This Overlord Doesn’t Care About Anything

Chapter 44: 8. Let you experience Asian magic


Xiao Huang looked at me with interest, and asked:

"Are you really Yun Haiwei?"

I patted my chest:

"Of course. You go to Yunhaiwei to inquire about it. I'm also a little famous one. Have you heard of Baifeng and Baihuang? I chatted and laughed with them. Don't worry, girl, I have internal connections. Although I dare not guarantee it, But it’s still somewhat certain.”

Xiao Huang is still smiling lightly.

I saw that she didn't look too flustered, and I strengthened my judgment in my heart.

At first glance, this person is a female liar on the rivers and lakes, pretending to be the victim to let people off guard. And she asked me several times if I was Yun Haiwei, probably because she was worried about whether my three companions—the three lying on the ground who were beaten by me in front of me, would be invited by me to drink tea in the bureau.

According to my many years of experience, I should give her some hints at this time, so I said:

"As long as you participate in the oiran election, these three girls are waiting for you."

Xiao Huang looked at the three people lying on the ground, and said to me:

"That's it. Then break the leg and throw it out from the sea of clouds."

I rely on!

Are there any liars like you? This is too unfeeling. This sold all his teammates

I silently despised her in my heart, but still asked with a smile on my face:

"Then Sister Huang, the matter of the election..."

Xiao Huang nodded:

"It's ok. Anyway, you saved me, didn't you? But I want to see your methods first... You must know that it costs a lot of money to participate in the election, and there are many people who are better-looking than me. Let's talk about it first , I don’t know any talent shows.”

To put it bluntly, there is no confidence.

In order to avoid my father's eyeliner as much as possible, I took Xiao Huang and rented a hotel outside. Although I was still spotted by my father's eyeliner, they still couldn't manage to rent a house with my sister. You can't rush up and ask, girl, how much Lide gave you, our Lord Yunyang will give you double - it's okay to rob his son, but he probably can't afford to lose face when he robs a woman.

In a quiet place, Xiao Huang sat on the bed generously.

I moved a chair and sat in front of her and asked:

"Then Miss Huang, let me introduce myself first."

Xiao Huang raised his eyebrows and said:

"You've never seen me before, have you?"

I nod.

She thought about it and said:

"My name is Ah Huang. I'm eighteen years old. I'm a girl from an ordinary family. I'm not rich, but I don't need my help. I wanted to go shopping today, but I didn't expect this to happen."

"Girls should be careful when they are outside, there are many bad guys outside."

—For example, me.

After silently complaining in my heart, I said:

"Well, Miss Huang. The current situation is probably like this. As I said before, I am Yunhaiwei. I have a little internal relationship, so there is a high probability that you will get the oiran. But the problem now is that if you If you don't have any talent, even if you win the oiran, the others will definitely not accept it, and if we find out at that time, we may be exposed, so you understand?"

Xiao Huang nodded.

I said:

"So now, I'm going to teach you a few things, including some ways of speaking, the voice of singing, and the general feeling of dancing. It's almost a crash course. Of course, in order to convince you, I will give you makeup first. After you put on your makeup, look in the mirror and you will more or less understand if what I’m telling you is telling the truth.”

Xiao Huang nodded again, as if to say, start your performance.

I asked:

"Little Huang, have you ever put on makeup before?"

Xiao Huang said openly:

"No. I will put on some lip balm during the Chinese New Year, and it looks like this on weekdays."

"Have you taken care of your skin? It seems that your skin looks very good."

"There are some."

Chatting with each other, I called the waiter of the hotel in, gave him ten gold coins, and asked him to bring me some of the common cosmetics on the market one by one. Then get me a set of props for the actor's makeup, and go to the tailor's shop to get me some colorful cloth. The rest is tipping.

Xiao Er left full of surprises.

Xiao Huang frowned and said:

"Do you want so much money?"

I poured a cup of tea, drank it slowly, and said:

"Too young, Xiao Huang. Make-up is no less than a war for girls. Women want to please themselves. But in my opinion, there are still too few types of cosmetics on the market. Rouge, lip gloss, flowers Tin, it’s just a few things that are repeated over and over again. The core idea is to paint on the face, mouth, and forehead. This is not acceptable, it is too primitive. Next, I will let you understand what real makeup is .”

About half an hour later, the waiter took seven or eight strong men and carried the two full boxes to the hotel.

For the first time, a look of fear appeared on Xiao Huang's face. This was the look of fear she didn't have when facing the three strong men in the alley.

I clapped my hands, closed it, and walked towards the bewildered girl with a grinning grin.