This Lord is Too Cruel

Chapter 75: 070 Juvenile Love? Curse? (2)


However, the palace was heavily guarded, and I didn't know where you were imprisoned, so it has been delayed until now. Now, seeing that you are safe and sound, my younger brother is also relieved. "

"I've only gotten better recently." Leng Qianye said with a light smile, "I don't even mention it."

"Do you have wine here?" Xing Wuyun asked himself.

"Happy, bring some wine." Leng Qianye said with a light smile, "I still can't change my addiction to alcohol."

"Hey, if I don't have wine for a day, I will feel that life is boring." Xing Wuyun smiled, and his eyebrows were full of free and easy.

"Really?" A cold voice sounded, Xing Wuyun's smile froze on his face, and when he turned his eyes, he saw a brown figure walking in.

Leng Qianye sat on the bamboo bench, still indifferent to her, Xing Wuyun got up quickly and smiled, "Your Highness, aren't you busy? How come you are here?"

"Stay too long, come out and get some air." Feng Aotian said with a cold face, then sat down and saw that Huanxi had brought the wine.

Feng Aotian raised his eyebrows, looked at the military book on the side, and then looked at Leng Qianye, "Have you not read it yet?"

"There are a few things in the back that are a bit difficult to understand." Leng Qianye looked at Feng Aotian, and when he talked about the military book, he became interested, and it was rare to return to her.

Feng Aotian picked up the military book, "Which places?"

Leng Qianye went on to say, "Since the sixty-two places, there have been some incomprehensible things."

Feng Aotian thought that after she got this book of war, she just read it roughly, and then she began to read page by page. When Xing Wuyun saw the wine, he couldn't wait to pour a glass and drank it all. Although he was not as drunk as Furong, he was very It is also a long time, at least fifty years.

"This wine is wonderful." Xing Wuyun said unfinished, and then poured another glass.

Feng Aotian raised his eyes slightly, glanced at him, and then focused on the military book, Leng Qianye also filled a glass for himself, raised his eyes, and looked at her.

The bamboo forest is quiet, the breeze is a little bit, and the bamboo shadow is green and foggy. Her handsome face is as elegant as green bamboo, her red lips are slightly pursed, her eyes are like a god, and she is holding a scroll in her hand. People can not bear to disturb at a glance.

Xing Wuyun raised his eyes, also looking at Feng Aotian like this, thinking about the picture of her and Ye Meixi together, thinking of the scene when he saw her for the first time a few days ago, completely three different temperaments, but unique. Concentrating on her alone, staring at her side face, the softness she was under him that day appeared in his mind, he hurriedly lowered his eyes, scolded himself, what were you thinking

Mu Hanjin woke up faintly, supporting his weak body, his clothes intact, looking around, still in the study, with memorials on the side, he recalled what happened just now, raised his hand, touched his lips, he Sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, breathing in.

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye, Xing Wuyun had finished drinking two pots of fine wine, and leaned contentedly on the green bamboo on the side, with a pair of peach blossom eyes slightly curved, his face like peach blossoms, his red lips slightly pursed, and with that goose yellow shirt, even It's amorous.

Leng Qianye was silent, the content of the military book revolved in his mind, pondering carefully, Feng Aotian closed the scroll and threw it into his arms, "This scroll has seventy-two methods of arranging troops. One can become an independent array, or two can be combined into one, three can be combined into two, or the entire seventy-two arrays can be combined into one. If you look from the back to the front, the seventy-second array can be combined. Combine it with the first formation, then combine the second formation with the seventy-one formations, and so on, you can know the secrets."

Leng Qianye looked at Feng Aotian with a flash of consternation. He studied the military book for half a month, but it only took her two hours to read it. He hurriedly opened the book and compared the one he said just now with the corresponding one. The combination of the formation is really incomparably subtle, a brilliance flashed in his indifferent eyes, he raised his eyes and looked at her.

Feng Aotian got up and looked at Xing Wuyun, "Alcohol addiction is over, it's time to go."

"Okay." Xing Wuyun smiled contentedly, then got up, and bowed to Leng Qianye, "Brother Qianye, I'll chat with you another day."

"Okay, Brother Wuyun, walk slowly." Leng Qianye also got up and said politely.

Feng Aotian looked sideways and saw that he was kind to others, but he was cold and ignorant to herself. She turned around, folded a bamboo, and drew it at the soft wetlands. Throwing the bamboo aside, he turned and left Qinghui Pavilion.

Leng Qianye stood aside, watching the back of Feng Aotian leaving, then lowered his eyes, when he saw the picture on the ground, his eyes flashed with joy, turned around, took the pen and ink, and rushed out, drawing the graphics on the ground. On the paper, I couldn't help but exclaim, "It's really amazing."

Xing Wuyun followed Feng Aotian out of Qinghui Pavilion, he suddenly stepped forward, put his arm on her body, leaned close to her, and stared at her lustrous lips like a woman, there was still the scent of hibiscus drunk on his body, making him intoxicated Incessantly, he slowly approached her lips, stuck out the tip of his tongue, touched her lips, and smiled softly, "It's so sweet."

Feng Aotian was a little frightened by Xing Wuyun's unexpected move, raised her eyes, looked at the corner of his mouth with a smile, leaned on his shoulder, and fell asleep like this, a cold light flashed in her eyes, it was always only the master who molested others. Today, she was taken lightly by a slut, and she was a drunken slut. She raised her hand and tossed it gently, and Xing Wuyun was thrown directly into the pond beside him.

"Ah!" Xing Wuyun struggled in the pond and shouted loudly. Suddenly, he woke up most of the time. Looking into the distance, he was staring at himself coldly. His eyes were like a sharp sword. He shivered a few times. Crawled out of the pond.

He looked at his drenched and embarrassed appearance, and couldn't help wailing, his image of a graceful and charming son was now ruined here, but fortunately, no one else saw it except the regent.

Feng Aotian turned around and walked forward. Xing Wuyun was covered in mud at this time, but, seeing Feng Aotian who had already left, he could only hold on and follow him.

Mu Hanjin felt that his breath was much smoother, and then he stopped work, raised his fingers slightly, and the bookcase that fell on the ground landed firmly on the soft couch. He got off the soft couch and placed the memorials on the bookcase one by one. However, The inkstone and the imperial brush were knocked to the ground. He stepped up and walked out of the study, and saw Feng Aotian stepping into the bedroom with a gloomy face.

He raised his eyebrows, lowered his head, and stood at the door, "Your Highness."

Feng Aotian turned his eyes and looked at him. Seeing that he was still the same, he then stepped forward and grabbed his wrist, "Master touched you to make you feel so uncomfortable?"

Mu Hanjin was silent. He didn't know how to answer. Could it be that in the past two years, whenever she touched him, he would feel a chill? However, now, when she touched him, his heart would tremble uncontrollably.

"Okay, very good, don't worry, Master will never touch you in the future." Feng Aotian said, and walked away.

Mu Hanjin trembled, watching her leaving back, backed weakly, until he fell on the soft couch, he caressed his heart, the corners of his mouth were full of bitterness, he was unable to cross the path in his heart after all. gully.

Feng Aotian turned around angrily, stepped out of the bedroom, and saw Xing Wuyun came over in a mess, seaweed floating on the top of his head, his clothes were sticking to his body, and the mud was unbearable, her eyes condensed, "Don't take him to change clothes. "

"Yes." Eunuch Feng naturally knew that the lord was in a bad mood, and hurriedly gave Sixi a wink beside him.

Xing Wuyun also saw the anger in Feng Aotian's eyes, so it would be better for him to leave quickly.

Feng Aotian raised her eyes and looked at the boundless sky. It turned out that it was a mutual dislike. She hid the anger in her eyes, then turned around, entered the bedroom, entered the study, and saw Mu Hanjin sitting on the soft couch. superior.

She swept the brush and ink scattered on the ground, "Eunuch Feng, re-apply two copies of the Four Treasures of the Study."

"Yes." Eunuch Feng, who was standing outside the palace, was ready long ago, and he hurriedly put his head in it, put it on the desk, and withdrew.

Feng Aotian simply sat down on the soft couch, picked up the memorial, and flipped through the notes. Since then, he has not said a word.

Mu Hanjin also sat cross-legged, then picked up the pen, calmed his mind, and read the memorial attentively.

In the Yihuan Pavilion, Ye Meixi was exercising to heal her injuries. Suddenly, the door was opened, and he stopped work immediately. He raised his eyes and saw Suixi bowed and walked in.

"Suixi, what are you doing here?" Ye Meixi's eyebrows were a little more defensive, because this person's aura was not familiar to him, but rather dangerous.

"Master, this is the medicine that the lord specially ordered the servants to fry you. The lord said that you should drink it while it's hot." Suixi held the medicine bowl in both hands and lowered his head.

Ye Meixi's eyes flashed slyly, sitting on the bed, watching Suixi slowly approaching him, standing a step away from him.

"Oh, why doesn't this palace know about this?" Ye Meixi's eyes narrowed slightly, and she was even more charming. Suddenly, his figure flashed, and his hand was already around Suixi's neck.

"Your Highness... your martial arts?" Suixi in front of him looked at him in astonishment.

Ye Meixi waved her sleeves, and the mask on Suixi's face in front of her was torn off, revealing her beautiful face. She burst into tears, and then knelt on the ground, "Your Highness, my servant has finally found you."

Ye Meixi fluttered her sleeves and sat on the bed, staring at the woman in front of her, her beautiful eyes flashing, and she said, "Xianghan, go back, I won't go back with you."

"His Royal Highness, have you forgotten how the princess died tragically? Have you forgotten the hardships you have suffered over the years? Have you forgotten who destroyed the 'Moyan Pavilion'? Buried for life, the hatred of these people, Your Highness, have you forgotten?" The woman knelt on the ground, tears in her eyes, her eyes were ruthless, and she seemed to have all kinds of hatred, and said loudly.

Ye Meixiyin curled up slightly with the hand in the sleeve robe, how could he forget, how could he forget, but now, how could he be willing to leave

"Let me think about it." Ye Meixi waved her hand, "How did you know I was here?"

"The slaves overheard the conversation between the empress and the dark guard, and only then did I know that Your Highness has suffered such humiliation in the past year. You are a dignified prince.

Ye Meixi smiled charmingly, raised her eyes, "It's down to this?" His eyes turned cold, and with a wave of his palm, the screen in front of him was shattered, he stood up in awe, and stood with his hands behind his back, "Go back first, I know what to do. ."

"His Royal Highness..." Xiang Han raised his eyes, saw his eyes condensed, lowered his eyes and replied, "The slaves retire."

He got up and turned to leave.

He stretched out his hand and stroked his face, she said, let him put away his heart, didn't she? So, wouldn't it be better to leave, so that we wouldn't see each other, and wouldn't lose heart

Xing Wuyun changed his clothes and walked to the bedroom in a refreshing way. Only then did he remember what happened just now. He felt that he must be delirious. How could he find a man's lips so attractive? And... even leaned in to kiss... Is this still him? In the past, he was not drunk after a thousand cups, but he was drunk after only two pots of wine

When he saw that there was no one in the bedroom, he walked into the study, opened the curtain, and saw that Mu Hanjin and Feng Aotian were busy. He leaned against the door, looking at such a scene, she saw The coldness in his eyes, when he was reviewing the memorial, he had a scheming and confident demeanor. Anyone who looked at him looked like an emperor sitting on the river and mountains. He turned around and looked at the bed in the inner hall. Feeling unwell, Feng Yinqi, who was rolling at will, with saliva still drooling at the corners of her mouth, twitched her lips, alas, she was still a child.

Feng Aotian finished reviewing the memorial, raised his eyes, and saw Xing Wuyun shaking his head and sighing, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said solemnly, "Get out if you don't come in."

Xing Wuyun tilted his head, smiled casually, flashed his body, and stepped into the study, "My lord, it's just a matter of time..."

"This king just realized that you have such hobbies after being drunk." Feng Aotian smiled evilly, and opened the memorial in front of him again.

Xing Wuyun swayed and smiled indifferently, "Compared to the prince's, the minister's is not worth mentioning."

"This king needs to think about how to cure your drunkenness, otherwise, the next time you get drunk, wouldn't you rush to kiss someone when you see someone?" Feng Aotian put the memorial in his hand together and put it aside.

Xing Wuyun lowered his eyes, he had never liked this, this was the first time, but he was still a difficult master, and his fame was once again destroyed in her hands.

Feng Aotian made the last statement, put down the imperial pen, got down from the soft couch, then came to his side, put his arms around his chest, stared at him, "Master will be in a good mood, take you to see 'Ao' Snow'."

"Really?" Xing Wuyun showed joy and looked at Feng Aotian.

"Let's go." Feng Aotian walked past him, walked out of the bedroom, looked at Eunuch Feng beside him, "Get another jar of hibiscus and get drunk."

"Yes." Eunuch Feng replied, and ordered someone to fetch it.

Xing Wuyun stood on the side of Feng Aotian, and his heart was even more ecstatic. Not only could he see "Aoxue", but he could also taste the drunkenness of Furong. It was really a great joy in life.

In the study, after Mu Hanjin packed up the memorials, he got off the soft couch, walked out of the study, raised his eyes, and looked at the empty bedroom, he suddenly felt a cold wind blowing, raised his eyes, and looked at the figure she and Xing Wuyun had left. , raised his eyes, a slight smile evoked the corners of his mouth, wasn't this what he hoped? She'll never touch herself again, well, that's good.

He walked out of the bedroom slowly, Eunuch Feng looked at his cold figure, his eyes flashed coldly, as long as he dared to make the prince unhappy, he would not like it.

Mu Hanjin didn't know how he got back to Qinghui Pavilion, but Leng Qianye finally understood the last few formations, and, according to the graphics drawn by Feng Aotian, he found a lot of combinations. An unpredictable formation, at this time, I was excited, and when I raised my eyes, I saw Mu Hanjin walking over.

There was a gloom in his eyes, "Han Jin, why are you suffering?"

Mu Hanjin walked forward step by step, slowly sat on the bamboo bench, raised his eyes and looked at Leng Qianye, "Brother Leng, why are you so happy?"

"Because I finally saw through this military book." Leng Qianye's eyes flashed with joy, and when he met Mu Hanjin's light eyes, he sat down, "What's wrong with you? You look like you're going to die. ."

"It's nothing, maybe I've had too much work recently, and I'm a little tired." Mu Hanjin said warmly, seeing the wine and vegetables on the table that he didn't have time to collect, he called softly, "Rejoice."

"Master." Huanxi heard that and hurried forward.

"Re-prepare some wine and vegetables." Mu Hanjin supported the table with one hand, lowered his head, looked at the picture drawn in the bamboo forest, and slowly got up, "Isn't this the Five Elements and Nine Palaces Eight Diagrams?"

"Yeah." Leng Qianye looked at Mu Hanjin, "This was painted by the regent, and I just found out that the mystery of this military book is actually here."

Mu Hanjin smiled in a low voice, "She even knows this, no wonder, no wonder..."

"Hanjin, what's wrong with you?" Leng Qianye stepped forward and supported Mu Hanjin, who was on the verge of collapse, "Aren't you going to treat her?"

Mu Hanjin raised his eyes and looked at Leng Qianye, "What to her?"

"Forget it, don't forget that she is a man, even if can't." Leng Qianye helped him sit down and reminded in a low voice.

"Yeah, it's impossible." Mu Hanjin smiled lightly, picked up the wine that Huanxi had prepared again, and drank it with his head up.

Looking at his lonely expression, Leng Qianye couldn't help sighing, "I'll accompany you." After that, he put down the military book, poured a cup, raised his head and drank it.

Feng Aotian and Xing Wuyun left the regent's mansion, she whistled lightly, and saw a snow-white horse galloping at a very fast speed, Xing Wuyun widened his eyes and looked at the horse in front of him excitedly, "This is the Aoxue'?"

"En." Feng Aotian then mounted his horse and looked at him, "Come up."

"My lord, can the ministers ride alone?" Xing Wuyun didn't want to ride with her. Now, in his mind, he rode "Aoxue" to a beautiful place by himself, and then hugged Furong. Get drunk, get drunk, but there is no Feng Aotian's share here.

Feng Aotian raised his eyebrows, turned over and dismounted, "Then you can do it."

Xing Wuyun looked eager to try, then stretched out his hand and wanted to touch "Aoxue", but before he touched it, the horse in front of him raised its front hooves and kicked at Xing Wuyun, Xing Wuyun flew away, and then saw "Aoxue" He stared at him with a fierce look on his face, and yelled at him.

Xing Wuyun then used Qinggong to try to get on the horse's back. Gu's eyes, he raised his eyes and looked at Feng Aotian, "My lord, the ministers should accompany you."

Feng Aotian held the wine jar with one hand, flew and landed firmly on "Aoxue", stroking its snow-white mane, "Aoxue" gently rubbed the back of Feng Aotian's hand, with a hint of coquettishness , look not to mention how cute.

Xing Wuyun shook his head helplessly. He wanted to pretend to borrow "Aoxue" for a day, then tame it and make it his own, but now, it seems that it is even more difficult, he got up from the ground and stood on "Aoxue" Beside him, Feng Aotian reached out to him, he held her fingertips, jumped up, and sat on the back of a horse.

"Aoxue" flicked his ponytail, and then flew forward.

Xing Wuyun grabbed Feng Aotian's shirt with one hand, and covered his cheek with the other hand. Because "Aoxue" was running very fast, they left the capital in an instant, and in less than a moment, they went to one place. Scenic lakeside.

Now, the sky is dark, the bright moonlight is shining a little silver, the lake surface is sparkling, the breeze is blowing, it is very refreshing, Xing Wuyun likes to feel so free, he dismounts, sits on the ground at will, looking at the front "Unfortunately, there are only good wines. If there are beauties dancing on the lake, it would be wonderful at that time."

Feng Aotian sat down beside him, took out two wine bowls, then poured Furong drunk and handed it to him, "Drink."

Xing Wuyun took it, sniffed the aroma of the wine, the fragrance was fragrant, and praised, "It's really good wine."

Then he took a sip, "It's really good wine."

Feng Aotian looked at Xing Wuyun's free and unrestrained temperament, thinking that she didn't seem to care about anything, but she put it all in her heart, she was reluctant to let it go, and she was really tired of living.

She raised her head, drank a bowl, and then filled it up again. Looking at the bright moon in the distance, she lay down, "Life needs occasional indulgence, but she is not yet drunk."

Xing Wuyun looked sideways, looking at Feng Aotian lying beside her, silver light sprinkled on her white jade-like face, her handsome face was cold, he had seen her murder without blinking, and he had also seen his tenderness On the delicate side, he looked at her, "My lord, what kind of person are you?"

Feng Aotian looked at Xing Wuyun, "Not a good person."

"Haha." Xing Wuyun smiled heartily, then drank another gulp, poured a glass, and said boldly to the moonlight, "Singing to wine, what is life like?"

"Drinking is also so talkative." Feng Aotian saw his insolent smile, thinking that it would be good for him to be so free and easy for a lifetime, but unfortunately, everything has a certain number. The essence of his lower body is also cruel blood.

When he had drunk the last sip of hibiscus, leaned back, lay on the grass, raised his eyes and looked at the stars, he burst out laughing.

Feng Aotian looked sideways, looking at his profile, he was more awake than ever.

"Okay, let's go back." Feng Aotian slowly got up and walked to the front of the horse.

Xing Wuyun lay motionless on the ground, with a shallow smile on his mouth, looking at the darkness.

Feng Aotian turned his horse and said, "You have already done all the things that you have to do. If you don't want to go, just stay." After that, she turned the horse's head, and in a flash, she disappeared without a trace.

Xing Wuyun was still lying on the ground, his hands resting on his head, and a blood-red figure fell to the ground, walking to his side, "Everyone is gone, what are you still lying here for?"

"Look at the stars." Xing Wuyun smiled brightly, raised his eyes, and met a pair of bright pearl-like eyes, "Do you think my acting skills are too bad?"

"Yeah." The man in red nodded.

"Over the years, I haven't acted very well, why did I have nothing to hide in front of her?" Xing Wuyun asked inexplicably.

"She has a high level of knowledge." The man in red continued, "If you don't go, I can go. Although the scenery here is good, it's too dirty. I'll be uncomfortable if I stay for a long time."

"Pull me." Xing Wuyun said roguely.

The man in red gave him a look, "Your hands are dirty."

"Come on." Xing Wuyun stood up from the ground, and saw the man in front of him covered with a red veil, revealing only a pair of beautiful and unparalleled phoenix eyes, a little cinnabar on his forehead, black hair behind him, and a red robe enchanting, really Gorgeous allure.

The red-clothed man tapped his toes, the red-clothed flew over, and left with the wind. Xing Wuyun looked at the enchanting figure and couldn't help but sighed, in this world, a man like this is really indignant.

He looked at the wine jar discarded beside him, lowered his head, picked it up, and flew away.

Feng Aotian returned to the palace in less than a moment, and when he went to the bedroom, he saw Feng Yinqi buried his head and devoured his meal.

"Yeah." Feng Yinqi nodded, swallowed the last mouthful of food, looked at Feng Aotian, leaned close to her, and sniffed, "Uncle Wang, have you been drinking again?"

"Well, I sent a romantic ghost." Feng Aotian nodded, then picked up a spoon, scooped a bowl of soup, and handed it to him, "Soup for sobering up."

"Yeah." Feng Yinqi took the soup and drank it in one gulp, patting his stomach, "I'm finally full."

Feng Aotian smiled lightly, thinking how great it would be if he could keep being so simple and simple, but how long could such happiness last

Feng Yinqi looked at Feng Aotian thoughtfully. After rinsing his mouth and washing his hands, he grabbed her sleeve robe, "Uncle Wang, go out for a walk with your nephew."

Feng Aotian got up, let him drag him, and stepped out of the bedroom. The two walked in the corridor for a long time. After walking for a long time, Feng Yinqi looked at Feng Aotian, "Uncle Wang, are you going to go far?"

"Yeah." Feng Aotian nodded without shyness.

"Then nephew, go back to the palace to live." Feng Yinqi continued.

"Okay." Feng Aotian turned his eyes, looked at him, and smiled lightly.

In the Qinghui Pavilion, Mu Hanjin kept filling up the wine glasses and eating them one by one.

Leng Qianye just kept silent, accompanying him, cup after cup.

Until he got a little drunk, slowly got up, staggered back to the room, walked to the bed, and lay down, but felt cold to the bone, when, without her beside the bed, was it so cold

Leng Qianye was completely drunk, Huanxi stepped forward quickly, helped Leng Qianye back to another room, lay down and fell asleep.

The next day, when Feng Aotian woke up, he saw that Feng Yinqi was properly dressed, "Uncle Wang, nephew will go back to the palace first."

"En." Feng Aotian looked at Feng Yinqi, saw him smiling, then turned around and stepped out of the bedroom.

Feng Aotian's eyes sank slightly, "This king went out yesterday, what happened?"

"Guo Hui from the Empress Dowager's bedroom came here, saying that the Empress Dowager's body has been ill recently, please return to the palace." Soul replied in a deep voice.

"This king knows." Feng Aotian's eyes were dim, it seemed that some things were more complicated than she expected.

Ye Meixi walked in slowly and looked at Feng Aotian, "Master, did you sleep well last night?"

"En." Feng Aotian raised his eyes and looked at Ye Meixi, "Have you made up your mind?"

"Yeah." Ye Meixi naturally knew that the regent's palace was all over her eyeliner, and she knew exactly what was going on.

"When are you going?" Feng Aotian asked immediately.

"If you let me stay, I won't go anywhere." Ye Meixi raised her eyes and looked at her with burning eyes.

Feng Aotian lowered her eyes. For some people, she desperately wanted to stay by her side, but in the end, they gradually drifted away. For some people, she just wanted him to do what he should do, but he couldn't bear to leave.

"If you don't leave, you will live in hatred and self-blame in this life, so do what you should do." Feng Aotian raised his eyes, looked at him, took a step forward, and took him into his arms , "If you are tired, come back."

"Master..." Ye Meixi stretched out her hand and took her into her arms, "Let me accompany you on a long journey, and then I'll leave."

"Okay." Feng Aotian nodded and looked at him, "Please clean up."

"Yes." Ye Meixi left Feng Aotian's embrace, turned around slowly, and left the palace.

Then he saw outside the bedroom, Mu Hanjin was standing still and where he was, he gave him a deep look, and then walked away.

Mu Hanjin walked into the bedroom, Feng Aotian looked at him, sat at the table, saw that his eyes were dark blue, and his body exuded a faint smell of alcohol, he said coldly, "Master is not here, you have to take care of yourself. Although the body has internal strength to protect the body, after all, the body is not made of iron."

Mu Hanjin raised his eyebrows, sat beside her, and took a sip of the soup in front of him. Strangely, he didn't choke on it this time. He then picked up his chopsticks and ate quietly.

The two of them were relatively speechless. After breakfast, they boarded the imperial carriage, and they were speechless all the way.

In the morning above, Feng Yinqi sat upright, expressionless, showing the majesty of the emperor as before.

Feng Aotian's face was cold and cold, and now, the Beijing-China DPRK situation is stable.

After the early morning, Feng Aotian stepped out of the Golden Palace, but Feng Yinqi returned directly to the palace of the emperor. She raised her eyes and watched the changing situation in front of her. Maybe, when she returned, she would have to face a new situation.

Mu Hanjin followed behind her, looked at her tall and straight back, stopped for a long time, and moved forward slowly.

In the Empress Dowager's palace, Xing Zhiyan could not afford to lie on the couch, her body couldn't bear it because of the palm of her hand that day, her face was pale, and she didn't have the same expression as before.

She turned her eyes, looked at Feng Yinqi in front of her, and sighed faintly, "Huang'er, are you willing to come back?"

Feng Yinqi bowed her head, without any expression on her tender face, she whispered, "The baby has made the mother worried."

"Your self-willedness, the queen mother can be regarded as never happened. You just need to remember that you are the emperor of the Feng Kingdom and the child of the queen mother." Xing Zhiyan's apricot eyes sank slightly. Suddenly, she couldn't see through Feng Yinqi. Could it be true? Heartbroken

Feng Yinqi replied respectfully, "The child understands that no matter what, the child will not abandon his mother."

"Well, good." Xing Zhiyan's eyes flashed a bright light, she reached out and stroked Feng Yinqi's cheek, "My mother is tired."

Feng Yinqi whispered, "Baby retire."

After Feng Yinqi left, Xing Zhiyan's eyes flashed coldly, she raised her eyes and looked at Guo Hui, "He has changed after all."

"Why did the empress dowager see it?" Guo Hui asked in confusion.

"Aijia can see it." Xing Zhiyan smiled coldly, "It's really a child raised by Aijia."

Guo Hui flashed lightly, "The emperor..."

"Everything is done according to the command of the Lord." Xing Zhiyan's eyes flashed coldly, "Just now the informant came to report that Feng Aotian will leave Beijing tomorrow, presumably to Lianghuai."

"The queen mother, please rest assured, the old slave has been arranged properly." Guo Hui said aside, "guarantee that everything is safe."

"It's foolproof? How could Lan Jingshu arrive at Lianghuai intact?" Xing Zhiyan said in a deep voice.

"This... is protected by a master secretly... It's really..." Guo Hui lowered his eyes, "Fortunately, Peony has arrived in Lianghuai, and everything is going according to plan."

"The relationship between the two Huaihe Rivers is very important, and nothing should be found out, otherwise, the master's plan will be ruined, and you and I will both die." Xing Zhiyan said coldly with a killing intent in the bottom of her eyes.

"Old slave understands." Guo Hui shook his body and replied quickly.

Feng Yinqi walked out of the empress dowager's palace, looked into the distance, his eyes flashed with determination, and walked to the emperor's palace.

Feng Aotian returned to the palace, but the palace was empty, without any popularity, Feng Aotian's mouth curled into a small smile, what happened to her? I have always been alone, I have long been used to no one around, how can I feel lonely today

Mu Hanjin did not go to the Inspectorate, but went directly back to the palace. When he reached the bedroom, he saw Feng Aotian staring at the bed in the inner hall thoughtfully.

He stepped forward, "My lord."

Feng Aotian looked at Mu Hanjin, "Why didn't you go to the inspectorate?"

"Wei Chen will send the reviewed memorials to the prince every day." Mu Hanjin said warmly, looking at her with gentle eyes.

Feng Aotian waved his hand and said, "No, the memorial during this period will be handed over to the emperor after you have reviewed it."

"Yes." Mu Hanjin lowered his eyes and replied, "Today's memorial?"

"Read it now." Feng Aotian said, getting up and walking to the study.

Mu Hanjin stared at the figure she entered, and her eyes flashed with a hint of sadness, and followed closely.

Feng Aotian raised his eyes and looked at Mu Hanjin, "Okay, if you have something to say to this king, it's okay to say it."

Mu Hanjin took out a kit from his sleeve and handed it to her, "Your Highness, please take this with you."

"What is this?" Feng Aotian took it, the embroidered pattern on it was very unique, she wanted to open it.

"My lord, don't open it. This is the talisman of 'wind'. If the lord is in danger, the minister will be able to sense it." Mu Hanjin raised his hand, his cool fingers touched her jade-like fingers, and he quickly took it away. came back, and continued.

Feng Aotian put away the kit, "If you are in danger, can this king sense it?"

"The talisman in this sachet is made with the blood of Wei Chen's heart. If the prince drops the blood on it, he will be able to sense it." Mu Hanjin looked at her, his voice very light.

Feng Aotian raised his eyebrows, "Is it also blood in your heart?"

"Yeah." Mu Hanjin nodded.

Feng Aotian chuckled lightly, and suddenly pointed to her heart with a finger, and when she gently stroked the dagger across the brocade robe, she saw blood spilling out. She dropped the blood stained on the dagger onto the brocade bag, and saw A red light flickered.

Mu Hanjin never expected that she would cut blood in front of him like this? He got up quickly and went to help her, but was stopped by Feng Aotian, "This king has said that he will never touch you again in the future."

Mu Hanjin looked at the coldness and determination in her eyes, his outstretched hand was finally retracted weakly, hidden in his sleeve robe, and clenched into a fist.

"Your Highness... Wei Chen..." Mu Hanjin was about to speak, wanting to say something.

"Okay, I remember that when I returned to Beijing last time, I heard that you were playing the flute. Today, I will play a song for this king, which is considered a farewell." Feng Aotian didn't care about the pain in her heart. This injury was to her. Nothing.

Mu Hanjin lowered his eyes, Feng Ao put down the soft couch, "Go to Qinghui Pavilion." After saying that, he stepped out of the bedroom and flew away.

Mu Hanjin followed her and flew back to Qinghui Pavilion.

Leng Qianye just woke up faintly because he drank too much with Mu Hanjin yesterday, and stepped out of the room with his aching forehead.

On the other hand, she saw Feng Aotian landing gracefully, and she stepped forward, leaning on the fake stone beside her, and then she saw Mu Hanjin in a purple robe spinning to the ground.

Leng Qianye stepped forward and looked at Mu Hanjin. He walked slowly into the room, picked up Yu Xiao, and walked out.

"Blow the song from last time." Feng Aotian looked at Mu Hanjin's jade-like face, his brows still light, holding the jade flute in his hand, walking to the bamboo forest, leaning against the green bamboo, the flute gradually sounded, The same song, but the mood at the beginning is different from now.

Mu Hanjin remembered the situation that day, closed his eyes tightly, and heard a few winds in his ears, accompanied by the sound of his flute echoing throughout the Qinghui Pavilion.

Feng Aotian saw that the chrysanthemum in front of her had fallen, and it was replaced by Haitang. A slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, which was also a touch of relief. It had never started, so why should it end? It was just a little hope when she was lonely in her heart. Get it, let it go.

Leng Qianye looked at Mu Hanjin and listened to the tune with a hint of sadness, but there was a touch of reluctance and sadness. Although he did not know what happened between Mu Hanjin and the regent, but , the Mu Hanjin in his memory was by no means so sentimental. He said that he had not changed, but he had to wait until it was time to wait. However, he felt that Mu Hanjin had changed, and he had become invisible to him.

Ye Meixi went to the bedroom, but did not see Feng Aotian, and heard the sound of a flute coming from afar. Of course, he knew who the flute was blowing. In the regent's palace, only Mu Hanjin can