's hand, the soldiers had already set up camp, Wufeng was standing beside Feng Aotian, she held Mu Hanyao's hand and Wufeng's hand, "I'm tired, accompany me to rest. ."

"Yes." Mu Hanyao nodded and said, Feng Aotian has been sleepless for four days, Wufeng looked really distressed, and he accompanied her, now that she is finally willing to take a break, the tense nerves are not loosened. Little, the three of them turned around and went back to the mansion. Feng Aotian lay in the middle of the bed, Mu Hanyao and Wufeng lay on the sides, the three of them closed their eyes at the same time and fell asleep peacefully.

Li Su was busy resting his team, and after he was done, he also began to rest, everything was in order.

Leng Qianye and Xing Wuyun are now standing in the council hall, listening to the screams of killing outside, and the two discuss countermeasures.

"That Yicheng is a difficult person." Xing Wuyun whispered.

"This person is hidden very deeply." Leng Qianye looked at Xing Wuyun. They attacked for four consecutive days, but they couldn't attack for a long time.

"It seems that he has figured out your and my tactics." Xing Wuyun looked at Leng Qianye, a pair of charming peach eyes flashing faintly.

"The news from the emperor, they are currently stationed with one million troops, including 300,000 elites, our place has obviously weakened a lot." Leng Qianye said truthfully.

"So, we can only outsmart." Xing Wuyun shook the folding fan in his hand, and then looked into the distance, "Only grasp their weaknesses."

"The other party seems to know us very well, but we know very little about Nayi City." Leng Qianye's indifferent face flashed a cold look, thinking that this war will be more difficult than ever.

Xing Wuyun pondered for a moment, "Although there is not much time, we can't be too eager for success."

"You're right." Leng Qianye nodded, carefully and calmly, thinking about what to do next.

"Do you have a good way?" Xing Wuyun looked at Leng Qianye thoughtfully, and he seemed to have found a good way.

"Do you have a good way?" Leng Qianye asked in a low voice, looking at the sly color that flashed between Xing Wuyun's eyebrows.

"Fake attack." Xing Wuyun approached Leng Qianye's ear and whispered.

"What do you mean?" Leng Qianye seemed to understand and whispered, "Then carefully agree on how to implement it."

"En." Xing Wuyun nodded, and the two began to whisper.

Eunuch Mao and Ye Meixi had just arrived to the east today. Bai Feng and Jin Yao had already arrived early in the morning, and they did not move. After seeing Eunuch Mao and Ye Meixi, they hurried forward.

Ye Meixi was dressed in a dark red brocade robe, still so enchanting and handsome, she turned her eyes to look at Eunuch Cat, "Eunuch Cat, you've been tired all the way, it's better to rest for a night."

"When she was dying, she was relieved, and she even tried to forget the memory of you killing her when she was dying. At that time, she felt relieved, really relieved, she thought she was dead, she could see Her imperial brother, seeing the person she loves the most, the person she has loved since childhood, but she did not expect that there is a person who has replaced her and lives in this world at this time." Feng Aotian He said calmly and said in a low voice, "The real Feng Aotian was killed by you, in fact, she came back, when you appeared, she came back, but she couldn't come back to life, after you died, she came back. At that time, she left with you, didn't you see her?"

Feng Aoyun stayed where he was, and he thought carefully, "I had a dream that I and Tian'er returned to our childhood, laughing together, running together, telling our own secrets together, and then, together, we When I grew up, I became the emperor, and I was with her as I wished. We were very happy and very happy... Really happy... But when I woke up, everything changed, why should I live? Why?"

Feng Aotian said in a low voice, "I didn't want to see you again, I didn't want to tell you the truth, at the very least, there is still hope for you to live, maybe, this is also what Feng Aotian thought, but now I know, to tell you the truth, It is the most correct decision, at least, you can understand that she loves you from beginning to end, it has never changed, what you are doing is not a dream, it is a real thing, you should be together, right?"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it." Feng Aoyun raised his eyes to look at her, "Why did you take away Tian'er, why?"

"This is life." Feng Aotian looked at Feng Aoyun, "I don't know why I came here, and I don't even know that I have so many entanglements here, just like you, like a real Feng Aotian, we don't know our fate, but let me tell you, Feng Aoyun, I'm not the real Feng Aotian, my name is Li Ying, I come from another world, but I have a relationship with Feng Aotian. Inextricably linked, I have never loved you, and the person who truly loved you died in your hands, but she never regretted it."

"No, this is not true." Feng Aoyun shook his head desperately, showing that he was always so cruel. He had imagined the possibility countless times, but Du Du did not expect such an ending.

"Feng Aoyun, don't be obsessed anymore, the real Feng Aotian has been waiting for you, she will be happy if you are alive, and if you die, she will go to find you no matter if you go to heaven or earth. , don't you feel the warmth and familiarity of Sisi? That's not what I gave you, it's what the real Feng Aotian gave you, and I, the people I love are all by my side, but without you, because I Li Ying has never loved you." Feng Aotian said coldly.

Feng Aoyun slumped to the ground and looked up at the sky in despair. He raised his eyes and looked into the distance, "Haha, my life is a joke, why do you want me to be a joke again?"

Feng Aotian sighed deeply, "This is my bad relationship with Gongyi Gu, his thoughts are the same as yours, no one is allowed to take everything from him, and love is not possession, but he never understood But how did you ever understand? You love her, but you keep hurting her, Feng Aoyun, do you really love her?"

Feng Aoyun shook his head desperately, staring at the sky in a daze, "Do I love? Do I really love? Why do I love and hurt her again?"

Meteor couldn't hold it anymore, she raised her eyes to look at Feng Aotian, but she looked at Feng Aoyun and whispered, "You love it very much, but your love is not as good as her, Feng Aoyun, Feng Aoyun, let go of everything. her obsession, and live well, so that she will grow taller