This Overlord Doesn’t Care About Anything

Chapter 54: 18. I, am a pigeon player


"Huh? Bai Feng and Li De?"

"Have they known each other before?"

"How is it possible... Isn't Lide the first time to come to the sea of clouds?"

"Is he the important guest that Bai Feng said?"

"How is it possible, that trash who was kicked out..."

The twittering and chatter continued. My father's face is also a little bad.

Anyone can see that Baifeng treats me differently than he treats him.

Bai Feng took my hand kindly and led me around the other lords. I was not interested, only when Bai Feng introduced Lord Tiancheng, I took a special look at him and his two sons. Judging from the news from Xiaohuang, these are the people who brought He Yue to the theater.

If you look closely, you will find that it is really fat like a pig.

Of those two sons, one was drooling and molesting the maid, and the other was overeating there. And their father, Lord Tiancheng, looked at his two sons with loving eyes, the scene was terrified.

After Lord Tiancheng saw Bai Feng, he took the initiative to come over to say hello:

"Baifeng! You're here, I'll add two dishes here, cook them well for me."

Bai Feng smiled and agreed, completely ignoring that the words were somewhat yelling.

The people behind Baifeng also looked calm, but their eyes told me that they were very dissatisfied. They were very dissatisfied with this Lord Tiancheng. If given the chance, he would definitely cut off the opponent's head. At this time, when I looked at Bai Feng again, I felt that he was really not simple.

That smile was not a compromise, but a deliberate show of weakness.

I don't have such patience.

Tian Cheng glanced at me, and asked Bai Feng:

"Who is this?"

I smiled and said:

"I am your father, farewell."

Only when I was at Lord Zhaochen's table did I feel better.

Because I saw a familiar fat man here.

Seeing me coming, Fang Yuan blinked at me, but when he saw Bai Feng beside me, his eyes became full of surprise.

Because I am now from Yunyang, and Fang Yuan is from Zhaochen, the two families will not deal with each other at all. So I didn't take the initiative to say hello to him. After nodding, I whispered in Baifeng's ear:

"I still have an appointment. I won't stay. If you are really bored, go talk to this Fangyuan. He is also an interesting person."

Bai Feng nodded, and didn't try to keep me too much. But as he was leaving, he bowed slightly to me again and said:

"My sister has caused you trouble."

I am really a little confused by Monk Zhang Er.

After leaving the banquet, it was getting late outside. The riverside is very quiet today. There is a very large cruise ship docked in the river. Tonight's oiran election should be held on the cruise ship. I watched the torrential river rushing away in front of my eyes, and I felt a little emotional for a while.

Just as I was looking at the river and worrying, a man pulled up his long skirt and sat beside me.

I looked to the side and saw He Yue's delicate and lovely cheek again.

He asked me softly:

"Thinking about something?"

I nodded:

"That's right. Even I occasionally think about things in the future. That Yunhai Baifeng is so powerful, I'm afraid life will be difficult in the future."

He Yue smiled and said:

"You are different from Bai Feng, and... you also have things that he doesn't have."

I asked:


He Yue replied softly:


He habitually picked up a wooden branch, scratched it casually in the sand in front of him, and said:

"Baifeng was born with severe blood cold. Even in the dog days, he would be as cold as ice and snow. He was in great pain. He often coughed up blood, and the condition was very serious. However, there are definitely many medical talents under him. , so there will definitely not be a life crisis in a short period of time. Just dragging this body to live is very tiring."

This is somewhat beyond my expectation.

He Yue concluded:

"Life is not easy."

I already knew this.

This world is a cage, unless one is born to be the ruler, the more one climbs up, the more powerless one will feel. This is the same as learning knowledge. The ignorant are the most fearless. The more you learn, the more you will find that there is no limit to learning. It is better to turn back and do it. So I have no ambitions, I just want to enjoy this life happily. Whether the lord is good or not, it doesn't matter at all.

Seeing that I was silent, He Yue asked with a smile:

"Aren't you going to ask me what I'm doing this time?"

I said:

"Isn't it because I accidentally saw a beautiful man who was alone by the river, and couldn't help wanting to talk to him?"

He Yue poked my cheek with the branch in her hand:

"Fuck you. Narcissist."

He turned his back, carefully found a few pages of manuscripts from his arms, and handed them to me. I opened it and saw that there were some very detailed domestic policies inside.

About Yuxi City.

He Yue stood up, smiled and said:

"The time with you is relatively short, but it's still quite happy. It's good for you to continue to be shameless. At least when I'm with you, I don't have to put on airs, and I don't have to say nonsense. This is I give you my advice on Yuxi City. It is not in vain for us to get to know each other."

I looked at him for a while and said:

"You don't believe I can take you away?"

He Yue smiled wryly and did not speak.

I said:

"Isn't it just the oiran election? Wouldn't it be nice to win? Do you not want to go to Yuxi City with me, or do you think I have no ability to win?"

He Yue bit her lip and whispered:

"I just feel that my life is not good enough. You have done enough, but in the end you still missed a step. And I can only watch all this happen... Lied, it's okay. With this A heart is enough. In the future, if you have a chance, come to Yunhai Capital, come to our theater, I will treat you to a drink and sing for you."

He bowed to me and sang:

"Half of the road faces the sky, who cares about the single tree in Yangguan. Where does the cold wine go tonight? Is it famous but not destined..."

He sang and left.

I frowned, really not knowing why he reacted like this.

But I finally figured it out.

Because I didn't have to wait for Xiao Huang until the oiran election started.

On the vast and empty riverside, the river water hits the bank, rolling up thousands of piles of snow.

Am I the only one who sings and dances on the cruise ship? Sitting on the grass, listening to the night wind blowing by my ears.

fuck me.

Was dove.