This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 28: Birthday


Not to mention how the topic of #愛時夫夫之爱,真 hammer hit the face# that night has dominated the hot search on the Empire Star Network for several days. The next day, Brian brought a female clerk to visit again.

Gu Yu didn't panic at all.

Not to mention that Gu Yu found a job within a day, even if he didn't find it, he was confident that he would break free from Brian.

Brian, the old male, is very interesting.

In Gu Yu's eyes, this male is very contradictory. Take the fact that Gu Yu has become famous for his bravery in the past few days, Brian is the only one in the Male Insect Protection Association who sent both a letter of condolences and a letter of warning to Gu Yu.

He not only praised him for his bravery, but also scolded him for disregarding his safety and never taking the fact that he was the most precious S-rank male in the empire seriously.

Of course, in Gu Yu's eyes, he really didn't take it seriously.

Bryan's contradictory character also caused Gu Yu to show his work certificate as an anchor, although he wanted to let Gu Yu marry other female insects and use Gu Yu's excellent genes to contribute to the reproduction of the Zerg, But because of abiding by the integrity of the gambling contract, he had to bow his head.

Of course Gu Yu was delighted to hear it.

Brian had to scold Gu Yu for the cunning of this bastard. When he left, he left a sullen sentence: "One year."

Gu Yu still hugged his major general, immersed in the joyful atmosphere of driving Brian away. Hearing the words, he looked up at him for some reason: "Huh?"

Seeing his stunned look, Brian was a little proud, and hummed, "If you don't have children in a year, then I'll be back in a year."

Lu Chen sat lightly beside Gu Yu and browsed the light brain. He was half-armed by him, and his fine black hair covered his deep black eyes, so he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Only the finger that clicked on the light brain paused, and then when Wu Wu noticed it, it folded and curled up.

Gu Yu snorted: "A year is too short, right? Can we have a discussion?"

Brian learned a long lesson this time, and no longer negotiated conditions with Gu Yu, so as not to get caught by him, he said bluntly: "What is short and what is short?!"

"The lady who married in the same year as you, has given birth to one! And Charles, who married later than you, has given birth to two, and with the female servants, he has four or five children in the family. How about you look at you again?"

"It's been five years of marriage, and there's no movement at all!"

Gu Yu sighed and counted his major general's index, so impatiently nagging Brian for five years.

Seeing that he was still so indifferent, Brian planned to move to another place, and his eyes fell to the side to look at Lu Chen, who was dumb and silent. However, Lu Chen didn't seem to feel his sight at all, and looked at his brain by himself.

Yes, these two are not oily and salty, and they have made a pair!

So what can he do

Brian could only take a deep breath to prevent his blood pressure from rising, and hummed, "In the past, you all had Lu Jiang as an excuse to be busy and not at home, but now it's alright, Lu Jiang is at home every day."

"You guys are sticky, I've seen enough for a year!"

The words were left here, and regardless of whether the two worms listened to them or not, Brian suppressed his anger to prevent himself from being so angry that Gu Yu's blood pressure went up, and finally left.

After that, Gu Yu didn't mention it again.

At night, when Er Dong fell asleep, Lu Chen was held in his arms by Gu Yu, and he tried to ask, "Yu Yu, do you want a child?"

At night, all sounds are quiet, only the moonlight is like water, quietly flowing in from outside the white curtains undulating with the wind, clear and dreamy like a dream.

Lu Chen's voice seemed very deep and magnetic at night.

Gu Yu's eyes were half-open, and he was about to fall asleep. Hearing this, he narrowed his eyes in confusion, and his voice was glutinous: "I don't think I will be a good father. But if you like, I can work hard to be a good father. Father."

Lu Chen didn't speak for a while, and was hugged by Gu Yu, his eyes fell on the undulating white curtains.

The moonlight sprinkled in dimly and fell on Gu Yu's scattered long white hair, reflecting a magnificent and translucent luster, like a bed of moonlight.

Lu Chen knew that in the past, not only because he was busy and not at home, but also because he was injured and unable to bear children, Gu Yu rarely mentioned the matter of children in the past five years.

Lu Chen had also imagined taking good care of his body and giving birth to a child with his and Gu Yu's blood. But before this idea could be put into practice, it was completely killed in the cradle by the accident of suppressing the rebellion.

He could never bear their children again.

Thinking of his hero, because of him, he can no longer be a father, can no longer have a child with his own blood...

Lu Chen clutched the strand of Gu Yu's long hair that fell by his side, curled up tightly, his fingertips trembling.

It's not that he never thought of letting Gu Yu marry again. On the contrary, when he was discharged from the hospital, he made up his mind. His former selfishness cost him a price, and now he has to make up for this price with the price he was originally afraid of.

Lu Chen closed his dark eyes, clutching his long hair even tighter.

But the male worm's reaction later surprised not only the surrounding worms, but also Lu Chen.

What kind of character Gu Yu is, there is no worm in this world who knows better than Lu Chen. The more so, the efforts made by the male worm in the past month have made Lu Chen even more shocked and uncomfortable.

Gu Yu loved him more than he imagined. It was only then that he realized it.

The more this happened, the more Lu Chen felt a sense of self-blame. He concealed the fact of infertility, and even deprived him of the right to be a father in this life in the name of love.

When Lu Chen was in a trance, Gu Yu, who was half asleep, suddenly stretched out,

He pinched Lu Chen's face: "Lu Chen? You haven't slept yet?"

Lu Chen lowered his eyelashes, suppressed the tumultuous emotions in his secluded eyes, and said in a low voice, "Go to sleep first, I'll fall asleep after a while."

Gu Yu blinked his misty eyes, subconsciously feeling that something was wrong, he kissed the back of his neck with his lips, and said, "Are you still thinking about the child? Actually, you ask me if I want a child..."

Lu Chen paused for breath and didn't look back.

Gu Yu said to himself: "I am irresponsible, and I must think it is troublesome to raise a child. But if it is Lu Chen's child... I think I will try my best to be a good father."

"All in all, things like children are just fine. Yes, I'm also happy, no, isn't it good for us and the world of two insects?"

He muttered, his voice getting lower and lower, and he was about to fall asleep: "Besides, Major General, you often say that I am a child who has not grown up..."

Lu Chen paused, turned his head from his arms, and placed a kiss on his lips at the last moment when Gu Yu's consciousness was about to fall asleep.

A kiss as soft as a dream, but very possessive.

In order to get along with Brian justifiably, Gu Yu insisted on playing live games after dinner in the arms of his major general for the next few days.

Er Zong learned the lessons from the past, and did not make trouble with each other during the live broadcast.

On the night of Gu Yu's 26th birthday, Gu Yu started the live broadcast before dinner.

While playing, I smelled the creamy smell that permeated the house, mixed with the aroma of mangoes, and when I encountered a greedy worm in my stomach, I killed the opposite side very quickly, and broadcasted at the speed of light. The usual hours of live streaming have shrunk to less than an hour.

As soon as he played the game, he couldn't wait to run into the kitchen, follow the busy Lu Chen to probe his brain, and steal a little from time to time. If the movement is slow, it will be found, and Lu Chen will slap his paws off.

Since the marriage, Lu Chen has made the cake for Gu Yu's birthday every year.

Sometimes Lu Chen couldn't come back from the military, so he would pack the cakes he made and send them back.

The two-layer cake, not big or small, is covered with large pieces of diced mango on the warm yellow cream. The mango cream on the top layer is like a jelly that breaks when you blow it, and it even takes care of Gu Yu's self-proclaimed good-looking face, and there is a fresh mint leaf in the center.

Lu Chen's cooking skills have always been very good, since Gu Yu knew him, his level has been so high.

Lu Chen was the head of the family very early. When he was a child, he lived with his female father. When the female father went out to work, he was responsible for all the meals at home.

Lu Chenchang said: "My father said that poverty is not an excuse for bad food. No matter how low-level and cheap ingredients are, you can make exquisite and delicious food. Food often represents a bug's attitude towards life."

Gu Yu's family does not have the atmosphere of Lu Chen's family. His female father is very busy and has never cooked for him and his brother. The family's meals are specially made by the chef who comes home.

Exquisite is exquisite, delicious is delicious, but it does not have the so-called "smell of home" that Lu Chen his female father called.

Gu Yu has always regretted not being able to meet this father-in-law. He died when Lu Chen was fifteen years old, but he left an indelible mark on Lu Chen.

Turn off the lights and blow out the candles.

The warm yellow candlelight was printed on Lu Chenshu's cold and deep facial features, adding a bit of softness to the plain white.

But Gu Yu felt that he could think so mainly because when Lu Chen looked at him, there was a gentle light in his dull eyes.

It made him feel that he was deeply loved by him.

"Yuyu, happy twenty-sixth birthday." Lu Chen looked at him tenderly and said, "I wish you peace and prosperity, all your wishes will come true, and you will be happy and worry-free."

Gu Yu also smiled, blowing out the candle in one breath, kissing his lips earnestly in the dark, and saying, "Thank you."

Thank you for meeting you, Lu Chen.

Lu Chen: "Have you made a good wish?"

Gu Yu nodded: "Yeah!"

I hope that this worm beside him will have a safe and smooth life, all his wishes will come true, and he will be happy and worry-free.

Chubby they turned on the lights, and the room became bright again.

Lu Chen took out a gift box from his side and handed it to him: "Gift."

The two insects both sat cross-legged on the carpet, instead of sitting on the dining table, they sat casually around the coffee table in the living room.

Gu Yu picked up the gift, untied the bow, his eyes were surprised, and then he rushed to Lu Chen next to him in surprise, and kept kissing his forehead and cheek: "I love you, baby! This is your own design?"

Lu Chen coughed reservedly, and hugged him to prevent the worm from falling. Without holding back, he smiled and kissed his forehead and cheek: "Have you seen it all these days?"

Gu Yu held the armor model and looked around excitedly: "I saw that you were reading books about armor design, and you were also sneaking paintings from time to time, but I didn't expect my dear, you really designed a armor for me. "Why are you so talented?"

Lu Chen was embarrassed by his praise: "I designed armor for the first time, and I learned it by myself. It may not be as good as the ones you bought."

"Who said that?" Gu Yu kissed the model of the armor, "My major general designed it personally. Are other things comparable?"

Lu Chen pulled out the wet tissue and wiped his mouth: "You're not too dirty..." Wiping and wiping, he couldn't help but kiss him, reluctant to let go, and kissed his forehead with nostalgia.

Gu Yu let him wipe and kiss him, and thought about getting on the armor.

The whole body of this armor is white and black, with white as the base color, and the joints and the place where the shells are fired are all cold and pure black.

Compared with the simple design of the "Empire Star", the general lines of this armor are also very concise

, but the details are very complicated. The branch joints and small gates are much more subtle and complex than most nails on the market. I believe that if it is a real armor, there will be many more actions, and it will more accurately reflect the will of the manipulator.

Gu Yu noticed that his major general was indeed humble.

This armor model must have cost him a lot of energy. Some of the latest designs have not yet been applied, and they were cleverly used in the design by his major general. He, who is used to seeing a model of a model, sincerely thinks that this is the best quality product on the stage.

Lu Chen kissed his face enough, and after he left traces of himself in restraint and possessiveness everywhere on his face, he said earnestly: "Master, you once said that the matter of retiring from injury is a matter of heaven. I go to the wider world, to conquer the brighter stars."

Gu Yu suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Chen in surprise: "What are you... thinking about?"

Lu Chen kissed the tip of his nose, his eyes were gentle: "Yes, I have already thought about it these days."

"I decided to go to Imperial University and study A design. Although it's a bit strange to go to university at this age, I know you will always support me, right?"

Gu Yu looked at the armor model he was looking at, and suddenly realized.

"What's so strange about this age? My lady seems to be always eighteen years old!"

He said as it should be: "And I knew that Lu Chen, you are a genius, and it is hard to learn anything. As long as it is what you want to do, I will support it."

"And chubby and chubby," Gu Yu dragged the two housekeepers who were cleaning on the side, "Our whole family supports it!"