This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 20: rich


Facts have proved that although Gu Xi is not in tune on weekdays, under the pressure of debt, his work efficiency is still quite high.

The next day, Gu Yu received a message from Meng Liu. He readily agreed to help, and asked Gu Yu to meet at Tiffany's bar for a detailed discussion.

Gu Yu swiped up with his finger at will, and found that if it wasn't for the message sent by Meng Liu, their chat interface would still be on the "Happy New Year" group sent by Meng Liu during the last New Year's Eve.

In contrast, Gu Yu didn't even wish him a happy holiday once, and there were no group posts.

Gu Yu thought loosely, and sure enough, he is the kind of ruthless and ignorant worm who only contacts when there is something, and never responds to anything, so he never ran away.

He felt guilty for a second for his behavior, and immediately adjusted his mentality. After kissing Lu Chen goodbye the next day, he reluctantly went to Tiffany's bar to find Mengliu.

Lu Chen didn't ask him where he was going, what he was going to do, or what insects he was going to see. Within the scope of Lu Chen's bottom line, he always gave Gu Yu the greatest freedom.

On the contrary, Gu Yu always felt that his major general seemed to be doing something behind his back recently, always staring at Guangnao and reading something intently. While sitting on the sofa and rubbing his stomach during dinner, he was still watching, not paying attention at all.

Because he was worried - he always felt that Lu Chen had not given up on the idea of introducing other female insects to him. Gu Yu glanced at the screen a few times, and vaguely caught a glimpse of what seemed to be some material or monograph. It was densely packed with words. gosh.

Knowing that he wasn't looking for a female worm, Gu Yu put his heart back into his stomach.

Be busy, be busy, learn something better, Gu Yu is very relieved. After all, he was always worried that when he was not at home, Lu Chen would always think about it when he had nothing to do.

Recently, the handover of the legion has gradually come to an end, and Gu Yu rarely sees Lu Chen and Liu Zhen chatting about the military affairs.

Regarding the fact that Lu Chen really retired, even though Gu Yu saw Lu Chen, whose legs were paralyzed, walking in a wheelchair every day, he still had no real feeling.

Gradually, until breakfast, Lu Chen stopped reading the military morning newspapers that he had to read every day. The military uniforms and military uniforms in Lu Chen’s cabinet also disappeared suddenly and were put into storage cabinets that were not often used. Gradually disappeared, the desktop was tidy up clean and tidy.

Gu Yucai suddenly realized that he didn't even have to wait for Lu Chen to overcome this difficulty. His best imperial knight had already begun to force himself to gradually adapt to the life of quitting the military and no longer a soldier.

There is no need for him to worry, no need for any insects to urge him, he has already begun to actively adapt with the highest efficiency, swallowing all the pain, and showing the most calm and rational self.

Gu Yu said nothing, living with Lu Chen in the old days when nothing had changed. It's just that at night, he had sex with Lu Chen more passionately than ever before, leaving traces of himself all over him, and in the end he would always huddle under the covers, hugging Lu Chen, who was cold on his body, and warming every inch of his skin. Ken sleep.

Lu Chen was well aware of the male bug's worries from beginning to end. He showed him vulnerability, and also showed him strength and invincibility. He responded to Gu Yu's enthusiasm, and when he hugged him back at night, he was filled with restrained and possessive kisses.

They don't need to say much, they are such a natural couple.

No matter how difficult, sad and desperate times are, it is enough for them to have each other.

There is no worm to insert between them, and no worm or anything can separate them.

Gu Yu has always had no concept of luxury. It wasn't until he parked the car in the parking lot of this high-end bar at Tiffany's and looked around for a week that he realized how precious and rare his hover car was on the market.

The force of the insect depends on the foil, and the force of the car also depends on the foil. Gu Yu understands A, so he has a good eye for cars. It's not that he is boasting, it's true that his car is the most beautiful in the whole parking lot.

Gu Yu didn't notice these details at all before, but now he is poor, and he has to support his family.

I was so poor that I wanted to sell my car.

When Gu Yu thought about it, he did what he said. He immediately checked on the star website and immediately knew that this silver-colored suspension car called "un010" was owned by only five worms in the five planets in the capital circle where celebrities and wealthy gathered. .

And this is just one of the wedding anniversary gifts that Lu Shen gave him last year.

The reason is simply because the year 010 of the insect calendar was the year that Gu Yu and Lu Chen got their marriage license.

Local tyrant! dad!

Gu Yu almost hugged his wife's thigh excitedly because of the countless prices estimated by netizens on the forum, begging him to give him a little money to support his family.

But when I think about it wrong, isn't he raising his family just to raise Lu Chen

Gu Yu's brain, who had no idea about money at all, suddenly became enlightened, and finally, after many days, he realized something was wrong. In Guangnao, he recalled the income and expenditure analysis table that Lu Chen had sent him when he told him that he had no money at home.

The main source of income listed above is Lu Chen's salary when he was a major general, as well as the bonuses issued by the military after earning military exploits. The numbers added up at the end are quite large.

— but definitely can’t even afford this car. It's not just that he can't afford it. If Lu Chenlie's annual income is multiplied by the year he entered the military, Lu Chen can't afford this car with all his income so far.

What's more, there are many other cars like his. There are so many such gifts from Lu Chen that they are still locked up in their underground car to eat dirt.

Gu Yu frowned deeply. His brother is really right, his brain is really damaged by lying at home for too long, he actually

Did you believe Lu Chen that he had no money

Can this be believed

Believe it!

Just selling a car that eats dirt in his car is enough for an ordinary family's living expenses for a lifetime.

... Why did Lu Chen lie to him

Gu Yu pressed on the streamlined door, little by little.

Trick him out to work? No, the matter of work was brought up on his own initiative, and Lu Chen didn't expect him to have such a reaction at all.

Lu Chen used his family's lack of money as an excuse, what did he want him to do? - Marry other females, yes, Lu Chen wants him to admit other females to make up for the god of wealth at home.

But why let him take other females? If not for the sake of his material living conditions, why must other females be taken in

Gu Yu was still frowning and thinking hard just now, thinking of this, when he looked up again, there was only confusion in his gray eyes, a little helpless, and a little unacceptable.

It can't be, Lu Chen... don't love him, right

No, no, that's impossible. Lu Chen's usual eyes and behavior would never lie to him.

While thinking in a trance, Gu Yu walked erratically towards the entrance of the Tiffany Bar for certain VIP users. Immediately, a waiter in a decent suit came to greet him, bowed respectfully and asked, "Gu Xiongzi, Meng Xiongzi has been waiting for you inside for a long time, please come with me."

Before Gu Yu got married, he used to hang out here, and he was a regular customer. The waiters who had been here for some years basically recognized this handsome S-class male with white hair. Even newcomers can probably recognize Gu Yu from photos uploaded on the Internet.

Gu Yu didn't respond, You Zi was immersed in a trance and left with the waiter.

He has always been so sloppy, listless and distracted, so that other worms don't think there is anything wrong with him.

In the VIP box at the highest level of Tiffany's, Meng Liu was sitting on the sofa, alone, with an indifferent expression, drinking a low degree of alcohol one after another.

The lights in the box were dim and ambiguous, and there were other males sitting around, all hugging the slender and delicate female. While drinking, playing dice or catching cards, playing games on the wine table, making a lot of noise.

As soon as Gu Yu entered the door, he squinted subconsciously and frowned slightly.

The red-haired male Charles recognized Gu Yu at a glance, and waved his seat enthusiastically: "Gu Yu! Gu Yu! Here, here!"

As soon as he shouted, the whole box was silent for a moment, all eyes were on the male insect with long white hair standing at the door.

The dim light of the box, from time to time, passed over the handsome face of the white-haired male. The shreds of cold light flowed inch by inch - his crow feather-like eyelashes, pale and even fragile cheeks, upright nose bridge, beautiful but slightly thin lips, polished to a luster like ivory cold jade.

Everyone knows that Gu Yujun is beautiful, but when they see the real person, even the males and their peers are stunned by this very bluffing face.

Gu Yu lowered his eyelashes, looking at them condescendingly.

Originally, the scene in front of him was his normal state five years ago, but it was only after five years that Gu Yu felt as if he had passed away. Never before has he found this scene more annoying than he is now, and he's been here and forced to look at the normal life of the past, especially when he thought he had a hell of a time.

He stood and sat with them, but they seemed to be separated by a silver man.

Even a dull bug like Charles noticed that Gu Yu, who hadn't played with them for a long time, although he usually played jungle together in online games, had a completely different temperament when he really met again.

He was still so sloppy and sloppy, but Charles just felt that something was different.

Where is it different? Charles was puzzled.

The silence between the two sides was almost still, and it was broken with a greeting from Meng Liu.

"You're here." Meng Liu, who was leaning indifferently on the sofa cushion, with an invisible distance from all the insects around him, sat up straight and stared at Gu Yu lightly.

"Yeah." Gu Yu nodded, his long legs passed through the males and females sitting in a mess, and sat down on the empty sofa beside Meng Liu.

As soon as he sat down, Charles was originally shocked by Gu Yu's change, so he didn't dare to say hello to him again, but now he dared to joke along: "Gu Yu, you are finally going out, and this time you can be considered to invite your big Buddha out of the mountain. It's gone!"

The silent males also began to whisper to each other and whisper.

Meng Liu also said, "It's true that I haven't seen you going out for a long time."

Gu Yu leaned on the sofa casually: "lazy, that's not it. If you can't go out, don't go out."

"Hey, brother, you've been on fire on the Internet recently!" Charles was still in a snarky temper, "I heard that you are looking for a job on the Star Online? Hahahaha, is it a rumor? I don't believe it if you kill me, what are you doing? Maybe work?"

Gu Yu yawned, the lights were too dim and the atmosphere was so good that he couldn't help but feel sleepy. He returned to him lazily with a bit of energy: "Really."

Regardless of Charles' mouth wide open in shock, the other males suddenly stopped talking and looked over in surprise, Gu Yu continued, "I came to Meng Liu for this - the company under his name is not ml. Is it quite big, I want to ask him to introduce me to work."

Meng Liu also answered him calmly: "I have arranged an indoor book job for you. It's easy and safe, and the Male Insect Protection Association can't find fault. You can go to work next Monday."

This efficiency is faster than his brother. As expected of a family bug, Gu Yu immediately thanked: "Thank you very much, brother."

He didn't return a happy "brother" to each other during the holidays, but Gu Yu was shameless and recognizable very quickly.

"No..." Charles was stunned by their natural and smooth operations.

"Am I stupid, or are you stupid? Gu Yu is going to go out to work! He is such a world-famous big slacker who has to go out to work! Forget it, go out to work as a male, the first and only worm in the history of the Zerg. Eh!"

"And there's something wrong with you, Meng Liu! You're not surprised at all, you agree so naturally?!"

Meng Liu raised his eyebrows: "No way."

Gu Yu also raised his eyebrows: "Otherwise."

Charles scratched his hair frantically, and his cognition was confused: "No, no, no! Am I the only one who thinks it's abnormal? It's not right!"

He turned around and hurriedly sought approval from the other males: "You don't think it's normal, don't you? How can there be a reason for males to go out to work? What's more, Gu Yu is such a lazy male? Meng Liu actually helped him?!"

The other males are busy nodding: not only abnormal, it is very abnormal!

Gu Yu was too lazy to pay attention to them, but Meng Liu continued to ponder: "Actually, I also think it's very strange..."

Good "brother" had doubts, and Gu Yu immediately listened to him.

Meng Liu was silent, and said: "Actually, I don't need to agree. You and Lu Jiang are the biggest shareholders of ml after me and my wife, and I don't need to nod at all for the appointment and removal of insects."

Gu Yu was stunned for a while, but this time he was stunned, and some didn't understand: "What?"

Charles they are also stupid. Is ml a normal company? This company, founded by Admiral Randall in the name of his lord Meng Liu, is a super-heavy enterprise group that ranks among the top 500 companies in the entire empire.

Not to mention that the commodity trade of many industries in Interstellar is monopolized by this company!

Meng Liu said with sincerity: "And you came out to work to make money? Let's not talk about the shares you and Lu Jiang have in ml, isn't Lu Jiang rich enough?"

"—Doesn't the entire yc galaxy belong to him?"

Suddenly, a string was broken in his brain. Gu Yu felt that his brain capacity was not enough today, and he was a little stuck in his speech: "What, what did you say?"

Meng Liu gave him a strange look and found that he really didn't know anything, and explained to him kindly: "Although the yc galaxy is not a big galaxy in the empire, it is a small double star galaxy, but each star The system has eight large planets and nearly two hundred asteroids."

"The developed industry and commerce are at the forefront of the empire, and there are eight super planets that have entered the empire's top 100 prosperous planets. Whoever has no money, shouldn't you two have no money."

Could it be that for the couple, even a small double-star galaxy could not satisfy them

This time, not only the males such as Charles were shocked by the specific amount of wealth of Lu Chen, but for a while and a half, they were as shocked as the buns, their jaws were not closed. Gu Yu was also completely stupid.

He just guessed in the parking lot that his wife must be rich.

- But he didn't guess that the wealth of his female monarch is not only measured in hundreds of millions, my dear, he is directly in galaxies!

At this time, Gu Yu's thoughts matched wonderfully with Brian, who faced the crit of Lu Shen's wealth list.

— Shouldn't Lu Chen be robbing Congress? !

The author has something to say: Lu Chen: I'm not, I don't, I'm very poor.

Gu Yu: My family has no money... Is my family rich again

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-1101:4:48~2021-02-1200:40:54~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 0 bottles of tea for the soul; 1 bottle of Shanrun; 1 bottle of fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!