This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 73: personal enmity


"Okay, No. 451 bid 6.5 million star coins!" The host worm said excitedly on the stage, "Who else is higher than this?"

The situation outside the floor-to-ceiling windows gradually warmed up and gradually became anxious, and fell into the box through the bright lights, but because of a layer of glass, when it landed on the cold-faced host, it seemed that the frenzy outside was far away from them. so far away.

Lu Chen crossed his legs and sat firmly on the central sofa, not focusing on the auction stand under the spotlight, but slowly flowing through the floor full of boxes outside like water.

"Lieutenant General, this is really..." Liu Zhen, the adjutant next to him, stared at it for a while, silently stunned at the situation of this underground auction, "A-level males, they even dare to sell this."

Gu Yu was sitting in the box opposite Yaoyao, feeling a little uncomfortable, as if he was separated by a layer of things, he couldn't breathe.

The male worm in the iron cage reminded him of the female worm in the iron cage that was somewhat similar to his female father. For some reason, he could never forget that sad and desperate look, which overlapped with the frightened and vulnerable expression of the male worm in the cage at the moment.

He had to turn his eyes away from the glass surface of the box on the opposite floor where he couldn't see the inside, but his expression became more and more indifferent.

"Boy! I've caught you!" Liu Zhenzhen looked at the male worms on the stage nervously, and suddenly heard a lot of noise from outside their box, "How dare you sneak into the underground black market, you're not too timid!"

Lu Chen also heard the sound and glanced at his adjutant.

"I didn't sneak in! I'm the customer in this box, you can't drive me away!" A young boy shouted dissatisfiedly outside the door.

"You brat dare to disturb the distinguished guests inside, let's see if we don't break your legs!" The voice was very vicious.

Under Lu Chen's gesture, Liu Zhen pressed the video button on the door, looked at the arguing insects through the electronic cat's eyes, and asked, "What are you doing? What are you arguing about at the door?"

The staff member of the auction house smiled apologetically, and repeatedly bowed to the door to apologize. The boy's appearance was also reflected in the cat's eyes. Lu Chen walked over to see it, and there were waves in his eyes.

"It's him?"

Liu Zhen said in surprise: "Lieutenant General, do you know him?"

The staff bug was saying carefully: "This kid sneaked into our auction hall and insisted that it was the customer's box, so there was a dispute... Customer, is he really a bug in your box?"

The young man had originally planned to pass the test by ignorance, but when he saw that the worms inside were asking questions, he felt that he would definitely be exposed, and he became sluggish.

But who knew that there was another deep voice inside saying: "It's really my brother. I ran out because I was a little playful, and I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

The pale golden pupils of the boy that had dimmed brightened up again, but he was instantly suspicious.

When the staff bug saw that it was their box, they paid tens of thousands of dollars to be careful, and immediately changed their face and apologized to the little boy.

The young man didn't know if there was another Longtan Tiger's Den in the box, but up to now, he could only bite the bullet and walked in amid the apology from the staff, feeling uneasy in his heart, but inexplicably felt that the low voice just now was a little bit. Familiar.

Until he really saw the owner of the voice, the expression on his face was both surprised and uncontrollable surprise. It was as if he had found his relatives on the unfamiliar Ura star.

"Senior Lu! It's actually you!"

"Yin." Lu Chen responded, rubbing the light gray curly hair of the female insect boy who rushed up, his voice subconsciously softened, "Why are you here?"

Only Liu Zhen couldn't figure it out: "Who should you call the senior? Lieutenant General, how can you become his senior? This child is only thirteen or fourteen years old!"

Lu Chen introduced: "This is Yin Mosel. Although he is fourteen years old, he has already enrolled in the third year of the high school attached to Imperial University and was selected as one of the members of the next Imperial University Junior Class. He often comes to Imperial University to listen to me, and he and I Once completed a project under a mentor."

Liu Zhenchong was dumbfounded: "Fourteen years old? High school senior? Did you and Lieutenant General do projects together?"

What kind of genius is this

Just say I'm a rubbish!

Talking and talking, Lu Chen realized something was wrong later, and pulled out the boy who was cuddling in his arms and asked sternly, "Aren't you supposed to go on a senior year graduation trip with your classmates? Why did you come here?"

Seeing that the boy's eyes rolled involuntarily, as if he was rushing to make up some reason, Lu Chen interrupted directly: "Don't try to lie to me, make up the nonsense that your graduation tour traveled to this rebel planet."

Yin Lin confessed his guilt and said, "Well, in fact, I heard about the Ura Star rebellion and sneaked out..."

Lu Chen stared at him: "How did you sneak here?"

Yin 1510 explained honestly: "I hacked into the website of the Ulla Star underground black market, and found out that they have a 'civil aviation' ship to and from here, so I went to the place where I boarded the ship and asked one of the good-hearted bugs to bring me up. , and then I came to the Ura Star and separated from them..."

This is not like the operation of a fourteen-year-old boy at all, and Liu Zhenzhen was shocked - God, what was he doing when he was fourteen? Skip classes to sleep and play games

Lu Chen still didn't let the boy go, and then asked, "Why did you sneak into the underground auction?"

Yin hesitantly said: "I heard that there are A-level males being auctioned..."

Liu Zhen always heard in the fog: "What's the matter with you at the A-level male auction? You don't want to buy males at a young age, do you?"

But Yin responded unexpectedly, and retorted loudly: "I want to stop it! It's wrong to sell worms!"

Liu Zhen was dumbfounded by him: "Uh... I know it's wrong to sell worms, so I'm just kidding... "

Lu Chen lightly swept his body: "So with your size, how are you going to stop it?"

Yin's face turned red, he took out the small cloth bag he was carrying, and found a silver ball that made Liu Zhen confused, but said something that shocked Adjutant Liu: "If there is a worm with ulterior motives in the end. If I really want to buy the male worm, I will find a place where there are no worms and throw the bomb out, and save the male worm during the chaos..."

Liu Zhen pointed to the bomb in his hand: "You, where did you buy it?"

Is the imperial arms control so lax now? Can fourteen year olds buy it

But Yin shook his head: "I made this in the laboratory and secretly tested it in the outskirts of Capital Star, and it's powerful."

He said with a bit of pride: "I have deceived the detectors of the male country. That kind of pediatric technology is useless at all."

Liu Zhen: "..."

Well, he has nothing to say as the only trash in this box.

Lu Chen deeply felt that the child's thinking should be corrected: "What about after saving it? All the black market elements of the Ura Star hunt you down, even if you have more weapons on your body, you are a child, with a male worm not much older than you, How far can you run and how long can you hide?"

Yin really didn't think about it deeply. He tilted his head and muttered in a low voice, but he had no confidence: "I'll talk about it when the time comes..."

Liu Zhen felt that there was no need to make such a big explosion to save a male worm: "Actually, there are still many ways to save a male worm, there is really no need to be so extreme, maybe there will be a good-hearted worm on the scene to take it. Did you buy it?"

Yin looked at Liu Zhen, who was a dozen years older than him, with contempt: "Do you think I'm a three-year-old child, how can there be..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly paused thoughtfully. Liu Zhen wanted to imply that there was a rich worm beside him, but the young man began to lose his mind, and his eyes floated outside. The boxes on the floor were scanned one by one.

The auction below has reached the **: "10 million once, 10 million twice! Does anyone else bid higher?"

"My darling!" Joyce exclaimed in box 383, "Ten million! I can't make so much money in my entire life on the battlefield."

The white-haired male beside him maintained an indifferent expression as he stared coldly at the arena.

Suddenly, when the final word was about to be finalized, the auction light in Box 566 slowly turned on, and the price was 20 million directly.

"Huh—" Joyce was dumbfounded.

The entire auction house was also in an uproar.

In Box 321, Liu Zhen was also shocked by the amazing wealth of these invisible wealthy people in the underground auction house. However, Yin sat on the sofa and took out the light brain that he carried with him, as if he was hacking into which web page again, but Liu Zhen couldn't see what was written in that series of codes after looking at it for a long time.

And this is not over yet, another auction light sounded, and it was once again directly raised 10 million.

"30 million! 321 box bid 30 million!" The face behind the host insect mask flushed with excitement.

"Lieutenant General!" Liu Zhen looked at the insect beside him in disbelief, and Yin who was typing the code also raised his head in a daze and looked at Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen said to Yin inexplicably: "Don't you want to find bugs? You don't need to track down the account I entered into the auction house when the last sale was made. I'll try it out for you."

Yin was stunned, feeling that all the excuses he made before were exposed in front of Lu Chen's eyes, and he had a clear view of his purpose from beginning to end.

Box 566 went on to bid: 40 million.

Lu Chen then pressed the auction button: 50 million.

566 seemed to be on the fence with Lu Shen, and then jumped directly to 80 million.

Lu Chen followed calmly and still offered 90 million.

In Box 383, which is directly opposite Box 321, Joyce pointed to the opposite side and said, "See, there is a rich man sitting across from us!"

He whistled: "The game of money bugs, tsk tsk."

Mole looked disapproving beside him: "Even if there is money, this auction is illegal and immoral in the final analysis."

Yan Mo said lightly beside him: "But it still exists, doesn't it, Major Moore? None of us can do anything about it, even the so-called terrorist organization, the male country, has to acquiesce to its existence?"

Moore turned his head to stare at him: "That's because their organization is fundamentally illegal and immoral, a den of lunatics!"

Yan Mo silently avoided his sight and continued to look out the front glass window, but said: "The rules of a society are always composed of two parts: explicit and implicit. Sometimes to accomplish something, there is no need to obey the obvious. The rules on the table must be followed by the rules under the table. Most of the things in this world are like this."

Moore still didn't agree, and just asked dead-headedly: "Do the rules under the table have to be followed even if they are unethical? Are the rules on the surface a dead end?"

Yan Mo slowly moved his gaze to his face, a little stunned, before he said, "Major Moore... Maybe a worm like you will never understand it in a lifetime."

More sincerely felt that Yan Mo was neurotic all day long. As an emperor, all he could think about was some messed up words, and he had no confidence in the existence of justice in society.

He repeatedly doubted how Yanmo passed the ideological and political examination of the Imperial Ministry.

"Aren't we the guardians of the rules?" He lowered his voice so that he could hear each other, and lowered his eyes. "Shouldn't we be justice itself?"

Yan Mo was stunned for a moment, as if he was particularly surprised that there were such naive bugs as Moore in this world.

Did he really think so

Yan Mo glanced at Moore's righteous gaze towards him, silently retracted his gaze, and stopped talking.

In the 566 box, the young male with short golden hair had a beautiful pale face, and it was rare that he was a little irritable.

"Is Box 321 crazy? Haven't seen a male in eight hundred years?"

Qizhe glanced at Guangnao and asked lightly, "Are you going to continue to pursue the auction? The budget is seriously exceeded. The boss agreed to let you participate in the auction, but he didn't want you to pay all the funds."

"Of course I want to shoot." Fu's lips curled into a bleak smile, "If he dares to increase the price, then we will grab it, my dear, and then we won't have to spend a penny."

Then the 566 box was auctioned for the highest price in history.

"One hundred million star coins!" The host insect almost broke his voice, but his eyes were eager to scan the 321 box, "Who else wants to bid?"

"One hundred million for the first time, one hundred million for the second time..."

All the audience looked at Box 321 with a heart, but this time, the box was silent.

"One hundred million for the third time - the deal!" Although it was a pity that the host worm could not continue to increase the price, the transaction price of 100 million star coins had far exceeded their initial expectations.

It was a pity for Qi Zhe: "Blood lost 100 million star coins."

Why is the 321 box no longer taking pictures? Otherwise they don't have to spend a penny.

Although Qi Zhe didn't want to cause a conflict between the organization and the underground black market for the time being, he was still happy to see Fu being driven mad and grabbing it, and they made 100 million in blood. At that time, when the leader is to blame, it is also Fu who takes the main responsibility.

Fu is also a little pity, and he clicked: "This 321 is deliberately going against me, right?"

In Box 321, Lu silently leaned back, hiding his merit and fame.

"I cheated your brother." Lu Chen said to Yin inexplicably, but his tone was rarely a little happy.

"One hundred million is still too little, but I think their money is only enough."

Only then did Yin realize Lu Chen's trick: "Senior Lu, when he first offered 20 million yuan, I guessed it was my brother. If you say help me test it, it's obviously a personal revenge!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen actually recognized it: "Yes."

He swept across the 566 box with a light expression, his eyes were sharp for a moment, and then quickly recovered.

"It's really a personal revenge," he said.

The next auction was a little dull after the ** at the beginning. It was not until the fourth auction item appeared that Gu Yu and his party waited for what they wanted.

"Imperial ultra-rare metal flow gold mine!" The host slowly eased the opening cloth on the stage, showing the golden pseudo-liquid metal flowing slowly under the glass cover, "The starting price is five million!"

The flowing gold ore is similar to liquid and solid, and its color is magnificent and bright. As soon as the curtain is opened, it attracts the attention of the audience. The light also seemed to attract it, automatically focusing on the dazzling golden color of the flowing golden body, but it couldn't compare to its own dazzling sight.

For such a small box of metal, it has already caught up with the starting price of the Grade A male worm above.

This has caused another robbery in the auction house after the A-level male worm auction.

It's just that compared to Grade A male insects, although the Gold Mine is equally rare, it only plays a role in a specific field. Not all insects are interested in it, and the range of customers participating in the auction is also much smaller than before.

Liu Zhen's eyes lit up: "Lieutenant General, this is it!"

Yin was typing the code, and when he heard the words, he looked over his head in confusion: "Senior Lu, what are you doing in the gold mine? Make weapons or bombs?"

Liu Zhen coughed, naturally knowing that this was a secret of the military, and God said, "Don't ask so much, children."

Fortunately, Yin only asked casually, and now he is busy typing the code, chasing the source of the 100 million star coins remitted to the underground auction.

Liu Zhen asked in a low voice, "Lieutenant General, we have found the Liujin Mine. Are you sure Colonel Gu and the others will come here to carry out the mission first? What if they go directly to the Lasserwei Basin?"

Lu Chen shook his head slowly: "There are too few worms, so they won't break in directly. Most of the male worms will think of this way to get close to the sellers of the gold mines."

At the same time, the on-site auction is coming to an end.

Box 383 bid 9 million, reaching the highest price in the audience. Just when Gu Yu thought they would win the auction, box 321 on the opposite side actually bid again.

"Ten million!" The host was so happy to see that 321 made another bid, "The 321 box offered 10 million, who else is higher than it?"

Seeing that Victory was killed by the worm cut out halfway, Joyce couldn't help but scolded: "Damn! Where did this 321 come from, why does it have to be mixed with everything?"

Moer was also apprehensive: "321 seems to be very rich. The auction just called for 90 million. If he really robs us, will we have enough money?"

Yan Mo said silently, "Probably, it's not enough."

When the military gave the money, they didn't expect that a rich worm would be killed halfway along the way and bid them a price.

Gu Yu also snorted: "This 321 road is really wild, and they shoot male insects and ore, what are they doing?"

Unwilling to admit defeat, he then pressed the auction button.

"15 million!" The host worm said excitedly, "383 bid 1,550, who else has a higher bid?"

321 then showed 20 million.

Gu Yu: "… "

Sure enough, the road is wild enough.

Joyce said angrily: "He definitely did it on purpose!"

Liu Zhen was amazed: "Lieutenant General, if the opposite is really Colonel Gu and the others, are you increasing the price too hard?"

Lu Chenyun leaned on the sofa lightly and looked at Box 383 opposite.

"What are you afraid of? It's not enough to try. Even if they really are, it's the military's money, not my hero's money."

Liu Zhen: "..."

It makes sense, he couldn't refute it.

Gu Yu stretched his waist, but his eyebrows were pressed down, and he looked at the opposite side solemnly.

He doesn't care about the funds given by the military, but the bug in the finance department before the appropriation told him painstakingly: The money is not brought by the wind, Colonel Gu, don't be impulsive when you auction, don't call for sky-high prices.

Gu Yu didn't know if the money came from the wind. But ever since his major general was intimidated by the lack of money, he was forced to make money to support his family every day, fearing that he would not be able to support his major general, and he would have to marry other bugs, and Gu Yu had a deep understanding of this sentence.

Money doesn't really come from the wind.

So he was in pain, even if it wasn't his money.

"Heh." Gu Yu raised his lips and smiled coldly, his face was a little gloomy, but he wanted to see who was holy on the opposite side.

"50 million! 383 box bid 50 million!" It jumped directly from 20 million to 50 million.

Moore was stunned: "Colonel, before you left, you promised that the bugs in the finance department would not bid casually! Didn't you say that you understand the saying 'money is not brought by the wind'?"

Gu Yu innocently spread his hands: "It was the other side who provoke me first, I call it a quick knife to cut the mess."

The opposite Liu Zhen was speechless: "This 383 doesn't play cards according to the routine."

Lu Chen smiled, the narrow corners of his eyes narrowed with an arc, and his deep eyes stared at the box opposite.

"I'm sure." He said with absolute certainty, "they are on the opposite side."

This glove road is definitely an encounter with his family.