This MC Is Kickass

Chapter 74: Killing Qi丶


Qi Dian fled Baihua Town as fast as he could and rushed to the nearest transfer point. He turned back and glanced at the entrance to the Dungeon City instance.

There was no one at the door of the dungeon!

Where have they all gone

He himself also knew that he was mean-mouthed and easily offended others, but there was nothing he could do about it, he just had such a bad temper.

Those people in the dungeon absolutely hated him and would not let him go so easily. Now that they are gone, where will they go

Qi Dian suddenly braked and stopped. He took out his dagger, tensed his whole body, and paid attention to the situation around him.

The City of Underworld is located in the deepest part of Baihuayuan. In order to highlight its characteristics as the "deepest", the development team made the path leading to the dungeon lined with flower branches nearly one person tall. A forest of flowers.

Qi Dian looked around and saw that all kinds of flowers were in full bloom, but there was no one at either end of the path, which was the only one without flowers.

He pricked up his ears, stood on tiptoes, faced the entrance of the instance, and walked slowly backwards.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the flower forest on the left, and a gray shadow flew out of the flower forest and headed straight towards him.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Qi Dian raised his hand and waved at the gray shadow.

With a "clang", a dagger with a gray handle was knocked to the ground.

The surroundings became quiet again. Except for the wind blowing the flower branches and the slight sound of friction between flowers, there was no other sound.

"Damn it, come out and challenge me if you can! You're a dick if you hide!" Qi Dian clenched the dagger and suddenly yelled.

However, the response to him was silence.

"Chen Guang Xiwei, I know you are here, are you a fucking man? Huh? If you are still a real man, come out and challenge us!" A drop of sweat fell from Qi's forehead, and he could clearly feel the pain coming from Hua. Peeping in the forest, but there is no way to find where the peeping comes from.

This is like the feeling when watching a horror movie when the protagonist is stared at by a monster lurking in the dark in the forest. It is simply creepy.

"Wipe!" He cursed in a low voice and decided not to care about where they were hiding and just run away.

He turned around, gathering strength with all his muscles, and was about to rush out of the flower forest at one go, when a huge voice suddenly jumped out from the forest to his right and stopped steadily in front of him.

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be a white tiger as tall as half a man!

The white tiger was full of extraordinary momentum, swinging its thick tail behind him, unable to hold back its miserable strength. After the white tiger appeared, it still staggered forward, and the white tiger immediately bared its teeth at him ferociously.

Qi Dian finally realized that Chen Guang Xiwei and that ugly guy had made up their minds to make fun of themselves.

"It turns out that Bihai Pavilion also has a villain like you, Chen Guang Xiwei! I finally understand, you are such a shitty male god, you are just a Low bitch!" I can't walk away, and I can't find anyone when I fight. I feel miserable and angry. He began to curse, and the language was unprecedentedly unpleasant.

Shen Jingbin, who was hiding in the flower forest, looked at Qi Dian who was stopped by the mascot in a speechless manner, and said to Shen Jingchen beside him: "Don't he know how to log off? His IQ is so tight."

"Tsk, I'm so angry that I'm going crazy... But to be honest, your move is quite damaging."

When Shen Jingbing started chasing Qi Dian, she suddenly suggested to him to hide in the flower forest. After all, the two of them had had a tacit understanding for so many years. Shen Jingchen immediately understood what she wanted to do, so he nodded and hid in the flower forest with her.

The three people, Luo Dian and Yi Sheng Fu Hua, who were one step behind, didn't know the reason when they saw their actions, but they followed them and hid in the flower forest on the other side very wisely.

The Shen brother and sister have not yet withdrawn from the team. After seeing their actions, they smiled knowingly.

Team psycho: Who has the dagger on him

Team Mengmeng: I have it!

Brother Tianmo gave the cat a strange look at Meng Meng next to him and asked: "Why do you, a flower spirit, have a dagger?"

To be honest, it is a very cult thing for the cute girl Hua Ling to carry a dagger, right

Menmeng scratched his head, took out a small and delicate dagger with a gray handle, and said, "I saw it in the system store before. I thought it was pretty and not expensive, so I bought it."

Brother Tianmo touches his forehead, a woman’s desire to shop.

The team is crazy: Throw the dagger to him when the opportunity is right.

Team Qingshan Buchanan: Good.

If Qingshan doesn't change, he will be the devil.

After answering Shen Jingbin, Qingshan asked Meng Meng, "Can you play darts?"

Seeing Menmeng shaking his head, he added, "Give me the dagger and I'll throw it."

Aoyama Fukai often plays darts with his friends in real life, and his dart throwing skills can be said to be very good. If Qi Dian hadn't reacted quickly enough, the dagger he took would have hit him right in the head.

Shen Jingbin raised her eyebrows and gave Shen Jingchen a sinister and evil look, "He is too weak. Killing him so easily can't explain the hatred in my heart."

Shen Jingchen shuddered, "You women are so scary."

Shen Jing glanced at him.

He cursed for a long time alone, but it had no effect at all. He stopped with a dry mouth. The white tiger in front of him was already lying on the ground with his eyes closed to rest.

He pinched his dry and astringent throat and took a tentative step forward. The white tiger's closed eyes immediately opened their eyes, and the golden beast eyes stared at him dangerously.

"Wipe your uncle, you damn beast!" He took back his stepped foot and spat fiercely at Bai Hu.

Damn, this crappy game is so frustrating to play! Sad and extremely depressing thought.

Hey, wait a minute, he can go offline! He didn't believe that those people would still stay here to guard him!

Suddenly Fu Ling remembered that he could still go offline. He looked around, smiled obscenely, and shouted in a loud voice: "Damn, you are a bunch of idiots, I won't play with you anymore! Go to hell!" After saying that, he opened his control panel and prepared to log off.

However, as soon as he opened the control panel, a silver sword suddenly shot out of the flower forest and plunged straight into his throat. Even before he could scream, he turned into a white light and disappeared into a sea of flowers.

Shen Jingchen stared blankly at Shen Jingbing who suddenly grabbed her sword and killed him with one move, "Fuck, you are such a marksman."

Shen Jingping rubbed her wrist and said calmly: "Coincidence."

Shen Jingchen: ... Do you think I will believe it

Once Qi and Qi died, they no longer had the need to hide, so they all came out of the flower forest.

Shen Jingchen stepped forward to pick up the sword that fell on the ground. At this time, the blood stains on the sword had not been refreshed. He could only use his sleeve to wipe off the blood stains on it.

Shen Jingping looked at him with disgust, "You actually picked it up and continued to use it?"

Shen Jingchen: "Minato! What do you think this sword is! Brother, this is the best weapon, okay! If you hadn't moved too fast just now and I didn't react, I wouldn't have let you use it to throw that scumbag!"

Luo, Yishi Fuhua was a step slower than the two of them, and Shen Jingchen ran to them only after she finished speaking.

"Hey, Master, what did you just say?" Meng Meng didn't hear what Shen Jingchen said clearly. He only heard their excited snaps, and she couldn't help but be a little curious.

There was no way, she felt that the great god must be very cold, so there must be something big happening with such excitement.

As soon as Meng Meng's words came out, Shen Jingchen immediately looked serious and said, "It's okay."

Brother Tianmo took a step forward and asked: "Why did you kill him so suddenly? Didn't you want to sneak him away?"

Shen Jingbin explained to him: "He just wanted to log off."

Alas? ! When does this game tell that players want to log off

Luo and Yishi Fuhua asked: "How do you know?"

Shen Jingping shrugged, "I guess."

Everyone:! ! !

Shen Jingchen:…

Qi'er is offline. Of course they won't stick around, nor are they holding any grudges. There's no need for that. Seeing that these people seemed nice, the brother and sister made friends with them and went about their own business.

After being reminded by Qiji in the dungeon, well, that was not a reminder. It should be said that it was only after being reminded by him that Shen Jingbin remembered that so far, she was still wearing a moon white silver suit, although it could be grown. purple equipment, but after all it was still low-level equipment and could not keep up with her current needs. She needed to upgrade the equipment.

However, she had no idea how to upgrade, and she didn't know if she asked Shen Jingchen.

Helpless, Shen Jingbin could only go back to Novice Village to ask Baihua about upgrading this equipment.

Advanced players can return to the Novice Village, but the Novice Village is meaningless to advanced players. Not to mention not being able to receive quests, even monsters outside the village only gain 1 experience point.

After teleporting to Jiangcheng and renting a car or two from the driver, Shen Jingping staggered onto the road back to Novice Village.

The Novice Village is still the same as before, and the people coming and going are all players.

Although she hasn't even reached level 100 yet, she is still a decent size in front of a bunch of newcomers. There will never be a shortage of people in this world, even if she has such a face, as soon as she gets off the carriage, There were still several trumpets with particularly ferocious smiles surrounding him.

Shen Jingbing glanced over and saw that they were all handsome men, and some of them were ogling her affectionately.

She shuddered and suddenly remembered something.

I heard that in this game there are many wretched loser men or top-notch women who have been single for hundreds of years. They beautify their appearance, practice leveling, and then come to Novice Village to abduct trumpets. They can cheat them as much as they want. Satisfy their hearts that have almost become perverted after being single for too long.

How innocent are these inexperienced trumpets. When they see a handsome or enchanting trumpet coming to help their impoverished self in an extremely amiable manner, their ignorant hearts will fall into despair and they will follow them stupidly. .

Of course, no matter what these big accounts are like in reality, at least they are very good to the trumpets they kidnapped in the game. As time goes by, some trumpets with evil intentions also start to have the idea of these big characters.

From Shen Jingbin's point of view, this is like flies and rotten eggs.

But she was neither a fly nor a rotten egg. After glaring coldly at the few others surrounding her, she walked towards the village chief's house.

To be honest, at this time, she was extremely grateful that she looked like this, otherwise she would not be the only ones surrounding her.

That has to be at least a bunch!

(End of chapter)