This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 37: Victory


On the day of the finals, the sky was blue, the sun was neither strong nor weak, and there was not a single cloud in sight.

The spring of the capital star has come to an end. Before the rainstorm season, it is rare that the wind is light and the clouds are light, and there is a taste of autumn.

Before Moore appeared on the field, there were friends from the military academy who were worried about him: "You have to play leisurely in this last game. The opposite is the only S-rank male in the empire. If something goes wrong, you won't beat the male last time. Worms are as simple as that."

More silently looked through the square entrance and looked at the narrow blue sky of the arena.

Knowing his temperament, his friend saw that he didn't respond, and persuaded him: "In the previous games, whether there are females or not, Gu Xiongzi's strength is not easy. In my opinion, you want to win this game without hurting the male. Worm, it's hard."

"Might as well... Abandon it." The friend considered for him and said, "Let's not want the rank of major, you can still get along in the military with your strength, but you must not be accused of harming male insects again. ."

"I understand what you mean." Moore's eyes were light, and he slowly twisted his neck, pinching the knuckles of his fingers.

"But since he entered the arena, whether it is male or female, old or young, he has to respect the arena. If he is only half-hearted, then it is even less possible for me to let him come first."

The friend said dumbly: " have to suffer with your temperament, Moer."

Moore waved his hand at him and got into the cockpit. With the sound of the signal to enter the field, he manipulated the seven-meter-high mecha with the brown shell of the wilderness to the center of the arena.

Players from both sides entered the arena, and the surrounding high-mountain auditorium was roaring with tsunamis.

Moore frowned in the cockpit, disliking the gesture. He has participated in many mecha competitions, large and small, and there will be bugs cheering for his favorite pilots, but it is only for the mecha thing, this field.

The arrival of Gu Yu made the arena smell like he didn't like, just like a holy and pure temple of believers that was invaded by unknown outsiders.

Although he was in a bad mood, More was patient and made a brief opening with the opposite male: "More, your opponent today, please give me more advice."

It was the first time that Gu Yu met such a short speech, and he was also somewhat satisfied with this opponent, and replied, "Gu Yu, please give me more advice."

On the high-level judge's seat, Bud looked at Moore's resume, and his eyes showed admiration: "Old Lu, the contestants in the last game are really not easy, I think, your hero is a bit overwhelmed."

"Look at this resume, the gold medal in the National Military Academy's intramural competition, the first in the Capital Star University League competition, and the gold medal in the Interstellar Youth Athletics Invitational Tournament. This is beautiful, and you won the first place when you graduated, even if you didn't win the first place this time. , you have to be specially invited by our military department to join the army, right?"

Lu Chen had checked out Gu Yu's opponent today, he was nervous for Gu Yu, and had no intention to listen to what Bud was talking about.

He stared at the two worms in the field, not to mention the two worms who had already started fighting closely, half of his heart was nervous, and half of it was a matter of fact that he believed that the hero of his family would definitely win the first place.

This is not a battlefield, it is just a competitive match. Except for some extremes, most players will follow the principle of "friendship first", but in the end the sword has no eyes, and when the fight is really launched, no one can guarantee absolute control of the strength in the hand.

Over the years, the finals are the most accidental one.

Blood gushing up, sweating profusely, hormones gushing out, mechas are always closely linked to madness and danger. This is what Lu Chen felt the most, so at first he didn't want his hero to be involved in this thing.

To be honest, Lu Chen didn't like such things when he first came into contact with mechas. He was fifteen years old that year and had just been admitted to the National Military Academy. The teacher brought them and the freshmen to the arena to observe.

Those seniors in the senior year were red-eyed, their blood was on their heads, and their hormones were savagely colliding with each other. Lu Chen hates being out of control, and hates this savage state of out of control of emotions and hormones. Even at the beginning, he can be called a resistance to mechas.

But he needs mechas to make him. Promotion, military merit, power, rank, hatred and ambition made him choose mecha as a tool for his ascent.

From the very beginning, the Knights of the Empire were not for the righteous, broad, and unrealistic purpose of protecting the Insects of the Empire.

It's just that I actually went to the battlefield later, and I have seen too many lives and deaths. The comrades who were brothers in one second, fell in front of the next second, and you can't turn back, you can only rush forward, with the comrades who fell behind you. share.

In the vast territory of the empire, not every planet worm lived as peacefully as the capital star, enjoying the convenience of technology, wealth and the security of the army. Lu Chen has been in the army for ten years. Most of the places he has seen are poor and barren, barbaric and backward, struggling for a living and fighting because of savagery.

No matter how strong the ambition, no matter how deep the hatred is, one can still feel the absurdity of life. The battlefield and mecha have made Lu Chen, and it is difficult not to change Lu Chen.

It wasn't until the year he was awarded the "Knight of the Empire" medal that he returned to the prosperous, glamorous, unreal life of the capital star. His father, whom he had hated for many years, found him and begged him to help the family that was about to go bankrupt.

He thought that he would have a mocking and slap-in-the-face drama, and the humiliation that he and his female father had suffered many years ago. In fact, in the days and nights when he was knocked down and then got up in the military academy, he lived on this fantasy, and even polished his lines several times.

But in the end, Lu Chen looked at the male with a hunched back, but couldn't understand why he had always thought that the male was tall and invincible

He is clearly so weak, so old, so fragile.

Relief is far easier than revenge. When he doesn't love or hate, it really means that Lu Chen has cut off the relationship with this male father who is connected with his own blood.

Lu Chen did not give him wealth, but gave him a letter of introduction that a capable female son deserved. As for how far the family can go in the future, it is not what Lu Chen cares about anymore.

He has new bugs worth his attention.

Lu Chen's eyes have been staring at the black and gold mecha on the field, his eyes are calm like the sea, mature and gentle after going through the turbulence of the world.

Like this crisp autumn weather, there was once a goshawk hovering in the blue sky, sinking under the eyes, holding hands for the child on the ground, expecting the goshawk to land in his palm, a boy, a young man.

The finals were a frantic game. The two sides were equal in strength and on par with each other. You came and I went back and forth, and the stalemate lasted for no less than half an hour.

Lu Chen understands this feeling. In the current arena, it belongs to the world of these two insects. They only see each other in their eyes. They are equal in strength and can't stand stalemate, which makes it easier to feel sympathy.

This is the magic of the mecha, it is brutal, it is out of control, it is delicate, and it is pure.

Pureness is also one of the reasons why Lu Chen fell in love with mecha.

Lu Chen cherished watching this game, sometimes a good opponent is better than all. Thanks to this good opponent, he saw a different kind of consideration. A person who was usually lazy and sleepy, but also shed his blood and sweat on the field where he was rarely serious, and let his wanton soul fly.

Lu Chen always knew that Gu Yu was far from everything he showed.

The hero of his family has always been a young worm with endless enthusiasm for the insect or thing he loves, but this enthusiasm is usually hidden behind those lazy bluestone-like eyes, and needs a goshawk to peck it out. , the wind wakes it up.

He should no longer cover up the brilliance of this bluestone in the name of safety or love. Lu Chen hopes to be the goshawk, the wind, and send him to the place where it should shine.

"锵—", the lightsabers are connected, and the light like flames shoots and throws at the connection, so gorgeous. In a long-lasting stalemate, both Gu Yu and Moer were born with the admiration of their opponents.

Moore was most touched. He originally thought that Gu Yu was a half-ass, a male who didn't have any reverence for this arena at all and just came to play tickets. But Gu Yu's strength and unrelenting attitude made Moore feel that this opponent was worth his all-out effort.

His blood was also ignited, and the battle became more and more reckless. There was almost no gap in the handover and attack of the two sides. They knew each other that as long as whoever slackened for a moment, it was the time for the outcome of the game.

The more he fought, the more difficult Moore felt.

After more than half an hour of high-intensity fighting, his mental strength was somewhat overdrawn, and the nerve connection at the temple was in a state of excessive excitement and slight throbbing.

His nerves have been tensed like a string under the high hormones and the opponent's strong pressure. If he continues to fight for a long time, he will either break down or become weak.

Both sides have an early decision to decide the outcome. When the lightsabers meet, the strength is increasingly unreserved, and they try to completely overwhelm the opponent within a few strikes.

Gu Yu hadn't played such a serious game for a long time, and even himself was surprised for a while.

This opponent's way is very serious, but Gu Yu feels comfortable in the fight. Remembering that he must win the game, he feels that he must teach the opponent a lesson. On the battlefield, there is no such a serious fight. .

When the lightsabers on both sides were touching each other, and the strength was full, Gu Yu suddenly pressed the button on the hilt, causing the lightsaber on his side to disappear suddenly. This tactic is very dangerous. If you are a little careless, the moment the opponent loses his strength, he will cut himself down with a sword.

However, Gu Yu's mental power is much higher than that of his opponent, and he has full confidence in making this tactic. The moment his own lightsaber disappeared, as expected, Mo Er did not notice, the lightsaber lost resistance, leaned forward and slashed in front of Gu Yu, but Gu Yu leaned back in the next moment, and the cold and hard face of the mecha could barely brush the blade of the sword.

Moore didn't expect that he suddenly retracted the sword, but his reaction was still quick, and he quickly increased the force in his hand to control the angle at which the blade lost its strength and leaned forward, and slashed downwards in a directional way to Gu Yu, who was leaning back.

Wait, Moore was taken aback, what about the worm

Mole suddenly felt a gust of wind coming from his side, and the opponent was like a hug, wrapping his hands around the back of his mecha and hugging him tightly.

Even though the mecha was hugged, Mor was still startled, and suddenly he heard the mecha hugging him saying, "You lost."

The tone was quite happy.

Mo Er was stunned for a moment, and he reacted instantly. The moment the other party tightly circled him, the hilt of the lightsaber, which was not unfolded in his right hand, was already on his back. As long as Gu Yu pressed the light blade, the blade would pass through. Back, pierced through his chest fiercely.

It will be heartbreaking.

This is not a battlefield, so Gu Yu reminded him that he lost.

Mohr's nerves, which were tense into a string, suddenly loosened. He no longer has the point of resistance. If he loses, he loses. He doesn't feel ashamed if he loses in the hands of such an opponent.

"It's me who lost." Moore took back his lightsaber, unexpectedly relaxed, and admitted it calmly.

With him voluntarily admitting defeat, the red light on behalf of his side lights up, and Gu Yu is the green side of victory.

But strangely, there was no applause in the field. Moer was puzzled, but he saw that he loosened his care and slowly unfolded the hilt of the lightsaber in the hand of the mecha.

It's the opposite! When Gu Yu trapped him, he took it the other way around!

Moer was shocked: "You, you cheated me? I didn't lose at all?"

As a result, the male worm said: "This is the first time I did this operation, I was a little unskilled, I just took it the other way, but I don't tire of cheating. You have already given up."

Moore was speechless. This is indeed the truth. He didn't know whether it was true or not, so he admitted defeat. But, but who knows, Gu Yu will take it back? Is he quite righteous

No wonder No Worm applauded, Moer just felt that he was not ashamed of losing in the hands of Gu Yu. But if he loses in this way, he will lose too much face as an outstanding graduate of the National Military Academy, right

When Moore recognized his own oolong, the audience applauded in unison as if they had a tacit understanding.

Moore: "… "

These audiences are definitely intentional.

He felt embarrassed, and Gu Yu was still there: "The academic school is really different, but you should learn from my teacher Lu, he is also an academic school, and he taught me this trick. Young bug, you really have too little experience. , I'll teach you for free, so you don't need to thank me."

Moore gritted his teeth: "Thank you, you."

Gu Yu: "Hey, I already said no thanks, you are so polite."

Moore: "… "

Doesn't this male understand the truth? Or did he do it on purpose at all

Lu Chen used the same trick to win a game back then. It's just that his game was more dangerous than Gu Yu, Gu Yu just took it instead, and Lu Chen's lightsaber in his hand was too backward.

Using a lightsaber that couldn't make a sword at all, Lu Chen bluffed his opponent into surrender. After the match, he was so angry that his opponent couldn't eat for a few days. But Lu Chen thought it was quite funny, and when he was dating Gu Yu, he even used it as a topic of conversation for Er Zong.

It is estimated that if the opponents of the year knew about it, they would be even more angry and unable to eat.

Gu Yu raised his head and looked at his major general with the stupid big face of the mecha. Gu Yu never thought that this tactic they had joked about could be used so vividly by him.

Sure enough, as Teacher Lu's student, he didn't lose face, and Teacher Lu must be very happy.

Lu Chen was indeed in a very delicate mood. After a long while, looking at the silly big mecha who looked up at him, he couldn't help laughing so hard that Bud and Liu Zhen beside him were inexplicable, as if they had seen a ghost.

Lu Chen thought, after so many years, how could there still be such a fool.

Sure enough, the mecha competition is held every year, and there are honest bugs every year.

The Morning Star Cup ended in a wonderful way, and Gu Yu also made history, becoming the only male Zerg ever to participate in the Mecha competition and win the championship.

The championship prize, the privilege of directly sealing the military major.