This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 104: Reinstatement


After the conferring ceremony, Randall left for something, and Gu Yu was summoned by the queen.

"I think you were so big when I saw you when I was a child," Her Royal Highness said with a smile, "Now you're a head taller than me. Time flies so fast."

Gu Yu said, "How is your health recently?"

He was walking side by side with the Queen down the corridor in the back garden, and Kleist was with the Queen on the other side. Behind them, the waiters were following in the distance.

"Your Majesty is too old to come out to entertain guests." The Queen said kindly, "I can still move my body and I am very healthy, so I came out to see your child."

He stopped, squinted his eyes and looked at Gu Yu's face carefully, then smiled slowly.

"The eyes have always been like your female father, but the more you grow up, the more you look like your male father..."

When the queen smiled, tiny wrinkles appeared at the corners of her eyes, but the beauty of the year was still faintly visible.

Gu Yu didn't answer this, just let the queen look at it.

After a while, the queen patted him on the shoulder lightly: "Good boy, it will be your mother's death anniversary in a month, remember to convey my condolences for me."

The queen sighed softly and looked at the white snow in the distance: "Since your male father passed away unexpectedly, your female father has always been depressed. If you hadn't missed you and your brother in your heart, I'm afraid it would have been long ago..."

His words stopped abruptly, his eyes gradually turned to look back at Yu Yu, and he smiled softly: "Seeing that Yu Yu, who was raised with one hand, is now so good, so outstanding, he will definitely feel relieved in the spirit of heaven."

The queen asked a few more words from Gu Yu and his empress, Fang patted him on the shoulder and turned away. All the attendants also followed the Queen's figure and left.

Gu Yu glanced at Kleister and asked lightly, "Then I'll go first?"

Kleist looked a little unsightly along the way, and Gu Yu wasn't sure what happened to him - to be honest, it wasn't a big deal, and Gu Yu didn't care.

Kleist was silent for a while: "I'll send you."

Gu Yu didn't refuse, so the two of them went back along the corridor, passing a corner, Kleist suddenly grabbed him, dragged him into the side hall in the corner, and locked the door.

Gu Yu was taken aback by him suddenly, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What is this for?"

Kleister's long-covered anxiety was written all over his face in an instant: "I have something, urgent, thinking about it, only you can trust me..."

Gu Yu was slightly surprised: "What's the matter?"

He seldom saw Kleister look so anxious.

Kleist took out his brain and showed Gu Yu an email. There was no signature on it, just a short sentence—

[Watch out for Mercer. ]

Gu Yuyi was silent: "Moser... Moser company? Who sent this to you?"

Kleist's expression was even more solemn, mixed with a little ineffable.

He had to show him the sender's address.

Gu Yu's expression changed when he saw it.

"Your hero, Chris Mercer?"

An email from a bug that's been dead for years? !

When Lu Chen came to the Central Hospital for a review, he saw Bud again.

"Why have we been hospitalized with worms for the past year or so?" When he came with the fruit basket, Bud was awake, sitting on the bedside in good spirits, "Lu Chen, you do the math, first you, then Your hero, it's me again..."

He took the apple cut by Alfrid and took a crisp bite.

Lu Chen pondered for a moment and asked, "Are you sure you want me to go back to the military to pick up your class?"

Bud raised his head and smiled: "Dude, can you?"

Lu Chen stared deeply into his eyes, and Bud's smile was still the kind of smirk that was half impure and couldn't be called a smirk.

Soon Lu Chen also relaxed and smiled lightly: "It's an honor."

Bud said: "After you go, the idle army worms I used to have can bear it-" He stretched out another fist: "Anyway, welcome to the new commander of the Third Army!"

Lu Chen also stretched out his hand and punched him hard.

The next day, Lu Shen returned to the military headquarters after a long absence as the acting commander of the Third Army.

Only this time, the badge he wore on his uniform was no longer the morning star guarded by two willow branches, but a crescent moon and a crisscross pattern of sickles.

He stared blankly at himself in the mirror, slowly tightened the tie on his shirt, put on the lieutenant general's uniform, and buttoned the double-breasted buttons one by one.

His resumption of service has not been notified to the outside world by the military for the time being. Randall's original intention was to make him the official commander of the third army, but Lu Chen consciously left the military for a year, and he lost a lot of training.

It's not foolproof that he doesn't do it, but once he does, it's foolproof.

When he was in a trance, a pair of hands suddenly wrapped around his waist slowly and rubbed against his back ears and temples: "Dear, did you get up so early today?"

Lu Chen leaned back naturally, kissed Yu Yu, who was still dazed when he got up early in the morning, and lowered his voice: "Are you still sleepy? Just sleep for a while."

Gu Yu buried himself in his shoulder and said in a muffled voice, "Wait for me for three seconds."

After three seconds, Gu Yu took a deep breath and raised his head on time, refreshed, tilted his head and kissed Lu Chen's cheek, and said affectionately, "Mr. Lu, good morning."

Lu was silent for a moment, couldn't help smiling, and kissed him with a tilted head: "Good morning."

Seeing Teacher Lu in the mirror, Gu Yu whistled rather roguely: "Handsome, Lieutenant General Lu."

Lu Chen also glanced at himself and raised his eyebrows slightly: "It's more handsome when you take it off, Yu Yu."

Gu Yu was startled, and he pinched Lu Chen's waist softly in a speechless manner: "Mr. Lu, if I'm a hooligan, you have to come back as a hooligan, right?"

Lu Chen made a light conclusion: "There are back and forth, it's not difficult to come again."

At breakfast, Gu Yu spread a piece of bread and handed it to Lu Chen, talking about the business: "Wait a few days, Mr. Lu, can you come to Haiwuxing?"

Lu Chen glanced at Gu Yu's empty plate, didn't take it, punctured him and said, "You keep spreading bread for me, just so that I can't find out that you only drank nutrient solution for breakfast?"

Gu Yu's hair drooped along with him, his mood was low, he picked up the bread and took a sip.

Lu Chen said, "I'll go back to Haiwuxing with you after eating this piece."

Gu Yu's eyes lit up, and he quickly finished eating this piece without any slag left, and clapped his hands cleanly: "Whatever you say, don't be fooled."

Lu Chen's heart softened, and now it was Gu Yu who asked him to go up the mountain of swords and down to the sea of fire and nodded, and said naturally: "Of course I will go."

What are you doing back to Haiwuxing? Naturally, the "Empire Star", which had been silently preserved there for a long time, was taken away.

I didn't see any old worms of the Fifth Legion along the way. Lu Chen's heart just let go. When he entered the main hall of the building, suddenly the sound of "bang bang bang" fireworks sounded everywhere, all directions were full of army worms, and Qi Qi was deafening to him. shouted:

"Welcome Lieutenant General Lu back to the military—"

Lu Chen is not emotional, he will measure the most favorable result in everything. Not returning to the Fifth Army is the most beneficial result for both parties.

But suddenly seeing these familiar faces with joy or tears in their eyes, he was as rational as Lu Chen, and was stunned for a long time.

Gu Yu pulled the fireworks on his body and scolded: "What are you doing? Didn't you say just shouting, don't make so many bells and whistles?"

"Gu Zhong will just sweep us, and you don't need to sweep..."

"And the money for the fireworks was also collected by the brothers themselves..."

"That's right, it's rare for the big guy to be happy..."

Xu Shi saw that his former boss was too excited, or he felt that he had Lieutenant General Lu to rely on. These army bugs, who were under Gu Yu's men in the past, didn't even dare to make a sound of opposition, and they all found excuses to complain.

Seeing that his family Yuyu was covered with fireworks, Lu Chen lowered his head, but couldn't hold back, he laughed sullenly.

He smiled, but his eyes were getting a little wet.

Gu Yu secretly pinched his waist and said angrily, "Mr. Lu, you actually laughed at me..."

With his back to no one, Lu Chen secretly kissed the tip of his nose: "Yes, Lieutenant General Gu is still handsome even then."

Gu Yu was successfully coaxed by him: "Are you handsome?"

Lu Chen smiled: "I'm getting more handsome every day, what can I do, what can I do?"

Gu Yu lowered his beautiful eyes, and pursed his lips reservedly, but he couldn't help bending: "You don't need to do too much, just love me more and more every day."

"It's already reached its peak, is it going to be more and more every day?" Lu Chen humbly asked for advice.

Gu Yu tilted his head and thought seriously: "Squeeze and squeeze, there is always room for space, right?"

Lu Chen couldn't help laughing lowly: "You are really greedy, Yu Yu..."

When his family encountered such an interruption, when he saw the long-lost "Empire Star" again, the feeling of aching in his heart gradually disappeared. Instead, it was a joy full of hope and reunion after a long absence.

Lu Chen asked, "Lieutenant General Gu, how about a match with me in the proving ground?"

He wanted to see his current level, and also wanted to see how far his family Yuyu had improved over the past year.

In the past, I just watched the game, and what I saw with my eyes was always different from what I experienced in person.

Lu Chen had never told his hero. Seeing that other insects were qualified to compete with him in the arena, Lu Chen also had a hint of jealousy and displeasure in his heart. It's just that this jealousy and resentment sounded too childish, so he didn't mention it.

The white-haired male is gearing up: "Of course I will accompany you. Lieutenant General Lu, I won't be soft-hearted."

Lu Chen replied lightly, "Me too."

The army bugs in the entire base all put aside their work and squeezed into the proving ground, and the four glass walls were also full of bugs.

"Ehhh, the two lieutenant generals fought? They fought?!"

"Wow, General Gu has made a move to use strength! - General Lu is not showing weakness, he seems to be particularly familiar with General General Gu's tricks and routines, and a bluffing move melts the attack!"

The worms at the back couldn't see it, and the worm at the front was excited to act as a commentary, passing it back one sentence at a time.

The worms in the front were dumbfounded, and the insects in the back were dumbfounded.

In particular, Moore, who was watching the battle at the front, had a strong impact on the three views of the battle: No wonder Lieutenant General Gu was so shameless in his tactics all day long... Oh no, flexible and changeable - it turned out to be really taught by Lieutenant General Lu!

The husband and wife are showing no mercy to each other, let alone expecting other bugs to get along well with them.

Just when the latter listened with relish, due to the delay of the delivery, it was still at a critical moment, and he was apprehensive, but suddenly bursts of applause broke out in front.

"What? What?" The army bug at the back slapped the front one hard, "How did General Gu defuse Lieutenant General Lu's blow?"

Front: "What? What a blow? It's over long ago, it's a draw! It's evenly matched!"

Behind: "What? What's the game over? A draw? - So how did Lieutenant General Gu defuse Lieutenant General Lu's blow?"

Gu Yu actually knew very well that if Teacher Lu's leg was not injured, according to his previous level, plus he was particularly aware of Gu Yu's routine and Y01's equipment, he would definitely not be a match for Teacher Lu.

Lu Chendao was very pleased with the rapid progress of his family, and was particularly pleased: "I have reached this level in one year, and I will make more progress in the future, Lieutenant General Gu?" Then he said softly in a volume that they could hear: "Younger is better than the blue. Yu Lan, Yu Yu."

Gu Yu looked at him slowly, his eyes that were sad and lost for his major general lit up again.

"I'm the best student you teach, right, Mr. Lu?"

Lu Chen took off his gloves and didn't answer, he stretched his legs and walked out.

He's not stupid. If he answered now, he wouldn't have to be pulled at night and asked, "Okay, Mr. Lu, nod your head, doesn't it mean that you have taught other students besides me."

Lu Chen sighed in his heart, he knew too well the routines of his family encounters - whether it was on the field or off the field.

Gu Yu followed, and the army bugs automatically made way for them.

As soon as he reached the corner, Gu Yu pulled Lu Chen into the corner forcefully.

"Lieutenant General Lu, what are you running for? You don't agree with what I just said?" The handsome white-haired male worm pressed against his earlobe, and inserted one leg into his knees that were raised together extremely roguely.

Lu Chen looked down at him.

The corner was a little dark, and the army worms who followed behind thought they had gone far, and went out while talking about the game just now. No one noticed that they were hiding on another unlit road in the corner.

The voices of their faint discussions were in their ears, and the heartbeats of the two insects were clamoring for each other.

Gu Yujun lowered the brim of his hat very low, and looked at him with two eyes.

"Refuse to answer, Teacher Lu?"

Lu Chen squeezed his knees together and smiled lightly: "I don't want to be your teacher, do I want to be your brother, Gu Yuyu?"

Gu Yu was stagnant by his actions, his earlobes were red, and the rogue couldn't hold on anymore.

In terms of hooligans, who the hell can compare to Lu Chen

Lu Chen rubbed his knees against his leg: "There are conditions right - what are the conditions, Lieutenant General Gu?"

Gu Yu coughed lightly, hiding the redness of his earlobes, and said a word in a murmur.

Lu Chen Mingming heard it clearly and wanted to deliberately do something bad. He leaned into his ear and asked, "It's too quiet, Yu Yu, how about telling the mosquitoes? Say it again."

Gu Yu took a deep breath and realized that he shouldn't provoke Lu Chen in such a place. The more worms, the more energetic he is, right

Gu Yu decided to take revenge at night when there were no other insects, so he pushed Lu Shen with great determination, kissed him on the lips and ran away in a panic.

Only Lu Chen was left holding his stomach and smirking.

Help, why is Gu Yuyu so funny