This Overlord Doesn’t Care About Anything

Chapter 4: 4. The future sister-in-law is gone


Oops, it's a feeling of heartbeat—

No wonder.

Although she is a perfect beauty, she is probably no more than twelve years old. Compared with the concept of "beautiful and moving", Lanna's "cute" element is definitely dominant. The moment I saw her, my heart fluttered for a moment because I remembered the little white Persian cat that I had sucked two years ago.

Almost as cute, people can't help but want to hold her in his arms and touch her head.

Before His Majesty the King noticed, I hurriedly lowered my head again.

The king seems to have a good relationship with my father. As far as I know, it should be the relationship between carrying guns together in the early years. Of course, this gun refers to the spear in the cold weapon. It is said that when the lord of Cangzhou rebelled, my father was loyal to the royal family and fought side by side with the current king.

One of the four irons in life.

Wouldn't it be great if you help me put down the rebellion and I give you your daughter

Beautiful, beautiful, a good story through the ages.

It's just not very friendly to me!

When we arrived at the lord's mansion, my father had already prepared delicious food and wine. His Majesty the King is naturally the upper seat, and there are two rows of tables below. The little princess and other guests from the royal family sit on the left, and my mother, my brother, and I, the natives of Yunyang Territory, sit on the right.

Among them, the little princess Lanna and my brother sat on the first table on the left and right sides respectively.

My brother calmed down a lot at this time. After the elders finished speaking, my brother raised his wine glass, bowed deeply to Lanna, and said:

"Your Highness, the princess, I am the eldest son of Lord Yunyang, Li Yi. I heard long ago that the princess is both talented and beautiful. I am lucky to meet you today. I will give you a toast. I wish the princess will stay young forever." , beautiful and healthy!"

My father stroked his beard and smiled.

His Majesty the King also smiled.

Lana couldn't see sadness or joy. Although the corners of her mouth were raised, there was not much smile in her eyes.

It's time for me to perform!

As soon as my brother sat down, I immediately muttered in a voice that everyone could hear:

"There is no such thing as eternal youth in the world. The princess is young now, with a beautiful face. Naturally, there are countless people who love and admire her. It's a pity that those who start chaotically and end up abandoning them only love a skin."

That's right, this is the legend... the barbarian!

My brother's expression was as uncomfortable as eating a fly, and he quickly raised his wine glass and said to Princess Lanna:

"Your Highness, I have absolutely no such intentions. No matter what Your Highness looks like, I will always be your most loyal admirer."

My dad smiled even more happily.

He glared at me, then bowed his hands to His Majesty the King sitting high on the seat and said:

"Li Yi is not good at words, but one advantage is honesty. This heart can be learned from time to time, and there is absolutely no falsehood."

His Majesty the King nodded, turning his anger into joy.

As soon as my brother sat down, I saw him heaving a sigh of relief, smiled slightly, and said in a drawn-out tone:

"Oh. I heard that there must be a reason for men and women to fall in love in the world. The two have just met, and they don't know each other, and they haven't even spoken. If you don't like the appearance, then you must be in love. It's just a 'princess' status. It's really not as good as those who only love skins... "

My brother's face flushed red.

what's the function

You can't rush up and hit me, how can you kill me with your eyes

At this time, before my father could remedy it, His Majesty the King had already turned to me and asked coldly:

"what's your name?"

Come on, what I'm waiting for is your words.

I stood up, stepped out of the dining table, half knelt down, and said in a deep voice:

"Your Majesty, your name is Li De. He is the fourth son of Lord Yunyang, and he is also one of the only candidates for the two heirs. This year, I am seventeen years old. I just killed my relatives because I couldn't bear to see Her Royal Highness sinking into the quagmire. Please." His Majesty is aware!"

I heard a click and knew it was my dad's wine glass that had dropped.

After I finished speaking, I peeked at the king, and sure enough, apart from anger, there were more doubts and strangeness on his face, and that emotion was not directed at me, but at my father.

It's very simple, in the eyes of His Majesty the king, my brother is the eldest son, the heir of Lord Yunyang.

That's why he had the heart to marry his daughter to my brother.

But now that he heard that my brother is not yet the crown prince and I am also a contender for the crown prince, he hesitated.

After all, it is impossible for my father to tell everyone in such a public place, "Comrade Lide was sacrificed by me. In fact, I have already appointed Liyi to inherit my position." If you are so heartless, some things can be done under the table , but it won't work if you take it up.

At this time, the little princess Lanna giggled and said:

"I think what he said is quite right. We just met, and you don't like my appearance, so what do you like about me?"

My brother didn't know what to say.

Alas, young man, you still need to exercise more. I don't know how to answer such a small scene, how to complete the great cause of picking up girls? ? At your level, you will have to be overwhelmed by the little princess in the future.

Seeing as we are two brothers, I will reluctantly mess up this marriage for you.

Don't thank me too much.

I felt like I couldn't help smiling, and I quickly lowered my head.

At this moment, His Majesty the King suddenly said to me coldly:

"Li De, why do you frame your elder brother time and time again in an attempt to destroy the marriage that this king has set? Could it be that you want to use this king's hand to clean up your elder brother for you?!"

Damn, how is this old man so clear in his mind.