This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 4: no money


The more Liu Zhen thought about it, the more pessimistic it became. Now looking at the couple in the ward, he couldn't bear to think how long this happy picture would last in the future.

But after all, Liu Zhen was facing his major general, and after the sorrow, he couldn't help but make plans for him early.

[Liu Zhen: Major General, with Gu Xiongzi's feelings for you, he should not divorce you. ]

[Liu Zhen: Plus your legs... Even if Gu Xiongzi doesn't know about your infertility, he will definitely accept other females in the future. ]

[Liu Zhen: The best way at the moment is that you might as well support a few females to get started, and hold the male's heart as soon as possible. Even if they have children in the future, they will be under your control. ]

Lu Chen's face was calm, looking at the words that popped up line by line on his brain. His eyes were light and heavy, as if he was only looking at this official business.

Although Lu Shen spends most of the year in the military and the battlefield, he is not a worm who doesn't understand anything. On the contrary, he knew very early about the internal conflict of the female.

Lu Chen's childhood was spent in this typical Zerg family.

His female father is not his male father's female monarch, not even a female servant, only a female slave - at the bottom of the chain of this big family.

Lu Chen grew up in this family with difficulty until he was ten years old, until his female father was kicked out of the house for angering the male father.

Now that he's older, his memory has faded. Looking back, Lu Chen should even thank the family for the trials and tribulations that made him what he is now.

But the relief was only because Lu Chen got up, and now he is living better than before. In all fairness, if there is a choice, no worm will want to live that kind of life again.

[Liu Zhen: Major General, forgive me for telling the truth. You know all too well that this is the practice of most female Zerg lords. Even if they have children, they will use other female insects to win over the male lord. ]

[Liu Zhen: And your situation is much better than theirs from the beginning, Gu Xiongzi has feelings for you... ]

Liu Zhen believed that even if he lost his legs and could not bear children, it would not be difficult for Major General Lu to keep the position of the female emperor.

But after all, no one can bet on whether future males will change their minds.

Do you think that Lu Chen, whose legs are paralyzed, is a drag, a bottomless rotten swamp.

And being infertile, even being a drag, is a useless drag.

Lu Chen stared at the screen quietly, the blue light of his brain was imprinted on his cold and deep facial features.

Lu Chen's face can be regarded as handsome, but it can't compare to his heroic appearance, which is amazing at a glance. And this face is always expressionless. Even Gu Yu's dead face was an expression anyway, meaning "Everyone here owes me money".

Lu Chen is different.

He has been in the upper ranks of the military for many years, and his words and deeds have a long-standing sense of control. In addition, the expressionless expression at any time and place always made the insect unable to guess his mind, and subconsciously dared not look directly at him.

Even the accident that took his legs away, Liu Zhen, who was closest to him, couldn't see what the mood of Major General Lu was.

He didn't even dare to ask.

Next to him, Gu Yu has added the doctor's Guangnao account, and he began to talk with the doctor about how to rehabilitate, how much exercise every day is appropriate, and how much should be increased day by day and week by week.

Lu Chen glanced at Gu Yu, who had his back turned to him, lowered his eyelids, tapped his fingers, and typed a line to Liu Zhen.

[Major General Lu: Has the military review found out? ]

Lu Chen chose to avoid talking about the topic just now, and Liu Zhen naturally wouldn't mention it any more. Liu Zhen couldn't breathe because he had to talk about this kind of thing with Major General Lu.

When it comes to the review meeting, he talks a lot.

[Liu Zhen: Major General, I just contacted the insects of the military review meeting, and they are inspecting your damaged armor "Empire Star". ]

[Liu Zhen: But from the current situation, because the damage is too serious, it is difficult to find out exactly where the foot was passed. ]

[Liu Zhen: Major General... Who do you think had a grudge against you in the military? ]

Lu Chen asked him back.

[Major General Lu: What do you think? ]

As Lu Chen's personal adjutant, Liu Zhen also knows about his boss's inter-insect relationship nine times out of ten. Because of this, Liu Zhen couldn't figure it out.

[Liu Zhen: If it’s really a bug within the military, I really can’t imagine who would have such a big relationship with you? ]

Lu Chen was in a high position, and he said that even if the worms below complained, they would not be so daring. As for the other legion commanders of the same level, even if Lu Chen had little communication with some of them, his relationship was usually decent.

Liu Zhen had a bold guess.

[Liu Zhen: Major General, you said... Could it be a spy in the military? ]

If there are spies, then the seriousness of the problem is not limited to Lu Chen being injured.

[Major General Lu: There is no conclusion for the time being, and it will be handed over to the review committee first. ]

[Liu Zhen: Yes. ]

Lu Chen turned off the light brain and rubbed his brows.

After talking with the doctor, Gu Yu came over and put it on his shoulder, and rubbed his eyebrows for him naturally: "Do you want to rest for a while?"

Lu Chen shook his head, took off the monocle and put it back on the cabinet: "How long does the doctor say I can be discharged from the hospital?"

Gu Yu shook his shoulder: "Don't worry, the doctor said that he is recovering well, and he can go home after staying for another half a month."

With that said, Gu Yu turned to ask Liu Zhen again: "Adjutant Liu, the doctor just said that you went to get the major general's medical examination form?"

Liu Zhen's entire back froze, and he smiled: "Well, this..."

Gu Yu didn't wait for him to finish "this" at all: "If you get it, send it to me, hurry up, don't procrastinate."

Adjutant Liu Zhen, who has always been a concise officer, couldn't tell how hard he was, so he could only look to their major general for help. Lu Chen was very calm and could not see that this matter was related to him: "Liu Zhen, Lord Xiong asked you to send him the medical report of my legs."

Medical report of both legs.

As expected of a Major General!

Liu Zhen was called an admiration, and the male worm secretly changed the concept under his eyelids, and his face was not red or heartbeat.

He quickly sent the medical report that only contained Lu Chen's legs. Gu Yu took a serious look after receiving it, not realizing what was wrong.

Liu really wanted to give his major general a thumbs up.

Lu Chen calmly took the water cup handed by the male insect and took a sip with a blank expression.

The news that the S-rank male insects went to the battlefield in person to visit the female monarch quickly spread wildly on the star network, swiping the mobile terminals of countless imperial insects.

[Tieba Hot Post: Gu Xiongzi Military Hospital takes care of the female gentleman]

[l1: Another day when I was jealous of other people's heroic masters. Jealousy separated my walls! ]

[l2: Why doesn't my hero do this to me, woo woo, even if it is comparable to one-twelfth of Gu Xiongzi...]

[l: What Versailles remarks on the second floor? It's already very good to have a hero, you don't have to give it to me. ]

[l4: Hehe, Gu Xiongzi must be looking to see if his soft rice bowl is still hard. I heard that Major General Lu’s legs have been completely paralyzed. This time, it is estimated that the male should find other females when he comes back. ]

[l5: Ah, although this is unfair to Major General Lu, I am jealous! Gu Xiongzi is not only S-rank, but also handsome and good to females. I am the first to sign up! ]

[l6: I'm different, I don't ask for a name, but ask for an S-class male. ps, maybe even if I fall asleep, I can upgrade to S-rank. ]

[l: What about the dream upstairs, is it so easy to sleep to the S-level? Lu Chen himself is A-level, and he has slept for five years. ]

[l8: Do you like to daydream so much now? You don't deserve to be a female slave of an S-class male, do you still want to prostitute for free? ]

[l9: I don't prostitute for nothing! I am willing to dedicate all my family assets to the males! ps, now lives in the capital star, and there are rooms in the five planetary rings in the capital circle. ]

[l10: Rich bugs upstairs! Ask for care! ]

[l11: Oh, that's all? My female father is still a congressman, but I'm probably not going to be a female slave of an S-class male...]

[l12: Let’s not talk about it, thinking about being a hero with Major General Lu, it’s really exciting! ]

[l1: Upstairs, Major General Lu may only want to kill you, he won't have a deep relationship with your female insect, don't think too much. ]

[l:14: No, Major General Lu's legs are paralyzed, how can he still be so dragged at home? ]

[l15: Hehe, as long as the hero likes me, he will teach Major General Lu how to be a good female in minutes. ]

[l16: You can accumulate some virtue, don’t forget who Major General Lu was injured so badly for. ]

[l1: I think that even if Major General Lu is paralyzed, he looks better than those yin and yang female bugs upstairs! Just look at that handsome face, you females can't beat it! ]

[l18: The die-hard fans of Major General Lu came to wash the floor again, and their legs were paralyzed. Why are they still here to wash? ]

[l19: What about the imperial knights, who just folded their legs in after fighting a rebel? Saying it out will throw our Zerg in the face. ]

[l20: The diehard fans of Major General Lu should not be crooked. I didn’t say that your family Major General Lu is not great, but the greatness is all in the past. Now that he can't walk, can't he rely on his hero? The male lord of his family is not allowed to marry other females? ]

[l21: Yes! The males want to marry other females, isn't it because they have to feed Major General Lu? Major General Lu's great honor is in the past, isn't he a scumbag with a crippled leg now? ]

[l22: If the males really don't marry other females, you should wait for your family's Major General Lu to starve to death. ]

[l2: This post is so damn smoky, not right, pointing at an imperial hero, all of them are female worms of Xiao Xiang other’s hero, sour worms! ]

[l24: Co-authoring the upstairs is not worth thinking about a male worm, you are not good enough to think that you have a seed. ]

[l25: I'm really confused. After so many years of fighting, Major General Lu must have some savings, right? Co-authoring the group of fools upstairs felt that once the Major General was injured, he would have no money to support himself? ]

[l26: Hehe, you are not the roundworm in Major General Lu's stomach, maybe you really have no money...]

"What? No money at home?!"

After Lu Chen was discharged from the hospital, Gu Yu put his wife in a wheelchair and pushed him home, before putting down the luggage, he heard Lu Chen begin to share the family financial situation with him.

"It's about to run out of money."

Lu Chen's tone was flat, as if he was just saying that there was no rice at home tonight. On the other hand, he sent Gu Yuguangnao a detailed financial statement of income and expenditure.

Gu Yu felt a pain in his head when he looked at the items and numbers on it.

Lu Chen was sitting in a wheelchair, his legs were tightly wrapped by Gu Yu's blanket, and his fingertips with distinct joints swiped across the light-brained screen.

He knew that Gu Yu couldn't understand it, and he explained it to him one by one.

"The main source of income for the family is my salary when I was a major general and the bonuses issued by the military after earning military exploits. Although

This time, the military gave me a pension, but the salary will probably stop after that. "

"Here are the expenses. I calculated our living expenses for a month, the repair fluid I need to drink every day, and your necessary expenses, lord. Adding up, it is obvious that we will not be able to make ends meet... "

"Wait," Gu Yu seemed to understand, "My necessary expenses? What is this?"

Lu Chen carefully called out another sheet for him.

"Including spending on snacks for the hero for a month, spending money on playing online games, investing in other male friends' wineries, charity evenings, etc., buying holographic game helmets, and the cost of a office..."

He also added lightly: "Oh, and the money you lent your female brother to play cards, Lord."

Gu Yu was stunned, and after reading the page again, he finally realized the fact that he was a prodigal.

He was a little annoyed, and half-kneeled in front of Lu Chen, his white hair drooping down: "I'm sorry, Lu Chen, I didn't know I could spend so much in a month."

The repair solution was already expensive, and his monthly "necessary expenses" far exceeded the cost of Lu Chen's repair solution.

Lu Chen stretched out to him, his cool fingertips pierced through the male's long white hair and combed it lightly.

"Master, you don't have to apologize. It's my responsibility to let you enjoy a casual life."

"Lu Chen..." Gu Yu rubbed his fingertips, even more ashamed.

God knows how much skill it takes to shame a soft rice bug.

"But," Lu Chen turned his words, his obsidian pupils sank, "Master, you have also seen that with my current income, I can't repay the expenses, so we have to increase the source of income..."

He didn't understand anything about these cares. He could only blink and ask his wife, "How to increase the source of income?"

Lu Chen gently combed his long hair tightly for him, and grabbed a strand of white hair from the male insect.

But the look on his face still looked flat and waterless.

"Marry another female servant." Lu Chen said lightly.

Gu Yu opened his eyes wide, and his pale pupils showed surprise.

"If you can't take one, then marry two." Lu Chen continued, "If the male master can't accept the female servant, the female slave can also."

Gu Yu's pupils gradually narrowed, staring straight at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at him calmly.

After a long while, Gu Yu stood up from the half-kneeling floor.

Lu Chen's words were like a stone, and he felt uncomfortable in Gu Yu's heart. He didn't want to listen any more.

He was so angry that he was about to get up and leave, but his scalp hurt.

"Hey—" Gu Yu sucked in a breath of cold air.

Lu Chen realized it later, as if he was awakened, and immediately released the strand of white hair that he was holding tightly.

Gu Yu grabbed his wrist.

He landed warmly on Lu Chen's icy cold, melting the cold and hard shell, revealing its shaky state.

Lu Chen pursed his lips and said nothing. He was afraid that he would collapse completely if he said a word.

But it doesn't matter, Gu Yu said for him: "I don't agree."

His pale gray eyes stared at Lu Chen tightly, not letting go of the slightest expression on his face. He didn't intend to let go of Lu Chen, who was on the verge of collapse, and he didn't leave any room for him.

Gu Yu leaned over, supported on both sides of the wheelchair, and covered the tall female with her figure, leaving Lu Chen nowhere to hide.

He emphasized it again: "I disagree."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-28 22:5:11~2021-01-00:0:2~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 6 bottles of slene and splendd; 5 bottles only represent personal opinions; 1 bottle of demon fall;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!