This MC Is Kickass

Chapter 4: The village chief is worried


The newly caught little-eared rabbit is obviously of great significance to the man. His handsome face is full of joy, and even the corners of his eyes and eyebrows are stained with smiles.

It is said that when people are happy, everything they look at is pleasing to the eye. Sure enough, when he looked at Shen Jingbin again, he could actually find some kindness and cuteness in her ugly face.

"Do you know who I am?"

Shen Jingping shook her head, "I don't know."

"I was originally a disciple of the Sword Master Pavilion. Unfortunately, I was seriously injured in the battle between immortals and demons and my foundation was destroyed. The Sword Master Pavilion has always produced talents in large numbers. At that time, I was arrogant and could not bear the humiliation of having my foundation destroyed and being inferior to others. , so I left the school resolutely. Fortunately, by chance, I got a prescription that could rebuild my foundation. So I started traveling around in search of medicinal materials."

"Over the past few years, I have searched for all the medicinal materials for the elixir, but there is only one missing ingredient - the little-eared rabbit, the fairy's spiritual pet. I once heard my junior brother from the spiritual beast garden in my sect say, These small-eared rabbits feed on spiritual grass and are rich in spiritual energy. They are extremely timid but extremely fast. Not only are they extremely difficult to catch, but they are also extremely difficult to see. Most people have only heard of it and have never seen it. .”

"However, I once saw in the ancient book of my master that this small-eared rabbit is unique to Yangwan Village, a small village in the border area, so I looked for it."

The man paused and then said: "Not to mention the remote location of Yangwan Village, it is also at the junction of the human race and the fairy race. Both races subconsciously ignored the people here. When they first came here, they were still living in dire straits. "

"Sword Master Pavilion has always been about fate, benevolence and justice. I wanted to use this place to heal my wounds. Seeing this situation, I naturally couldn't ignore it, so I settled here and took up the position of village chief to see if I could protect them. At the same time, I wanted to go out. Providing guidance to the wandering young people can be regarded as making another contribution to the Sword Master Pavilion."

"Unexpectedly, after waiting for so many years and guiding countless young people, I still haven't seen this little rabbit. I once asked the old people in the village and learned that people who are not rich in blessings can't see it. You are the one I have seen for so many years. I am the most blessed person I have ever had, so I have a favor for you, and I hope you can help me."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a "ding" sound, and the system's voice appeared in her mind.

"Congratulations on triggering the hidden mission 'The Concerns of the Chief of Yangwan Village'. Do you accept the mission? Yes/No. (Trigger condition: Submit the little-eared rabbit, and the charm value is greater than 5.)"

Before entering the game, Shen Jingbin briefly read some strategy posts on the Internet, and knew that the village chief of this novice village had no other role besides recommending wooden cards, and she had never heard of anyone he issued tasks to, so at the moment This is definitely a hidden mission!

In "Legend of Immortals", there are many hidden tasks with extremely generous rewards. These hidden tasks are roughly divided into two types: one is a one-time hidden task, and the other is an epic hidden task that affects the world pattern in the game.

A one-time hidden task refers to a task that cannot be triggered a second time once someone triggers it once, regardless of whether the player completes the task. The epic hidden mission is triggered by one player and cannot be triggered by other players. Only after the current player fails the mission can a second player trigger it. Of course, the triggering conditions will also change accordingly.

But no matter what kind of hidden mission it is, it is hard to find.

So why not accept a hidden mission

Shen Jingbin immediately nodded and agreed: "Help, of course I will help."

After hearing her answer, the man became even more happy. He said, "That's very good. Can you please catch a few more little-eared rabbits for me?"

She nodded in agreement, and an additional task immediately appeared on the originally empty task interface.

"Task: 'The Thoughts of the Chief of Yangxi Village'—Submit the Little-Eared Rabbit (0/9) Tips: Only players with a luck value greater than 18 and a level lower than 10 can meet the Little-Eared Rabbit."

Her eyes fell on the last few words of the task prompt, and Shen Jingping suddenly felt the urge to look up to the sky and laugh.

After entering the game, each player's initial attributes are assigned according to their physical conditions and chosen race, but the overall gap is not big. For example, special attributes such as luck value only have two when entering the game for the first time. Three points, more than five or six points, someone like her with 25 points is absolutely unique.

Although special attribute points can be accumulated through later tasks, basically only hidden tasks will reward special attributes. Once players reach level 15, most players will immediately go to the main city to become a novice. Even if they come back later when they are advanced, no one will climb the mountain to catch rabbits like her.

Furthermore, even if someone has really accumulated enough luck points and is too idle to go back to Novice Village to climb the mountain, he still won't be able to catch the little-eared rabbit. After all, the level limit of level 10 is there.

Therefore, this task was tailor-made for her.

(End of chapter)