This Omega is Immune to All Abilities

Chapter 98


Yi Jiamu immediately dialed Yi Hang's number to inquire, but Yi Hang said that it was unclear on the communicator and asked them to go to the laboratory specifically.

Yi Jiamu suddenly felt a little nervous, and could not help but exchange glances with Gu Yesheng.

On the contrary, Gu Yesheng took his hand indifferently and walked out, as if the test results had nothing to do with him.

Yi Jiamu followed behind, and when he looked up, Gu Yesheng's tall and slender figure fell into his eyes.

It is obviously very familiar, but also inexplicably unfamiliar.

Although he hasn't said anything or expressed much since he came back this time, he can still feel that Gu Yesheng seems to have become more silent than before.

Also, more of an indescribable feeling.

Maybe this is growth, but it always feels dull.

In the past few days, Yi Hang directly requisitioned the largest laboratory in the general hospital, and when he saw the two entering, he waved his hand and motioned them to close the door.

Then he didn't say much, and handed over a large stack of inspection reports: "Let's take a look."

Yi Jiamu reached out and took it, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't choose to turn it over: "Dad, just say the result. We can't understand these things."

Yi Hang looked at him fixedly, and then looked at Gu Yesheng next to him, with a look of hesitating to speak.

Such an attitude made Yi Jiamu even more nervous: "What, is there a problem?"

Although he was really worried about the routine examinations in the hospital, it didn't mean that he really hoped that Gu Yesheng would be okay.

Yi Hang was silent for a moment, and finally spoke: "Actually, this is the first time I have encountered this situation. In Xiao Gu's body, I have detected a gene that does not belong to him. Therefore, I now need to confirm first. the source of these genes."

After finishing speaking, he looked back at Gu Yesheng and asked, "Did those people do anything to you during the period when you were taken away?"

Gu Yesheng remembered the medicines that had been injected before, and the color in his eyes swayed slightly: "If you guessed correctly, what you said should be the gene chip used to absorb the power."

"Gene chip? No wonder, just say how can I find traces of artificial synthesis in these genetic tissues." Yi Hang took a deep look at Gu Yesheng, and his expression became serious, "In this case, I am afraid there are some trouble."

With the rapid development of science and technology, the research of genetic engineering has become more and more perfect, and many artificial gene derivatives are emerging one after another.

Before that, Yi Hang originally thought that his technology of converting human genes into plant tissues was already at the forefront of technology. He never expected that the people at Arbiter had already used the power weapons so perfectly. aspect.

After all, Yi Hang is an expert in medicine. Although he does not know the specific transformation method, he has already understood the biggest problem in this technology in a second.

This kind of foreign gene fragment is located in the body. If it cannot be perfectly integrated with the commonality, it will break the balance of body functions. Although no side effects have been found yet, if things go on like this, sooner or later, Gu Yesheng will be cured. The body is completely ruined.

In addition to this problem, there is another point that makes Yi Hang very concerned.

No matter what field it is used in, all current gene chips have fully realized the spatial export technology. If the Arbiter people left gene chips in Gu Yesheng's body to complete the ingestion of supernatural powers, the activity of these chips alone has shown to a large extent. container.

If there is no accident, it should be an ability weapon with a very high risk factor.

If the action of the coalition government did not actually completely wipe out the Arbiter organization, then they are hidden in the vast interstellar, the unknown supernatural container, obviously like a time bomb, which can become the greatest security of the interstellar at any time. hidden danger.

Yi Hang figured out all the details in a blink of an eye, couldn't help but scolded, and immediately dialed Yang Xingwen's number without hesitation.

Yang Xingwen has been very busy recently, but when he heard about the new situation, he rushed over without hesitation.

By the time Yang Xingwen arrived, the whole night had fallen, and the inspection room was silent.

With the new direction provided by Gu Yesheng, Yi Hang took advantage of this period of time to conduct a new targeted inspection, and the conclusions drawn further confirmed his judgment.

Seeing Yang Xingwen coming in, Yi Hang immediately walked up with the inspection sheet: "I guessed right, these gene chips are currently in an absolutely active state, and they are absorbing powers from Xiao Gu's body at any time. Mr. Yang, you'd better submit this report as soon as possible, and let the government military arrange a comprehensive search inside the interstellar space. If you guess correctly, the Arbiter people may have already placed destruction all over the interstellar space. The system is designed to defeat us at such a time."

Yang Xingwen was a little stunned after hearing such a thoughtless remark.

After regaining his senses, he hurriedly pulled Yi Hang and asked him to explain the ins and outs.

After hearing this, I couldn't help but scolded my mother unbearably: "Fuck, these people are so haunted!"

But after scolding, he didn't dare to delay at all, and immediately packed all the documents carefully and left in a hurry.

Everything that should be explained has been explained, and the stone in Yi Hang's heart has fallen.

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, when he turned around, he saw Yi Jiamu's straight line of sight, and the whole person froze there.

When talking about the business just now, Yi Jiamu sat next to Gu Yesheng and never said a word. At this time, he looked at Yi Hang like this, and the corners of his mouth pursed slightly: "So, if this continues, What will be the result?"

Although a lot of academic content is incomprehensible, when Yi Hang explained to Yang Xingwen, it has basically been transformed into vernacular, and he can also hear it clearly.

To put it simply, Gu Yesheng's body was planted with a "time bomb" that was absorbing his body's abilities at any time. These abilities were most likely passed on to the high-risk weapons hidden somewhere. After the energy is filled, it is likely to cause a devastating blow to this world.

I have to admit that this is indeed a major event related to the life and death of all human beings, but at this moment Yi Jiamu is more concerned about what happens to Gu Yesheng when those weapons are completely recharged remotely.

Yi Hang knows his son very well, and he already knows what Yi Jiamu is thinking with just one look.

Under this kind of gaze, his eyes swayed vaguely with some guilty conscience, and he didn't speak for a long time.

However, Yi Jiamu was obviously not going to let him go like this, and continued to ask, "Is there a solution?"

Yi Hang was silent.

Yi Jiamu: "Dad, tell me, is there a solution?"

Yi Hang was hesitant to say anything, but under such persistent questioning, he finally sighed helplessly: "I'm not very sure, but... there is such a way, maybe you can try it."

His research was originally about the main gene. Although he couldn't crack the genetic code in these chips in a short period of time, if he just wanted to simply and rudely destroy the data programs in these chips, it was not impossible to find a way.

Yi Hang had previously extracted Yi Jiamu's genes for research. From the perspective of the attributes of his abilities, it would undoubtedly be the key to cracking this gene chip.

But the most troublesome point at the moment is that these gene chips have been completely integrated into Gu Yesheng's body. To solve the problem completely, Yi Jiamu's genes need to be completely "fused" with it.

The process of pheromone blending between Alpha and Omega will be the best opportunity for this kind of operation.

In this way, the only thing to be thankful for is probably that the two have already become "partners".

As for Yi Hang's reluctance, the key is that the process of this operation is far more profound than the lifetime mark.

They need to completely draw out all the pheromone in Gu Yesheng's body, and then introduce Yi Jiamu's pheromone at the highest point where his whole body senses are mobilized. With the help of the repeated collision and washing of pheromones between the two people, it is confirmed that every cell in the body can be completely cleaned up.

Whether it can be completed 100% in the end is unknown, but there is no doubt that in such a tossing process of consumption, it is destined to be an unprecedented ordeal for both Gu Yesheng himself and Yi Jiamu as an assistant. .

This is also the reason why Yi Hang is reluctant to tell Yi Jiamu this method. He really can't bear to see his cub suffer like this.

And this situation doesn't seem to be completely marked. It is really necessary for Omega to re-clean the genital cavity after the fact, so that once the deep fusion at the genetic level is carried out, it is completely irreversible.

If it succeeds, it's okay to say, in case of failure, Yi Jiamu will also lose the power to replace other Alpha partners, and it will be too late to regret it.

But nothing unexpected, when Yi Hang finished speaking, Yi Jiamu nodded and agreed without hesitation: "Just do it!"

Gu Yesheng had not made a sound before, but at this time his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he blurted out, "No way!"

Yi Jiamu didn't seem to hear what he said, and continued to say to Yi Hang: "Dad, list what you need in advance, and we can prepare in advance."

Yi Hang knew that Yi Jiamu's temperament had always been unique, so he glanced at him with a complicated look, and sighed lowly: "Just bring people to me when the time comes, and I'll take care of the rest."

Yi Jiamu nodded: "Thank you Dad."

Gu Yesheng finally couldn't sit still, stood up and grabbed Yi Jiamu's hand: "Come out with me."

Yi Jiamu lowered his eyes slightly, and obediently and obediently pulled him out.

There was silence in the corridor outside, and there was no half-figure.

Gu Yesheng pressed Yi Jiamu against the wall and looked at him fixedly: "Do you know what you are doing?"

Yi Jiamu met his gaze without hesitation: "I know."

Gu Yesheng's chest rose and fell slightly, and his voice became more and more hoarse for a while: "No, you don't know, you don't understand what such an irreversible operation means at all."

All of a sudden there was silence.

Yi Jiamu suddenly held Gu Yesheng's hand gently, and when he rubbed it carefully, he could feel that the layers of wounds on his palm had formed scabs.

Gu Yesheng's fingertips trembled slightly at the moment of contact, and then slowly relaxed.

Yi Jiamu stroked it little by little, and finally pinched his little finger, shaking it slightly and slowly: "I just want to be with you in this life, okay?"

Such words are full of overly cautious temptations.

Gu Yesheng's eyes flickered faintly, his Adam's apple rolled with difficulty, he opened his mouth to say something, but was completely choked.

Yi Jiamu didn't look at Gu Yesheng's expression, he slowly opened his arms around his waist and hugged him gently: "Actually, you can cry, you still have me."

It's not that no one wants you, you and me...

My heart, which I thought was already numb, suddenly beat twice at this moment.

After so many days of serenity as if nothing had happened, once a crack appeared in the emotions repressed in the depths of the heart, in the blink of an eye, it completely collapsed.

Gu Yesheng's body trembled uncontrollably, lowered his head slowly, and gently placed his forehead on Yi Jiamu's shoulder, letting the wet touch instantly swept his dry eyes.

The masks of forbearance and indifference were torn apart on such a night, and the two slender figures embraced each other, gradually, weeping.