This Omega is Immune to All Abilities

Chapter 23


Sang Bei was thinking about the nighttime CP, and he instinctively looked at Yi Jiamu just now. At this time, he suddenly heard such a sentence, and he was stunned: "What do you want?"

Yi Jiamu's mind obviously did not fall on his words, and whispered like a question and a self-talk: "The susceptible period of Alpha should be difficult, right?"

He still remembered Gu Yesheng's joking sentence at that time - when I came to the susceptible period, I felt that the degree of discomfort was not much different from a terminal illness...

"During the susceptibility period, the whole person is about to be torn apart, can't it be uncomfortable!" The senior student is an Alpha himself. Hearing such a sentence, he subconsciously accosted him, which made Sang Beizhi want to rush over to block him. Mouth, "Especially the Alpha with the top gene, the reaction is more intense. If you don't provide a vent, the pheromone in the whole body will simply toss people to death!"

Sang Bei noticed Yi Jiamu's expression, and when he thought of his hidden relationship with Gu Yesheng, he couldn't help but interrupt: "Mumu, don't worry about it, don't mess around!"

Yi Jiamu nodded, and in turn comforted: "Don't worry, I just want to know the situation."

Sangbei: "..."

He said he understood the situation, but he somehow felt that Yi Jiamu was thinking about finding Gu Yesheng.

Noticing the eyes of the seniors, Sang Bei quickly pulled Yi Jiamu to the corner and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I can understand your current mood, but now Ye Shen is in the susceptible period. , There is no way to control your ability, that is not something ordinary people can bear, don't do stupid things!"

"I know." Yi Jiamu lowered his eyelashes and patted his shoulder, "You can go back with confidence."

Sang Bei was choked by such a light attitude towards him, and he almost missed it. Seeing that Yi Jiamu's back had walked away in an instant, his eyes couldn't help but get wet.

Night CP is really real! Mumu can be so desperate for Ye Shen, what kind of fairy love is this!

Sang Bei couldn't find someone to share his feelings at this time, so he could only take out the communicator, delete the signature of the social account, and quickly tapped, and frantically entered a series of words: ah ah ah ah! ! !

All the people were walking outside. Yi Jiamu, who turned back against the flow of people, was particularly conspicuous, and from time to time someone cast a stunned gaze.

In the distance, you can see the medical space car parked next to it. It is said that someone failed to escape in time. Later, the guards risked their lives to rescue them and fell into a coma. They are now undergoing emergency treatment.

Yi Jiamu heard a few professor-like people discussing something from far away. He didn't know these people. The only thing he remembered was Yusheng, the dean of the academic staff who had been in contact with him before. The specific content of the discussion cannot be heard clearly at such a distance, and some words such as "forced control", "enclosed space", "isolation", etc., are vaguely leaked into the ears.

His eyebrows twitched slightly, just as he was about to walk over, his vision dimmed when a tall figure suddenly stopped in front of him.

Yi Jiamu looked up and saw an unfamiliar face, a little puzzled: "Is something wrong?"

Gu Xiucheng was wearing a delicate high-necked white shirt. Although it had been some time since the previous cafe incident, the heavy psychological trauma still made his face pale, and the dark circles under his eyes were clear and morbid, which made the whole person feel even more. gloomy.

It was also the first time that he had such a close encounter with Yi Jiamu. He couldn't help but carefully observed the rumored Omega freshman before he spoke in a low voice: "Are you here to find Gu Yesheng?"

Yi Jiamu: "You know me?"

"Forget it, I know your relationship with Gu Yesheng." Gu Xiucheng smiled, and the shadow on the ground moved indistinctly with his happy mood, "Being here now shows that I care about him. However, I still want to persuade you. It’s okay to have contact with Gu Yesheng in normal times. During the susceptible period, it’s best to stay away as far as you can. You know him not long ago, probably still I don't know how bad it would be if his ability got out of hand."

Yi Jiamu nodded: "I don't know much."

Gu Xiucheng evoked a smile under his attitude, and was about to speak again, when he heard Yi Jiamu ask in a light tone: "However, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?"

"..." Gu Xiucheng's expression stiffened for a while, "I'm here for your own good."

Yi Jiamu didn't speak, just stared at him with almond eyes. Although he didn't show much expression, he could see that he didn't really believe such a statement.

There is this sentence in the words that grandpa taught him - to be diligent at all times, to be a traitor or a thief.

Under such calm gaze, Gu Xiucheng felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, and it took a long while to hold up a kind smile again: "Some things, no one wants to happen, but they have to serve as a warning. You know, a year In the past, Gu Yesheng lost control of his susceptible period and caused a major accident in the school. There were more than ten students involved at that time, and now, there are still several who have not been able to wake up in the psychiatry department... "

Yi Jiamu had heard about this before, but he didn't expect it to be so serious, so he was silent for a moment.

The corners of Gu Xiucheng's mouth twitched a bit, and there was a hint of temptation in his tone: "Yes, it was the accident caused by his 'powerful' ability. At that time, a member of the club asked him to talk about things, and he was not provoked. It's so pleasant, he didn't control himself for a while... In the end, a few went crazy, and the rest couldn't bear the engulfment of fear, and couldn't use his abilities anymore. It's really, it's a pity."

Having said this, he sighed softly, and Yu Guang glanced at Yi Jiamu's face: "So, you also know why Gu Yesheng has no friends, right? This incident had a great impact on him at that time. Now that I finally know you, I think he shouldn't want you to see such a terrible side."

Gu Xiucheng's cornered light stopped on Yi Jiamu's face, trying to see a hint of retreat or fear, but it was completely in vain.

Yi Jiamu still kept his previous posture and looked at him. Without warning, he suddenly asked, "Are you Gu Xiucheng?"

Gu Xiucheng obviously didn't expect Yi Jiamu to know him, so he couldn't help but be stunned.

Due to the relationship with the humanities, Yi Jiamu's only impression of this boring villain comes from Gu Xiucheng's character design. Seeing the other party's reaction at this time, he will understand.

Obviously, he guessed right.

When Yi Jiamu looked up again, there was even less emotion in his calm tone, and his face was clear: "I know you're afraid of Gu Yesheng. If you're afraid, it's really too late to go now."

Gu Xiucheng was caught off guard and choked for a moment. The expression on his face could no longer hang, and he suddenly laughed angrily: "Who do you think is afraid of Gu Yesheng?"

"Grandpa said that people will try their best to do disgusting little things behind their backs only when they are facing an object that they can never surpass." When Yi Jiamu said this, he slightly evoked a bright smile, "Before, I didn't quite get it, but now, thank you for making me understand the full meaning of the sentence."

Looking at this harmless smiling face, Gu Xiucheng couldn't help but have the urge to tear it apart, but the black shadow that was about to move was crawling under his feet for a moment, but he finally held back.

When he looked at Yi Jiamu again, his eyes no longer concealed the viciousness in his eyes: "As expected of the person Gu Yesheng likes, he is very eloquent. But what's the point of doing it for a while now? I miss him, he is still trapped in the building alone. If you can't get in, he can't get out. In the end, he can only wait for the arrival of the mecha rescue team, and then he will be taken to another place for re-isolation. stand up."

As if thinking of something pleasant, the corners of his mouth rose instantly, his tone was low and like a curse: "Omega like you must have never been to a special isolation room? There is only 40 square meters of space, not even windows, no matter what No matter how big the movement is, it will not reach the ears of other people outside. Alpha's susceptibility period can only be amplified without limit in such an environment, and it has to forcibly endure this feeling of double tearing of mind and body. I can only survive on my own in such an environment where there is nowhere to vent."

The corner of Yi Jiamu's mouth was slightly lowered because he was unhappy.

"What's the matter, little brother, are you in a hurry? If you are so concerned, of course you can choose to help him." Seeing Yi Jiamu's gradually changing expression, Gu Xiucheng couldn't help laughing out loud, in a meaningful way. He glanced at the location of the glands between his neck and said in a leisurely tone, "Omega's pheromone has always been the best pacifier for Alpha during the susceptible period. If you can walk to him alive, probably, you can indeed make Gu Ye. Sheng suffered a lot less."

These words were provocative. He thought he could make Yi Jiamu retreat despite the difficulties, but he didn't expect that Omega's eyes, instead of retreating, gave him a deep look: "Thank you for reminding me."

Gu Xiucheng was stunned for a moment under such an overly dazzling expression, and before he could regain his senses, Yi Jiamu had already walked all the way.

Until this time, Jiang He'an, who was hiding next to him, dared to come out, and when he reached Gu Xiucheng's side, he hesitantly asked, "He... Shouldn't he really be going to find Gu Yesheng? Will something happen?"

Gu Xiucheng came back to his senses after hearing the voice, the tip of his tongue licked lightly from the corner of his lips, and the corner of his mouth twitched in anticipation: "What are you afraid of, if you want to go, just let him go."

If Gu Yesheng is so protective of people, if he is driven mad by his out-of-control ability, it must be a very interesting thing, right

The entire area around the Yiyuanhui Building was quickly controlled, and after confirming that no other students were trapped in it, the busy guards could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Many passing students heard the wind and cast their eyes here from a distance, but no one dared to get too close.

As the dean of academic affairs, Yusheng was inevitably busy after the incident. After finally resting for a while, he raised his head inadvertently, and caught a glimpse of a figure coming in from outside the fence in the distance.

It seems a little familiar.

He couldn't help rubbing his sore eyes, and then looked again, under the turmoil, he didn't see half of the figure again, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe it's an illusion caused by too much tension

At the same time, Yi Jiamu avoided everyone's attention and quietly walked into the building of the Yiyuan Society.

Perhaps because of Gu Xiucheng's fanfare, he felt even more that Gu Yesheng should not be left alone in such a harsh environment.

He really had never been to Alpha's special isolation room, inexplicably, and he didn't want this person to go in.

At a time like the susceptible period, it would be even more uncomfortable to forcibly survive these few days alone.

Other Alphas might still be able to rely on Omegas to comfort them, but Gu Yesheng couldn't, which was indeed a bit pitiful.

Various thoughts floated through Yi Jiamu's mind one after another, and as the elevator went up, he searched for one layer after another. It was also mixed with secretly surging abilities, but it didn't affect him at all.

The elevator goes up again and stops at the training floor.

Just as Yi Jiamu took a step, he couldn't help breathing a little heavy, and his back instantly stiffened a little.

The pheromone smelling of daffodils rushed towards him from all directions, causing a faint layer of sweat to spread all over his body in an instant.

Yi Jiamu settled his emotions and walked step by step along the direction of the pheromone.

At this time, if you look from the window of the reference room, you can see the back lying on the table from a distance.

Gu Yesheng's face was deeply buried between his arms, and the whole person remained in a curled position. The slightly open collar revealed the neat arc of the neck, and the lines were faintly tense under the perspiration, and the whole body radiated uncontrollably. With a gloomy menace.

There was no one around, but there seemed to be an endless undercurrent surging. Thick pheromones and dangerous abilities shrouded him in layers. Under the endless sense of series, it seemed that an invisible hand was tightly pulling his ankle. , dragging and falling endlessly.

In a daze, Gu Yesheng seemed to see a thin figure gradually appearing in the dark field of vision.

The young man just looked at him with empty eyes, a faint smile appeared on the corners of his bright lips, and then suddenly switched to a strong panic, turned around without warning, and ran away in a panic.

He wanted to quickly follow, but there was an invisible wall in front of him, isolating him and the teenager, unable to move forward.

In the distance, I can only see the endless pack of wolves behind the tired running figure, chasing him unscrupulously like this, savagely, with scarlet fangs, as if to devour that thin body at any time.

Running and chasing endlessly, the whole heart began to contract uncontrollably, but the road in front of him suddenly fell into darkness. in the abyss.

The overwhelming sea water swallowed up the last consciousness, and the utter coldness shrouded in all directions, eating away the only remaining consciousness, the whole body was cold, and it completely sank.

Just when he was infinitely approaching the edge of suffocation, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, turning into the endless paleness of the mourning hall.

The old, rickety old man stood in front of him with a cane, and his tone was cold: "Be the heir of your family, otherwise, you will be nothing."

Looking up a little, you can see two black and white photos in the center of the lobby. The smiles on the faces of a man and a woman have lost their former freshness.

The young man kneeling in the center looked like he was only seven or eight years old, his body was soaked, his thin and sick face was pale without any excess emotion, and he was extremely numb.

The scene completely faded away without a sound, leaving only an endless paleness. The young man walked up to him step by step, his expressionless words like a nightmare: "Gu Yesheng, in this world, you have nothing..."

You have nothing left.

Already, there is nothing left.

The cruel ravings were like a sharp blade pierced into the bottom of my heart, and the whole world seemed to disintegrate since then.

The mad clamor in the body was finally uncontrollable, and it wanted to be completely torn, wanted to vent, and wanted to destroy everything.

Unconsciously, Gu Yesheng's fist-clenched fingertips sank deeply into his palm, and this uncontrollable sense of madness made him want to break out all the time. There seems to be a faint smell of blood in the pheromone, but it seems to be an opportunity to make the manic impulse in the body appear more violent.

The endless feeling of falling is about to drag him into the abyss.


With a loud noise, the door of the reference room, along with the lock cylinder, was kicked away, slammed into the cabinet directly opposite, and then slowly fell to the ground.

This kind of movement seemed to dispel the darkness in front of him in an instant. When Gu Yesheng raised his head, the bottom of his dark blue eyes was full of confusion.

The obsidian earrings reflected the luster that leaked in from the window. When facing the familiar light brown apricot eyes at the door, the dark eyes swayed for a moment, and the tear moles at the corners of the eyes made the slender eyes even more charming.

Half of Gu Yesheng's face was still shrouded in shadows, and then he seemed to regain the touch of reality again, and bit by bit, sat up from the table.

Such a scene reminded Yi Jiamu of the fever period that day. Alpha's pheromones surrounded him tightly, his throat tightened, and he couldn't help rolling silently.

The surroundings suddenly fell silent again.

The author has something to say: gkdgkdgkd! ! ! I shout for you!