This Overlord Doesn’t Care About Anything

Chapter 113: 12. You live like a dog


Fang Shisan didn't say anything at first.

But I have already started.

"When I first came here, I was a little strange. The reason you recruited me here was because of lack of manpower, but the second in command of the mighty Tianxing City's City Lord's Mansion would also be short of manpower? What's even more strange is that when I arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, At the time, I found out that this is indeed the case. I felt that something was wrong when I was eating on the first day. There were two guards at the door, and one was yawning. You can’t see with your eyes, at least there is one who is responsible for feeding food Maid, but I have been around for so long, and all I see is Tira following you. But she has no skills at all, she has to gather herbs, convey news, and guide me. Take care of you more."

"Then here comes the problem. I clearly saw such a big scene outside the city. Could it be that it was all fake? Actually, it's not. It's just that the City Lord's Mansion of Tianxing City is not yours, and the City Lord's maid is not your maid, either. The guards are not your guards either. So it's not that the City Lord's Mansion is short of manpower, it's just that you are short of manpower."

I narrowed my eyes, looked at Fang Shisan, and continued:

"Then there was the first case, the theft case. At first I thought it was you who arranged it on purpose, but then I realized that it wasn't. Because from your point of view, you recruited these people from Yuxi City, and what you hope is that they have the same relationship with you." Tianxing City coexisted peacefully, even if I set up a game to test me, it would be impossible for everyone to know about it. At that time, the businessman named Luo Cho raised his arms and stirred up conflicts between the people and the immigrants from Yuxi City, and I knew there was someone else behind it Arrangement. It's just that I never thought about Fang Lita at the time, because I thought you two were siblings, and he wouldn't do such a thing."

Fang Shisan just argued in a low voice:

"It's not necessarily Atta. Maybe someone else is sowing discord..."

I asked back:

"You really think so? Then why didn't you go to interrogate the case yourself, but let me go?"

Fang Shisan did not speak.

I continued:

"Tira once told me that you had a disagreement with Fang Lita. You advocated accepting the refugees from Yuxi City, but Fang Lita opposed it. In the end, you still implemented this policy. One hundred and twenty-seven people, including me , came to Skystar City just like that. As long as you stir up conflicts between the two parties, it is equivalent to slapping the policy issuer. Then your reputation will naturally decline, and you will be more and more unable to suppress Fang Lita."

Fang Shisan said to me in an almost begging tone:

"Stop it... please... stop it."

I reprimanded her coldly, took out my non-existent wife and whipped her corpse, and said as an excuse:

"Why can't I say it? Everything you do is for him. In other words, my wife's death has nothing to do with him? If you want me to just swallow my anger like this? Then what kind of man am I!"

Fang Shisan lost his momentum. I also slowed down my tone and said softly:

"Do you remember? You slept in the courtyard that day, and I covered you with clothes. When I woke up the next morning, you came over and returned the clothes to me."

Fang Shisan nodded.

I said lightly:

"My name is not written on my clothes. How do you know it's mine? Although it can be seen from the style that it is men's clothes, but this kind of clothes are very common. Many people and guards wear them like this. Why? Is me the first thing you think of?"

Fang Shisan clenched his fists.

I leaned in front of her and said word for word:

"Because the City Lord's Mansion is so big, no one is willing to add a piece of clothing to you when you are sleeping. Those guards are all from Fangli Tower. They look at you as if they were looking at a stranger, or even... an enemy. "

Fang Shisan was panting violently.

The night is still long.

I crossed my legs and said:

"I said it, only tonight. You can tell me all your pains, and I will listen to them all. At dawn, I will forget these things, and we will never mention them again."

Fang Shisan sighed deeply.

Her voice was very low at first, like a mosquito, drowned in the sound of her breathing, and when her voice was a little higher, I could hear what she said.

"Do you know the pain of being born with a handicap, Jia De? It is defined as a defective product at birth, and may be thrown into the garbage dump at any time. When I was a child, my mother didn't love me, and my father didn't love me either. Everyone disliked me I also dislike myself. When other children described to me how big the sun is, how round it is, and how dazzling it is, there is only darkness in front of my eyes.”

"At that time, I wanted to die. Because there is no one who loves me in this world, and there is no place for me. No one needs me, and I can't get any happiness. People need to see hope to live , but I can't see. When I was young, no one took care of me, and the nanny didn't care about me. I wanted to go to the toilet. I told them, and they said, 'you go by yourself', and then they laughed and looked at me bit by bit. Climb to the toilet. Anyway, I am a child that no one likes, and even the servants are not afraid of me."

"It was at that time, at the darkest time of my life, that Atta was born. When he was just born, anyone who hugged him would cry, only when I hugged him, he would laugh and touch him with his chubby little hands. My cheeks. My father had no choice but to let me play with Atta, and only then did I realize that there is a mood called happiness in the world."

"After Ata learned how to read, he would read to me. At the beginning, it was just some small stories. One day, I read the art of war. As I read it, I had a yearning for the world of thousands of troops. I think about it every day. Yes, Atta reads to me every day. Maybe I do have a talent in this area, and I can learn it quickly."

She talked a lot on and off, all about Fang Lita.

The doting mood is beyond words.

At the end, I asked:

"The outside world has been rumoring that you are at odds."

Fang Shisan smiled and said:

"I spread it out. Many of these ten cities were defeated in the same way. To show the enemy's weakness, to lure the snake out of the hole, and to be a headache. At that time, we had a good relationship. I discussed this strategy with him and gave him some power. , pretending that we are seriously fighting for power. We perform this every time outside, so everyone believes it.”

I smiled and said:

"In the end, I didn't expect the fake to become real. Once Fang Lita got the power, he was unwilling to let go. Gradually, the conflict became more and more intense."

Fang Shisan did not deny it.

I continued:

"And you are still trying to repair this relationship, so give him more power, depending on his character. You even gave him all your guards and maids, in order to convince him that you have always been For his own good, you don't have the idea of fighting for power with him. You gave up everything about you, so humble as dust, just so that he could raise his smiling face like before and call you sister."

I couldn't help laughing out loud, and the other party Thirteen said:

"Fang Shisan, you live like a dog."

Fang Shisan also laughed, smiled, and suddenly bit his lip, sobbing could not be stopped.