This Male Was Forced To Support His Family

Chapter 84: Haywood


In the distance, Gu Yu saw the planet from the warship.

There are dense forests and tropical rain forests. Only the seaside can see a large area of gray continuous-cast long embankments and airports, and there are more than a dozen large military bases scattered in the jungle sea.

"Major General, Haiwuxing, the headquarters of the Fifth Army, has arrived." Adjutant Moore put his right hand on his chest and bowed his head respectfully behind him.

oh sea star...

Gu Yu looked into the planet deeply, and seemed to want to see some traces of Lu Chen's ten years of service here.

The military field divided by the Fifth Legion is roughly located in the northeast of the empire’s territory. Basically, the major planets have the Fifth Legion’s garrison base, and Haiwuxing has become the largest of these bases because of its central location advantage and unique natural environment. one of.

When the glass he had looked at landed in the early morning, it was stained with the humidity of this rainforest planet, forming a thin layer of fog beads. He saw himself more clearly through the foggy glass.

In fact, he was not used to looking at himself this way. Gu Yu is a bit of a worm, and scrutiny often means some kind of nitpicking about himself, which makes him very unaccustomed.

He suddenly remembered how he had just married Lu Chen in such an early morning.

They had just been together at the time, and some worms said they were a natural pair, and some worms said they didn't match up. Those who say they don't match up are Gu Yu's friends, and there are Lu Chen's bugs.

Because of Gu Yu's face, Gu Yu's personality, and Gu Yu's identity as an S-class male, how can he be so careless in the future. Even Gu Yu himself had a hard time disagreeing with their statement, after all, what they said was really well-founded.

As for Gu Yu's friends, they insisted that Lu Chen was not worthy of S-rank noble males. His friends have always held the so-called male arrogance, and even in the face of the commander of the Empire's Fifth Army, they must stand on the commanding heights and be critical.

Gu Yu didn't say anything at the time, but after all, he gradually faded away from this group of worms.

That was also the first time in his life that Gu Yu began to look at himself with a slightly critical gaze - is Lu Chen not worthy of him, or is he not worthy of Lu Chen

It was also at that time that he suddenly felt fortunate for his identity as a male worm. At least the zerg had never heard that the female monarch was looking for a second male lord, right? Fortunately, even if it doesn't match, Lu Chen can't get rid of himself.

Gu Yu is so lazy to play petty and greedy, and subconsciously seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, which is better than anyone else. He hinted to himself and firmly concluded that he was fortunate to have kept an iron rice bowl, and there was absolutely no other superfluous meaning.

Suddenly recalling it now, Major General Gu wanted to laugh very much, and deeply despised the typical rotten self back then.

When he was young, Gu Yu did not believe in love. This can't blame him for not being romantic, there are too few examples of "love" around, almost zero.

Take the male father who died in a car accident when he was very young, Gu Yu can feel how much his male father loves his female father, him and his brother with the natural agility of his six-year-old child. light.

At the age of six, he probably didn't have much memory, and the only thing Gu Yu remembered was the male's eyes. When he couldn't look down at Xiao Budian Gu Yu, who couldn't see his thighs, his eyes always seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, floating and unrealistic, far from the tenderness and weight of love that a mother father had when he looked at a child.

In fact, his male father did not quarrel with his female father, and even when the male father came home occasionally, the house would be more terrifyingly quiet than before. When the female father sat on their bedside and told bedtime stories, his voice would be lower than before, and Xiao Gu Yu and his brother would also subconsciously lower their voices, fearing that their biological male father would be displeased. .

But in fact, Gu Yu never remembered when his male father was unhappy, and he hardly ever showed joy.

He was too indifferent, faintly like water, flowing through Gu Yu's childhood without leaving any traces. He was in this home, but he was forever separated from them by an invisible mist.

In Gu Yu's memory before the age of six, the only profound scene is that he drank too much water before going to bed one day, and slipped out of the room in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. 's master bedroom.

He stuck his head out and looked curiously.

He saw the door of the master bedroom open, and his male father was sorting out his coat, as if he was going to go out in the middle of the night. This is a rare time for the father to return home in half a month, but he didn't even stay for a whole night.

Gu Yu blinked, then saw his female father chasing out in thin pajamas, hugging his male father from behind. The female father closed her eyes, and her eyebrows had a rare look of sadness and hopelessness on his face. Even the act of hugging is so light.

The little Gu Yu faintly heard the female father say in a low voice, "Don't go, okay..."

It was a voice that was almost a prayer, and seemed to know the outcome without any expectations.

His male father will always look like that, and his eyes will always be indifferent and sober. He didn't say a word, only slowly released his mother's hand.

The bracelet was not tight, and it fell down with a flick, fluttering like a paper kite with a broken thread, and it fell so powerless and desperate.

Gu Yu never mentioned to any insects the scene he encountered when he was a child. He couldn't even remember the exact appearance of his father, but that scene was buried in the deepest soil of his heart for no reason.

Later, the female father also passed away, and Gu Yu was twenty years old. He was no longer the little boy he used to be. When he was sorting out his relics, he saw the photos of his male father when he was young in his female father's study.

Only through the old photo hidden in the drawer did the twenty-year-old Gu Yu know that he and Xiongfu looked so similar. His eyes were inherited from his female father, but his appearance was almost completely carved in the same manner as his male father.

Only then did he understand that his female father often looked at his face in a trance before his death, and intermittently said something like "After Yu Yu, I won't become the biggest scum of the Zerg", "Yu Yu, I don't want it in the future." I'm too fond of the new and tired of the old", "If Yu Yu marries a female monarch, you must treat him well" and so on, what is the deep meaning behind it

He seemed to be worried, whether his son would be like his male father, and when he grew up, he would harm those innocent and lovely females who thought that the males would return to their infatuation.

Worrying about the same fate as him, it was engraved on another female in the future.

As for whether the female father's words affected his son, it's really hard to say. But what he saw and met in childhood made Gu Yu deeply understand how innocent "love" is. This makes it difficult for him to learn to bet on another bug like his female father, because the uncertainty is too strong.

Gu Yu is not a gambler. He didn't even bother to go to the gaming table.

In the first half of his life, he was a typical refined egoist, who could enjoy the favor of other insects, but could not return the same feelings to the past. All his occasional actions to gain the favor of other insects are mostly accidental, or for his own comfort.

Even now, Gu Yu is still an egoist. Lu Chen, on the other hand, belongs to the scope of this "self", and even surpasses taking care of himself within the "self".

This is a very miraculous thing, and Gu Yu himself thinks it is miraculous.

If Gu Yu before the age of 20 knew that he would "bang bang against a big wall" for another female in the future, he would probably laugh and not take it seriously. But if this prophecy is indeed true, this refined egoist may even avoid all the places in the capital star where he might encounter Lu Chen in the second half of his life.

Don't doubt, Gu Yu now firmly believes that he will definitely do this before the age of twenty.

Because how can you convince a worm who doesn't believe in "love" at all that the happiness and joy of falling in love with this female worm will far outweigh all the uncertain risks of betting

Even a crushing defeat, ruining your family and property, will you be able to feel no regrets because of the happiness you felt before

As for why the female worm was Lu Chen, Gu Yu later analyzed it by himself - after rolling on the bed with his teacher Lu, he laid it there while he was chatting on the head of the bed. At that time, Lu Chen first talked about his impressions when he first met Gu Yu, and then roughly speculated why he was "lame" and then became obsessed with Gu Yu.

The reason he summed up was the filter and that face in his childhood. Gu Yu was very dissatisfied, and in order to break back a game, he put it there to analyze how he fell in love with Lu Chen, an old army bug in the military.

But because this thing is really mysterious, it is hard to say whether the analysis is accurate or not.

He briefly analyzed the reasons for the following points. He made a list of points for his major general very solemnly.

First, the timing of Lu Chen's appearance in Gu Yuchongsheng was very coincidental. At that time, his female father had just passed away. Gu Yu had sorted out the relics and still had the Chunchun teaching of his female father before his death, and the Male Insect Protection Association also happened to be pressing He is married to a lady. Second, Lu Chen stepped on Gu Yu's only point of interest - mecha, and also used this as a reason to date. Third, the experienced social insect Lu Shen, who fooled the innocent 20-year-old into a lame.

Fourth, although Huyou is lame, Mr. Lu, ahem, has a good personality, um... His face and figure are also good. Fifth, Mr. Lu committed a special foul after marriage, very foul!

Lu Chen is puzzled, where is the foul? Gu Yu refused to answer this, and said that you know it best in your heart.

Sixth, Lu Chen helped him to add: "Because I am very rich. At that time, Yu Yu lacked a stable and reliable long-term meal ticket."

Gu Yu blinked, and pretended to be clever and leaned over to "baha" and kissed his major general's dull face: "Mr. Lu is not a meal ticket, but my dearest."

Lu Chen pinched his beautiful face expressionlessly, and after a while, he couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Actually, I'm very fortunate." Lu Chen said, "The money is also mine, and the one who attracts Yu Yu is also considered me, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Gu Yu, the worst male counselor in history, immediately clenched his fist to express his loyalty: "I will also work hard to make money to support my family and attract you, Teacher Lu!"

Lu Chen kissed the corner of his lips, and said in a low voice close to his ear: "That's not good, so I can't leave the encounter, what should I do? You are a worm, and you are enough to attract me... "

Gu Yu's ears turned red under his white hair.

Look at it, let's just say it, Lu Chen is very foul every time, very foul!

In order to break the game, Gu Yu pinched his major general's jaw with his backhand, his beautiful thin eyelids narrowed slightly, looked at him dangerously and said, "Darling, don't you know that you should save your energy and sleep well at night?"

Lu Chen lowered his head and kissed the back of his hand, and said in a particularly calm voice, "But I thought that when Yu Yu slept during the day, he had already saved up his strength for the night."

Gu Yu's eyes gradually deepened.

Check it out! Let's just say, Mr. Lu fouls, especially fouls!

After the warship landed at Haiwuxing's seaside airport, Gu Yu took a deep breath and forced himself to withdraw from the thoughts that suddenly thought of Lu Chen and then raised some inappropriate thoughts.

He had to take a good look at the generals of Lu Chen's direct line in the Fifth Legion. These worms, compared to Bud, who used to be the nominal acting legion commander, are the worms who have truly mastered the real power of the Fifth Legion since his major general retired.

For the newly-appointed legion commander Gu Yu, the first priority is to take back the real power peacefully from their hands.

While recalling the "strategy" that Lu Chen had told him when he came, he stretched out his hand and took the somewhat thick military cape handed by Moore.

"Major General, Haiwuxing's current seasonal temperature is a bit low and the humidity is heavy." Moore said, "Be careful to prevent cold."

The rainforest climate of Haiwuxing is very special. Unlike the general tropical high temperature, this planet is divided into two seasons, summer and cold, with extremely high humidity.

This is also a harsh climate, a good place for training special forces.

Gu Yu took the cape and put it on, glanced at Mo Er, who lowered his eyes, remembering what his major general had said before, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but finally took it back and said nothing.

Moore didn't pay attention to his gaze, and was looking at the light brain seriously and respectfully, and contacted the local officers of Haiwuxing.

Gu Yu walked to the front and walked to the port of the warship surrounded by officers and army guards. The open ship door slowly opened in front of them, and the stairs slowly unfolded.

Immediately, the army worms who had been waiting in the air port stood at attention, saluted neatly, and shouted: "Hello, Legion Commander - warmly welcome the Legion Commander to inspect Haiwuxing!"