This Omega is Immune to All Abilities

Chapter 9


By the time Wu Qingji came back from the sixth galaxy, it was already late at night.

He didn't delay, and went straight to the staff dormitory without stopping.

When I found Yusheng, I was covered in cold air.

The lights in Yusheng's room were brightly lit. When the person came in, he was looking at the student roster with a menthol cigarette in his mouth. When he looked up and saw Wu Qingji, who was busy with dust, he couldn't help but tease, "Yo, I came back really fast this time."

"My child was reported, can you come back in a hurry!" Wu Qingji dragged his coat off, hung it on the hanger next to him, took out a file bag and threw it over, "All the information you want is here. Now, take it quickly! Quickly settle this matter, I don't want any messy effects to be derived from it later."

As Yusheng opened the portfolio, he asked with a smile, "What do you call a child in your family? Why don't I know which of your relatives has the surname Yi?"

"I grew up watching him grow up, but it's not our family's?" Wu Qingji was a little angry when he saw that he was not in a hurry, "Yucun, this time you have to give me snacks, but I didn't follow you. Just kidding, you know?"

Yusheng came to Chongxingyi College after graduating at the age of twenty-two, and eight years have passed since he was thirty. But because he treats people seriously and fiercely on weekdays, most people only dare to call him the nickname "Yicun" in private, and Wu Qingji, who is one year ahead of him, dares to call him so directly.

Yu Sheng rarely sees Wu Qingji being so attentive, he took out a document and glanced at it, his eyes fell on the content of the column he was most interested in, the cigarette in his mouth trembled slightly: "So, Is it really anesthesia?"

He had seen the case information in the file before, but it felt completely different from seeing the detailed medical report now.

Under normal circumstances, each person with superhuman abilities will generate a corresponding energy reserve system in his body when his ability is awakened. This is the basis for further cultivation and improvement of personal ability. With the improvement of each person's own strength, this reserve system will be gradually improved.

Because the passive system ability person is unable to cultivate, and the original vein space in the body is difficult to improve, it will often remain in the incomplete state when it was just generated. In addition to this special existence, the integrity of the source vein space can often be used to evaluate the maturity of an ability user from the side, so it has become one of the important indicators for many institutions to judge the strength of a different element teacher.

In addition to the ordinary theoretical students, the students of the theory school are capable of passive departments, so when such a complete source space detection map is exposed, there will be such big doubts.

Such a complete Origin Vein space, even if it is placed in the other academies that major in abilities, is very top.

But it is clear that everyone is only thinking from a normal perspective, and has forgotten an extremely special existence.

But don't blame them, the case of "insufficiency disorder" is indeed too rare.

The so-called paranormal deficiency disease refers to a paranormal deficiency type of disease that cannot awaken the ability to actively exercise the space after generating a complete source meridian space in the body. Although the patient has generated a complete source space early, he can only live as an ordinary person for the rest of his life, or he is a passive psychic who cannot fully use all the space abilities.

This disease has been discovered for a long time, but so far, the total number of patients diagnosed in the entire interstellar history has not exceeded ten.

"Since there are complete cases that can prove to be hypoxia, it can save the time of going to the hospital for a complete examination. Tomorrow, I will go to the school website to post the situation statement, and it should be fine."

Yusheng was also happy to sell Wu Qingji a face in such an event with obvious truth, he spoke slowly, and flipped Yi Jiamu's file to the next page, his eyes swept across Yishun and suddenly stopped: "… Wait a minute! What's going on here?!"

Unlike the student files in the school network, the information provided by Wu Qingji is obviously more complete, but here, Yi Jiamu's supernatural ability is not blank, but clearly written.

Yu Sheng looked at it again and again, only to be sure that he was not wrong, he couldn't help but smother the cigarette butt, and the hand holding the file trembled slightly: "This ability, is it..."

"Don't think about it, that's what you understand." Wu Qingji was used to seeing Yusheng's arrogant and domineering look, and it was rare to see his expression, so he couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, "What an ability against the world, right? ?"

It was the first time that Yusheng had seen such appalling supernatural abilities. He felt that he probably needed to calm down. He poured a glass of water and took a few sips before opening Yi Jiamu's school file from the terminal. , pointed to the word "theoretical student" and asked through gritted teeth, "You entered his student file, why didn't you fill in the field of ability."

"Of course it's because the identity of an ordinary theory student can avoid a lot of trouble." Wu Qingji said it for granted, and it can even be said to be plausible, "Mumu's ability is a passive department, which is already within the scope of admissions of the theory college. It's not too late to fill in after this semester comfortably. Anyway, it's not someone who just woke up in the sophomore year, don't you think?"

Yusheng couldn't help but stare at him: "The school's information must be complete, you shouldn't hide it. By doing this, you are causing trouble for our academic work!"

"How can this be considered troublesome?" Wu Qingji obviously didn't think so, "I just used the privileges that honorary professors already possessed reasonably."

Saying that, he glanced at Yusheng with a half-smiling smile: "And I really advise you not to take it seriously this time. I only tell you one thing, don't blame me for not reminding you in the future. The student file is here. It was my teacher who entrusted me to do it."

Yusheng's originally indignant words of disdain suddenly stopped: "Your teacher? Could it be..."

Wu Qingji looked inscrutable: "Have you seen Mumu today? Didn't you notice his surname?"

Yusheng didn't speak for a while, and after a long time he said silently, "The surname is 'Yi'."

Early the next morning, Yi Jiamu received an inspection report from the medical examination room.

At the same time, the Chongxing School website also announced the final verdict of the school’s Academic Affairs Office on the incident: the school’s inspection and verification confirmed that Yi Jiamu does have a complete source space in his body, but at the same time, it was also verified that he had a rare athenic deficit disorder patient. identity. Therefore, the student did not violate the admissions guidelines of the School of Theory and is hereby announced.

Under the same page, the comprehensive physical examination details of the school's laboratory are announced in detail, and the diagnosis report of anesthesia from the galaxy-level specialized hospital is attached, which is extremely authoritative.

On the medical checklist, you can see the near-perfect virtual modeling of the Origin Vein space in Yi Jiamu's body, which is beautiful and enviable.

The Battle Academy, which had been clamoring so much before, was completely dumb for a while. Correspondingly, it was the festival-like festive atmosphere of the Theory Academy.

I swore before that there was something tricky, so my face is swollen!

However, the students of other colleges obviously have a completely different focus from these two colleges.

Inside the medical school—

"Damn it, anesthesia? No, I thought it was just written on the medical book to frame people!"

"I really want to try my ability, maybe I can help him awaken his ability?"

"What a perfect research material, I just want to know what the communication number of this student is, and how can I contact him?"

"I suddenly felt that my graduation report had a new direction."

Inside the Academy of Elements and Minds—

"Did I say your focus is crooked? Hasn't anyone found that the modeling of this source space is too beautiful?"

"Fuck, I even took my medical report for comparison. This source line is actually a theoretical student? No! I can't accept it!"

"Damn it, I have such a complete source space, and I'm still at the bottom every semester!"

"Come on, don't talk about you, just look around in the academy and see if you can find a few more complete ones than this?"

Yi Jiamu just heard about the results, and after taking a look at the school website page, he stopped paying attention, not knowing that he had become the object of discussion in the whole school.

He went to the cafeteria with Sang Bei to have a comfortable meal, and sent a message to Alpha, who had thrown the game before, reminding him that the meal card was low, and walked to the classroom where he was in class.

Yi Jiamu has a place he is accustomed to sit, which is usually seldom seized by anyone, but I didn't expect that one person would be lying on his back today.

He walked over and patted the other person's shoulder. He wanted to discuss the location, but when the person looked up, he realized that it was Gu Yesheng, who seemed to have slept from the morning class until now.

Gu Yesheng's face was drowsy, which made the tear mole at the corner of his eyes more and more lazy and charming. Such a glance seemed a bit ecstatic, but it also revealed a deep danger until he could see clearly in the confusion. When he saw the face in front of him, the dark threat dissipated slightly: "Little boy, are you looking for me?"

Yi Jiamu pointed to his position: "I'm coming to class, can I get a seat?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Gu Yesheng obviously didn't get enough sleep, as if the whole person was lazy in the seat, when he heard the words, he slowly wriggled and moved to the side, "You sit, I'll sleep again. meeting."

Yi Jiamu originally wanted to say something, but when he saw the man's eyes closed and then fell asleep in a blink of an eye, he couldn't help but be silent and sat down beside him.

It is very close, and you can feel the faint undulating steady breathing.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the man's back, and took out a textbook from his backpack. When he turned back, he just caught Sang Beijiongjiong's line of sight, and was slightly taken aback: "What's the matter?"

Sang Bei didn't speak for a while, and his eyes fell on Gu Yesheng's body for a moment, as if full of twinkling stars: "This person, do you know him?"

Yi Jiamu: "Huh?"

Sang Bei looked at him expectantly, and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Is he the Gu Yesheng I know."

The doubts in Yi Jiamu's eyes were a little thicker: "Should be, right?"

"Ahhh!" Sangbei screamed silently, dancing excitedly for a while, then quickly took out the terminal, and mysteriously pushed a page to his communicator, "Mumu, don't you know, I've been chasing him and the CP of the president of our school's Yiyuan Club recently!"

Yi Jiamu's eyes fell, and he happened to see two tall figures standing side by side in the photo in the center of the page. Among them, Gu Yesheng's enchanting face fell into his eyes.

Next to him is an Alpha with the same gene burst, cold and serious, he doesn't know.

There is a line of words below the photo: As long as we all blame God, we will be good sisters all our lives!

Immediately followed by the very eye-catching section name: [God blames CP fan zone (reversible and non-removable)].

Yi Jiamu: "..."

How did he feel, as if he had accidentally discovered the door to a new world

The author has something to say: Night Narcissus: ? ? ? Close that door and pull your feet back.

Mumu: I have already crossed it~ :)