This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 42: Approved


It was lunchtime at the moment, and there were few insects in the training room.

But when he saw the new male major, who came in together with the deputy commander, Lieutenant Colonel Joyce, the male took off his cape and even took off his military jacket, leaving only the tie and white shirt inside. Iss also took off his coat, and at first glance, he was about to fight.

The female soldiers didn't eat any food, and stayed to watch Er Zong curiously.

The news was sent to the cafeteria after being tipped off by the good guys. All the military females in the cafeteria didn’t have the heart to eat. Some carried rice bowls, some held bottles of nutrient solution, and squeezed their shoulders to the training room. Measure in.

The training room near the dormitory area was not very big at first. Right now, the whole room was surrounded by dense swarms of insects. Even on the windowsill, there were several insects with rice bowls.

Gu Yu simply folded his coat and placed it on the wooden floor in a corner.

The white-haired male's shirt is close-fitting and high-waisted trousers outline the right proportion of legs. After taking off the brim hat, he casually wrapped the ponytail behind his head a few times, tying it into a small ball-like shape and hoisting it behind his head—long hair didn't matter when he was using the armor, but it was inconvenient to fight against the body. .

But even so, Gu Yu didn't have the idea of cutting it off. After all, in combat nowadays, there are very few times when the real bugs are thrown away.

"Major Gu, it's really a melee fight, are you sure?" Joyce, who was also ready on the opposite side, looked at him with a half-smile.

Gu Yu tied his hair, and glanced at him without concealing his disgust: "If you want to fight, you can fight, why is there so much nonsense. Or, are you afraid?"

Joyce twisted his neck, clenched his fists, and evoked a sullen smile: "Then how can it be? I'm not afraid of hurting the major, will you be okay? If I beat you today, you will be invited tomorrow. We're drinking tea in the office above."

These remarks resonated with the onlookers.

Indeed, although Major Gu said at the training ground this morning that anyone who disagrees with him can challenge him, but who really has the courage of Lieutenant Colonel Joyce to have a fight with a vulnerable male

Not long ago, during the Venus Cup event, Lieutenant General Bud let the whole division sit together to watch and study the live broadcast of the event, and the army bugs of the tenth division deeply realized how cruel the mecha driven by the male bug was on the field. But the Star Cup is a mecha battle, and now the real worms are fighting, who doesn't have a guilty conscience and the untouchable body of the porcelain doll

Gu Yu said "hehe": "Lieutenant Colonel Joyce, you can call me."

Joyce also had a hint of excitement on his face. The two sides were standing facing each other, and they were fighting each other. On the windowsill, there was a military female with a job who volunteered to be the referee. At the same time, they attacked quickly.

Maybe it was because of his desire to win, or because of his personality, Joyce didn't release the water. Instead, he stabbed his front hand straight at the beginning and stabbed the male's chest away. Gu Yu's reaction was quick, he turned slightly and his right hand clapped together. Joyce's strength was very strong, and his fist changed its trajectory, swept through the scattered ends of Gu Yu's hair.

Joyce has been on the battlefield for a long time and has much more actual combat experience than the male insects. At the next pass where his fist was blocked, his left leg swept in like the wind at the same time.

He thought that the male worm's reaction should be to dodge, but he didn't expect Gu Yu to think about it, and he would return the attack from the other side, and straddle the air rung with one leg. The strength of the hand-to-hand collision turned into pain, and exploded on both legs, but neither side backed away.

The army worms watching outside were hooking their shoulders and poking their heads, and they were fascinated. Suddenly there was a small wave at the entrance of the training room-Marshal Randall appeared in casual clothes, and the army worms hurriedly backed out of a road, putting on a small uniform to inspect the marshal. Get in with Lieutenant General Bard.

The two insects in the center of the training room were fighting so hard that they didn't notice the strangeness at the entrance. Joyce is 1.9 meters tall, nearly six centimeters taller than Gu Yu. He bent down and easily wrapped around the male's neck, trying to turn the male down in one fell swoop.

The bump on the leg just now made Gu Yu clearly feel that the opponent's strength was not under him. This situation was a bit tricky. But Gu Yu didn't know what panic was at all. When he came up to the opponent's circle, he didn't take it as a threat. If you attacked me, I also attacked, and kicked the opponent's chassis with the other foot.

Joyce never thought that the male would fight back in such a situation. Both conveniences are equal to death. If you want to knock me down, I will knock you down at the same time. Gu Yu lost the support of his legs, and just used the strength of the opponent to surround him. In addition to the blow on the chassis, he fell to the ground, and Joyce was also pulled down by him and fell to the ground.

The feeling of falling heavily on the ground was really unpleasant. Joyce hissed for a while. Gu Yu's skin was as thick as iron, and he felt no pain. At the moment when Joyce fell down before he could react, suddenly Turning over, his hands wrapped around his neck tightly.

Joyce, who had reacted, wanted to use the strength of his waist and abdomen to turn over, but the strength on his neck suddenly tightened, which almost made him breathless.

When Joyce's face turned red, he heard the male worm who looked as handsome as an angel but had a black heart: "Don't move, if it was on the battlefield, you are dead now."

Joyce: "… "

Who the two of them have never been on the battlefield? Why does this male seem to have more experience than him

After a moment of silence, he felt the unrelenting strength of the hoops around his neck, and Joyce raised his hands helplessly: "I lost, I lost! Come on, Major Gu, I am convinced that I lost!"

The army worms watching outside were also stunned, and those with rice bowls and nutrient solution forgot to continue watching and eating.

Let's not talk about that trick to use force to fight, the whole male worm's style of play is that you bite me, I will bite you, I would rather no one fall, and I have to bite back harder - this fight by Major Gu Fa is indeed a dog, which amazes the young female soldiers of the 7th Company.

Gu Yu let go of Joyce, and at this moment, the first applause to cheer for him sounded.

Patting the dust, Gu Yu turned around and saw that it was a coincidence, isn't it, isn't this Marshal Randall? When did the patrol come here

At the beginning of the marshal, the stunned army insects all gradually returned to their senses, and the applause changed from a few scattered to warm and boisterous.

Gu Yu saw Liu Zhen winking desperately behind his back, and guessed that he or Lieutenant General Bard might have brought the insect over. The reason may be that the marshal is concerned about the first male worm in history to enter the army, or it may be that Liu Zhen and Bud are worried that Joyce will cause trouble if a worm stays behind.

Their worries were indeed fulfilled to some extent. Just as the major general of his family was worried about himself, the good and bad spirits, the first day they entered the army, Gu Yu had a fight with his immediate boss.

However, Gu Yu didn't care about Bie Chong's eyes, and he was a little grateful to see Randall. After all, it was his personal instructions, and under pressure from Congress, he recruited one of his male worms into the military.

Gu Yu tidied up his clothes and stood upright in front of the marshal with Joyce, who got up from the ground, and each gave a military salute.

Joyce still had some bruises on his back when he fell to the ground, and frowned, thinking that most of the place was black and blue. Why is it also a fall, why is there nothing wrong with this male? This alone changed Joyce's inherent impression of male insects and admired Gu Yu.

Don't say, he lost, but Joyce didn't feel ashamed or wronged. After all, he didn't show mercy to the male worm from the beginning and tried his best, and in this way, it was very easy for Gu Yu to win the few times he won.

Not only did he think so, but the army bugs onlookers also sincerely felt the same. I thought that although the mechas of the male worms were powerful, most of the actual battles on the battlefield were vases recruited by the military, but they didn't think about the black hands and black hands, so that these old battlefield fritters were convinced.

After the surrounding applause subsided, Randall patted Gu Yu's shoulder with a relieved smile: "Major Gu entered the army on the first day, and did a good job."

He raised his head again and looked at the army insects who were wrapping up the entire training room. His face was slightly awe-inspiring, and he said:

"I believe everyone has seen Major Gu's performance today. I hope everyone will remember from now on that it's true that Major Gu is a male bug, but in the military - he will only be our colleague, a comrade-in-arms who surrenders his back to each other on the battlefield. , should always obey his superiors."

"I don't want today's provocation, or seemingly caring but actually xenophobic actions to happen again." Randall glanced at Joyce meaningfully. Joyce was seen guilty and lowered his head consciously admitting his mistake.

"Your colleagues, you only need you to be treated equally. Your boss, you only need you to obey orders." Randall finally said, "Do you understand?"

Immediately, the worms from Joyce and Randall, together with the army worms outside, responded loudly: "Report, I understand!"

Gu Yu felt that it was no wonder that Randall was able to become a marshal. He said it just right, and perfectly pointed out the doubts and concerns of all the army bugs about him after Gu Yu entered the army department.

And just after Gu Yu defeated the deputy division commander Joyce of the tenth division with strength, the timing was right, and he successfully handled the crisis he had just entered the army for.

Then Randall asked him a few words about his life in the military before leaving accompanied by Bud to go to the next capital circle auxiliary star for inspection work.

After Randall left, there was no need for Bud to stay in the tenth division. Before leaving, he told Randall a few words before leaving with Liu Zhen, which made Gu Yu such a lazy person wonder— What kind of impression does he have to have in their minds to be so tireless in admonishing

Gu Yu nodded lazily, but if he didn't listen to it in his heart, it would be another story.

He never kept things in his head that didn't matter, after all—hard work.

After half a day in the army, he was already exhausted, and his back was still a little bruised from the fall just now, but there was nothing on his face, but his face became more and more expressionless, and let the soldiers of the seventh company see Nothing out of the ordinary, I just feel that their major is really just a worm who is hidden and can't see the depth.

On the first day of work, Gu Yu was only familiar with his work under the introduction of the deputy company captain. When there were no wars and tasks, the work of the army bug was actually very simple - supervising training, approving official duties, and sitting in the office.

If you really have nothing to do, you can go off the field in person and teach the soldiers under your command to drill.

When the deputy company captain, Captain Ryan, told him this, there was still a faint expectation and excitement in his eyes. It seemed that after seeing the fight between Gu Yu and Joyce, he was looking forward to Gu Yu's return to guide him.

But Gu Yu rested his head on the table with his hands, listlessly, and nodded casually, but what he thought was - Come on, Captain, why don't you stay cool, I'm so sleepy sitting here, who cares? In the end, if you eat too much, you won’t be able to support yourself. Guide and guide you

Gu Yu's heart was full of complaints, but his head seemed to be fixed on the two hands he was supporting, and he was reluctant to move.

Captain Ryan said a lot of nonsense, but Gu Yu chose to pick up the business and listen to it, and everything else was filtered out.

When the irrelevant bugs were gone, there was only one bug left in the huge office, and the official business that was piled high on the table and needed to be familiar and handled by him.

In the afternoon, the sun shone lazily in, and the army bugs of the mecha detachment I didn’t know were outside began to practice again on the training ground.

In this scene, Gu Yu yawned lazily, it was a pity not to sleep. I'm so sorry for this light, I'm sorry for the hypnotic "one two one" slogan.

But Gu Yu still remembered that he was a soldier who only wanted to work hard to support his family. He closed his eyelids in a fight, nodded his head, and immediately opened his mind to fight hard, returning his attention to the official business book in front of him.

But he didn't take a fancy to two or three lines, his eyelids seemed to have his own consciousness again, he closed it tremblingly in disobedience, Gu Yu nodded his head, and put his hands on the table in time, his sanity was still a little dazed.

It really can't be blamed on him, it's just that this time is supposed to be his usual lunch break, and these official duties are too hypnotic, right

How did his major general look so energetic before

And sometimes he just rolls the sheets with him, and his clothes are still undressed. His major general can still pick up official business and look anytime, anywhere, so that Gu Yu, who "gets off work equals complete goodbye", is completely incomprehensible and awe-inspiring. Respectfully.

And then—pull his young future a few times.

Well, that's because Gu Yu is dissatisfied, how can official business look better than him

Facts have proved that his idea is correct, not only is it ugly, but also induces insects to fall asleep, with the dim light in his office due to the shade of the trees, and the neat and distant shouting outside, it is simply a hypnotic three-piece suit - a perfect match. .

Gu Yuqiang regained his energy, read half of the official business in a short and cut manner, dropped the last one, and sighed wearily.

The more he looked, the more he thought of his major general, what should I do

He wanted to hold the soft Teacher Lu in his arms, and take a deep breath on his neck, filling his body with electricity leisurely.

Gu Yu took out his light brain for the countless times, opened Lu Chen's contact interface, and put it down countless times - his major general had just entered school, and there were still classes on the schedule this afternoon.

Gu Yu began to fish for the countless times, and opened his brain to ponder his major general's class schedule, when he did not have classes, and he happened to be free.

He thought it was very strange. When Lu Chen was still in the military, he often went out and didn't return for a few months. He didn't think so much about being at home alone.

Ah, no, Gu Yu forcibly dispelled the pink bubbles who missed Major General Lu, and made up his mind that there would be a promotion test for the promotion of major to lieutenant colonel within the Fifth Corps in more than a month. He had to work hard and study hard!

Aiming for a higher goal, a better future!

Never indulge in a moment of pleasure!

Gu Yu, a former famous Zerg slacker, thought so.