This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 103: Lieutenant General


Gu Yu just finished worrying about the uncertainty of this career, but what happened to what he said, the day before his conferment ceremony really happened.

After the Atlantic Federation learned of Ambassador Dunlio's death, a bunch of high-ranking diplomats from the Federation actually rolled around in the military administration building, forcing the military to hand over the army bugs that were responsible for protecting the retreat of Area C at that time.

That army worm—what a coincidence, isn't it Gu Yu

Federal Major General Augsger was even more extreme. His subordinates were rolling around outside. He sat down in the marshal's office and said with his legs crossed: If the empire does not give a statement, they will not leave.

Randall was not in a good mood these days. He was forced to work with Augsger's face and the howl of the federal diplomats all day, and finally couldn't help but pat the desk.

"Major General Augsger, the Federation deliberately obstructs the normal work of our army's worms, isn't it disregarding the diplomatic relations between the two countries?"

Augsger leaned on the sofa and raised his eyebrows: "Isn't the imperial military hiding the culprit also disregarding the diplomatic relations between the two countries?"

Randall explained it again patiently: "We have thoroughly investigated all the bugs that day, and used their confessions to repeat what happened that day. This report is still posted on the official homepage of our military department. If you have eyes, you won't be able to see."

Augsger pouted: "Do we believe whatever the worms of your empire say? Your Excellency Marshal, we have already taken a step back without having trouble with your Highness Kleist."

"I hope that the empire will not do everything too brilliantly."

Randall looked at him coldly: "I will return the last sentence to you. Who did Dunlio's death? I think you know best in your own heart."

Augsger smiled like a rogue: "Why can't I understand you, Your Excellency Marshal."

Randall also smiled back and said to the outside: "Ever, send this Major General Augsger back to where he should go."

The adjutant of the marshal, Evel, opened the door and made a gesture of invitation. This "please" would be more persuasive if you ignored the rows of tall and strong female men in the army who were all gearing up behind him.

Augsger reluctantly raised his hand and surrendered: "I'll go. But Your Excellency Marshal, remember to tell Major General Gu, oh no, it should be Lieutenant General Gu tomorrow? - Our Federation, see him at the military court. scattered."

At 8 p.m. that night, the news that the federal diplomatic corps sued Gu Yu to a military court caused a sensation on the Star Network of the two countries.

But in the two countries, public opinion showed two diametrically opposite trends.

Federal netizens scolded Gu Yu for bad intentions, the military had bad intentions, and the empire had bad intentions.

The imperial netizens scold Augsger for being shameless, the federation mission is shameless, and the federation behind them has bad intentions, directing and acting, so shameless to the extreme.

Empire bugs are often fighting in their own nests, but when it comes to grievances with the Federation, they can magically spontaneously work together and make concerted efforts to the outside world.

This time, they were really in a hurry. The netizens were no longer just fighting on the keyboard. They picked up salted duck eggs and cannonballs, surrounded the embassy where the federal mission was staying, and started a lively offline boycott battle.

This time, the federal mission was really in a hurry.

Augsger was about to go out to pick up a girl, but was caught off guard and smashed two salted duck eggs on his handsome forehead.

The number one idol, who had never been so humiliated in the country, impassively denounced him on his social account, angrily announcing that he would shorten the planned itinerary and leave the empire the next day.

When the netizens of the Federation saw it, they denounced the worrying civic qualities of the empire with passion. When the worms of the empire saw it, they were happy.

They wished that Augsger would lead the embassy to get out.

Therefore, another night of artillery was fired at the entrance of the embassy, which made Augsger's head buzz all night, and his forehead was still twitching when he left early the next morning.

The matter of suing Gu Yu to a military court is also over.

This series of events since Dunlio's death has made the people of the two countries completely hostile, and the already hypocritical diplomatic relationship between the Federation and the Empire has become increasingly precarious.

The public generally only cares about their own happiness. As for the relationship between the two countries at a higher level, and whether the war will start again, generally no one cares. If anyone asks, it will mostly be a sentence or two, "If we fight, we are afraid that they will fail", "If we want to fight the Federation, I will be the first to join the army."

It's cool to have a bad relationship for a while, beg for peace and break your leg.

After Augsger returned to China, he posted a photo of the airport on the social platform, with the text "The air of the Federation is sweet", and finally said the empire in a grand manner—

[I hope the empire will know that in order for Vice Admiral Gu Yu to voluntarily come to our federation for investigation, we will not hesitate to start a war. ]

Naturally, the comment area below was rushed by the imperial netizens, and they all denounced Augsger and the Federation for their shameless behavior.

But that didn't do much.

Even high-ranking imperial officials headed by Randall, including Gu Yu, could see that this was an excuse to start a war, and the Federation was very likely to direct and play Dunlio's death, but—

If you want peace, you have to be humble.

If you don't want to be humble, you can only sacrifice peace and go to war.

Although the Zerg likes to expand, they have been expanding in the universe for so many years, so many insects have died, and so many territories have been fought, and the public's mood has gradually turned to war.

In particular, the new marshal is also a peaceful development faction. Randall promised when he took office as the Imperial Marshal that he would strive to bring lasting peace and lasting development opportunities to the Empire.

It's hard to compare, but if you have to compare, in some cutting-edge technology fields, the Empire's research is far behind the Federation.

If it weren't for the fact that the territory of the empire was much larger than that of the Atlantic Federation, and the total economic volume also exceeded that of the Federation every year, the economic differences between the two countries would have been more obvious.

The heavy industry led by the military industry in the empire is developed, but the field of people's livelihood is a soft underbelly that has to be admitted.

Randall's livelihood development plan was carried out thanks to the support of several army commanders in the military.

It should be noted that a marshal is not a good career. Historically, it is not uncommon for the Congress to be overridden by the military, and the military was overseen by several regiment commanders.

Originally, both Han Yi and Alfrid were the main battle faction, and only Bard was the only one under the development faction headed by Randall. And Lu Chen has always maintained a neutral attitude.

The reason for Lu Chen's neutrality is also very simple.

His Fifth Corps was fighting at the forefront, day and night. If he said that he was actually a developmentist, who would believe him. And he doesn't want to implement his main battle, so he has always been ambiguous about the team in this regard.

Later, when victory became more and more in sight, Lu Chen's balance gradually shifted to the development side.

The main battle faction in the empire wanted to elect him as the marshal, and the people in the country had a very high voice for the imperial knight as the marshal. It was only after the signing of the Centennial Peace Treaty that Lu Chen made no secret of his position of the development faction, and since then no main war faction has issued an appeal for him to be the marshal.

With the addition of Lu Chen, the development faction faintly overwhelmed the main battle faction in the balance of military and parliamentary forces, and Randall has been successfully elected as the imperial marshal since then.

The war has long since ended, and the line between the main battle and the development seems to be a thing of the past.

And the federation suddenly has such a stubborn one year after the signing of the treaty, its intentions can be said to be really vicious.

Anyone who doesn't want to watch the empire develop is none other than the Atlantic Federation.

The problem facing Randall, the imperial marshal, was no longer just how to ease the precarious diplomatic relationship with the Federation, but also how to reconcile the contradictions between the two factions when the call for the main domestic war was raised again.

Lin Xi'an is still interrogating the members of the male insect kingdom who were arrested in the Insect Tide incident.

From the mouths of this group of vicious and brainwashed bugs, they still can't get anything practical and useful, and if they are not careful, they can seize the opportunity and successfully "repay" Ares-suicide.

Lin Xi'an had to check it out patiently.

He stroked his precarious hairline and sighed.

"President, I've found it out!" The head of a civilian soldier suddenly popped out of the desk where the documents of the review meeting were stacked so high.

In Lin Xi'an's tired dark circles, his eyes gradually brightened: "What did you find out?"

The army worm hurriedly handed over the information: "We investigated the cargo box in the airport that was found to contain worm eggs overnight and found that it belonged to Revel Company."

"We explored step by step and found that the capital that actually controlled Refoyle came from Andorra. We investigated Andorra again and found that the actual controlling capital came from... "

"Stop, stop!" Lin Xi'an heard two big heads.

"Skip these and tell me the result directly!"

"We explored a total of fifteen shell companies in the middle." The soldier took a deep breath and said with great determination, "Finally, we found that the actual control capital came from the Mercer Association."

Lin Xi'an's eyelids jumped abruptly, realizing that their review meeting found something extraordinary.

Mercer Association, no one does not know these five-character empires.

The largest charitable association in the entire empire, donates countless charities every year, and supports countless orphans who have changed their surnames to "Mother".

And its actual founder is Wensha Moser, the richest worm in the entire empire, and the worm who has done the most philanthropy. The actual owner of Moser, the largest capital consortium in the empire.

Lin Xi'an recalled that before, Gu Yu asked him to investigate which large company had funds with unknown whereabouts, and he also suspected that it was the head of Mercer, but the investigation order was delayed until now.

Now this is the only piece of evidence that can be regarded as conclusive or inconclusive.

Lin Xi'an held his cheeks in distress. How long will it take for him to apply for an investigation order now

He is a prudent worm, otherwise, he would not have taken the position of the president of the dignified military review committee in the army of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Lin Xi'an hesitated: Do you want to tell Gu Yu about this

Although Gu Yu looked unassuming and lazy, he didn't care about anything except military exploits, but every time he was able to complete tasks that everyone thought was impossible in a way that shocked Lin Xi'an and the entire army.

But if it is handed over to Gu Yu, this matter will inevitably become a big problem.

While Lin Xi'an was struggling, at the same time, the Lieutenant General's conferment ceremony was being held in the palace hall.

The conferment ceremony of the lieutenant general is naturally more than one level higher than that of the major general. It can be said that the lieutenant general is already the highest rank in the military apart from the marshal.

After all, according to the established rules of the empire, only a marshal can be awarded the rank of general. Once awarded the title of admiral, it means that you have taken the position of the marshal.

The lieutenant general was already the highest position a military worm could achieve when the marshal was in power.

In other words, a male who only saw military merit in his eyes took more than a year to achieve the pinnacle of his military career.

It's no wonder that the questioning comments on the star network are overwhelming. The counter-questioning remarks were also overwhelming, with General Gu's fruitful series of military exploits hammering them to the point where they were speechless.

The end of the year is approaching, and a thick layer of snow has accumulated in the back garden of the palace.

At the ceremony of awarding the seal in the front hall, all the reporters from the major media in the capital came, and the cameras were all aimed at the stage, waiting to witness the moment when history was born.

- The first male worm in history, with the shortest promotion time in history, reached the peak of the military worm's career.

A historic moment that subverted the entire Zerg cognition.

The conferring ceremony was broadcast live on the whole network at the same time, and the major galaxies of the empire, various planets, and places with screens in the streets and alleys were all broadcasting this scene.

The grand occasion is no less than when Randall was awarded the marshal.

Not only did the females watch in front of the screen, but even the males turned on the screen, either looking forward to or complicatedly watching the appearance of the white-haired male in a pure black military dress.

The Marshal's formal attire is white, while the Lieutenant will be solid black.

Before Gu Yu appeared on the stage, the army bug in charge of taking care of him was extremely nervous. How could he be worried that Gu Yu's uniform was wrinkled, and his handsome face was not white enough. He had to sneeze all the makeup off.

Fortunately, Moore was calmer, and told him to wipe his face. This time, he sent the male out without fluttering.

Facts have proved that Gu Yu's previous title of "little white face" was not a fool's errand. Against the background of the pure black military uniform, his face became more and more handsome, and his aura became more awe-inspiring and indifferent. His gestures and gestures showed the etiquette and demeanor engraved in his bones, and he was extremely elegant.

The conferment ceremony was still hosted by Randall and Kleist.

After completing the award, Gu Yu made a brief speech in front of all the reporters and cameras.

"The past year has not been a peaceful year, and I have to admit it with such regret." Gu Yu lowered his white eyelashes and said closer to the microphone.

Every time he finished speaking, there was a squeaking sound from the camera.

"I know there are many bugs who question my position today, and there are also many who support me. To supporters and doubters, I want to say one thing - thank you for looking up to me, and I hope you don't just remember me."

"It should be remembered that in this eventful year, there are many army bugs like me in more obscure posts, devoted to the peace of the empire."

"And I'm just lucky enough to be seen by you all."

"In the new year, I also ask all the worms of the Empire to believe that we will still do things in their place, do our best to do our jobs, and end from the beginning. Behind you, we will always stand."

"Above, thank you."