This Lord is Too Cruel

Chapter 6: 006 Live to see people and die to see corpses


The generals headed by Jibai glared at each other, thinking that the prince regent had asked the wrong person. Isn't the focus now on how to deal with Li Su? Why bring out General Mu again

"Huh?" Seeing Jibai's puzzled expression, Feng Aotian intensified his tone, "This king never asks a second time."

Ji Bai quickly reacted, lowered his head and replied, "Go back to the regent, Mu Jiang... Mu Hanyao is now working in the quarry in Xicheng."

"How far is it from the military camp?" Feng Aotian thought about the quarry in Xicheng. The reason why she mentioned Mu Hanyao was because she saw his name when she was looking through the volume, and immediately came to mind. information about him.

Mu Hanyao, his grandfather was the founding marshal of the Feng Kingdom. He was loyal from generation to generation and he was an important minister of the country. At that time, he was even more prosperous. He fought with his father since childhood and won many military exploits. The most thrilling battle was six years ago. When he was only fourteen years old, he went to the Black Canyon alone, rescued the Mu family army who was besieged and almost annihilated in the valley, and even broke through the death trap set by the Qi Kingdom. Injured, he immediately retreated, and the border war was calm for two years.

And he became famous in the first battle. The first emperor was very happy, and he specially designated Mu Hanyao as the general of Pingxi, and bestowed the sword of Shangfang to show the loyalty of the Mu family army.

The family members of the Mu family were weak, and it was passed down to Mu Hanyao's generation. Only his mother and his younger brother Mu Hanjin, who was two years younger than him, remained in the mansion. , because this Mu Hanjin is not as literate as Mu Hanyao, a young general, he is handsome, he likes to recite poetry, he is arty, and he is good at playing the flute. Tian took a fancy to him and forcibly took him.

Mu Hanyuan was guarding at the border gate. Hearing this, he was heartbroken and angry. He led his troops to the capital without authorization, but at the foot of the city gate, he was threatened by Feng Aotian with Mu Hanjin's life. Soldiers return.

Immediately, the Prince Regent issued an decree to remove him from the post of general for the crime of treason. The Mu family army naturally refused to accept it. However, because Mu Hanjin was in Feng Aotian's hands now, and Mu Hanyao did not have any summons, he brought his troops into the capital. , Although he holds the sword of Shangfang, he can be exempted from the death penalty and cannot escape the crime of living, and he is specially assigned to work in the quarry of Xicheng.

When Feng Aotian thought about this, he felt a pity. This person has extraordinary courage and knowledge. He is indeed a general. If he can be used by her, there will be no worries here. If this person can't be used by her, it will be trouble later Infinity must be divided quickly.

Ji Bai counted the time. For the past two years, they have been guarding the border and dare not go to visit. For fear of being known by the regent, they placed Mu Hanyao to death without any charges.

"Hurry up and whip, we will be here in a day." Jibai replied truthfully, wondering why the prince regent suddenly asked about General Mu? He set his eyes on the volume that Feng Aotian had just flipped through, and secretly screamed in his heart, could it be that the Prince Regent was going to be bad for General Mu

Feng Aotian naturally knows what they are afraid of now, but for anyone she likes, there is no other possibility except Zuo death, she sneered in her heart, raised her hand slightly, and made a crisp sound with her fingers, "Before midnight tonight, be sure to admire him. Han Yao brought it, if he wants to resist, this king wants to see people die and corpses."

Jibai bowed his head and knelt on the ground. Now, he can't remember how long he knelt down, an hour? two hours? The chill in my heart is getting colder and colder, what is the Prince Regent going to do

Li Su has no arrogance and anger at this moment. If the regent really opens the city gate, then he, Li Su, is a sinner through the ages. His words lingered in his heart, only a coward would choose to commit suicide, he really did not deserve the sword that had followed him for many years.

Time is fleeting. At this moment, Tsing Yi, who has been kneeling outside the tent for a whole day, still has his head lowered, his eyes are blank, and he no longer has any expectations and extravagance. Occasionally, the footsteps of patrolling soldiers could be heard all around him. He was like a puppet with a lost soul, without any response, just letting the wind blow and the sun blow.

As night fell, bonfires were piled up in the tents, the mist outside the tents filled the air, and the council hall was filled with haze. They had been kneeling for a whole day, but they felt like a lifetime had passed, and every time they were suffering.

Feng Aotian sat upright in the main seat, closed her eyes and rested her mind. On this day, she was not at ease, and the topographic map she had just read echoed in her mind. Now, instead of spending time making these soldiers loyal to her, it is better to retreat. And secondly, let the person with the highest prestige in their hearts convince her, but to conquer a stubborn fierce horse, it also requires great courage and a strong enough aura and skill.

Sixi reminded the regent to eat several times, but he was stopped by his cold phoenix eyes. Now, when it was time for his son, the regent only had a little breakfast in the morning, and he stopped eating. He really Some worry.

A gust of cold wind blew, Feng Aotian said solemnly, "Bring people into the tent."

Ji Bai and others have been kneeling for a day. Now, their bodies are stiff and numb, and they have no consciousness. There has been no word in the tent since the voice of the regent's order earlier. This day has been extremely difficult, and they are afraid that they will spend their whole lives. I will never forget such unforgettable pain.

Feng Aotian's voice fell, but she didn't see any sound. Her eyes dimmed, and she could sense the breath of the two souls. Now that people are outside, why not enter

"Dead?" Feng Aotian's tone became more gloomy, cold to the bone.

"Alive." The soul of the two souls made a low, hoarse sound, like a dull sound that was covered in dust and soil for many years, which was depressing.

"What?" Feng Aotian couldn't help but wonder. Soul has always worked neatly and neatly, and even knew her thoughts. Why, today, she was hesitant. Could it be that Mu Hanyao had an accident on the way to bring it

"Yes." Soul lowered his head and glanced at the acupuncture points that had been tapped. Mu Hanyao, whose stern and resolute face burst out with a cold and soul-stirring spirit, definitely brought people here according to his master's usual preferences. However, in this camp The master is not the only one, the master has always disliked others coveting his prey, why does he have to appreciate it in public today

Po gave Hun a look, and they would obey the master's order without hesitation. Since the master has changed his taste now and wants to find someone to appreciate it, then they just follow the order.

A sigh flashed in the cold eyes of the soul, and he threw Mu Hanyao into the tent, and the two of them disappeared into the dark.

Feng Aotian was about to scold, thinking that the two souls would be too strange tonight. Suddenly, a white light flashed into the tent. She looked intently, and the arm on the chair slipped, this...

Ji Bai and the others also felt abrupt, they raised their eyes quickly, and saw an unknown object rolling in, just as they were about to speak, they were suddenly stunned and shocked.