This Overlord Doesn’t Care About Anything

Chapter 87: 26. Sparks and lightning all the way


It took about forty minutes for the colorless slime to clean up the battlefield.

Most of the demons who died tragically under Alaya's sword were swallowed by the colorless slime without even bones left. The whole chaotic scene changed back to a clean and tidy appearance in an instant.

The only problem is that...

"There are so many demons, and nothing is dropped?"

I stared suspiciously at the slime's core, and asked:

"Cheat me."

The colorless slime twisted wildly, seemingly shaking its head.

I caught this fat slime again, observed it carefully, and found that it didn't seem to have any changes in shape after eating so much. Originally, I was expecting it to be upgraded and personalized, but it seems that there is no hope. The only thing that is different is that its core seems to have brightened a little bit, other than that, it is still a puddle of cold, sticky liquid all over its body.

I asked:

"Xiao Wu, how much do you need to eat to evolve, don't you have any B numbers in mind?"

The colorless slime doesn't answer.

I asked:

"Then can you evolve? Do you feel that the power in your body is gathering now, like a vast sea of stars, or like a waterfall flying down, that power forms a sea of qi in your dantian, and opens up a magical place in your body. Xiao Shi…”

Before I finished my nonsense, the colorless slime twisted his body and said no.

I slapped it on the head angrily:

"Then what use are you to. How about you, Alayah?"

Alaiya calmly put on the gauntlet, put one hand on the sword, stood in front of me, and said:

"No, sir. Everything is as usual."

I touched Alayya's head and comforted me:

"It doesn't matter. Food has to be eaten bite by bite, and the road has to be walked step by step. After all, you will become stronger."

The colorless slime slapped onto my lap, as if protesting fiercely against my differential treatment. It didn't work though, I just kicked the little guy out of the way.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many materials to carry, and it would be a waste to throw them in the wild, what the hell would I do with your light bulb

With a smile on my face, I took out a new net bag and put the colorless slime in it.




"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!!! Chick~~"

After harvesting another crop of leeks, I put the colorless slime down, kicked it twice, and cursed:

"Why do you still learn to chirp and chirp again? Do you want to learn how to weave that Hua Mulan?"

The colorless slime huddled into a ball without making a sound, and began to eat the remains of the demons on the ground. Alaya's single ponytail was scattered behind her head, and a lot of blood was stained on her pale golden hair. I carefully wiped it off for her, and took out a comb to help her comb it carefully. Over the years, I have often helped her comb her hair, and I gradually got used to it.

Alaya put one hand on the sword and said:

"Master, I seem to have a feeling of improving my swordsmanship."

I asked:

"What does it feel like?"

Alaya shook her head, unable to speak.

In fact, she did become stronger, although very little. Continuously washed by the waves of demons, the strong smell of blood around can easily ignite the hidden potential in a person's body. But if there is no opportunity, this growth rate is still too slow. Alaya has just entered the fifth level of kendo not long ago, and there is still some distance from the sixth level of kendo. This gap is really nothing in my opinion, but for Alaya, who is not very talented, it will take at least a few years to bridge this gap.

If you want to become stronger quickly, the best way is to find someone to learn from.

The problem is that I can't compete with Alaya, and she can't do anything to me. Heji's words have been played before, suppressing the strength can't beat Alaya, liberating the strength and hanging up to beat Alaya, what the hell is this? After much deliberation, I think the only way is to search for a Demon Race nearby that is about the same strength as Alayah, but such Demon Races have basically enlisted in the army, so what's the point of wandering around in the mountains.

There is no way, I can only take Alaya and Slime to cut leeks while leading them to the northwest. I don't really want to directly meet the demon clan that replaced Ge Brown, and I'm counting on that demon clan to send the head to Yuxi City. What if they get scared? The best way is to go to the northwest, bypass the army in the west, and clean up other demons.

After a while, the slime finished eating the corpses on the ground, ran to me one after another, dropped a glowing horn on the ground beside me, and then lay flat on the side, as if staring at the bones looking puppy.

"You found it?"

I asked.

The slime's core moved up and down, as if nodding.

"It's very rare, are you reluctant to eat it?"

The slime repeated what he had just done, then turned around as if angry.

I picked up the glowing horn from the ground and looked at the west-slanting sun.