This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 12: Orchestra


In the large and small cafes next to the galaxy, the female worms probed their brains and kept whispering about what happened here.

There are close worms who keep taking pictures, while indulging in the handsomeness of the male worm, and also not forgetting to think about the hot news headlines that are about to become popular today on the Star Network—

Shocked, the soldiers of the Fifth Legion saluted Gu Xiongzi in the street! What exactly is it!

The soldier stood upright and held the military salute, his eyes were serious and persistent, as if Gu Yu did not agree with them and they would not let him go.

Gu Yu's sloppy eyes gradually faded, and he became a little serious, and nodded with a serious taste.

"I will," he said.

It was the first time that Elvis saw him show such a serious look. For a while, he was stunned, or realized that it was because of Lu Chen, and he was in a trance.

The upright soldier finally smiled, swept away the coldness just now, and even looked a little silly when he smiled.

They didn't dare to disturb Gu Yu any more, so they quickly said their thanks and backed away. Watching Gu Yu walk away, they realized in a trance how handsome the male insects who just faced him at close range were, and the sturdy army insects blushed slightly.

But that is the hero of the legion commander, and they dare not covet.

A sergeant scratched the back of his head and asked in doubt, "Hey, who is that pretty blond female beside Gu Xiongzi?"

"Does he have a good relationship with Gu Xiongzi? When we approached just now, he protected Gu Xiongzi as if Gu Xiongzi was his hero."

The second lieutenant frowned: "Gu Xiongzi and the major general have always been one male and one female, don't talk nonsense."

The two sergeants looked at each other and fell silent. But a possibility emerged from the bottom of the worm's heart - it was uploaded on the Internet, is it true that Gu Xiongzi wants to marry another female worm

Then what should they do.

Leaving the overly romantic atmosphere of the Xinghe River behind you, you can see the National Concert Hall on Fountain Square in the distance.

It is not a deliberately retro building, with concise lines and a shape like a horizontal harp. It is mainly white and black, and the white part shines with a cool light in the sun.

This is the highest hall any student of classical music has long dreamed of.

To be able to perform a solo here means the pinnacle of their careers.

But this does not apply to care. In college, he studied classical music, but he played rock, which was very unusual and rebellious.

Elvis was the same age as Gu Yu. When Gu Yu married Lu Chen at the age of 20, he stood on the stage of the National Concert Hall and completed his first violin solo.

Entering from the backstage, there are many staff members wearing signs coming and going, preparing for the next concert. When passing by Elvis, they all greeted Mr. Elvis.

Then his eyes fell on Gu Yu, who was surprised after realizing it.

Male bug? !

Since Gu Yu was recognized by the army worm, he didn't bother to hide his breath anymore, and was almost greeted by the passing female worms and walked in.

After going out for so long, Gu Yu has yet to meet a male companion.

He once again recognized the rarity of males, and the spirit of the "model for our generation" that males are reluctant to work and prefer to be soft-boiled insects for a lifetime.

After the worms in the concert hall recognized him as a male worm, it was not too long before they recognized the white-haired male worm as Gu Yu.

It's not that Gu Yu bragged that he was too famous on the star network, it was indeed that there were too few male worms in the empire, and he was appropriately tall among a bunch of dwarfs.

- It's quite obvious.

Sure enough, the bunch of female worms recognized his dead worm face that was too lazy to make any expressions, and started to stop working, whispering to the white-haired male worm who followed Elvis in.

"Isn't this the hero of Major General Lu?"

"Gu Xiongzi? He really came out looking for a job, and there are no scammers in the online news?!"

"Wow, is the male coming to work with us?"

"S-class male worm, alive! My dear father, it's the first time I've seen it!"

Elvis turned sideways and smiled apologetically: "Sorry, these females in the concert hall are so excited to see you."

Gu Yu didn't care: "I'm used to it."

Walking through the backstage, there was a faint sound of music at the end of the corridor, a symphony ensemble.

"It's already rehearsing." Elvis led him forward and stopped at the door.

Elvis was waiting for the end of this round of rehearsal, and in the interval he said to Gu Yu, "A violin teacher before our orchestra has retired, and only one violin seat has been vacated in the orchestra."

"This bowl of rice is not delicious. You know, the classical music circle is so small. The young worms who have learned music come one after another, but there are only a few seats at the front desk."

Gu Yu looked at him with lazy gray eyes.

Elvis's slender Adam's apple moved, and he was a little nervous at the handsome white-haired male, but also a little moved: "... After finally waiting for this teacher to retire, countless young females waiting for the meeting are looking forward to it, so I'm not sure if I can get the job for you."

"But," Elveston paused and looked at him with eyes, "I will try my best."

It doesn't matter how Gu Yu looks at him, but he has a vague intuition that this bowl of rice is really not delicious.

He didn't care about sacrificing color before, but before, he wouldn't eat too much and go out to work.

Work will be hard-won, to support a family

, Gu Yu still decided to stay for a while to see if this job should be kept.

The music inside stopped, Elvis pushed open the door and entered, and the females who were putting down their instruments called him. Noticing a male worm following him, he exclaimed again.


The newly rehearsed orchestra caused quite a stir.

"Then, that male worm is so handsome... so familiar!"

"It's Major General Lu's hero! Gu Yuxiongzi!"

"It's a real S-class male!"

"Why did he come to our rehearsal room..."

The orchestra conductor was also extremely surprised, and watched Elvis bring the male over and introduce him to him.

"Mr. Wu Wei, this is Gu Yu, Gu Xiongzi."

Because it was an indoor rehearsal, Wu Wei dressed casually, wearing a half-worn shirt, a pair of black-rimmed thick-bottomed glasses, and a sloppy, unshaved beard on the lower jaw.

After seeing Gu Yu, he was instinctively ashamed of what he looked like in front of him, a light blush appeared on his face, and he wiped his own on his clothes before he shook hands with Gu Yu.

"Gu... Xiongzi," Elveston paused, not calling him by name directly in front of the bug, "this is Mr. Wu Wei, the conductor of our orchestra and the bug."

Gu Yu understood that this was the big boss, so he was rarely polite: "Hello, Mr. Wu Wei."

"You, hello, Gu, Gu Xiongzi." Wu Wei was a little nervous, making it seem like he was the worm who came for the job interview.

But the worms who were surreptitiously onlookers were about to go crazy with jealousy, and Commander Wu actually shook hands with the male worm! Well, no need to wash this! They don't even want to wash it!

Without Gu Yu opening his mouth at all, Elvis began to explain his intentions to Wu Wei.

At first, after Wu Wei faced Gu Yu at close range, his face blushed and his heartbeat was outrageous. After listening to Elvis's words, his face gradually became less red, he frowned, looked at the white-haired male worm with the piano box on his back, and became serious.

"Can Gu Xiongzi play the violin?"

He asked if he could, not if he was pulling it well. It can be seen that he remains suspicious about Gu Yu's ability to play the violin.

This is not prejudice, it is the impression that the group of males has brought to them.

Gu Yu thought casually, would he have to pull it again. The time he went out today has seriously exceeded the previous limit, and now he doesn't want to say a word.

But Elvis is still very powerful: "Mr. Wu, Gu Xiongzi used to learn the violin at the first note with me. And even if Gu Xiongzi doesn't know how to play the violin or doesn't play well, we should keep him. "

Wu Wei frowned, puzzled: "Why?"

There are so many female worms out there who play well but are waiting for the meeting, why should he leave the meeting to a worm who doubts whether he can play the violin

"Because he's a male." Elvis simply pointed out.

"Classical music is generally in a slump now, Mr. Wu, can you tell me how many bugs came to the concert we held last week?"

Wu Wei was silent.

Elvis continued his efforts: "But after Gu Xiongzi joins us, it will be different. With him, even if it is a pretense, there will be countless females rushing to buy tickets later, isn't it obvious?"

Wu Wei moved his lips and wanted to say something.

Elvis interrupted him again: "Don't go to the horns and say that their purpose is impure, they came for the males, not for the music."

"Recognize it clearly, Mr. Wu, it's useless to stay dead. Only by attracting insects and sitting in the concert hall will we be able to impress them with music, right?"

Wu Wei stopped talking. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was persuaded by Elvis.

Gu Yu, who had already started to completely empty himself and didn't want to say a word, thought lazily: Elvis is such a liar. This alumnus really got it right.

Wu Wei was still a little hesitant: "But do you like it, Gu Xiongzi?"

"Hmm." Gu Yu grunted reluctantly, gave the big boss a reaction, put down the piano case, and directly took out the violin.

The females who peeked around and looked around were all straight-eyed. Did Commander Wu leave the males behind? ah? Are they really going to be colleagues with Gu Xiongzi? Omg!

Such a dreamy thing, dare you think

Wu Wei also saw what he meant to try, and motioned the members of the orchestra to follow Gu Yu and rehearse again.

The performance was Wei Bang's "Little Moon Song", and Gu Yu had just listened to them practice at the door. Wu Wei conducts, the other females play along, and Gu Yu... pretends to be.

He was really just pretending, posing, and moving the bow, but he didn't make a sound.

He was almost at the limit, he was too lazy to say anything, and he was very tenacious if he could insist on standing there. When Gu Yu saw his brother, he probably had to cry for his brother's dedication to supporting the family.

- Tears of mixed emotions including anger, shock, scolding my grandson, and my younger brother growing up. There is only one point, it will never be moved.

But Wu Wei was very satisfied. Gu Yu did a very good job of acting, and he couldn't tell that he was acting at all. He could perfectly bluff the audience below.

Forget it, it doesn't matter if you're bluffing or not. At that time, it is estimated that there are not many insects underneath, and they really came to Gu Yu's violin.

Not really, right? No, no, no

Wu Wei was satisfied, and Gu Yu's job was done. Under the coordination of Elvis, the two insects can come to their place for another rehearsal after discussing the next Monday.

The job is also relaxing. Gu Yu doesn't need to really pull,

Just line up a few shows and walk through the process, and then you can come directly on the day of the concert.

Gu Yu is also very satisfied with the job. The salary is not low, there are few things, and there is nothing better.

Think about the hard work of the music school where you have to take classes every day. This is simply heaven.

Gu Yu packed the piano case and took the budding flower branch that was placed on the case. The insects around were still looking at him furtively. Elvis leaned against the edge of the table and looked at him, "Gu... Xiongzi, can I invite you to have dinner together tonight?"

Gu Yu's eyes moved, he put the piano case on his back, and turned his head to look at him lightly.

Knowing that he was going to refuse, Elvis said plainly, "Gu Xiongzi, since he decided to come out to work, he should be more sophisticated."

He smiled kindly: "I invited you to dinner to celebrate that you found a job today, and to talk about our alumni relationship by the way. I hope you will give me this face."

Gu Yu understood. Elvis helped him find a job today. He didn’t even invite Elvis to dinner, but Elvis would not go when he invited him.

It doesn't seem to make sense.

If you want to do this job for a long time, Gu Yu has to spend some energy to deal with these bugs.

So he nodded and followed Elvis away without any objection.

After getting in the car, Gu Yu fastened his seat belt, turned on his brain, and contacted Lu Chen.

Elvis originally wanted to talk to him, but stopped when he saw him put on his ears.

When the engine started, he turned his head on purpose, pretending to glance at the screen unintentionally.

A tall and stern black-haired female, sitting in a wheelchair.

It's Lu Chen.

Elvis's eyes darkened, and his eyes returned to the front of the road.

Gu Yu deliberately wore ears to isolate Lu Chen's voice from one of his worm ears. He said happily: "Major General, I found a job, it only took one day! Can you believe it?"

This tone was too joyful, completely different from Gu Yu's usual laziness and ignorance, which made Elvis turn his head to look at him subconsciously.

The face of the white-haired male who was too lazy to make any expressions... was filled with sincere joy. Joy he had never seen before.

He couldn't hear Lu Chen's answer, but was a little stunned.

"Look at the road."

Gu Yu suddenly reminded him coldly again that his voice had become impatient.

He didn't want to deal with a bug, so he put his life in it.

This completely different tone made Elvis realize the difference between him and Lu Chen for Gu Yu. He was a little sour for a while, turned back and said "sorry".

At the other end of the video, Lu Chen was grinding coffee, and the sound of coffee grinding was almost inaudible. But the sound of "sorry" could be heard clearly by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen put the cup on, took the ground coffee, and asked, "Where are you?"

Gu Yu said: "I met an alumnus, he helped me find a job, and was about to invite me to dinner."

His tone was a little apologetic: "I guess I'll be back later tonight, Lu Chen, you don't have to do my share."

Lu Chen took a sip of bitter coffee, picked up another cup, and mobilized his wheelchair to slowly walk back to the living room.

"Well." Lu Chen said, "It happens that Liu Zhen is going to stay for dinner tonight, so I'll make an extra serving."

Liu Zhen came to pick up the coffee and muttered: "Major General, no matter how you listen, I think I was left by you by the way."

Lu Chen said lightly, "You think too much."

As always, he was expressionless on the ground, and his pupils moved back to Gu Yu with dark and heavy eyes.

Gu Yu tilted his head on the backrest and also looked at Lu Shen.

Sure enough, Lu Chen had something to say: "Remember not to eat unclean things outside. And..."

He paused for a while, and the corners of his lips slightly evoked a beautiful arc.

"Congratulations on finding your first job, my lord."