This MC Is Kickass

Chapter 111: The battle for the city lord


"Big news! Bihai Pavilion vs. Life Ruo Chu Jian, the battle for the Lord of Huangquan City, who will win?"

"I heard that tomorrow Chen Guang Xiwei of Bihai Pavilion will challenge Lone Yue, whom I met for the first time in my life, who is the current Lord of the City of Underworld. I feel that it will be a very exciting showdown!"

"Is the poster stupid? What's so exciting? Gu Yue vs. Chen Guang Xiwei, the result is no suspense, okay? Chen Guang's set of skills Gu Yue probably was taken away without even having time to react, okay?"

"I agree with you upstairs. The two of them are not at the same level at all, and there is no comparison at all. If this is the end of life, occupying the city of Huangquan for the first time, it's time to give up."

"Don't be so sure upstairs. I heard that Jing Jing Zhiyuan told Sheng Ruochu about the challenge in advance, so tomorrow's war will definitely not be about two people, but a big melee, and Jun Lintianxia also has The intention to join the war, an ant can kill an elephant, we don’t know who will win and who will lose.”

"Upstairs, are you the first person I've ever met or the one who dominates the world? No matter what you say, I think Bihai Pavilion can win. The title of the first guild is not for nothing!"

"I also think Gu Yue is destined to lose. What if we join forces with Jun Lintianxia for the first time in our lives? The city lord challenge is a matter between the city lord and the challenger. It's not just about who has more people."

"By the way, upstairs, I remember that after the city lord succeeds in the challenge, the incoming city lord has half an hour to counterattack. It seems that during this half hour, foreign aid is allowed, which means that group battles are allowed?"

"Huh? Really? One of the City Lord's orders has exploded so far. I don't know the specific details. If this is the case, then the result will be difficult to say."

Nothing can spread faster than gossip. By the time Shen Jingbin went offline, the news that Shen Jingchen was going to challenge Gu Yue the next day had already spread among the players. In the forum that clicked into "Legend of Immortals and Demons", eight out of ten posts were discussing this matter enthusiastically.

Shen Jingbin couldn't help but sigh, people nowadays are really too idle.

The next day, the Shen brothers and sisters logged into the game early in the morning. Even so, when they got into the game, they discovered that most of the people in the guild were actually online, including Jing Jing Zhiyuan, who was not online much during the day. The guild channel Here we are discussing how to deal with the counterattack launched by Ruo Chujian and Jun Lintianxia.

[Guild] Chen Guang Xiwei: Yo yo yo! Brother is here!

[Guild] Tranquility and Reach: The lichs collectively hide in the crowd, wait until the fight starts, and appear again to kill the opponent by surprise.

[Guild] Chen Guang Xiwei: Hey, you’re actually here, president, aren’t you going to work

[Guild] It won’t be in the next issue: Tsk, Chen Guang, model worker Aning took a day off specifically for you today.

[Guild] Chen Guang Xiwei: #phobic# Oh my God, I suddenly feel so stressed.

[Guild] Tranquility Zhiyuan: Don’t feel pressured. Just think about it and know that I can’t do it for you.

[Guild] Chen Guang Xiwei:…

[Guild] I’m not weird: Haha.

[Guild] I’m really not weird: Hahaha.

[Guild] Actually, I’m the weird one: Hahahaha.

[Guild] I blame you for hitting me: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

[Guild] Baiyun Youyou:... Sabi.

[Guild] Psycho: Agree +1.

[Guild]丷National Treasure: Agree +2.

[Guild] Long Sleep: Agree + phone number.

[Guild] Changsheng: Agree + ID number.

[Guild] Tranquility Zhiyuan: At that time, each opponent will be assigned at least one flower spirit, who will be responsible for keeping an eye on the main output of his team. Taoist priests, except for the elite team, will also be assigned one for each other team. Remember to keep watching the sky throughout the process, so as to Prevent the opponent's Lich from stealth and sneak attack.

[Guild] Tranquility Zhiyuan: Chen Guang, during the counterattack, you'd better not show your face and hide well. As long as you don't die, the counterattack will be considered a failure.

[Guild] Chen Guang Xiwei: No, I still want to go into battle to kill the enemy! When the time comes, it will be so refreshing to kill each child with one knife.

[Guild] Tranquility Zhiyuan: Don’t think about it. All the firepower from the other side of the counterattack will definitely be focused on you. Although Cijiu, Lu Longxi and the like are not a threat to me, they may not be to you, so you must protect yourself and not be careless in the slightest.

[Guild] Shi Yi: Why do I always feel that the president is actually bragging

[Guild] Qixi Xi: You are not alone, I feel the same way.

[Guild] Seaweed Weilan: Don’t say it, we all know it.

[Guild] Chen Guang Xiwei: ...a group of beasts.

Shen Jingchen and Gu Yue's challenge was set at noon. After the preliminary arrangements were made, they went to do their own things. The people in Bihai Pavilion are all masters, and their operational awareness is excellent. A little bit of many things is enough, and no detailed arrangements are needed.

Although she is the president's wife, Shen Jingbin still cannot meet the requirements of the elite group in terms of strength, so she was assigned to Qixi Xi's team.

In order to let herself live a little longer, she extorted a sum of money from Shen Jingchen and went to buy various red and blue medicines.

While I was bargaining with the shopkeeper, I suddenly received an email from Marco Pineapple Buns.

"You want to challenge the City of Underworld?"


"You want to join the war too?"


"...What can you do to help? Go and kill someone."

You actually underestimated me!

Shen Jingbin was dissatisfied, and was about to remind him how he was caught by her as a "little one" in the first place, when the email of Marco's pineapple bun came again.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you were a female bandit!"

"... Come and fight!"

"Just kidding. Let's get down to business. Our guild is a neutral guild and can't come forward to help you. However, our guild leader really dislikes Jun Lintianxia and Ruo Ruo for the first time, so he asked me to possess the King Kong that I practiced last time. Dan for you.”

"You mean the one who becomes invincible for 30 seconds after eating it?"


"Okay! Give it to me quickly!"

"Shit! Why don't you be humble and excuse yourself!?"

"I'm not stupid. There's no excuse for this kind of thing. If you're not sincere, wouldn't it just give you an excuse to regret it? I won't give you this chance."

"... She's really a female bandit!"


Marco Pineapple Bun is depressed: Who is being polite to you

Taking out 3 Vajra Possession Pills from the treasury warehouse, Marco Pineapple Bun felt his heart bleed. He had spent a lot of effort to practice these pills, and he just got the advantage of the female bandit.

Ah, I feel so distressed beyond measure.

The gray style that followed him was also distressing, but! I can’t bear to let the child catch the wolf! They haven't settled the accounts with him for the last time Jun Lin Tianxia deceived them. It just so happened that they borrowed the help of Bihai Pavilion to deal with them this time. Thinking about it this way, a few pills didn't make them feel so distressed.

When Shen Jingbin reunited with everyone in Bihai Pavilion and headed to the Yellow Spring City in Beiming, she received a package from Marco Pineapple Bag. For the convenience of players, in "Legend of Immortals and Demons", there are postmen for players to trade things over long distances, but the handling fees required are not cheap.

"What is it?" Everyone saw the homing pigeon flying in with a small wooden box in its mouth. Qixixi was the first to surround it curiously.

Shen Jingbin replied: "The life-saving medicine someone gave me."

With that said, she opened the wooden box, and three golden lights shot out from the box immediately.

"Oh no, what kind of elixir is so cool!" Yu Xue Feifei, who was in the same team as Shen Jingbin, sighed.

Shen Jingbin was dazzled by the golden light and quickly closed the box, "Vajra Possession Pill."

"Everyone in the team looked at her in surprise.

"You guys wait for me, I'll pass this to Jing Jing Zhiyuan."

As she spoke, she trotted towards Jing Zhiyuan.

All the non-life players in Bihai Pavilion gathered in front of the City of Underworld at this time. Although there were only a few dozen people, the momentum was very amazing. As the president, Jing Jing Zhiyuan is standing tall and tall in front of everyone.

"Hey, little Jingjing, why are you here? Go back to your team." Shen Jingchen was the first to notice Shen Jingping running towards him. After she ran a little further, he frowned and said.

Because of Shen Jingchen's words, everyone in the elite group around Jing Zhiyuan looked at her. Several players who did not often play with her frowned invisibly, with a little dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Because they didn't know her very well, these people regarded her as the kind of woman who was constantly giving orders and trying to get privileges based on her status.

Shen Jingbin pretended not to see them, ignored her brother, and went straight to Jing Jing Zhiyuan.

Glancing at Jing Jing Zhiyuan, luckily he didn't look dissatisfied.

Raising the small wooden box in her hand to him, she said, "Here's this for you. Marco Pineapple Bun just mailed it to me, the Vajra Possession Pill. I'm keeping it for little use, so I'll give it to you."

As soon as she said this, the eyes of the players who were dissatisfied with her flashed with surprise.

Of course they know what the Vajra Possession Pill is!

Jing Jing Zhiyuan was also slightly surprised, took the box in her hand, opened it and looked at it: "Vajra Possession Pill? Did Tuba give it to you?"

She nodded.

Jing Jing Zhiyuan bent his eyes, his eyes sparkling, "Thank you... Please pay attention to your own safety later."

She nodded and returned to the team.

Looking at her figure who had to trot because of her short legs, Shen Jingchen couldn't help but "tsk" a few times, "Oh, it's true. I'll give you such a precious thing without any regrets at all." Thinking about my brother, it’s really hard for a girl to stay in college.”

Jing Jing Zhiyuan glanced at him sideways, "If it were me, I wouldn't want to stay with a brother like you."

Shen Jingchen:

At this moment, the closed door of the City of Underworld suddenly made a "creak" sound. The solemn city gate seemed to be pulled by a mysterious force, slowly opening bit by bit.

"It's begun." Jing Jing Zhiyuan turned his gaze to the slowly opening city gate.

"Yeah." Everyone put away their playful expressions.

Standing in the middle of the crowd, Shen Jingbin looked at the slowly opening city gate, and suddenly there was an indescribable excitement in her heart, as if she was participating in a competition for the first time. Looking around, she found that everyone was staring at her with blazing eyes. Ahead, something called "cohesion" spread among everyone.

[System Announcement] There are talented people from generation to generation, player Chen Guang Xiwei challenges the current lord of the City of Underworld, Gu Yue. Ten minutes later, the battle for the city master really began.

(End of chapter)