This Overlord Doesn’t Care About Anything

Chapter 13: 13. Let the pigs in the pigsty be raised first


Speaking of the military, it's actually quite difficult to define.

Sword skills and magic have greatly enhanced the ability of individual soldiers to fight, making the measurement of the strength of the army less absolute. For example, it is rumored that the great swordsman Yaluo next to the king has the level of the tenth level of kendo, and just one sword can make an army of about ten thousand corpses litter the field.

That's real cowhide.

But such things as sword skills are completely different from person to person, and have no reference value at all. A swordsman like Alayah is pretty good in my opinion, but if you are facing an army, try your best to eliminate at most a thousand people. This is still in the case that the army has not been protected by the formation.

To say that the most beneficial weapon against the army is actually magic.

It is also on the tenth floor. It is said that when the great magician Galio faced the rebellion of the lords of the Eighteenth Route, he defended the king alone for three months. Compared with sword skills, which are good at fighting and assassinating, magic has a unique advantage in range attack.

But there are too few magicians.

Since the establishment of Eternal Heaven Kingdom, there have been four tenth-level sword masters, and only one tenth-level magician.

Even for the lord, recruiting an outstanding magician to defend the capital is actually a dream. What is the most precious thing in Eternal Heaven? Of course it is talent, so what kind of talent is the most precious? It's a magician talent.

After all, in theory, if there is an army composed of thousands of magicians, it seems that any army can be crushed. Not to mention that magicians are very profitable in melee combat, wouldn't they let swordsmen, knights and shield hands resist damage in front? The iron triangle of warfare and animal husbandry, the mage is the main C position.

It is more difficult to study complex magic than to practice sword day and night.

After thinking about it, it is impossible for these remnant soldiers and defeated generals in Yuxi City to resist the bloodbath of the demons, unless there is really a magician to die.

But if there is a rare magician guarding here, I think it is even more impossible.

In the entire Yunyang Territory, there are not many magicians who have seen it before. The last time a wandering mage with a bald head passed by Lingyun City, my father took a lot of good things to keep, but he still left after being slapped in the face.

I can't figure it out. Because I can't figure it out, I want to ask people like Pierce to clarify.

But as I expected, after I asked this question, Pierce became rambling and refused to reveal some core things. I asked insincerely, but felt that I couldn't ask anything, so I left with Alaya after dinner.

Walking on the dilapidated street, Alaiya said softly:

"Master, I feel that those guys have malicious intentions."

I smiled:

"Yeah, in order to keep the right to dispatch the food and the army, I did not hesitate to use the demons to blackmail me. I also refused to reveal the cards in my hand at all... They are all old fritters."

Alayah hesitated for a moment, and put her hand on the sword at her waist.

I stole my father's sword and gave it to her.

"Master, do you want to..."

I tapped her forehead back.

Alaiya is like this, she can avoid it by tilting her head a little, but she is still hit by me, rubbing her forehead foolishly and following me.

"No need. Let's not say that it's bad to kill people for no reason when you first come here. Since they are willing to take care of these things, it's not bad. I'll just be my shopkeeper and everything will be fine. After all, you think, let them Click, who will guard the city for us? You and I alone cannot guard this Yuxi City."

"I'm sorry, master, it's Alayah who is useless..."

I tapped her forehead again.

Really, don't pin everything on yourself.

Wouldn't it be a pity to make me even more useless?

It's like a student who scored 98 points in the test and sighed in front of a student who scored 59 points, ah, I'm good food, I'm really fucking trash, if I work harder, it would be great if you let others What do you think if you didn't pass the exam? ? Can't you save some face for a moth in society like me

Of course, I can't say this to Alaya, after all, I still have to show my face.

Walking aimlessly on the street with Alaya, they were suddenly stopped by a little girl carrying wild fruits in her clothes.

Her shabby clothes were covered with grass clippings and twigs, so her eyes looked enviously at Alayya's silver and light armor. He asked in a low voice:

"Do you want wild fruit? I just picked it today. That, it's just not particularly sweet..."

I laughed out loud.

There is no one who sells things like this, this is too honest.

I took two fruits by hand, threw one to Alaya, and took one for myself.

I touched the little guy's head and asked:

"How do you sell it?"

"Well... I don't know..."

The little girl scratched her head and replied embarrassedly:

"Is it okay to add up to two copper coins? If not, I can pick some more. I can climb trees very fast, and I can pick them soon."

Two coppers is a pretty cheap price to me.

One gold coin was exchanged for one hundred silver coins, and one silver coin was exchanged for one hundred copper coins. In conversion, a copper coin is about the same as one yuan.

I took one look at Alaya, the money was on her.

Alaiya searched for a long time, but found that she didn't bring any copper coins out at all.

I said calmly:

"Then give me two silver coins."

Startled the little girl.

Alaiya handed me two silver coins without any hesitation, and I planned to put them in the little girl's pocket.

However, at this moment, a clod of soil rushed towards my face and knocked down the money in my hand.

The silver coins fell to the ground clangingly, and all the people around looked at this place, and the passion in their eyes was self-evident.

A boy not much older than the little girl ran over angrily and grabbed the girl's arm. The little girl was forced to loosen the hem of her clothes, and the fruits she was carrying were scattered all over the floor.

The boy glared at me and said angrily:

"Go, sister, we don't want money from these bad guys."

Um? ? What do you guys want to do?

Alayah, hit him up... wait.

Wait and beat.

Always feel that this person seems to have a feeling that is different from others