This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 108: divorce


Meng Liu was taken to the hospital.

Fortunately, although the wound was deep, it did not cut the artery, but it looked shocking on the surface. After taking the medicine and dressing, Meng Liu fell asleep on the hospital bed.

The first round of negotiations with the Federation broke up halfway through.

Although Randall and Lu Chen were at the scene, the empire was full of sincerity in seeking peace, but Ogusger on the federal side was aggressive from beginning to end, biting on the ambassador's death, and the condition of reconciliation must be that Gu Yu accompany them back to the federal government for investigation .

Lu Chen would never let Gu Yu go with them.

Investigation, investigation, who knows what they are trying to do under the guise

Even the most calm and self-sufficient army commander in the entire army could not calm down, and this negotiation naturally collapsed.

As soon as he exited the arena, Randall wanted to say something to Lu Chen, and the adjutant Evel, who was waiting outside the arena, stepped forward quickly, put his ear beside him, and informed him of what happened in the Male Protection Association.

Lu Chen didn't know what was going on, only to see Randall's normally well-mannered face shrouded in dark clouds and terrifying.

He reluctantly said to Lu Chen, "One step ahead", and then walked out quickly. Evil wanted to put a military coat on him, but Randall waved it away with one hand.

It was the first time that Randall could be so rude in public, and Lu Chen quickly guessed that something was wrong with Meng Liu. He turned around again, wanting to ask Liu Zhen, but his eyes suddenly met Augsger, who was exiting the federation.

Augsger was not aggressive in the negotiation, but his expression was extraordinarily relaxed, and the peach blossom eyes that were flowing with his eyes even blinked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was an old opponent with him on the front line before, and he knew a little about his temperament. This made Lu Chen aware that the federation represented by Augsger was not a whim, on the contrary, they were more like rehearsing a drama that had already been scripted.

Whether the ambassador was killed or the negotiations broke down, Lu Chen couldn't keep his absolute rationality and calm on the spot by holding on to his family... These were all planned for a long time.

What does that have to do with the male country behind it

It's not that he is suspicious, it's really the timing of the Federal Ambassador's accident, which is too coincidental.

Coincidentally, it was as if they knew in advance that there would be an accident in the United Mecha Contest.

In the coffee shop on the corner of 42nd Street in the central district.

The air is filled with the slightly bitter aroma of coffee, and the soothing music is slowly flowing in the store, but the leisurely afternoon time is no longer quiet at this moment.

Just because there was a white-haired male sitting near the floor-to-ceiling window, it attracted the attention of all the cafe guests.

The male was wearing everyday casual clothes, with long hair tied behind his head, he took off his thick down jacket and draped it over the back of the chair, leaving only a brown sweater with a high collar, and half of his face was buried in the collar.

But obviously, even if only half of that handsome and beautiful face was exposed, it was still well-defined and grabbed the worm's eye.

Moreover, who does not know Gu Yu in the empire now

His face was so clear that even across the street, Elvis, the blond female bug with a violin case on his back, could still see him at a glance.

Elvis was stunned for a moment, and suddenly it was like a lifetime.

The female worm beside him with his fingers intertwined also froze. He stood inside and didn't see Gu Yu, but wondered: "What are you looking at, Elvis? Why do you look lost?"

Elvis quickly returned to his senses, led him to continue walking, smiled and shook his head as he walked: "It's nothing, I just saw a friend I knew... Well, no, I don't know you now."

Wu Wei expressed his doubts: "What is acquaintance, and now it is not acquainted? - Ex-boyfriend?"

Elvis coaxed his current boyfriend and said, "Where have you been thinking, I only have you in my heart now. And I was too young and ignorant at the time, and it wasn't considered a relationship, at most it was just a family... "

He stepped on the snow and sighed softly: "Now, we have all found bugs that should be cherished..."

Wu Wei suddenly remembered something, and quickly put the topic behind him and rubbed his hair: "I have a new hairstyle, Elvis, take a look, isn't it so greasy?"

Elvis mused: "…Like, yes."

"Yes yes, no no no! What do you mean by like?" Wu Wei pushed him, still not relieved, picked up the snow on the ground and smashed it into a ball and smashed it on his head.

Elvis raised the piano case and stepped back, suddenly bumping into a bug behind him.

"I'm sorry!" Elvis apologized quickly, and was stunned for a moment after seeing the insect, "...Professor Liu?"

Liu Qingfeng tightened the strap of his backpack, and was a little surprised to see him: "...Mr. Elvis? You're here—" He saw Wu Wei again: "Commander Wu? So you two are dating?"

Although Liu Qingfeng is from Imperial University and Elvis is from the Capital Conservatory of Music, but in the past when colleges held seminars, I had seen Er Zong a few times, not to mention Professor Liu, an elegant insect, who often went to listen to them. concert.

As soon as Wu Wei scratched his head, he threw the snow ball on his hand a little embarrassedly: "Walk, walk, we are going for a walk."

Liu Qingfeng looked at Wu Wei's new fresh hairstyle, pushed the lens, and said solemnly: "Director Wu looks a lot younger, and as expected, a writer is right - love is our second rebirth. "

Wu Wei was even more embarrassed by what he said. Elvis pulled him to his side and smiled at Liu Qingfeng: "Is there something wrong with Mr. Liu here?"

Liu Qingfeng nodded: "Ask a bug to meet at the cafe in front."

Elvis was stunned, Liu Qingfeng had already nodded at them, and walked far ahead with his backpack on his back.

Gu Yu glanced at the time, leaned against the back of the chair, and curved the corners of his lips slightly: "Professor Liu is really punctual. I made an appointment to meet at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and stepped in exactly at 3 o'clock."

Liu Qingfeng didn't expect him to come so early, so he was very apologetic: "Sorry, I kept you waiting, Lieutenant General Gu."

Gu Yu waved his hand indifferently: "I have a request from you, of course I have to come earlier."

All the worms in the cafe were secretly looking at Liu Qingfeng. And Professor Liu always sat up straight, put down the backpack without looking at him, and took out his thermos cup, hand warmer, notebook and an envelope from the inside.

Gu Yu was amazed: "This equipment is really complete."

Liu Qingfeng sat down opposite him and said, "I'm not used to meeting worms in places like this, but I can't help Gu Zhong to ask you here." After a while, he said, "I thought you would mind. The sight of the surrounding insects."

Gu Yu lazily raised his jaw with one hand: "Just get used to it."

Liu Qingfeng opened the thermos cup in which the wolfberry was soaked and took a sip: "Won't Lu Zhong be unhappy when a photo of this place was photographed and uploaded to Xingwang?"

Gu Yu smiled casually: "I have already reported it, Professor Liu doesn't have to worry about these unnecessary things."

Liu Qingfeng lifted the frame of the mirror, glanced at Gu Yu's face, which was so handsome that even insects felt a little uncomfortable, he was silent, and pushed the envelope over: "This is the investigation order I got from my female father."

Gu Yu took a look at it and said gratefully, "Thank you for your help this time, Professor Liu."

Liu Qingfeng's female father is the speaker of the Congress, so he made a special trip home and used some "extraordinary" means to stamp the seal on the investigation order - this is indeed very risky, but Liu Qingfeng doesn't care: "Gu Xi let me To help you, don't thank me, thank your brother."

Seeing Gu Yu accept it, Liu Qingfeng thought for a while, but still said: "Lieutenant General Gu, I'm fine, but you use this investigation order to check Moser company, if my mother and father finds out, there may be a congressional decision. The worms will bring you to court martial."

As an old lai, Gu Yu has long been surprised by the fact that he is going to sue him in a military court: "If they want to sue, they will sue, anyway, I have gone through the application process, and there is evidence, it is they It's just procrastination and approval."

"And do you believe it or not?" Gu Yu raised his eyebrows with a smile, very harmless, "As soon as the truth is found out, they will in turn beg me not to disclose their dereliction of duty to the public."

Liu Qingfeng was stunned, looked at Gu Yu, and said slowly: "Horace said that a person who insists on the goal of his just cause will not be shaken by his companions screaming 'wrong' like crazy..."

Gu Yu smiled lightly, and continued for him: "...I won't shrink back in fear because of the tyrant's intimidating face - so, Professor Liu, who is the tyrant?"

Liu Qingfeng also laughed: "It's the mastermind you want to find, Lieutenant General Gu."

Gu Xi sat at the door of the ward and waited for a long time.

Soon I saw the figure of Randall rushing over.

Gu Xi got up, Randall glanced at him, and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work." Then he stepped into the ward alone and closed the door.

Feymes, who was sitting beside him, got up and wanted to follow, but Gu Xi grabbed him: "Brother, please, don't make trouble again?"

Phimes sat down with a sullen mouth: "Gu Xi, what should we do? Are we really going to divorce the hero?"

As a result, as soon as he sat down, Gu Xi stood up: "If you want to continue hanging on this tree, just hang yourself, I will never stop you."

Phimes stood up and said in a panic, "Gu Xi, where are you going?"

Gu Xi took a last look at the ward and said softly, "I only hope that he can get what he wants and at the same time atone for my mistakes. Now, I can only help here."

"Leaving is the last thing I can do for him."

Phimes seemed to understand, and then asked again: "So where are you going next, Gu Xi?"

Gu Xi returned to his usual heartless appearance, walked outside with his hands behind his back, and said leisurely: "Go home - go back to the home where I grew up, and go back to sleep."

Phimes quickly caught up: "I'm going to visit your house too, Gu Xi! I haven't been a guest at your house yet!"

Gu Xi glanced at him lightly: "Little Master, my temple is small, and I can't afford the food and clothing of your big Buddha all day long."

Phimes took out his bank card and patted his chest proudly: "I have money! Here, give it to you, and you will pay my rent. The password is my birthday."

Gu Xi, a poor ghost, was stunned when he touched this inconspicuous black card. He was moved to tears for a moment, and he quickly made a "please" gesture: "If you are rich, you are the uncle—the uncle asks the uncle to invite him. , I can stay as long as you want..."

Three days later, Gu Xi and Phimes, who lived in the old house of the Kuaijia family, received a divorce agreement from Mengliu.

When signing, Gu Xi had mixed feelings, but after signing, he felt relieved.

That night, he pulled Phimes and held the microphone in the living room and sang in the living room all night. When he woke up the next morning, his voice was hoarse, but the worm looked extraordinarily energetic.

Phimes was sitting on the sofa, drinking nutrient solution with his legs crossed, while holding the remote control at the TV to change channels.

Gu Xi also opened the refrigerator, picked up a bottle of nutrient solution, and patted him: "Master, please give me a place and leave a place for me."

Phimes moved reluctantly, and the remote control happened to be changed to the morning news station.

The anchor said solemnly: "Today, at 3:00 a.m., capital star time, the Atlantic Federation suddenly unilaterally tore up the 100-year armistice treaty and officially declared war on our country. Martial law has been imposed along the border. Please see the news release from the military this morning. News of the meeting…”

As soon as this news came out, Phimes and Gu Xi squirted out the nutrient solution from their mouths.

What? What? What the hell

Grandpa slept all night, and as soon as he woke up, the federation went to war against the empire? !

Isn't there a second round of negotiations? The second round of negotiation did not discuss, and it just collapsed

At the press conference, Randall wore a formal white military uniform and said solemnly to the microphone: "...The Federation has unilaterally tore up the contract and declared war on our country. The Empire will never allow the Federation to provocate, and any inch of the Empire's territory will be destroyed. will not be taken away!"

"I will officially announce to the people of the whole country that the imperial defense war has officially started-"