This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 41: Enter the army


On the first day of Major Gu's entry into the military department, the alleys were empty and the front of the military department was blocked.

Feeling the breath of the male worms in the suspended car that merged into the sea of worms and slowly drove out a road, the military females could not help but feel refreshed.

The nature of the female genes hidden in the blood makes them excited for no reason, plus the stimulation of curiosity. On this day, at the headquarters of the Fifth Legion Capital Circle, no army insect can quietly complete their work, and do not try to come over to join in the fun.

For thousands of years, no males have stepped into the land wearing military uniforms. On this day in history, for the first time, the breath of males entered.

Capital Star does not have a permanent military presence, but there is an administrative headquarters of the military department, which is where the marshal handles the military affairs of the prime minister. In order to protect the safety of the headquarters and the marshals, the headquarters will be stationed by the Fifth Corps on a rotating basis every three years.

Except for the legion that stayed on the capital star to protect the marshal, the remaining four legions of the empire were separated from the other four auxiliary stars in the capital circle that guarded the capital star.

Within each legion, the divisions that rotate the five-star capital circle every year are not the same.

Every year, a legion will be stationed in a division on a star in the capital circle, and a division will include 10,000 army worms.

In the farther starry sky, it is the military area where the five legions are divided. The vast interstellar territory of the empire is divided into five roughly military regions, each of which covers hundreds of galaxies, and the number of troops stationed in these galaxies represents the true strength of the five legions.

A division that resides on each planet in the capital circle is only a drop in the ocean.

Controlling the vast interstellar territory, the empire completely relied on military power, so that from history to today, the military has long dominated the power. The Congress has made a law that the five legion commanders must live in the capital star.

The army, the Zerg with a natural yearning for expansion and reproduction, symbolizes danger and unknown, as well as authority and power. Containing and balancing military power to achieve a delicate coexistence with each other has always been the primary proposition that every Congress must weigh.

Before he came here, Lu Chen had already popularized Gu Yu so much. As an ordinary worm in the empire in the first half of his life, Gu Yu could vaguely feel this subtlety, but never thought deeply.

The popularity of Lu Chen made Gu Yu also a little curious: "Then Lu Chen, when you were in charge of the entire Fifth Corps, did you have any idea of competing with the Congress or even suppressing it?"

At that time, when Lu Chen was suddenly asked by him, he was stunned, then closed his eyes and thought deeply for a moment, then seriously replied to him: "At that time, the Fifth Army was at the forefront of the border war all the year round, and I didn't have the time to entangle with the distant capital star politics. "

"Later, the overall environment of the empire gradually became peaceful. I understand more that this peace is not easy to come by, and it is too late to cherish it. How can I take the initiative to break it?"

Lu Chen was reminded of distant battlefield memories by him.

Every time he recalled, the memory was always full of blood, but the blue of the mournful tone made him often remember the blood-stained faces of countless colleagues who were left behind by him and used their lives to escort him to the front of the enemy. .

After a while, Lu Chen sighed: "If they were alive, they would be so happy to see the peaceful empire today."

Gu Yu didn't intend to stir up his sadness, and felt guilty, hugged his major general, and said softly: "Their friends, their relatives, will see this peaceful scene on their behalf, and if they have spirits in the sky, they will be incomparable. Proudly proud."

Lu was silent for a while, seemed to think for a while, and showed a faint smile in approval: "Well, they will definitely be very proud, very proud."

The heroic spirits on the battlefield, how reckless and heroic they were in their lifetimes, will be proud of their dedication to the peace of this starry sky after they die.

Lieutenant General Bud and Liu Zhen were the first to pick up the males.

A sturdy and big man of 2.1 meters, even standing in the army insects with an average height of 1.8 or 9 meters, he still stands out. Especially this big man waved at him all the way, full of enthusiasm: "Gu Xiongzi, oh no, Major Gu! This is, this is!"

As the acting commander of the Fifth Army, Bard is naturally qualified to appear on the Fifth Army's site.

There are also army bugs who gathered to watch the fun joking: "Lieutenant General Bud, you are too enthusiastic, and those who don't know think you are calling your hero!"

"Don't pass this on to the division of the Second Army of the Star next door. If Lieutenant General Alfrid knows about it, it will be incredible!"

The planet where the Fifth Legion is stationed this year is located on the second auxiliary star in the capital circle. The third auxiliary star next door happened to be stationed by the eighteenth division of the second army.

The auxiliary star is not far from the central capital star, and it takes less than an hour for Gu Yu to open a private worm ship.

Bud stretched out his hand to chase these army worms: "Go, go, I'm happy to recruit excellent worms for our legion, you know what! You are very busy, so don't give Lao Tzu to go to training!"

As soon as Bud's face turned cold, he trained the insects. His tall and sturdy body was like a hill, and he was very frightened. The soldiers couldn't help but train.

The playground was very empty, and there were only rows of officers with high rank left, secretly looking at the male worm.

—The former army commander, former boss, and the hero of the army bug idol.

Gu Yu could see that Bud and his major general had been on good terms all year round, and even if he was acting as the agent of the Fifth Army, he had not been ostracized by many of the generals under Lu Chen's direct line.

Gu Yu stepped forward without any fear, and in front of the direct line of sight of the officers, he made a brief introduction: "Hello everyone, I am the newly appointed 10th Division of the 5th Corps, and the captain of the 7th Company, Gu Yu. Encounter, rank major. Please give me more advice in the future."

Liu Zhenzhen nodded secretly.

Don't look at Gu Xiongzi's ignorance in the past, he still looks decent when he does business. As expected of the hero of their lieutenant general Lu!

"Welcome and welcome," the 1.9-meter-tall officer headed in the regiment stepped forward to shake hands, very kindly, "Major Gu, I have long admired your name, and I warmly welcome you on behalf of our Tenth Division!"

Bud introduced Gu Yu and introduced the officer: "This is Kali, the commander of the tenth division, with the rank of colonel."

Gu Yu didn't quite understand for a moment that he should call him Master Cali or Colonel Cali. Liu Zhen saw his hesitation, and stepped forward to make a clearance: "Colonel Cali, don't hold your hands, how long have you been holding them, is it my turn?"

Kali was awakened for a while, and when he saw such a handsome male, he was also a little nervous, and said abruptly: "It's not mine, it's not mine, Adjutant Liu, it's your turn."

Liu Zhen stretched out his hand to Gu Yu and introduced himself to him as a colleague for the first time: "Hello Major Gu, I am Liu Zhen, lieutenant colonel, although not an officer of the tenth division, but an adjutant of the former army commander, The acting adjutant of the current acting commander."

As a rice bug who has lived in the house for many years, Gu Yu was still a little nervous when he saw so many bugs that he wanted to introduce one by one. .

In particular, the "former adjutant of the former legion commander" mentioned in his official title made Gu Yu somehow relieved.

That's right, this is the old site where his major general used to work. If he catches a bug, he has mostly worked with the major general before. Why should he be so nervous and uncomfortable

Thinking about it this way, the unfamiliar territory and the unfamiliar worms seem to become friendly once they are covered with the stamp related to his major general.

Afterwards, Gu Yu's performance finally became a lot more natural, and the process of shaking hands with the remaining deputy teachers and several company captains was also successfully completed.

It's just that the deputy commander seemed particularly enthusiastic, holding Gu Yu's hand tightly and taking a long time: "Hello, Major Gu, I'm Lieutenant Colonel Joyce, who was recently transferred from the Fourth Army, and I have been looking up to Major Gu for a long time. Da Ming, seeing a real worm with my own eyes today is really extraordinary."

Perhaps it was because he had just been transferred from another legion, this Joyce had a very different feeling to Gu Yu than other officers.

Although the soldiers of the old Fifth Legion were also curious and enthusiastic about him, they still had a line of respect and courtesy. Joyce's enthusiasm, by contrast, was less formal.

This made Gu Yu a little uncomfortable. Before he frowned, Joyce let go of him, and Gu Yu couldn't say anything else, he just hoped it was his own delusion.

According to the legion setting, a division consists of ten companies, the captains of the companies are all majors, and they are equal to each other, and each of them manages a thousand soldiers.

With Bud leading the way, Liu Zhen as his company, and the division commander and deputy division commander, Gu Yu was taken to the training camp of the 7th company where he worked.

Due to the huge area of the base, it is enough to accommodate the training and living of 10,000 army worms of the tenth division, and military off-road vehicles are required to travel between each camp.

The 7th Company's camp was far surrounded by jungles. The first thing that caught the eye was the tens of thousands of square meters of training ground, and in the distance were low rows of small buildings, hidden in the forest as high as the buildings. Yingkou can also see a number of waiting army insects.

The off-road vehicle stopped at the suspended landing point, and the female army headed by Yingkou immediately stepped forward and stood at attention to the crowd, the military boots collided neatly, and gave a handsome military salute: "Hello everyone, I'm Ryan, deputy company captain of the seventh company, The rank of captain, on behalf of the Seventh Company welcomes the arrival of Major Gu!"

As he said that, the sub-captains of the mecha sub-teams behind him also saluted and welcomed the arrival of the captain of the main company, Major Gu.

With such a neat and ostentatious posture, Gu Yu, who is as thick-skinned as a city wall, feels a little embarrassed.

A company consists of ten mech squads. Every team has a hundred bugs.

Bud introduced Gu Yu to them, and after Gu Yu also said a few polite words symbolically, the group visited the canteen, war room, and logistics department of the camp in turn, and then went back to the previous training. field.

At this time, the entire seventh company on the main wheel was out for exercise training. When they saw a group of insects coming, they shouted in unison, "Hello, Chief—Hello, Major Gu—"

A thousand army worms stood neatly on the training ground and greeted him with deafening deafness. Gu Yu almost didn't hold back, at least he maintained his serious and indifferent air.

Bud motioned him to come to the stage to speak to the army bugs under him, but Gu Yuhan didn't prepare the draft.

Help, Lu Chen didn't tell him there was still this.

Gu Yu lowered his eyes and turned his head, which he didn't like to move before, with a cold face on the stage, racking his brains to think. A thousand pairs of eyes below were staring straight at him, staring at the first-ever male major, waiting for him to speak.

But Gu Yu's expressionless face was cold and stern enough, and at the moment when he was silent, not a single worm spoke in a low voice.

Facts have proved that Gu Yu, such a heartless worm, is also very suitable for such a big scene. He didn't even think about what would be wrong with what he said. As soon as he used his brain to think of it, he opened his mouth and said:

"Well, how are you, how are you."

The audience was stunned for a moment.

The male seems to be answering their "Hello Major Gu" just now

Gu Yu: "Uh, I just want to say, please give more advice in the future, and I will give you more advice."

"If you don't obey me, you can fight me openly. If you don't obey me secretly, refuse to obey my orders behind your back, and are discovered by me, then I will fight you with bugs until you obey."

"Thank you, I'm done."

The audience was stunned for a moment.

Only Bud applauded abruptly: "Well said, Major Gu! Hey, I like a straight worm like you! Well said!"

He took the lead in applauding, and the audience began to applaud after realizing it. Although I didn't understand the point of applause, this male worm major was unexpectedly rigid. The army worms believed in strength first. If Gu Yu could do what he said, they would naturally be willing to applaud.

The first day of employment got off to a good start. Gu Yu, the new lieutenant colonel of the male worm, won the favor of the army worm without saying anything else.

In fact, when I first heard that a male worm was going to take the lead, the army worms were subconsciously uncomfortable. After all, in their eyes, the distance between males and females is vastly different. Which of the males on the Capital Star is not good-looking but fragile, pampered, can't get a little dirty, can't stand a little grievance

They were happy that a male came to the barracks, but they were sincerely worried that if the male was a sperm, they had such a boss, how would they dare to obey his command when they went to the battlefield

But Gu Yu's current performance has nothing to do with the traditional male label at all. Oh no, except for the good-looking one.

The rumored major of the male insects will bring them some changes in the future, and the army insects of the seventh company also have some vague expectations.

After visiting the training ground, Bud and the others also wanted to take the males to visit the camp dormitory for the last time. The camp also reserved a room for Gu Yu, but because Gu Yu is a male worm, it is difficult to deal with the sudden estrus period, so the military does not recommend that Gu Yu stay in the camp dormitory at night.

Gu Yu is naturally very happy with this kind of suggestion.

He has to go home to accompany the major general at night. Who wants to live here at night

On the way to visit, Joyce was enthusiastic and kept sticking beside the male insect, introducing him to the camp. When introducing, he did not forget to secretly greet the handsome S-class male insect.

It's just that a tall military female who is a head taller than Gu Yu rushed at him to send him the autumn wave. No matter how you look at this picture, it is not harmonious.

Not only the surrounding worms saw it, but even Gu Yu saw that it was not his illusion at all before, this female worm was obviously interested in him.

This made him a little distressed and irritable. No matter where he went, he would encounter female insects who were courting him.

Just when Xing Zong visited the dormitory, Liu Zhen's communication suddenly rang. After he received it, he reported in surprise: "Lieutenant General Bud, the bug over there at the sentry said that the marshal's inspection and auxiliary star work has already come to us."

"So soon?" Bud was also surprised and said, "Colonel Cali, you can accompany me to the gate of the base to meet the marshal. Lieutenant Colonel Joyce, please show Major Gu to finish the tour of this area. "

Greeting the Marshal's private inspection, such a big thing should neither be too publicized nor neglected. Those present must at least have the rank of colonel. Joyce and Gu Yu are not yet qualified to attend, and Liu Zhen will also be accompanied as an adjutant.

When he heard that the task of leading the male worm to visit fell on his head, Joyce's whole worm was refreshed.

Bud was worried about him, but he had no position to stop a female from courting a male—after all, this is a natural and normal thing in the Zerg, but he still reminded him sharply: "Be careful in the barracks. "

I don't know if Joyce listened to it, but I saw him with a ruffian attitude, marching salute: "Lieutenant General, don't worry, I promise to complete the mission perfectly!"

Before leaving, Liu Zhen turned around and glared at Joyce. But Joyce didn't notice the warning in his eyes at all, and the whole pair of worm eyes were occupied by the handsome female worm in front of him.

Liu Zhen turned around and thought, there are some bugs, just don't give up if you don't hit the south wall, you have to give it a try.

Seeing that all the worms that were supposed to go were gone, Joyce was a little excited, his face was flushed, his heart was pounding nervously, but he was eager to stick to the male worm.

The male in the white-haired military uniform suddenly turned around and said, "So you want to fight me?"

Joyce was startled: "What?"

He was a little bit confused about the thoughts of the male worm.

Gu Yu said, "It's very simple, you want to soak in me, don't you?"

In fact, if he didn't point it out, Gu Yu could also pretend to be confused and go around in circles with him, using a roundabout solution. But that's too much brains, he prefers simple and direct, and he doesn't care whether the bug he rejects mercilessly is his immediate boss.

Facts have proved that Joyce is indeed a thick-skinned person. Hearing that, he was only stunned for a moment, narrowed his eyes, and smiled a little ruffian: "What should I do, Major Gu, I seem to like you more."

Gu Yu glanced at him lightly: "So we fought, I won, you are willing to accept the bet, stay away from me in the future, and never come to harass me again, understand?"

His indifferent appearance made Joyce's heart become more and more hot and blood surging. He couldn't help but turn redder and looked at the male with a smile: "What if I win?"

Gu Yu ignored him, already scooping up his sleeves, turning around and walking towards the nearest training room.

Joyce trotted to catch up, and sighed helplessly: "Why are you males doing this? But I don't do business at a loss. I win, you have to... You have to let me in! Let's talk first!"