This Overlord Doesn’t Care About Anything

Chapter 27: 27. It's okay to buy a bone with a piece of gold


I think that for war, I am afraid that every world has its own way of fighting.

For this world, sword skills and magic have improved personal strength, and to a certain extent, everyone has the possibility to be one against a hundred and one to be a thousand. But isn't the military important

Of course not.

A strong person can kill a lot of trash fish, but what if he is held back by the trash fish, and then others take advantage of it? Or what should he do if he meets a master who meets his opponent and has to fall into a king-to-king, pawn-to-pawn situation

At this time, if you don't have enough troops, you will suffer a big loss, and the soldiers with poor quality will also be finished.

Especially when the coach is a rookie, should those masters be sent to the battlefield or stay by their side to escort them? You will be in a dilemma.

At this time, the more troops there are, the more surplus they will have. The battle between the great lords is usually a competition of troops first, and it is only when the situation is exhausted that the masters need to fight hand-to-hand.

Moreover, an army of more than a hundred people can enjoy the protection of the territory and the blessing of the formation.

It is said that generals who can dispatch troops can form quite strange formations, allowing the soldiers in the formation to gain strength far beyond their own level, and forcibly increase their combat effectiveness by a large amount. This is the blessing of formations. The protection of the territory comes from metaphysics. It is said that it is related to the happiness and dependence of the people. To put it simply, the more confidence the people have in the army, the stronger the sense of belonging to their territory. When fighting near the territory The more you can feel the protection of a mysterious power.

I remember hearing legends before, saying that there are generals at the level of big bosses, who can fight with a swordsman at the seventh level of swordsmanship with a hundred ordinary soldiers, which is really strong. Given such an army of tens of thousands, he would be able to swallow up most of the cities like a bat, or fight to the death with those peerless masters.

But I don't expect to be able to produce these things now. First, I don't have generals who can deploy troops, and second, I don't have the complete trust of the people. I just want to organize an army to maintain law and order.

However, such a small request seems to be full of bitter frustration.

Yuxi City is poor!

Many young people came to recruit into the army, but all of them were basically sallow and emaciated. Only three or four people can meet the set evaluation standards, and even I have to lower the standards to be admitted. The most important thing is that I can't see any fighting spirit on their faces at all.

This is also inevitable.

I can't even fill my stomach, so what fighting spirit do you have

The economic base determines the superstructure.

In the end, I didn't do much screening. After all, more than a hundred people came to sign up. Except for a few who were too bad to be ignored, the remaining 81 people were all incorporated into the team. Instead of distributing heavy weapons and armor to them, I called them together to give lectures.

At this time, according to the routine I saw before, I should publicize the necessity of defending the country with a generous statement, and start with a wave of my hand, "Ah, think of your relatives, think of your friends We" and other promotional words, but I think it is very troublesome and unnecessary to do so, so I simply said to Alaya:

"Everyone will be given a gold coin."

Well, everyone is stupid.

A gold coin... Put it in this kind of wilderness, marry a wife, have a baby, set up a family, start a business, and have a surplus.

Alaya fulfilled my request without frowning.

But I know this girl will probably have a heartache for a long time after she goes back.

I said to these eighty-one young men:

"Our Yuxi City is different from other cities. The suburbs are vast, there are many farmlands, and the land is sparsely populated. Everyone can support themselves by farming. This is why most young people did not come to enlist in the army. People, as long as they can If you have the hope of living, you won't do some jobs that put your head on your trouser belt. So you must have your own reasons for enlisting in the army, and that reason is mostly because you need a sum of money that cannot be obtained through farming in the short term. huge sums of money.”

"That's why you look like this, isn't it? Every pair of eyes has no light, no motivation to live, just want to die, so that I can take a pension from me! It may be five silver coins, it may be ten One silver coin, this is a huge sum of money in your eyes. In that case, I will give you ten times and twenty times. Get together and come back later. I want you to live, to kill more enemies, not to simply give away heads."

I stretched and waved my hands:

"I won't say anything about defending the country. If you talk about your mental state now, you are playing the piano with the cow. Get the hell out of here, and come back for training in three days at the latest!"

After a while of silence, everyone roared in unison:


See, this is the power of money.

It is best not to talk about problems that can be solved with money. People are realistic. Instead of shouting slogans desperately, it is easier to convince people with some real money.

Watching them leave, I was in a good mood, so I casually asked Alayya:

"What's for dinner tonight?"

Alaiya followed me with her hands hanging by her side, and said calmly:

"Stewed cabbage with radish."

The little miser!


I reluctantly nodded in compromise:

"All right."

After all, she had just spent a huge sum of money, so Alaiya should be a little emotional.

I was thinking about how to comfort her, when I heard Alaya continue:

"It's not only stewed cabbage with radish today, but also stewed cabbage with radish this month."

"Next month it will be stewed cabbage with radish, and next month it will be stewed cabbage with radish."

"Next year it will be stewed cabbage with radishes."

"Well... this is not enough. Let's eat for ten years first."
