This MC Is Kickass

Chapter 47: Go back to the game


Shen Jingchen enjoyed the meal very happily. He and the Zhao family's grandfather and grandson had a great conversation, and they felt a bit regretful that they had met so late.

But Shen Jingbin was extremely troubled, and the reason was not for any other reason, but because of the eye daggers Zhao's mother threw at her from time to time.

Shen Jingbin remained calm on the surface, eating and drinking when she needed to, and could even answer the questions that Father Zhao asked from time to time very appropriately, but inside she was bursting with tears.

Auntie, this is our first meeting, right? I shouldn’t have offended you! Can you please stop glaring at me with your eyes

After finally getting through this dinner, Shen Jingping couldn't wait to leave immediately!

After returning to the hotel, Shen Jingbin threw herself on the bed after taking a shower, staring blankly in a daze.

She always felt that a lot had happened in the past two days and she needed to sort it out.

However, before she could figure it out, the phone next to her began to buzz and vibrate.

When I got it in my hand, I saw it was a text message from Zhao Chengning.

"have you slept?"

I glanced at the time in the upper left corner of my phone. It was only 8 o'clock. Who would go to bed so early


After sending the text message back, the phone started vibrating again within a minute.

"My mother's attitude is not very good today, please don't mind."

"You've already said it, I don't mind." Shen Jingping wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction. Why did he think she was a stingy person

"That's good, I was afraid you would be sad."

"I'm not that fragile." Suddenly remembering something, her fingers flew and she sent another text message, "You lied to me today!"

The other party first replied to her with three questions, and then asked: "Where did I lie to you?"

Shen Jingbin got up and started editing text messages.

"Today I asked you if you play games, and you said no, but Xu Ya clearly said that you play games all day long!!!" She added several more exclamation points to emphasize.

The other party still responded to text messages very quickly, "I'm usually very busy at work and really don't have time to play games. What Xu Ya was probably talking about was that the last time he came to my office to see me, I just happened to play a little game to relax, and then he It’s a misunderstanding.”

"What little game?"

"Mine sweeper."

Holding the phone, Shen Jingbin laughed out loud. She tried to imagine him playing Minesweeper.

very good, very powerful.

Before he could smile enough, another text message came from him, "You must be laughing, right?"

Knowing that he couldn't see her, Shen Jingping suppressed her smile and replied seriously: "No, I didn't smile."

"I believe you for now. You should go to bed early. I will be busy starting tomorrow and won't be able to accompany you two brothers and sisters. If you need anything, just call Xu Ya or Jiang Weiwei. They are quite free recently."

Is he going to get busy

Shen Jingping paused, "Wouldn't that make them too angry?"

"No, they want it."

Thinking back to Xu Ya and Jiang Weiwei, she laughed unkindly and said, "Okay, you can work with peace of mind."

"Well, good night then."

"good evening."

Falling on the bed again, she put the phone on her chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

As Zhao Chengning said, they did not see him again from the next day. Xu Ya and Jiang Weiwei took turns calling to ask if they needed help. Both brothers and sisters refused.

Both of them are adults, there is no reason for them to have someone take care of them when they go out to play by themselves.

In a blink of an eye, Shen Jingchen's game was over, and it was time for the brother and sister to go home.

Out of politeness, before leaving, the two bought some things commonly used when visiting elders and went to Zhao's house again, not only to say goodbye, but also to thank them for taking care of them.

In the Zhao family villa, Mother Zhao was the only one at home. After greeting them with gifts, Mother Zhao asked the nanny to come out to entertain them.

The brother and sister were not fools. They saw Mother Zhao's obvious dislike, and they didn't ask for trouble. They just said a few polite words and left.

The two of them took a flight in the afternoon, and when they left, only Xu Ya and Jiang Weiwei came, and Zhao Chengning still couldn't get away.

Xu Ya scratched her head and said to Shen Jingbin in embarrassment: "Sister Jing, Brother Aning has turned down a lot of work in order to accompany you, so he still can't come today, so Sister Weiwei and I are here to see you off. Don’t mind it.”

Jiang Weiwei also said: "Meimei Shen! It's enough for me to see you off, not Zhao Chengning!"

Shen Jingping smiled at the two of them, "I'm already very happy that you two came to see us off."

Shen Jingchen was still very uncomfortable seeing Jiang Weiwei, "Well, um, it's been quite troublesome for you these days. Come to City A when you have time, and let us entertain you well!"

Jiang Weiwei patted his shoulder generously and said, "That's for sure. You will have to provide me with food and shelter when the time comes!"

Shen Jingchen was caught unprepared and coughed.

The airport announcement began to announce boarding. The brother and sister waved goodbye to Xu Ya and Jiang Weiwei, who were reluctant to leave, and then embarked on their way home.

Seeing the Shen brothers and sisters disappear at the boarding gate, Xu Ya took out her phone and reported the situation to Zhao Chengning, "Brother Aning, Sister Xiaojing and the others are on the plane."

Zhao Chengning held his mobile phone on his shoulder and said while flipping through the documents: "Well, you can come back."

Jiang Weiwei grabbed Xu Ya's neck and shouted into the phone at the top of her lungs: "Zhao Chengning! I helped you see off Meiren Shen, you want to treat me to dinner!"

"Weiwei, don't get so close to me!" Xu Ya wanted to push her away in disgust.

"Boy, do you need a slap?" Jiang Weiwei glared at him.

Zhao Chengning listened to the interaction between the two on the other end of the phone and hung up the phone in amusement.

He stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and looked at the sky.

An airplane flew over City B, leaving a long cloud of airplanes in the blue sky.

"Ah! I'm finally home!" As soon as she got off the plane and entered the house, Shen Jingchen dropped her suitcase and threw herself on the sofa with open arms.

Shen Jingping carried their luggage to the stairs, turned and walked to the sofa, lifted him up a few times, "Get up and carry everything back to the room."

Shen Jingchen took a guarantee and covered her head, wailing: "You are abuse! Abuse! I am so tired from flying! You don't even let me take a break."

"Okay, put the things there, I'll go upstairs first."

Turning around and ignoring him, Shen Jingping went upstairs.

She was still thinking about her game.

When she was in city B, she didn't feel anything. As soon as she got off the plane, she missed the game very much.

Because Shen Jingchen had to carry her luggage over later, she left the door open for him and lay down in the nutrition bin.

When reading the game screen, Shen Jingbin suddenly felt that she was doing her job well. She didn't say to take a break when she came back. The first thing she did was to play the game!

After the game screen was loaded, she stood at the place where she last logged off.

The guild channel is still very lively, and those chatting away are busy with their own affairs.

Open the friend list, and Jing Jing Zhiyuan's name is gray.

Since he is not online, she can find something to do on her own.

Glancing at her mission page, she found that she had not yet passed the mission of the cult dungeon she had accepted before.

After thinking about it, she typed a few words on the guild channel.

[Guild]Psychosis: Please bring a copy of the cult#cute#

[Guild]丷国宝: Oh! The mascot is here!

[Guild] Seaweed Weilan: Where have you been, sick? You've been gone for several days!

[Guild] Hong Qing Nuanyue: Yes, the president and Chen Guang also disappeared for several days, and we were unable to go to many dungeons.

[Guild] Psycho: #达# Hey, has the president not been here for several days

[Guild] I'm not a weirdo: Are you going to go to the cult copy? Let's go, let's take you there.

[Guild] I’m really not a weirdo: It’s time to show my brother how much of a man he is! Sick, sick, there will no longer be morning light and president to hinder the great love between us!

[Guild] Actually, I’m the weird one: You really want to die, you’re openly trying to take advantage of the guild leader!

[Guild] I blame you for hitting me: Shabi, you are finished, I will file a complaint with the guild president!

[Guild]Eternal Sleep: If you want a cult copy, bring me one too.

[Guild] Changsheng: Wherever my wife goes, I will go #cute#

The three cult dungeons are all large dungeons, and the number of people admitted at one time is 10. In the end, the Four Monsters, Changmian Changsheng and his wife, plus two wet nurses, Guobao and Baiyun Youyou, took her there.

There was still one person missing, but the people from the guild had either been there or were busy with other things, so for a while they couldn't find anyone anymore.

[Guild] Baiyun Youyou: Why don't you go to the door of the first dungeon and see if you can pick one up? Any alt account in our lineup can get through.

Baiyun Youyou's suggestion was unanimously approved, and a group of people stood at the door of the first dungeon intending to pick up people.

The difficulty of the three dungeons of the cult increases in sequence. The first dungeon is called Tongyin Pavilion, the second is called Soul Locking Tower, and the third is called Bloody Hell.

Although the three dungeons are all on different maps, after clearing the first Tongyin Pavilion, the system will prompt the group leader whether to continue. If the group leader chooses to continue, the system will automatically open the next dungeon and send the entire group there. Players save a lot of trouble.

Because the cult system has just been opened, there are many players who come to the three dungeons of the cult every day. In addition, their group of people has the aura of masters at first sight. In less than a minute, I am not surprised that I received an application to join the group.

It’s not my fault that I clicked Agree without even looking at it.

Nine people in the team saw the system prompt at the same time.

"Player Xiaohuan Qingyun joins the team."

"..." Shen Jingbin almost fell to her knees.

[Team] I’m not weird: Has Xiaohuan been to Tongyin Pavilion

[Team] Xiaohuan Qingyun: I’ve been here before! #cute#

[Team] I’m not weird: Okay, pay attention to yourself later.

[Team] Xiaohuan Qingyun: Okay.

It’s not my fault that I opened the dungeon. After a short period of darkness, Shen Jingping stood in the dungeon. After a while, the entire team appeared in the copy.

Xiaohuan Qingyun was the last one to enter the dungeon. I was actually surprised that I whistled as soon as I saw her, "Oh, what a beauty!"

Xiaohuan Qingyun sheepishly slapped me, "No, there's no such thing as beauty. The three sisters are the beauties."

The three beauties she mentioned were Changmian, National Treasure and Baiyun Youyou. Shen Jingbin was completely ignored, but it was a good thing to ignore her. After all, it was much better to ignore than to be sarcastic.

Shen Jingbin also took the opportunity to look at her a few times.

Xiaohuan Qingyun is quite beautiful in real life. After beautification, her prettyness became very beautiful. At first glance, she looks very similar to the famous actress X Bingbing.

Perhaps her gaze was too conspicuous, so Xiaohuan Qingyun finally noticed her.

After seeing her, Xiaohuan Qingyun immediately shouted: "Ah, you are the ugly one from before!"

(End of chapter)