This Overlord Doesn’t Care About Anything

Chapter 12: 12. This place is too dilapidated


When I first arrived in Yuxi City, I couldn't believe the sight in front of me.

How could there be such a dilapidated city in the world? Isn't it really a garbage dump or a kennel or something?

What the hell.

The city wall can still be called tall, and you can glimpse the glory of the past from it. But now it is full of scars and cracks, as if it will be toppled with a little force. On the outskirts of the city are patches of farmland, which are full of weeds, wild birds chirping, and dirty dogs walking cautiously on both sides of the road with their tails between their legs. eyes.

Do I look that much like a stray dog?

What surprised me the most was the people of Yuxi City.

Their clothes are shabby and full of patches, and they look basically the same as savages. Many people are holding wild fruits or bark in their hands. In short, it is as miserable as it is. As the saying goes, poor children are rich, I think The kids were pretty much the same regardless of gender. Even those little girls who looked a little bit pretty looked at me pitifully, and estimated that two steamed buns could abduct a batch.

But the strange thing is that their eyes look bright, and even a little excited.

It gave me a feeling like the Chinese New Year. Has anything good happened in Yuxi City recently

After entering the city, a large number of nobles in the city came to welcome me soon.

What made me angry and funny was that all of them were also wearing patched clothes, with their hands shrunk, looking poor. But everyone is fat and potbellied in vain, I don't understand, you use your piggy heads to think about it, can those people who can't afford clothes be so fat?

Do you really think my IQ is on the same level as my elder brother?

Although I was very angry, I didn't expose this matter. They bowed to me, and I bowed to them.

After a few polite gestures, the fat man in the lead coughed a few times and said:

"Ah, Mr. Lide is really young... come here, we have prepared food and drinks here, please move on... Yuxi City is poor, and there is nothing good to buy, so we managed to put together a decent banquet. , and I don’t know if I can get into your eyes…”

What do you mean?

Talking like I'm a big bad guy who exacts money.

Are they all so proficient in this set

I smiled and replied:

"Oh? Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient, and lead the way."

When I arrived at the restaurant, I sat down on an old stool and looked at the food and drink in front of me.

To be honest, the quality isn't great, but it's definitely not bad either. It's just that my intuition tells me that these guys in front of me are just perfunctory, and this meal definitely didn't cost anything—at least in their eyes, it was absolutely nothing. Before I could speak, the fat man in the lead said again:

"Mr. Lide, you are the son of the lord of Yunyang, and you have seen the big world. We are all guys from small villages and have little knowledge. But the situation in Yuxi City is special. You have never seen it before. Those demons are like wolves and tigers, and they will come to us every two days to get some oil and water. We old guys support this city, and we are in fear every day and night... "

I nod.

Since I don't know why the city can persist, I don't mind these guys taking credit for themselves first. Just treat it like this.

The fat man continued:

"Oh, I haven't introduced you yet. My name is Pierce. When you didn't come, I was the talker here. Since you are here, of course you are the main one here. But Yuxi City is not a good place. Those demons The tribe is fierce. Our own army needs as much water as it needs, and the food and grass are pitifully scarce. I didn’t say that if you take over these things, you won’t be able to figure it out for a while, but those of the demon tribe The guys don't care, they will come as usual... If this continues, Yuxi City will be in danger."

Are you Pierce... You are real Pierce.

I didn't comment on what he said, and simply asked:

"What do you want to say?"

Pierce coughed a few times, put his hands up, took out a stack of bank notes from his cuff, and stuffed them into my hand.

"Everyone is living in Yuxi City. We also want to maintain a 'peaceful coexistence' with you, right? This... Besides, we have arranged several maids... What kind of life did you live before? , will not change here. We assure you, it will even be more comfortable than before.”

I picked up a chopstick of chicken breast and threw it into my mouth.

The taste is not bad.

After swallowing, I looked into Pierce's eyes and asked with a smile:

"I have a question too."

Pierce lowered his head, listening intently.

I said slowly:

"Yuxi City, how did it survive?"