This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 81: Major General


At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Han Yi, the commander of the Fourth Army, led a warship to connect with the main starship, and as ordered by the marshal, picked up Phobos, who the Third Army had been unable to interrogate.

It was difficult for the two huge warships to get close to each other, and a small ship had to be dispatched to contact the prisoner.


The explosion happened suddenly.

At that time, Gu Yu was taking a lunch break with his family, Major General Lu. He was half asleep when he suddenly felt the warship shake violently, and he and Lu Chen woke up at the same time.

"What's the matter?" Gu Yu only had time to put on a military jacket, open the door, and ask the army bugs hurriedly passing by in the corridor.

The army worm panicked: "Colonel Gu, the small ship that was picking up Phoebus had an accident! A starship that came from nowhere suddenly collided with the small ship, and the whole caught fire, and now I can't tell what's inside. situation!"

As soon as Lu Chen got dressed and walked out of the room, Liu Zhen greeted him and hurriedly said, "Lieutenant General is not good! Yin, who was in the hall just now, is gone!"

"Gone?" Lu Chen was surprised, "Where can he go?"

Liu Zhen took a breath and said anxiously: "Lieutenant General, you said he... Will he sneak into that exploding small ship?"

If that's the case, it sucks!

Gu met up with Lu Chen's hand and squeezed his palm to reassure him, "I'll go to the general control room immediately to see how the situation is ahead."

Lu Chen held his hand, looked at Gu Yu, and nodded deeply: "Go."

And Yin, who was really worried about Liu, was covering his mouth and nose with his sleeves, choking on the thick smoke rising from all around him, his eyes were so smoked that he could barely open his eyes, and he stumbled toward the light in the shaking cabin.

The light-blond male worm boy was standing at the door of the blown-up cabin, indifferently reaching out to the ladder thrown by a ship outside.

His prison uniform was blown away by the strong wind, and his pale and beautiful face was expressionless, as if he wanted to ride the wind away in the next second.

In this scene of successfully escaping in the next second, a weak "brother" suddenly shouted.

Fu's indifferent expression broke at that moment, he couldn't believe it, and his eyes looked complicatedly along the voice: "You actually... dare to come up here? Aren't you afraid of death?"

"No... don't go!"

Yin staggered to support the wall and walked out of the thick fog: "cough, cough, brother, don't go, don't go back... It's a road of no return, you can't go back!"

Fu kept a long distance from him, and stared deeply at Xun, whose eyes were crying, suddenly moved the corners of his lips and sneered: "Do you think I don't understand that this is the road of no return? Dear Yin, You're still so naive—so stupid."

Fu always stood at the door of the cabin, squinting his beautiful pale golden eyes and smiled: "Only when the entire Zerg has reached the road of no return, will the Zerg be willing to turn back. Do you understand?"

"No! Cough cough... "

Yin reluctantly supported the wall, half-bowed and looked up at his brother with difficulty: "No, brother, if you are extreme, if you respond violently to revenge, you can only lose both sides, and you will never be able to recover!"

He tried his best to open his eyes and looked at his brother, who seemed to disappear in the next second, pleadingly: "We can resolve this matter peacefully, for sure! Brother, you believe me!"

Fu Hui smiled faintly and took a half step back.

"My dear Yin, you will never understand anything at all."

"If you have suffered what I have suffered, you will no longer believe that there is any light in this world. All the light shown on the bright side is only forced by violence."

"The truth is that violence gave birth to the world, to peace, and to everything you find beautiful—without violence, the world would be in chaos!"

Fu turned around, grabbed the ladder, and stepped on it without any hesitation.

"No... no, it's not like that!"

"Don't go! Brother! Don't go!"

Yin stumbled, rushed over with the last of his strength, grabbed the hatch but could only reach out his hand in vain, watching his brother stand on the ladder and slowly ascend into the air, leaving little by little.

Towards another path that is completely different from him.

"Phobus—go to hell!"

From behind Yin, there was a sudden roar.

In the cabin, a military female, whose body was almost blown up in half, also staggered out. She roared with her last strength, and threw the bomb out.

"no, do not want!"

Yin, who was at the door of the cabin, leaned over subconsciously and stopped in the direction where the bomb was thrown.


The violent explosion sounded at the door of the cabin, and the bright light exploded in the vast star space, and was submerged in darkness again for a moment.

And the universe is vast and unchanging, swallowing up all the light, from beginning to end as if nothing happened.

In the end, Yin only had time to see clearly, his brother jumped down from the ladder that had already been lifted, and then pushed him down.

When he was pushed down and fell rapidly, the wind in his ears was so loud that he couldn't even hear the sound of the explosion.

He watched helplessly, his brother's fragile body was instantly swallowed up by the explosion's light, and there was nothing left. In the end, only the remains of the white prison uniform, scorched black by the fire, floated down with the wind in the direction where he fell. .

Death came so quickly.

Almost unreal.

A life that was alive one moment ago, the next moment completely erased his figure from the universe.

And Yin could only watch with wide eyes, reaching out to the sky in vain, but couldn't touch anything.

Just as he has been since he was a child, it has always been in vain, and in the end, it will always be his brother.

The ship from the main starship of the Third Army came to save Yin in time.

The medics recovered Phobos' DNA from the wreckage of the blast capsule. He was so close to the source of the explosion that in the end not even a shred of wreckage was left.

From the starship all the way to the Capital Star Hospital, Yin has been lying on the stretcher without saying a word.

The wound on his body caused by the explosion was heavily bandaged, which should have hurt his heart, but he stared blankly in one direction, as if he had lost his soul.

Neither the army bugs of the Third Army nor the military review meeting that came later could ask him anything about the situation at that time.

Lu Chen was escorted by Gu Yu for a detailed physical examination. The doctor said that he used his legs too much this time. Fortunately, there were no other major problems other than fatigue, but for the next month, he had to sit in a wheelchair to recuperate.

Yin happened to live in the same hospital, and Lu Chen was pushed by Gu Yu halfway to visit him.

Yin does not have a family and is cared for by hospital nurses these days.

After the massacre two years ago, Yin was adopted by the Moser Association, the largest charity organization in the empire, and later changed his name to Yin Moser, so he had the opportunity to study from a small remote galaxy to the five planets in the capital circle.

The cost of hospitalization and nursing care was also fully borne by the Mercer Association, which adopted him.

The Mercer Association was funded and founded by the Empire's largest capital consortium, the Mercer Corporation. Both the association and the company are named after the founder, Mercer—he is the richest bug in the entire empire and the one who has done the most philanthropy. .

Most of the orphans with the surname "Moser" in the whole empire were adopted by the Mercer Association.

Gu Yu took his major general to the child's ward, and was about to accompany the patient on the bed to cut an apple, when Lin Xi'an, the chairman of the review committee, suddenly called him in a hurry.

Gu Yu had to go to the corridor to answer.

Lu Chen sat alone in front of the hospital bed and rubbed Yin's head with empty eyes. Those gray hair had been curled into a ball, appearing even more gray.

Lu Chen didn't say anything, just told the fourteen-year-old boy on the bed: he is here.

After a long time, tears slowly flowed from the corners of Yin's eyes, a series of silent, but unstoppable, quietly flowing through his tender but world-savvy face.

"Senior Lu..."

When Yin spoke, his voice was hoarse, as if he had not spoken for many years.

"It should be me who died. It should be me."

He closed his eyes, and the tears flowed silently like a broken bank.

"Why, why am I alive... My brother's sufferings in his life are all because of me. He is guilty, but I am the most guilty. I should die... "

Lu Chen listened to his words silently, rubbing his hair one by one.


After a moment, Lu Chen moved his lips and said to the boy who was crying silently, "Life shouldn't be compared."

"I believe that when your brother saved you, he didn't compare who of you should live, he just did it subconsciously. Just like you, when he was in danger, he would stand up without thinking much."

"But, it's my brother who died..."

Yin put his head back in the pillow and looked at Lu Chen with a broken eye: "But now he is the one who died, only I survived... How should I live, Senior Lu, tell me, how should I continue to live?"

Lu Chen's eyes gradually deepened and turned solemn.

"Yin, you should prove to your brother that the ideals that he never achieved can also be achieved in your way."

"In this way, we can live with hope."

Lu Chen knew better than anyone that worms live in the world, and every time they encounter a setback, they must find a hope to pick up themselves again and live strong again.

Because life has always been so fragile, yet so tenacious.

Even if you have to.

"What's the matter?" Gu Yu picked up the communication.

The setting sun slanted into the corridor from outside the window, dragging afterimages on the floor, and the air in the hospital was so oppressive that Gu Yu walked to the window and took a breath.

Lin Xi'an didn't talk nonsense, and said bluntly: "Bad news, good news, Colonel Gu, which one do you want to hear first."

Gu Yu raised an eyebrow: "Bad news?"

He couldn't believe where the bad news could go.

"Bad news," Lin Xi'an raised her cheeks, "Didn't you say last time that the male worm country has advanced equipment and sufficient funds, so let me check whether there are any capitalists in the empire who secretly have unknown funds?"

Gu Yu was slightly surprised: "You found it so quickly?"

Lin Xi'an said: "What's the use of checking, you can see it at a glance - Mercer Corporation, the largest consortium in the entire empire, has a large amount of unestimable funds flowing into the charity industry every year."

"The amount of funds flowing every year is extremely large, but the name is very good. Can you accuse a big philanthropist like Moser to use the name of charity to fund terrorist organizations? Be careful that the first one to scold us is The vast empire of worms."

Gu Yu frowned: "Can't they be involved in the investigation?"

Lin Xi'an shook his head regretfully: "This is beyond the power of our military review committee. It is only necessary for the Supreme Court of the Empire to issue an investigation order, but it takes half a year to fight for this thing."

Gu Yu probably understood: "It seems that this clue is also broken."

Lin Xi'an spread his hands helplessly: "Anyway, I'll try my best."

"Oh, by the way, there is good news, I promise you will be happy to hear it, Colonel." Lin Xi'an picked up the look of frustration just now, and smiled like a fox.

"Oh." Gu Yu asked with little interest, "what is it?"

Lin Xi'an said excitedly for him: "I just got news from the upper level of the military, this time it is absolutely true, there is no fake - Colonel Gu, you are about to be promoted again!"

"After this promotion, it will be Major General Gu!"

The number of general-level officers in the military has always been rare, and promotion is even more difficult. Even Gu Yu, who is ready to fight for a few years, is stunned.

"Why so fast?" he asked in surprise.

Lin Xi'an said happily for him: "Hey, look at what you asked, this time you were in the counter-rebellion, but you helped the military to minimize the sacrifice, and even captured the top of the male country - although he died in the end, but also It doesn't matter, your contribution is still there!"

"The military hasn't fought many battles in these years. There are few military exploits. Who do you promote if you don't get promoted?"

"Colonel Gu, oh no—Major General Gu, when you come back from the holidays, remember to invite everyone to dinner!"

Lin Xi'an said with a smile.