This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 31: Vulnerability


Gu Yu looked at the screen that was cut off, his eyes turned slightly, and moved to the scorched oil pan in front of him.

The original golden oil has also been fried to a charred black, and the oil layer on the surface is still floating with a black unknown substance. The sliced meat was so mushy that it was impossible to see its original shape.

Gu Yu's expression and actions are very calm.

He even remembered that Lu Chen was upstairs. In order to prevent him from smelling the mush, he turned on the oil fume, opened the window for ventilation, emptied the mush and washed the oil pan under the faucet.

Watching the water splash on the charred bottom of the pot stir up waves, the water splashed on Gu Yu's face, and it was icy cold, which made his mind gradually clearer.

It turned out that it was because of this that Lu Chen said those words, concealed the fact that his family had money, and tricked him into marrying other females? Because Lu Chen felt that he, who had lost his fertility, was no longer qualified to have a worm by his side

No wonder Lu Chen would suddenly ask him strange things about the child that night. No wonder he has been worrying about gains and losses, and his eyes are always full of sad thoughts. No wonder he lied to him.

Everything seemed to be connected, so Gu Yu was only now seeing the sun, and suddenly realized.

Saying you don't get angry and don't mind is a lie.

His palm caught the water from the faucet meaninglessly, but the water seeped down his finger gaps, making it difficult to stop his palm.

But Gu Yu is definitely not angry about not being able to have children, but he is angry and concealed from him and doesn't believe him at all. Could it be that he and Lu Chen were together just for "for the reproduction of the Zerg" as Brian said? Then what does he mean to Lu Chen

The more he thought about it, the more Gu Yu felt that this matter was the root cause, and he was the most annoyed.

What kind of image did he have in front of Lu Chen before, so that Lu Chen felt that this matter must be concealed from him and cannot be told to him

Did he say too little "I love you" to Lu Chen before

Gu Yu reflected on himself while brushing the pot. After asking himself this way, he realized that he never seemed to have said "I love you" to Lu Chen before

doesn't he? Gu Yu used his own brain that was too lazy to think and didn't remember very much, and racked his brains to remember.

It seems... not really.

Gu Yu was speechless.

Thinking back carefully, they met too late, and when the two sides began to try to contact, there was less than a month left before the deadline for Gu Yu's forced marriage. And this month, they also spent half a month in the Cold War. In the end, in Lu Chen's eyes, Gu Yu seemed to be in a daze, and proposed to him in a confused way in the garden of the blind date dinner.

That marriage proposal was indeed 100% beyond Gu Yu's expectations. He never thought that he would meet Lu Chen there, and see him go to the garden path side by side with other males.

But it was definitely not the impulsiveness that Lu Chen thought, a brain twitch.

Gu Yu is not a worm that can be dominated by passion. His occasional passion can only support his short-lived hobbies like floating clouds. When it comes to major events such as marriage, Gu Yu is more sober and realistic than any insect.

At the very beginning of their marriage, there were indeed various elements of realistic coercion.

In order to keep him, Lu Chen promised him before marriage: "I will do my best to meet all your needs. If I can't do it, you can choose to leave me." This sentence later became the beginning of Lu Chen. After being injured, one of the reasons for him to marry other females.

This sentence seems to be no problem at the beginning of Gu Yu.

After all, his lifelong ideal is to be a rice bug who stays at home and doesn't have to do anything. After the death of his female father, he chose to be a soft rice worm, and the soft rice bowl Lu Chen gave was just hard enough.

But if it was so simple, Gu Yu would not choose to fight with Lu Chen for half a month. I won't choose to confess to Lu Chen, and don't expect his emotional response. I will not choose to persuade him to stop the loss in time and stop here with myself.

It's best to keep going. But Gu Yu felt that at that time, he might have found out with his conscience in this female worm, or maybe he was instinctively afraid of something or avoided something.

Saying that he persuaded Lu Chen to stop his losses in time, it is better to say that he was also persuading himself to stop his losses in time.

But Gu Yu never revealed these emotions and thoughts to Lu Chen, and he couldn't blame Lu Chen for not being able to read his extra mood from his lazy expression and behavior.

Neither of them could see through this, and they got married in a confused way within the month's deadline. They both agreed that it was a get-it-yourself deal.

But the mistake was wrong. After Gu Yu figured it out and figured it out, he thought that Lu Chen also figured it out and figured it out. The love he showed to Lu Chen later was obvious enough, or not obvious enough.

So what if Lu Chen couldn't read it all, so he was worried about gains and losses

Gu Yu wiped off the washed pot and put it back on the stove. This time, he didn't have the heart to stir-fry any more, he pressed a few times while cooking, waited against the wall, and folded his arms in contemplation.

He understands Lu Chen's character, and he cannot guarantee that it is foolproof. Lu Chen will never take the initiative. The more you want something, the more obvious this cautious character is.

He couldn't blame Lu Chen for concealing it, he could only blame himself. He never seriously and solemnly said face to face, I love you. They made a mistake at the beginning, do they still want to make this mistake and make another mistake in the future

Just thinking about how Lu Chen has been worrying about gains and losses in the past five years because of him, but he didn't show the slightest in front of him, Gu Yu felt as if something was grabbing his neck, making it impossible for him to breathe.

The heart throbbed little by little because it was hard to breathe.

Lu Chen's voice came from a distance upstairs, vague, like water that couldn't be held in his palm.

"Is the meal ready

meet? "

Lu Chen called him "Yu Yu" more and more times on ordinary occasions.

The corners of Gu Yu's lips barely rose, and he smiled softly and silently. His current mood was just like the coffee that Lu Chen often drank, with bitterness and sweet aftertaste.

It is also because of the bitterness and sweetness that it appears so sweet.

Gu Yu quickly responded to him in his usual tone: "Come on! Major General, you wait!"

He hurriedly went to check whether the cooking was done, and when he was ready, he put the dishes on the table and let Chubby and the others go upstairs to call Lu Shen down.

Lu Chen didn't notice his strangeness at all, just raised his eyebrows after eating a chopstick dish and asked, "Is this made by cooking?"

Gu Yu felt guilty for a moment: "Uh... um, I didn't pay attention today, all the dishes in the pot were mushy... "

Lu Chen took a chopstick for him, and after hearing the words, he was used to it, and comforted him: "It's okay. It's alright if you don't blow up the kitchen."

Gu Yu took a sip of rice in silence, then looked up at him again: "Dear, you have really low standards for me."

Lu Chen took another chopstick for him, and said lightly, "Well. It's good that you know."

Gu Yu: "Honey, did I fry the dishes made in the kitchen and you eat them too?"

Lu Chen: "Well."

Gu Yu: "Dear, did I blow up the kitchen and you still love me?"

Lu Chen: "Well."

Gu Yu: "Dear, I love you too."

Lu Chen: "Well."

Lu Chen suddenly raised his head: "... huh?"

Gu Yu felt that his major general looked so cute, so he met his gaze, and his pale gray eyes were smiling: "I said, I love you too, dear."

Lu Chen was stunned for a while, lowered his head, and gave him another chopstick dish, with a little helplessness: "What happened today? Eat well."

Gu Yu ate the dish he brought, but still caught him: "Darling, do you know that I love you, I love you very much?"

Lu Chen was completely puzzled, and felt that his sudden appearance was a bit scary, so he patted his forehead: "I don't have a fever? Why today... suddenly... "


It's more than straightforward, it's simply terrifyingly straightforward.

Gu Yu grabbed him against his forehead, took it down and kissed his heart, and continued to ask, in an unbelievably gentle tone: "Do you know, Lu Chen?"

Lu Chen was stunned, for his gentle and serious appearance.

Although I don't know what irritated him today, Lu Chen took the one that was close to each other with kindness and kissed him in his heart.

"I know." Lu Chen lowered his eyes and said, "I already know."

Taking care of the things he cares about, Gu Yu didn't take Brian's ultimatum to heart at all, and even had the time to take a beautiful nap with Lu Chen in his arms.

After waking up, Lu Chen had already gone to the study to read and study. Gu Yu sat on the bed and stretched lazily before he remembered it.

He didn't bother to tie up the loose long hair, let it scatter around him, sat cross-legged, and pressed some white hair.

Gu Yu pointed lazily at the screen of his brain, and clicked into the entry on the duty of males in the Imperial Constitution Encyclopedia. Indeed, as Brian said, the empire supports males, and reproduction is the duty of males. For males who resist this obligation, the empire has the right to force them to marry and remarry.

Regarding this article, Gu Yu went over and over again, but couldn't find a single loophole.

Gu Yu scratched his hair. But it's not completely free of loopholes.

This loophole is not in the obligation of the male insects, but in the preferential treatment of the army insects in the imperial constitution.

- Army bugs can decide their own marriage rights, which are not within the scope of imperial mandatory marriage. That is to say, when the empire is looking for a mating partner for a male, the military female has the right to refuse to be forced to marry the male by the head of the empire.

Gu Yubai's bored eyes gradually lit up.

What if it was put on the male in reverse? Can males also have the right to refuse forced marriages

But Gu Yu clicked on "Emperor's Insect Law", and was immediately chilled by a ladle of cold water. The first stipulation in it is that males are prohibited from engaging in dangerous military work.

If he wants to take advantage of the army bug, how can he bypass this law

Gu Yu thought about it, unable to think of a reason for a long time, he scratched his hair irritably, and finally accidentally pulled the strand of hair that was being pressed by him, and rolled on the bed in pain.

Gu Yu has been thinking about this all the time, and he has been lethargic for dinner. But he always looked so listless when he was eating, so Lu Chen didn't notice anything wrong.

When playing the game live after dinner, Gu Yu was still thinking about it, and was almost killed by the monster on the other side by accident. Fortunately, he reacted in time and almost rolled into the grass next to him, avoiding the monster's blow in the fog.

Gu Yu was lying on the grass, his head was covered with grass stalks, and he felt a little irritable.

He simply wanted to throw the bomb out, and die with the monster outside. There was even an idea that if the Empire really wanted to force him to marry other females, he would simply die with them.

The Empire wants S-class males to breed genetically superior offspring for them? He just doesn't. After a hundred deaths, no one will be left behind.

The barrage didn't care about his loss at all. After all these days of live broadcast, the audience has a deep understanding of the male worm's high level of game play. Seeing him rolling into the grass, they are still chatting to themselves in the barrage.

Chatting and chatting, I have the idea of revenge on the society in Gu Yu, and I am eager to try, from

At the beginning of the death with this monster, another worm asked:

[The day after tomorrow is the Qixing Cup, is Gu Xiongzi really not going to participate? ]

Gu Yu glanced irritably, but stopped for a moment.

The barrage quickly refuted the insect:

[Although the Venus Cup does not explicitly prohibit males from participating, it is obviously because males cannot participate. How could Gu Xiongzi go to such a bloody competition? ]

[That is, don't encourage Gu Xiongzi, he simply can't go. ]

[No males have ever competed in this kind of competition before… ]

Gu Yu was lying on the grass, but his thoughts suddenly calmed down. All the ridiculous, manic, helpless, and perishing thoughts vanished in an instant, like clearing the clouds to see tomorrow.

With no expression on his face, in the noisy atmosphere of the barrage, he aimed at that strange vital point and pulled the trigger calmly.

"Bang—", with a precise and neat shot, the monster fell to the ground.

The noisy live broadcast room was stagnant because of this sudden shot. After the barrage was blank for a moment, they began to neatly brush up "Ah, so handsome."

Gu Yu put away his gun neatly and climbed up from the grass, his heart was calm, but the manipulating character couldn't help but raised the corner of his mouth and made an "oh yeah" gesture towards the picture. It's like saying oh yeah to the audience in the live room.

This was the first time Gu Yu smiled at the live broadcast camera. Although it was the game character who was laughing, the barrage didn't care, and quickly rounded it up, it was like Gu Xiongzi was smiling at them, and tacitly said "Ah, I'm dead" again.

Gu Yu really felt that these audiences were much more pleasing to the eye this time, thanks to their reminder.

Yes, why didn't he think of the Morning Star Cup

Isn't the championship prize directly awarded to the military major

Why should he go far away, such a big loophole is in front of him, who will he not drill