This Overlord Doesn’t Care About Anything

Chapter 14: 14. One day I will become a great magician too!


I wasn't really annoyed either.

After all, my appearance seems to be a bit like the unscrupulous brother who kidnapped the little loli.

Compared to this, I moved my wrist, picked up the clod that hit me just now from the ground, crushed it lightly, and the clod turned into a cloud of magic mist and dissipated in the air. This is not real dirt, but dirt created by magic.



this boy?

Obviously only about eleven or twelve years old?

Are you the magical boy who has protected Yuxi City for so long? It turns out that you are the chosen one? main character? The predecessor of the brave

No no no... no.


Although he did have a feeling of "Damn, he seems like a big boss" at the beginning, but if you look closely, his magic power is quite weak, probably not even reaching the first level of magic, which belongs to the entry-level level. That's one of the big problems with magic—it's just too hard to work out. When I first started, making a fire was more tiring than drilling wood to make a fire, and I was out of breath even throwing a clod of dirt.

Anyway, after confirming his eyes, he should not be the person I'm looking for.

But magic is difficult to learn without being taught. If you don't find an old driver to bring those chant words, you will never know what they mean.

Is there still a magician in this city...

This child seems to be used to understand intelligence.

I put on a friendly face and said:

"kid… "

Before I could finish speaking, the boy picked up a fruit and threw it on my face, blocking my sister, and said angrily:

"What kid, my name is Yama, and I'm twelve years old this year. I warn you, don't try to trick my sister, she won't go with you. You people are big villains, don't talk to my sister .”

Hi, you have a big temper.

I shook my head, and said to Alaya who pulled out her sword with a clang:

"What are you doing, you still want to do something to the children?"

Alaya said calmly:

"He hit the young master. I can't pretend I didn't see it."

After speaking, she held the sword and walked towards the boy who called himself Yama.

I grabbed her by the collar and pulled her back:

"Okay, come back."

Alaya put the sword back into its sheath with a grim expression.

Yama gritted his teeth and took a few steps back, made a face at me, and cursed:

"Don't, don't think it's just like this! Master said, I will become a great magician in the future, and at that time, I will drive all you villains out!!"

With that said, he took his sister's hand and ran away.

Become a great magician...Young man, you can't just say this casually, or you won't be able to find a girlfriend.

The little girl shed tears, pouted and muttered:

"My fruit..."

Yama said angrily:

"Have you forgotten how those people treated Master? You are not allowed to talk to them. Even if we starve to death, die outside, and jump from Yuxi City, we will not take a copper coin from them!"

Still have a little backbone!

I couldn't help applauding him, and seeing the little girl looking at me, I smiled at her, made a "shh" gesture, picked up a silver coin and threw it over. The silver coin just fell into the little girl's hand, she was taken aback, I pointed to the fruit on the ground, and smiled at her.

The little girl glanced at her brother, who was not looking at him, and carefully put the silver coins into her pocket.

It's still a girl on the road.

Boys love face. In fact, why bother? You have to save face and suffer. One sack of food and one ladle of drink, one can live by getting it, but one does not eat the food that comes from it. If it were me, I definitely wouldn't just leave like this. Although I was angry, these fruits were picked by others with hard work.

In the final analysis, he is still a bear child.

I smiled, picked up a fruit from the ground, wiped it on my clothes, and took a bite.

Nima, it's so sour! !

Give your money back! Hello! Stop, you two! !