This Omega is Immune to All Abilities

Chapter 49


The top six competition is imminent, and the new stage of training has officially come to an end. With the secret support of Tuoyi Jiamu, a dealer of allogeneic stones, the overall improvement of the team is going smoothly.

In order to participate in the competition in a better state, Guan Xueming made an appointment with the infirmary of Chongxing School, and brought the members of the Yiyuan Club for a pre-match medical examination.

After the physical examination, Yi Jiamu deliberately stayed.

Some time ago, Lu Zexiu participated in the training with the other members from beginning to end in order to prevent others from finding out the difference, and did not formulate another training plan. It is precisely because the training intensity is too high that Yi Jiamu, an insider, inevitably feels a little uneasy.

Lu Zexiu could guess some of his thoughts from Yi Jiamu's actions. After getting the medical report, he handed it over to Yi Jiamu without reading it: "I said, there will be no problem."

Yi Jiamu didn't say a word. He took over and looked at it line by line. After confirming that the indicators were indeed normal, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After thinking about it, I took out a certificate from the space necklace and sent it to Lu Zexiu: "President, this is for you."

Lu Zexiu took it: "What is this?"

Yi Jiamu pursed his lower lip: "You can take a look first."

This attitude made Lu Zexiu even more curious. He turned over the proofs in his hand one by one, and the expression on his face gradually stopped. When he finally looked at Yi Jiamu, his slightly twisted eyebrows looked vaguely complicated: "This information , did you go to school?"

"Not yet. Originally, I should have been prepared to wait until my sophomore year to submit it." Yi Jiamu told the truth, "As for the choice to let the president know now, I just want to say that my substitute spot is not for nothing. .You can also follow the team's arrangements at any time if the need arises."

What is in Lu Zexiu's hands now is the proof of ability awakening that Wu Qingji helped to prepare.

You can see that the words "all abilities immune" are clearly written on the ability column.

There is no need for further explanation. With Lu Zexiu's cognitive level, he naturally knows what this ability means.

After listening to Yi Jiamu at this time, he somehow guessed that this passive ability should not have just been awakened recently, and now Yi Jiamu chose to tell him so frankly that he has expressed enough trust in him.

After a moment of silence, he handed the awakening certificate back to Yi Jiamu: "I understand. You put this thing away first, and if you need it, I will speak to you."

Yi Jiamu was slightly taken aback: "Aren't you going to let me report it directly?"

"No need for now." Lu Zexiu shook his head, "Competition is not such a simple matter. After all, you have never had relevant experience, and you have never done similar training. Even if you report it now, you will not be able to play. You will have yourself in the following competitions. For the time being, you just need to keep this arrangement and continue. As for your abilities, since you didn’t choose to expose them before, you must have your own reasons, so let’s keep the original plan for the time being. Everyone’s Life has its own set trajectory, and if I can, I still don't like it, affecting other people because of my own affairs. Hope you can understand."

He looked at Yi Jiamu and showed a rare smile: "However, I understand your heart. If one day I really become the team's hindrance, then I will definitely ask you for help without hesitation. of."

Probably because what he said was too true, Yi Jiamu opened his mouth, and finally said nothing, and nodded: "Well, if you really need my help, please don't be polite."

Lu Zexiu hooked the corner of his mouth: "I promise you, thank you."

Yi Jiamu did not continue to talk about this topic. He lay on the railing of the corridor and carefully sorted all the medical reports together. He was holding it in his arms and was about to take it back to the Yiyuanhui Building. When he turned around, he saw a familiar figure at the corner. .

The steps suddenly stopped.

Lu Zexiu noticed his movements, and when he looked back, his back stiffened slightly.

Gu Yesheng looked at the two who were suddenly silent, put both hands in his trouser pockets, and hooked the corners of his mouth with a smile that was not a smile: "I think there must be something between the two of you, then, someone is talking to you now. Can I explain it well?"

He originally just wanted to stay and wait for his future little boyfriend, but he unexpectedly heard something unexpected.

Lu Zexiu had known Gu Yesheng for so long, and just by looking at his demeanor, he knew that things must be perfunctory.

In the end, he sighed slowly: "Go back and talk."

In the lounge of the Chongxing Yiyuan Club, there were several teacups on the table, and the heat was scorching hot, but no one took a sip.

Lu Zexiu's description was extraordinarily understated, but Gu Yesheng's face turned completely gloomy after listening to it.

From the amount of information in just a few words, I already had a little guess, but after I really understood it clearly, it was a completely different feeling.

Gu Yesheng's eyes drooped slightly, and when he looked at Lu Zexiu again, his usual sloppy expression was no longer on his face: "Is it the kind of familial heart disease that Uncle Lu suffered from in the first place?"

Lu Zexiu said, "Maybe it is."

Gu Yesheng looked at him and said without the slightest emotion, "Try not to participate in the next game."

Lu Zexiu looked at him calmly: "It's already here, do you think it's possible?"

"Why is it impossible?" Gu Yesheng frowned displeasedly, "If it were me or Xu Yi, and this situation was detected, would you also let us continue to play?"

Lu Zexiu was silent for a moment: "You are different, I am the president of the Yiyuan Society."

"What an amazing President!" Gu Yesheng's slender fingertips supported his forehead, and he couldn't see his expression clearly, but after hearing the words, he chuckled softly, "I almost forgot, you are indeed different, you are Lu The biggest pride of the family. From childhood to adulthood, who did not know that the Lu family has such a perfect heir as you, who can do the best in everything, and as long as you are there, all problems can even be regarded as a problem. "

Having said that, he looked up slowly: "Actually, I have wanted to ask for a long time. I have always carried everyone's expectations on my back, and I have always assumed everyone's trust flawlessly. You have already done this for others. After living for twenty years, Lu Zexiu, are you really not tired at all?"

Lu Zexiu's eyelids drooped slightly: "This is what I should do."

Gu Yesheng snorted lightly: "Indeed, you are all willing to do it yourself."

He suddenly kicked over the coffee table in front of him, pulled the coat next to him, and stood up without a word.

Before he started walking, Lu Zexiu stopped him calmly: "Please keep this matter a secret from others."

Gu Yesheng sneered: "If you want to die silently on the field, it depends on whether I am happy or not."

Lu Zexiu was rarely choked, and slowly leaned on the sofa.

Yi Jiamu stayed by the side and didn't speak. At this time, seeing Gu Yesheng slamming the door and leaving, he looked at Lu Zexiu's helpless and wry smile, hesitated for a moment, but he still followed.

When he walked out of the Yiyuanhui building, Gu Yesheng was no longer there.

It can be seen that this time is really angry, and you can feel the smell of alpha pheromones in the air.

Unlike any previous time, with a vaguely violent low pressure, as if to smash everything nearby at any time.

Yi Jiamu was much more sensitive to Gu Yesheng's pheromones than others, so the corners of his mouth were lowered a bit, and he followed the extremely light taste.

When he found Gu Yesheng again, he had a cigarette butt between his fingertips.

It is a menthol cigarette that has been particularly popular recently. There is a faint flame of smoke lingering in the smoke, as if to surround all the irritability.

Although he couldn't feel it, Yi Jiamu felt inexplicably that this person must have used the deterrence of supernatural powers, so that there should be a lot of people moving around and couldn't see half a figure at this time.

The entire corridor is even more empty, and in such a huge environment, such a figure seems to be getting thinner and thinner.

Gu Yesheng frowned and took two sips unhappily. He was trying to close his eyes tiredly. He looked up inadvertently, and happened to see Yi Jiamu standing at the intersection.

At the moment when the four eyes met, there was a smear of soot with faint sparks, slowly scattered, and in a blink of an eye, it was completely blown away by the slow breeze.

I was irritated by Lu Zexiu's affairs just now. I was going to use my supernatural ability to clear an open space and calm down. Obviously, I didn't arrive first, and Yi Jiamu would actually chase after him.

The originally chaotic mood softened inexplicably at this moment, so that the hand holding the cigarette had nowhere to put it, and finally he simply pressed it directly on the ground and pinched it out.

Yi Jiamu didn't seem to notice Gu Yesheng's movements, so he walked over directly, sat down beside him, and glanced at the cigarette butt that had lost its light on the ground: "Why don't you smoke?"

Gu Yesheng looked back and looked at the child's profile: "I'm afraid it will choke you."

Yi Jiamu muttered regretfully, "I really want to try it."

Gu Yesheng: "What to try, what kind of cigarette the child smokes."

Yi Jiamu looked at him dissatisfiedly: "Then why can you smoke?"

Gu Yesheng choked for a moment, and after a while, he slowly rubbed his hair: "I won't smoke after that, and I will lead by example."

Yi Jiamu stared at him and stopped talking.

It seemed that he was a little dissatisfied with Gu Yesheng's cruelty, "to stop him from smoking."

Gu Yesheng lowered his head under such gaze, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Of course he knew that Yi Jiamu didn't follow up to discuss smoking with him.

Thinking of Lu Zexiu's matter, the look in his eyes suddenly darkened.

Others may not know the seriousness of this incident, but he is very clear - Lu Zexiu's father died because of Merck's heart attack.

In fact, Lu Zexiu's father is far more sick than Lu Zexiu's family.

This kind of familial genetic disease has always been a taboo that the Lu family is reluctant to mention.

If he guessed correctly, in order not to worry his elders, not only them, Lu Zexiu was not even prepared to mention it to the rest of the family.

However, this kind of practice that is completely out of consideration for oneself is simply chaotic.

Thinking of this, Gu Yesheng's brows couldn't help but tighten even more, he leaned back and lay flat on the corridor.

The floating clouds in the sky were stained with the luster of the stars, which was so dazzling that he could not help but slowly close his eyes.

There were vague sounds around, and Yi Jiamu also lay down.

It seems that after careful consideration, Yi Jiamu said slowly: "So senior, president, are you really going to tell others about it?"

Gu Yesheng still closed his eyes, and said in a sloppy tone in the darkness: "He likes to court death himself, so I don't bother to care so much."

Yi Jiamu was silent for a while, and only thought of this comforting sentence: "The president promised me that he would pay attention."

Gu Yesheng wanted to laugh at Yi Jiamu's naive thought, but he finally couldn't help opening his eyes and turned his head to look: "If Lu Zexiu said he would pay attention, you should believe him? With his character, do you know that he... "

The words stopped abruptly.

Gu Yesheng did not expect that Yi Jiamu, who was lying beside him, was also looking sideways at him.

In such a posture, the lips touched together without warning, and the soft touch left behind seemed to be burning like a fire, and instantly scattered wildly around.

Yi Jiamu's mind also went blank for a moment.

This is... dear, dear? !

In the silent air, floating is full of ambiguity.

The look in Gu Yesheng's eyes changed again and again, and at last there was only a soft smile left, and the breath between the words almost brushed across his face because of the close distance: "So, when are you going to lie down like this? "

Yi Jiamu's heart skipped a beat, and at the same time a wave of enthusiasm rushed into his mind, he suddenly stood up from the ground.

Gu Yesheng could feel that his heart seemed to rush out of his chest at any time, but looking at Yi Jiamu like this, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

He also sat up slowly, leaned over Yi Jiamu's face, and caressed his ear: "Don't worry, I'm not going to say it. If Lu Zexiu wants to do something, even if the whole team knows about it, It can't stop his decision. I don't have to be thankful to make other people feel scared too. At most, I will wait a little more during the official game. If there is anything wrong with him, we will directly remove him from the stage. You say, okay?"

Yi Jiamu didn't notice that Gu Yesheng had unknowingly encircled him, and he just subconsciously responded, "Okay."

Gu Yesheng felt that the annoyance in his heart gradually dissipated, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but rise. At this time, looking at the child's red ears, he suddenly asked with a smile, "Speaking of which, I have a suggestion, do you want to listen to it?"

Yi Jiamu asked, "What proposal?"

Gu Yesheng said: "In order to prevent a situation that really requires you to come off the bench, I think you can consider trying some simple practice items."

Seeing Yi Jiamu looking back, he smiled: "Lu Zexiu is right, the power league is not so simple, no matter how strong you are, if you haven't adapted to the competition environment, it is still very risky to play directly. thing."

Yi Jiamu thought about it for a while, and felt that there was some truth to what he said. It didn't seem like he was mocking him: "You can really try."

"Then find a time, I'll show you the simplest project in the virtual cabin first." Gu Yesheng rubbed his head gently, "step by step, don't worry."

The author has something to say: Mumu, still too young~ Sigh.