This MC Is Kickass

Chapter 18: The king of heaven covers the tiger of the earth


The secret passage in the cellar was not too long. The three of them walked through the entire secret passage while talking, and a wide stone room appeared in front of them.

The stone room was not big, but it was empty, with only a bed and a stone table. On the bed were several messy red quilts and a jade pillow with a faint blue light.

"This is the stone room! I came here with Wu Lang at the end when I was on a mission!" As soon as she entered the stone room, Shen Jingchen wandered around, and after several visits, she said to the other two people, "But, why do I feel There seems to be something different.”

Jing Jing Zhiyuan took over and said: "The direction of the mission is different, and of course the details of the scene will also change." He paused for two seconds, and called Shen Jingping with some difficulty, "Crazy... When you just accepted the hidden mission, did you have any What tips or mission items did you get?”

Shen Jingbin took out the map and said, "There is a map."

Jing Jing Zhiyuan took the map from her hand, walked to the stone table in the middle of the stone room, placed the map on it and spread it out.

The map was a bit crude, but the stone room they were in was clearly marked on it and circled with red ink.

"It seems that in addition to the secret passage we came in, there should be another secret passage leading to another place. We have to find it first." Jing Jing Zhiyuan pointed to the picture connecting the stone chamber and another enclosed place. Said a black line.

"Finding a secret passage? It's not easy." Shen Jingchen stepped to the bedside after hearing this, "Generally speaking, these secret passages and the like are set up under the bed or pillows and the like are designed as switches. No, it’s like this.”

As he spoke, he picked up the jade pillow on the bed.

With a "boom", the originally smooth and seamless floor suddenly opened, and before the three of them could react, he fell straight down.

"He... seems to have pretty good luck." After being stunned for two seconds, Shen Jingbin said.

Jing Jing Zhiyuan nodded in agreement. The two glanced at each other. Jing Jing Zhiyuan took a long step and walked over first. Shen Jingping quickly put away the map and followed.

The other secret passage was not on the same level as the stone chamber, but fortunately the gap between the two was not very big. Shen Jingchen only lost a little bit of blood when she fell, so there was no big problem.

"Hey, are you dead?" Shen Jingping asked unconscionably while squatting next to the entrance of the cave.

"You're lucky, it's okay. You two come down quickly, there really is a way. Hahahahaha, brother, I am indeed invincible!"

Jing Jing Zhiyuan looked at her and motioned for her to get down first, and stretched out a hand to help her. Unexpectedly, she jumped down without even pausing. After landing, she rolled forward and perfectly removed all the downward force. Smooth and neat. He was stunned, glanced at his outstretched hand, and jumped down without saying anything.

As soon as he landed, Shen Jingchen leaned over with a smile and hugged his shoulders.

"Boss, I just saw that you wanted the hero to save the beautiful, no, the hero should save the ugly, right?"

"That's what I call gentlemanly behavior."

"I haven't seen you be such a gentleman to anyone before. Boss, don't you really like this?"

"She is now our guild's mascot."

"So... okay, I'm overthinking it." Shen Jingchen curled her lips and let go of his hand.

Shen Jingping lowered her head and rummaged through her bag for a while, and it took her a while to find a fire excerpt she picked up when she and He Qing and others downloaded a dungeon last time. Under Shen Jingchen's surprised gaze, she blew on the fire certificate.

After all, it was a fire bomb in the game. When blown, a small flame ignited. Although the flame was small, the bright fire suddenly illuminated the entire secret passage. The secret passage is dug under the stone chamber. Without fire, it is impossible to see the situation ahead, and there is no way to guard against traps.

Jing Jing Zhiyuan looked at her and said, "The things in your bag are really complete."

She replied calmly: "Thank you."

Is this called complete? This is obviously strange! What the heck is it to carry an antique like a fire seal with you! Each scene in the game has its own lighting settings. No normal person would bring such a useless thing that takes up space, right? Shen Jingchen's heart was roaring.

However, existence is reasonable, and it is obvious that Shen Jingchen does not understand this truth.

With the magical fire fold, the three of them walked forward boldly. After all, two of them are famous figures on the master list, and they don't pay attention to the small traps in the game missions.

According to the markings on the map, this secret passage is not too long and will reach the end in a short time.

A bronze stone door blocked the way for the three of them. Shen Jingbin stepped forward and touched it. As soon as he put his hand on the stone door, a system prompt suddenly sounded in his mind: "Prompt: You have discovered the giant bronze door. Do you want to open the giant door?"

Shen Jingbin chose "yes" without hesitation.

Suddenly, the three of them heard the system prompt at the same time: "Please check the password to open the door: The king of heaven covers the tiger of the earth."

"Chicken stewed with mushrooms!" Shen Jingchen's mouth is always faster than her brain.

"Tip: The password is correct, the giant bronze door has been opened."

"..." Shen Jingbin's mouth twitched, "Shouldn't the answer be 'Pagoda to Suppress the River Monster'?"

Jing Jing Zhiyuan was also speechless, "It's probably the development team's bad taste."

(End of chapter)