This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 60: Changeable


Lin Xi'an, the president of the Military Review Committee, is a female who is completely different from Gu Yu's traditional impression.

He is indeed petite, but he doesn't have the pretentious attitude of an ordinary female. On the contrary, he is free and easy and cheerful, which makes it difficult for insects not to feel kind to him.

Gu Yu, for example, met on the first day and was deeply impressed by his overly kindness.

Lin Xi'an has a lot of official duties at hand, and it is no easier than the worm under the sun. He is so busy that he doesn't even have time to take a break. Seeing that the savior sent by the Fifth Army has finally arrived, he is busy getting up from the official business pile to greet him.

He shook hands with Gu Yu so enthusiastically and chatted endlessly, leaving no space for Gu Yu to interject.

"Lieutenant Colonel Gu, you are finally here! Look, don't tell me when you are here, or I will definitely send everyone to the door to welcome Lieutenant Colonel you! You are here all of a sudden, and we will neglect you, right? "

"Come here, sit and sit, don't stand on -the little king, come and pour cups of tea for Gu Qinga, don't leave the stars of our censorship! Oh oh, the snack fruit also comes up quickly, and the snack fruit also comes up quickly. , Colonel Gu is a guest from afar..."

Gu Yu has a certain prejudice against the military review meeting - the reason is that the organization has been investigated until now, and the real reason for his major general's accident has not been found out.

But in the face of such an enthusiastic move, Gu Yu, a worm who has old grudges against censorship, couldn't keep his cold face.

Fortunately, he stopped President Lin in time to prevent him from going on and on and on, asking about the business: "President Lin, the Fifth Legion sent me to assist you in investigating the male insect kingdom's base in the capital star, I don't know how you want me to help. ?"

When it comes to the kingdom of male insects, Lin Xi'an's enthusiastic expression is like pouring cold water, and he frowns instantly, and his mourning continues.

"Hey—it's a country of male bugs with a lot of troubles. Why are there so many troubles in one day? Our review committees work overtime every day, every night, and they can't keep up with the speed of their troubles..."

There are too many cases in the review meeting, and each time a new account is added to the old account, the efficiency of work has to drop further.

It’s just a matter of accumulation. After a long period of time, it will attract a steady stream of complaints from various departments. This vicious circle, inside and outside is not a bug, and it has become the department with the deepest resentment in the entire army.

Lin Xi'an held her hairline, and was silently sad for a while, then cheered up again and looked at Gu Yu with bright eyes.

"Lieutenant Colonel Gu, if you can take over the male insect kingdom at the capital star's base this time, not only will you make a great contribution, but the work of our review committee will also be reduced by half."

His hairline is saved!

Gu Yu asked normally: "So, where did you find it now?"

Lin Xi'an snorted: "This, it's hard to say, it's not too much to say, and it's not too much to say more..."

He simply sent him all the files and clues related to this investigation, explaining:

"Before we have been busy interrogating the members of the organization who were arrested in the last hijacking incident, but these worms are very hard-headed, and they are inattentive, and let them take the opportunity to commit suicide several times, so the clues we get are very limited. ."

"But from what they're saying right now, what's certain is—"

"One, there is indeed one of their secret bases hidden on the capital star, but the location is uncertain."

"Secondly, among the residents of the Capital Star, there are members who are secretly loyal to the male insect kingdom, and are responsible for assisting them in preparing for the attack and helping them hide their identities in the insect swarm."

"So every action we see, the members of these male kingdoms are almost silent, suddenly appearing at a certain time and place. A large part of this is the role of these hidden members."

"So we have an idea now - since the interrogation can't be done, we might as well find these members with hidden identities, approach or track them secretly, and use them to find the location of the secret base."

Gu Yu nodded with his chin up: "This is indeed a good way, but how to find these members who hide their identities? Since they can hide in the swarm for so long, their identities must be seamless."

Lin Xi'an rolled her eyes and smiled like a fox: "So it's up to Lieutenant Colonel Gu to help."

Gu Yu was confused for a moment: "Me?"

He lowered his head, and then thought for a while: "If it has to be me... Are you suspicious of these hidden identities, hiding in the circle of males? Or at least related to males?"

"Clever, Lieutenant Colonel Gu." Lin Xi'an smiled and pressed down on the projector, "And besides Lieutenant Colonel, you are the only male worm in our army, you also had a relationship with the core members of the male worm country during the hijacking scene. too close contact."

Gu Yu instantly understood who he was talking about: "That male bug boy?"

The projector was projecting the beautiful young man with short blonde hair. The photo was taken from the live screen shot of the hijacking scene.

In the photo, Gu Yu is also aiming a gun at his forehead, hijacking this beautiful and fragile teenager.

Lin Xi'an seemed to ask casually, "Lieutenant Colonel Gu, did you notice anything from him that was different from ordinary worms?"

Gu Yu was stunned. The situation was so urgent at the time, and his major general fell. He didn't even realize that Lu Chen stood up. How could he still remember this

But recalling the scene of that day a little bit, Gu Yu tried his best to use his reluctant brain, and vaguely remembered something strange.

"He seems to have... a strange smell of perfume."

Seeing him pondering for a long time, Lin Xi'an came up with such an answer and couldn't help laughing: "Perfume smells strange? Lieutenant Colonel Gu, where else can perfume be so strange?"

Gu Yu supported his jaw, lowered his eyes and thought, "It's not very strong, nor is it very light, I can't say how to describe it at the moment... but it's a very unique taste."

Lin Xi'an: "Okay, okay, it proves that this terrorist is quite concerned about his own image, and he didn't forget to keep his cool when he came out to hijack it-then is there anything special besides the unique perfume smell?"

Gu Yu tilted his head and thought hard for a while, and suddenly remembered a key point: "His male aura... is a bit strange."

Lin Xi'an seemed a little surprised, but not surprised: "What kind of strange?"

Gu Yu recalled, and gradually raised his eyebrows: "It's not like normal male insects have a healthy breath, and it's not like a deliberate control, using mental power to hide - his breath is incomplete and fragmented, as if he had suffered a serious injury."

Gu Yu raised his eyes, his gray pupils looked deeply into Lin Xi'an's eyes, and asked slowly, "Did he use an excessive amount of inhibitors for a long time without interruption?"

Lin Xi'an gradually closed his eyes as if he had come to a conclusion in his heart.

"That's right, it's really him."

Gu Yu was surprised: "Have you found out his identity?"

Lin Xi'an nodded solemnly: "It was uncertain at first, but after what you said, it's already inseparable."

He stroked the projection and another picture appeared.

Young, immature, children around the age of **. However, he has the same short blonde hair and fair and delicate face, which is surprisingly similar to the boy in the photo just now.

It's just that the child doesn't have the emotionless indifference of the teenager. His big, clear eyes, like a frightened innocent deer, stare at the camera in fear.

This expression really made Gu Yu think of the boy who had been kidnapped by him.

But he wasn't in the mood to keep it easy either.

Because of the child in this photo, the background is in a deep iron cage.

Gu Yu's eyes sank: "... worm trafficking?"

Since the introduction of the "Male Protection Law" for hundreds of years, in the current empire, there is still such a thing as selling male insects

Lin Xi'an sighed softly: "That was two years ago, on a backward asteroid in the da galaxy, there was a horrific massacre of the family, dozens of female worms in the family died tragically, and they were doused with gasoline and burned. Dead without a corpse."

"Only a twelve-year-old female worm hiding in the cellar escaped this catastrophe."

"Later, when the police asked the frightened little female bug what happened, he trembled and said that it was his brother who came back to take revenge. Because he was good to his brother, his brother spared him, but the other bugs were not good to his brother, so they were all killed. died."

Gu Yu gradually heard something: "His brother is...?"

Lin Xi'an nodded: "This photo is the only photo of his brother that the little female insect secretly left behind-the photo that was used as a commodity when it was sold to him."

"Not every galaxy in the empire is as advanced and safe as the capital star. In these backward galaxy, there are some worm traffickers who rely on the sale of male worms and take risks to make huge profits."

"Maybe this family is too poor. It clearly gave birth to a male worm, but it has never reported to the local government. Perhaps in their eyes, the welfare funds subsidized by the backward local government are far less than the sale of rare male worms. more."

"Before this extermination case, no ectomorph even knew that there was such a male worm in their house."

"This boy should have been sold by his family to a bug smuggler who wandered around the galaxy when he was eight years old. After that, he was constantly resold and changed countless 'owners' during this period."

"Imperial males are precious and rare, and they have always cracked down on this kind of crime. Our military has also captured some black merchants doing this kind of business in the interstellar space. Most of the males that were sold have a common feature."

"—The breath is disorganized, fragmented, and overused with catalysts and inhibitors, thereby causing irreparable and lifelong trauma to the body."

Lin Xi'an continued: "Based on the time of the extermination case, we suspect that the young man joined the male country two years ago."

Gu Yu was silent for a moment and asked, "What's his name?"

Lin Xi'an was startled and answered truthfully, "Phobos. It should be sixteen years old this year."

After a pause, Lin Xi'an's tone became heavy: "Lieutenant Colonel Gu, this kind of worm who has experienced a miserable experience may have extremely distorted personality. If you meet him later, you must be cautious..."

"You know, this kind of worm is very dangerous."

Gu Yu nodded and said cautiously, "I understand."

The atmosphere was too solemn by this time, Lin Xi'an turned off the projection, tried to relax the topic, looked at what Gu Yu was thinking about, and jokingly said:

"Lieutenant Colonel Gu, what's the matter with you and General Lu? Why do you always get involved with the kingdom of male insects and provoke this group of lunatics for no reason?"

"The accident of Lieutenant General Lu last time was that you were also in this hijacking incident..."

Suddenly, Gu Yu raised his head, and his eyes shot at him like an arrow: "What did you just say... Lieutenant General Lu's accident too?"

The corner of Lin Xi'an's mouth was still smiling, stunned for a moment, and asked awkwardly: "Yes, Lieutenant General Lu's accident is also... You, don't you know?"

He suddenly realized what he had blurted out, and opened his mouth slightly.

"I, I, I, I didn't say anything... Lieutenant Colonel Gu, you, you, don't tell Lieutenant General Lu that I said it, I don't know you don't know!"

Gu Yu smiled kindly, but it was not a smile.

"President Lin, why don't you tell me in detail what your review meeting found out..."

Before that, Gu Yu's cognition of Lu Chen's accident was still stuck - there must be some hidden feelings, his major general is by no means an accidental bug.

But he was secretly afraid of hurting the self-esteem of his major general, and he avoided talking about his sadness, so he never asked about it specifically.

But now - is there really a secret? Also related to the male country

Such an important matter, his major general didn't disclose it to him at all

Gu Yu secretly took a hard note in his heart, Lu Chen, it really belongs to you.

It's not you, other insects can't do such a thing.

So when he came home from get off work that day, Lu Chen felt that the hero of his family was inexplicably very enthusiastic, and he took the trouble to serve him dishes over and over again while eating, and asked him kindly if the taste was right to his liking.

Lu Chen bit his chopsticks and looked at the male insect's warm appearance, feeling that he was cheating.

As we all know, it is the norm for his family hero to go home from get off work and hold him listlessly in a daze. If it is so hot, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

But Lu Chen cast his eyes for consultation several times, and Gu Yu seemed to have no eyes, still bowing his head to add vegetables and soup to him.

In this way, until the night to rest, Lu Chen almost forgot about the abnormal encounter in his family, and was about to turn off the lights to rest when Gu Yu suddenly rolled over and suppressed him.

Lu Chen: "?"

"Huh?" Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "Yuyu, don't you go to bed earlier tonight?"

Who always said that he was so exhausted at work that he would fall asleep as soon as he went to bed

Gu Yu bit his collarbone viciously, and said dullly, "Hmph, I still have an account to settle with you."

Lu Chen realized later that he was abnormal today, he stood up slightly, held his face and asked, "What's the matter? What account do you want to settle with me?"

Gu Yu kissed him smoothly on his wrist, but after the kiss, he felt that it was not right. This calculation was too gentle, so he lowered his face and pretended to be cold: "President Lin of the review meeting today told me that your accident... It's no accident at all!"

Speaking of this matter, Gu Yu got angry, and as soon as he got angry, he recovered.

He bullied himself up, pressed his major general's wrist, and suppressed this well-proportioned but powerful body under his body: "It's obvious that some worms did tricks secretly, and it may even be related to the kingdom of male worms, you say, Why didn't you tell me?"

If he didn't mention it, Lu Chen himself almost forgot about it.

He was a little stunned, looked up at the questioning face of the male insect under the warm yellow light, paused for a moment, or said the truth: "I just think, there is no need... Let you know."

"Even if the real culprit is found, any wounds will not heal. Knowing the truth will only make you more unwilling, and it will only increase grief and anger in the end - so it's better not to know than to know, isn't it, Yu Yu?"

"What kind of crooked reasoning is this?" Gu Yu went on to kiss Teacher Lu's pitiful neck in dissatisfaction. "It's the same words I said before, which made me happy, and left you to be unwilling and grief-stricken?"

"No, Yu Yu."

Lu Chen was afraid that he would get on the tip of the bull's horn again, and looked down at him seriously, his dark pupils beating with the warm yellow light.

"It's just subconsciously seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages... It has become a habit."

His voice was low, like a low sigh in the silent night around him.

"Yu Yu, so I didn't realize what was wrong with it, and even gradually forgot about it. I just thought it wasn't important."

Gu Yu didn't like Teacher Lu's words.

His throat will be stuck with his guilt and sigh, the pain in his heart is dense, and wordless sourness will surge up.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether it's important or not." Gu Yu slowly leaned over and whispered against Lu Shen's earlobe, "Everything is not as important as you."

Lu Chen's hand froze in the air for a moment, then wrapped around his neck tightly, and cherished him into his arms.

Gu Yu tilted his head, found his lips in the dim light, and kissed each other obliviously under the dimly lit light.

Kissing and kissing, when Lu Chen reached out to untie the male worm's clothes and planned to let it go, Gu Yu suddenly held his hand.

Lu Chen: "?"

He tilted his head like a male worm on weekdays and cast an inquiring look.

Shouldn't it just be natural

Gu Yu squinted his eyes slightly under the lamp, curved into a beautiful arc, his eyebrows were handsome and deep in the light and shadow, and his smile was simple and harmless.

But Lu Chen's heart skipped a beat, feeling that this joke was deceitful.

Every time the hero of his family laughed like this, he must have come up with some bad trick.

Sure enough, his wrist was suddenly bound by something cool and soft, and it was wrapped in several circles. The male found such a thing out of nowhere. Obviously, he was already prepared. He rushed to the bedside table to touch it, and put many strange patterns on the sheets.

For the first time, Lu Chen knew that such things were hidden in his bedside table.

Seeing the white-haired male worm with long hair draped loosely on the sheets, and approached with a harmless smile, Lu Chen's eyes dazzled.

"What are you doing, Yuyu?" he asked calmly.

Gu Yu pursed his lips and smiled obediently: "I don't want to settle accounts, but I still have to let Teacher Lu remember it, otherwise there will be another time."

"How can you remember?"